单词 | 转嫁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 转嫁 verb—pass on vless common: dump v 转嫁 —pass the buck • pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence • etc) remarry (of widow) • transfer (blame, guilt) See also:嫁—shift (blame etc) • marry off a daughter • (of a woman) marry
餐厅服务处通过将其经营所需的现金 转嫁 给 供 应商实现了 周转资金盈余。 unesdoc.unesco.org | URS achieved a working capital surplus by financing their operating cash requirements under trade payables. unesdoc.unesco.org |
餐厅服 务处再次通过冲账将该款项转嫁给客 户。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This usually generates a profit, which varies from year to year. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2)这些证券给Eksportfinans提供了一个有利的衍生品地位,把股票市场的损 失 转嫁 给 投 资者。 tipschina.gov.cn | The securities allegedly provided twin benefits to Eksportfinans: (1) they raised capital, and (2) they [...] provided Eksportfinans with an advantageous derivative [...] position poised to transfer stock market losses [...]to the investors. tipschina.gov.cn |
这将要求我们挑战并革新流行商业模式,这种 模式将社会和环境成本外部化,并把不利影响的代 价 转嫁 给 了 后代。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will require us to challenge and revolutionize the prevailing business models that externalize social and environmental costs and pass on the debt of negative impacts to future generations. daccess-ods.un.org |
中山美尼亚公司的案例表明,存在与该技术相关的固有成本(比 如运输、增加密度等),而且该技术的长期可持续性主要取决于改进生产流程以缩减成本 或将成本转嫁给客户。 multilateralfund.org | The case of Zhongshan Minea demonstrates that there are inherent costs associated with this technology (e.g., transportation, increasing density) and the long term sustainability would depend on improving the production process to reduce costs or to pass them on to consumers. multilateralfund.org |
因此,重要的是要考虑所分析市场的竞争结 构,运费的增加不是每次都被完全 转嫁 给 消 费者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, it was important to consider the [...] competitive structure of the market analysed; not every increase in freight rates [...] would be fully passed on to consumers. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 《教育法的执行条例》(第73/2005号法) 允许学校以材料资源不足为由 拒绝提供包容性教育,结果将残疾儿童排斥在主流学校之外,这个情况已成为正 常现象;此外,要求具有特殊教育需求的儿童的家长为其子女在主流环境中接受 教育提供额外的费用,不恰当地将责任从国 家 转嫁 到 家 长身上,迫使家长为其子 女在免费的公共学校接受教育提供资金 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The Executive Ordinance of the Education Act (Act No. 73/2005 Coll.) allows schools to refuse to provide integrated education on the basis of insufficient material resources, which results in de facto exclusion of children with disabilities from mainstream schools remaining the norm; furthermore, parents of children with special educational needs are required to contribute to the extra cost of providing their child with education in a mainstream environment, inappropriately transferring the onus from the State to parents to fund their children's education in a free public school daccess-ods.un.org |
对此,Uemura 先生指出,给金融业产生的费用可以 转嫁 给 从全球化中获益的 金融市场的所有角色。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response, Mr. Uemura pointed out that the cost to the financial sector could be passed on to all players in the financial markets who benefited from globalization. daccess-ods.un.org |
面对不熟悉的、新奇的问题或机会,高级管理人员经常回顾过去经历的或听说的相似情境,从中汲取经验教训,然后应用 、 转嫁 于 眼 前的新情况。 12manage.com | Faced with an unfamiliar, novel, problem or opportunity, senior managers often think back to some similar [...] situation they have seen or heard about, draw lessons from [...] it, and then apply, transfer, those lessons to [...]the current situation. 12manage.com |
在这方面,展望未来,我们希望,所有发达国家 [...] 将对同样远大的目标作出承诺,为此建立的合作机制 和缔结的协议不会把成本转嫁给发 展中国家,而且, 发展中国家将有意愿为越来越雄心勃勃的全球减轻 [...]气候变化影响努力作出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, looking to the future, we hope that all developed countries will commit themselves to similar ambitious targets, that the cooperation [...] mechanisms and agreements established to [...] that end will not transfer their costs to the [...]developing countries, and that developing [...]countries will have the will to contribute to the increasingly ambitious global mitigation effort. daccess-ods.un.org |
市警察局长 Saud Aziz 通过写一份备忘录,将责任转嫁到扎尔达 里先生身上,从而进一步努力掩盖自己的失职,这是非常不妥的。 daccess-ods.un.org | CPO Saud Aziz’s further effort to cover his failings by writing a memo pinning blame on Mr. Zardari was highly improper. daccess-ods.un.org |
为确 保在不污染和危害人类健康的条件下回收和处置这些废物,其成本已 经 转嫁给 南亚发展中国家的工人和环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The costs of ensuring that these wastes are recovered and disposed of without polluting and endangering human health are being externalized to the workers and the environment in South Asian developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
不稳定的工作将社会风险从雇主和政府的头 上 转嫁 给 劳动者及其家庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Precarious work shifts social risks [...] away from employers and Governments on to individual workers and their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
商业税务损失可转嫁到合 伙人的其他个人收入,唯需视情况而定。 smeinfo.com.my | A partner's share of the business's tax losses may be offset against other personal income, subject to certain conditions. smeinfo.com.my |
对于您填写的信息,我们只用于应答您的咨询,不会超出所需范围 和 转嫁 他 用。 denka.co.jp | The information you enter here will be used only to the extent necessary to respond to your inquiry and for no other purposes. denka.co.jp |
阿塞拜疆方面明目张胆地企图转移国际社会对当地实际情况的注意力,把其要 承担的自身军国主义行动和违反停火行为的责 任 转嫁 他 人 ,且不遗余力地把他国描 绘成侵略者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Azerbaijani side is brazenly attempting to distract the international community’s attention from the reality on the ground by shifting the responsibility for its own militaristic actions and ceasefire violations on others and sparing no effort in portraying them as aggressor. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于许多国家缺乏 明确的收入转移、粮食补贴和价格控制,这些负担 被 转嫁 给 全 体人口。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the lack of [...] explicit income transfers, food subsidies [...]and price controls in many countries, the burden is being relegated to the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
合法音像企业的经营收 入主要依赖于产品价格和销售量,在产品价格和销售量受到盗版音像制品的双重挤压以后, 音像企业的生存压力必将转嫁到上 游企业。 uschina.org | If prices cannot be reduced, market share will shrink further, giving rise to a vicious cycle. With both unit prices and sales volumes being squeezed by pirated products, it is [...] inevitable that [...] audiovisual enterprises transfer their survival pressure to upstream enterprises, film producers who receive reduced [...]royalties. uschina.org |
丢失风险。根据订单或管制正式协议,一旦交货损害或丢失货物的风险 将 转嫁 至 我 方。 seagate.com | Risk of Loss Risk of damage to or loss of the goods will pass to us upon delivery to us in accordance with this order or the governing formal agreement. seagate.com |
该集团将延坪岛炮击事件的责任转嫁 给朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国的努力是徒劳的。 daccess-ods.un.org | This group is making [...] futile efforts to shift the blame for [...]the Yonphyong Island shelling on to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
据我们 所知,发达国家宣布的减排目标不足以实现《巴厘行 [...] 动计划》中商定的目标,因此试图把它们巨大的环境 债务和随之产生的义务转嫁给发 展中国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | As we understand it, developed countries have announced emission-reduction targets that are insufficient to achieve the [...] goal agreed in the Bali Action Plan, [...] thereby seeking to transfer to developing [...]countries their enormous environmental debt [...]and the obligations it entails. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于存在缺陷,出口商声称有权 将海外买方提出的降价要求转嫁给 TVO。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to defects, the exporter claimed to be entitled to pass on price reductions made by the overseas buyers to TVO. daccess-ods.un.org |
据说这些证券能把基础证券的价值损失风险从被 告 转嫁 到 经销这种票据或债券的没有经验的小零售投资者。 tipschina.gov.cn | Allegedly, the Securities [...] functioned to transfer the risks of loss [...]of value in underlying securities from defendants to [...]the small unsophisticated retail investors who were sold the notes or bonds. tipschina.gov.cn |
阿根廷广泛使用警察局容纳还押被拘留者,尤 其是在布宜诺斯艾利斯省,这明确表明监狱已过度 拥挤,而且问题已被转嫁到了警察局。 daccess-ods.un.org | The widespread use of police stations for housing detainees on remand, particularly in the Province of Buenos Aires, was clear evidence that prisons were overcrowded, and that the problem had been passed on to police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
[ 按照《公约》第三条第1 款和第5 款,气候变化缓解应对措施的 社会和经济代价,不得通过任何手段,包括与贸易有关的措施 , 转嫁 给 发 展中国 家缔约方,并强调发达国家缔约方按照《公约》第四条第 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) bis [That the social and economic cost derived from climate change mitigation response measures shall not be passed on to developing country Parties through any means, including trade-related measures, in accordance with Article 3, paragraphs 1 and 5 of the Convention, and stresses the importance of the provision of finance and technology by developed country Parties, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 3, 5 and 7 of the Convention daccess-ods.un.org |
银行业金融机构应依法承担贷款业务及其他服务中产生的尽职调查、押品评枯等相关成本,不得将经营成本以费用形 式 转嫁 给 客 户。 bnpparibas.com.cn | Each banking financial institution shall bear the costs associated with due diligence investigation and collateral appraisal, etc incurred during the course of carrying out the loan business and other services by law and shall not pass on the operating costs to the clients in the form of fees. bnpparibas.com.cn |
又必须确保严格遵守《协定》第 24 条第 2 款(c)项的规定,其中强调有必要 [...] 确保这些措施不会造成直接或间接地将养护行动的重担不合比例 地 转嫁 到 发展 中国家身上 daccess-ods.un.org | Strict compliance with the provisions of paragraph 2 (c) of article 24 of the Agreement, which [...] highlight the need to refrain from adopting [...] measures that transfer, directly or indirectly, [...]a disproportionate burden of conservation [...]action onto developing States, must be ensured daccess-ods.un.org |
该信显然是想掩饰市警察局长 Saud Aziz 根本未履行其进行尸检的法律义务,而把这一失 职 转嫁 于 扎 尔达里先生。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather, the letter focuses solely on Mr. Zardari’s refusal to approve an autopsy — and portrays even that refusal in misleading terms. The letter is clearly intended to hide CPO Saud Aziz’s fundamental failure to carry out his legal obligation regarding the autopsy and, instead, to redirect blame for this failure to Mr. Zardari. daccess-ods.un.org |