

单词 转告

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 关于同体制建设延长相关的项目,一揽子核准包括核准本报告附件十所载将转告受援国政府的意见。
(b) That, for projects related to renewal of institutional strengthening, blanket approval
included approval of the observations to be communicated to recipient governments contained
[...] in Annex X to the present report.
另外,常驻代表转告委员 会,以色列政府不接受委员会的如下要 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并 [...]
允许它经以色列进入西岸,对受害者和相关当局进行采访,以了解被以色列命名 为“铸铅军事行动”的加沙行动。
Further, he relayed his
[...] Government’s denial of the Committee’s request [...]
for permission to enter Israel in order to speak
to government officials and victims of rocket attacks launched from Gaza, and to access the West Bank and Gaza through Israel to interview victims and relevant authorities with respect to the operations in Gaza codenamed by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”.
委员会建议缔 约国利用现代的社会传播策略,将本结论性意 转告 政 府和议会成员、相关部委 官员和教育、医务及法律工作者等相关专业群体成员以及地方当局、私营部门和 媒体,供其考虑并采取行动。
The Committee recommends that the
[...] State party transmit the concluding observations for consideration and action to members of the Government [...]
and Parliament, officials
in the relevant Ministries, the Judiciary and members of relevant professional groups, such as education, medical and legal professionals, as well as to local authorities, the private sector, and the media, using modern social communication strategies.
[...] 第三阶段的申请,但资金的发放应取决于确认已向纽约联合国交存《蒙特利尔议定书伦敦 修正》的核准书,并向安哥拉政 转告 本 报 告附件十一所述意见。
The Executive Committee decided to approve the request for phase III of the institutional strengthening project for Angola, at the corresponding level of funding indicated in Annex X to the present report, with the disbursement of funding being contingent on confirmation of the deposit of the instrument of ratification of the London Amendment to the Montreal Protocol by the United
Nations in New York, and to communicate the views expressed in Annex XI
[...] to the present report to the Government of Angola.
On 25 May 2010, the State party informed the Committee that, since the
communication had been declared admissible, it would be grateful if the
[...] Committee would transmit those observations [...]
to the author.
谨向转告并通 过你向安全理事会尊贵的成 转告 由 苏丹政府、联合国和非 洲联盟组成的三方机制第二次工作会议的结果。这次会议达成了一项关于向所有 重要的军事、警察和民事人员发放签证的协议(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit to you, and through you to the esteemed members of the Security Council, the outcome of the second working-level meeting of the Tripartite [...]
Mechanism comprising
the Government of the Sudan, the United Nations and the African Union, during which an agreement was reached regarding the issuance of visas for all crucial military police and civilian applications (see annex).
转告与会 各 方,“四方”成员认为,这些会谈应导致双方在 24 [...]
个 月内经过谈判达成一个结束自 1967 年开始的占领和 促成建立一个与以色列和其他邻国和平、安全地毗邻 共存的独立、民主和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国的解决 办法。
He also conveyed the belief of the [...]
Quartet’s members that those talks should lead to a settlement, negotiated between the
parties within 24 months, that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and results in the emergence of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian State living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbours.
这一决转告 海军 指挥旗官一星期后,提交人的公司负责修理的四艘海军船只全部神秘沉没, [...]
One week
[...] after this information was relayed [...]
to the Navy Flag Officer in Command, the four Navy ships being repaired by the
author’s company all mysteriously sank, and his company’s offices in the Navy Station in Sangley Point were ransacked and looted.
安理 会主席则提请安理会成员注意这封信并将他们“不反对”用一封 转告 秘 书 长, 指出安理会成员注意到秘书长的打算。
The President of the Security Council brings the letter to the attention of the members of the Security Council and conveys their “no objection” to the SecretaryGeneral in a letter by stating that the members of the Security Council took note of the Secretary-General’s intention.
转告阁下,伊拉克政府希望将安全理事会第 1500(2003)、1546(2004)、 1557(2004)、1619(2005)、1700(2006)、1770(2007)、1830(2008)和 1883(2009) 号决议规定的联合国伊拉克援助团的任务期限再延长 12 个月。
I have the honour to convey to you the wish of my Government that the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) should be extended for a further period of 12 months, in keeping with Security Council resolutions 1500 (2003), 1546 (2004), 1557 (2004), 1619 (2005), 1700 (2006), 1770 (2007), 1830 (2008) and 1883 (2009).
我在 2010 年 1 月 9 日的一项正式照会转告秘 书长,尼泊尔政府决定请求延长联合国尼泊尔特派团 [...]
(联尼特派团)的目前任务期限并请它继续进行相关 工作,直至 2010 年 5 月 15 日。
Through a formal note dated 9
[...] January 2010, I have conveyed to the Secretary-General [...]
the decision of the Government of Nepal
to request the extension of the duration of the current mandate and the continuation of the related works of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) until 15 May 2010.
[...] 括区域和次区域框架的政策统一工作的成 果转告区域 联合国发展集团工作队以便 在国家层面采取知情的行动;而国家层面的 [...]
For example, the outcome of the policy coherence work of the RCMs,
including regional and subregional
[...] frameworks can be conveyed to regional UNDG [...]
teams to inform their country-level actions; whereas
the country-level experience can inform the regional discussions on policies.
(b) 鼓励各国家以及区域组织和联合国裁军事务厅等国际组织应要求向各 国提供援助,以建设全面和有效执行《行动纲领》的能力,并确认援助需要和这 种需要的优先次序,向联合国裁军事务 转告 这 种 需要,途径包括支持进行全面 需要评估
(b) To encourage assistance from States and regional and international organizations, including the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, to States, upon their request, in building capacity to implement the Programme of Action fully and effectively as well as to identify, prioritize and communicate their assistance needs to the Office, including by supporting comprehensive needs assessments
在考虑菲律宾国际关系部能否作为第三方参加此 案时,法院叙述了在外国法院援引国家豁免的做法:“一个国家或国际机构如果在外国法院要
[...] 求主权豁免或外交豁免,那就是请诉讼所在国外交部把有关被告享有豁免权的情 转告 法 院 ”。
While considering whether the International Relations Department of the Philippines could intervene in the case as a third party, the Court describes the practice of invoking State immunity in a foreign court: “[W]hen a state or international agency wishes to plead sovereign or diplomatic immunity in a foreign court, it
requests the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued to convey to the
[...] court that said defendant is entitled to [...]
例如,区域协调机制的政策协调工作 的成果转告发展集团区域工作队以便使 其在国家层面采取知情行动;而区域和次区 域框架的各相关要素可纳入联合国发展援 助框架以支持国家发展议程。发展集团区域 工作队可将国家政策经验带到区域协调机 [...]
RCMs and UNDG Regional Teams can support and strengthen each other’s work through a two-way interaction.
我们也会向Sophie的家转告此网 页,请大家一起来纪念这位集美丽、意志与力量为一身的传奇女性,她的影响力远远超出了身边的世界。
If you would like to share additional memories of Sophie Zhu, please send your thoughts and photos to yalechinastories@yale.edu. We will also direct Sophie's family to the website to read more about a woman who reached beyond her own immediate world with strength, purpose, and beauty.
会议还注意 到,乌干达自己承认,由于开始作业和制定排雷行动方案较晚,所以出现这种情
[...] 况,而当乌干达发现需要更多时间来完成履约时,即慎重告知缔约国第九届会议 主席,请主席向所有缔约转告此事,并立即拟订和提交了延期请求
The Conference further noted that Uganda itself had acknowledged that the late commencement of operations and establishment of a mine action programme contributed to this situation occurring and that once Uganda understood that it would require more time to complete implementation, it acted prudently by informing the 9MSP President, by asking that the
President inform all States Parties of this matter
[...] and by promptly preparing and submitting [...]
a request for an extension.
告转载各 国政府和联合国系统各机构对秘书长关于就此提供信息的要 求的答复。
The present report reproduces the replies of [...]
Governments and bodies of the United Nations system to the request of the Secretary-General
for information on the matter.
联合专家委员 会还建议日本政府将告转发给 各县教育委员会,并请日本政府以及所有具有代表性的教师 组织继续告知联合委员会取得的进展和继续存在的困难。
It further recommended that the
[...] Government transmit the CEART reports to prefecture [...]
boards of education; and that the Government,
as well as all representative teachers’ organizations, keep the Joint Committee apprised of any progress and continued difficulties.
据说这些证券能把基础证券的价值损失风险从 告转 嫁 到经销这种票据或债券的没有经验的小零售投资者。
Allegedly, the Securities
[...] functioned to transfer the risks of loss of value in underlying securities from defendants to the small unsophisticated [...]
investors who were sold the notes or bonds.
请总干事将上述告转交澳大利亚、丹麦、埃塞俄比亚和日本政府,以及澳大利 亚全国高等教育工会、全国教师联合会(前埃塞俄比亚教师联合会)、教育国 [...]
际、全日本教师和教职工工会(ZENKYO)、Nakama 教师联盟、日本教师联盟 (Nikkyoso)和日本其他具有代表性的教师组织,并根据报告的建议采取必要的 后续行动。
4. Invites the Director-General to
[...] communicate the report to the Governments [...]
of Australia, Denmark, Ethiopia and Japan and
to the National Tertiary Education Union of Australia, the National Teachers’ Association (formerly Ethiopian Teachers’ Association), Education International, the All Japan Teachers’ and Staff Union (ZENKYO), Nakama Union, the Japan Teachers’ Union (Nikkyoso) and other representative teachers’ organizations in Japan, and to take the necessary follow-up action as recommended in the report.
2001年,在联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合组成的生物技术食品专家团公布的 告 《 转 基 因 食物过敏性评估》中,对决策树进行了修改。
This decision tree was revised in 2001 by the joint FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)/WHO (World Health Organization) Expert
Consultation on Foods Derived from
[...] Biotechnology in its report 'Evaluation of [...]
Allergenicity of Genetically Modified Foods'.
委员会应当在其认为适当时,把缔约国的 告转 交 联合国专门机构、基金和 方案以及其他主管机构,以便处理报告中就技术咨询或协助提出的请求或表示的 [...]
The Committee shall transmit, as it may consider [...]
appropriate, to the specialized agencies, funds and programmes of the United
Nations and other competent bodies, reports from States parties in order to address a request or indication of a need for technical advice or assistance contained therein, along with the Committee’s observations and recommendations, if any, on these requests or indications.
她还指出,人权事务高级专员提议 将其告转交至 缔约国大会或会议主席以及经济及 社会理事会。
The High Commissioner also
[...] recommended that her report should be forwarded [...]
to the chairpersons of the meetings or conferences
of States parties and to the Economic and Social Council.
决定 决定 决定
[...] 决定将委员会主席关于这次会议成果的 告转 递 大 会第六十七届会议, 以供参考,同时注意到,与会者未能就会上表达的意见如何以准确和平衡方式反 [...]
to forward, for information
[...] purposes, the report of the Chair of [...]
the Commission on the outcome of the meeting to the General
Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, while noting that there is no consensus on the accuracy and balance of how the views expressed in the meeting are reflected in the report
参加讨论以下告:转移和倾弃有毒危险产品和废物对 享受人权的不良影响问题特别报告员的报告(A/HRC/15/22);获得安全 [...]
Participated in a
[...] discussion concerning report of the Special Rapporteur on the adverse [...]
effects of the movement and dumping
of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights (A/HRC/15/22) and report of the Independent Expert on human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation (A/HRC/15/31).
家组,从 2010 年开始审查军事支出标准汇报表的运作和进一步发展问题,同时
[...] 考虑会员国就此问题提出的看法以及秘书长关于军事情况的客观情报,包括军事 支出的透明度的报告,并将专家组的 告转 递 大会第六十六届会议,以供审议(第 62/13 [...]
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish a group of governmental experts, on the basis of equitable geographical representation, to review the operation and further development of the Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures, commencing in 2010, taking into account the views expressed by Member States on the subject and the reports of the Secretary-General on objective information on military matters,
including transparency of military
[...] expenditures, and to transmit the report of the group [...]
of experts to the General Assembly for
consideration at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 62/13).
除在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到贸易和投资委员 会第二届会议的告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/6)、亚洲及太平洋技转让中 心理事 会第七届会议的告(文件E/ESCAP/68/7)、以及联合国亚洲及太平洋农业工 程和机械中心理事会第七届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/8)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item
3, the Commission had
[...] before it the report of the Committee on Trade and Investment on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/6), the report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology on its seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/7) and the report of the Governing [...]
Council of the United
Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery on its seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/8).
13/CMP.1 号决定请秘书处在按照《京都议 定书》第八条完成初始审评并解决与《京都议定书》第五条第2 款所述调整有关
[...] 的任何履行问题之后,公布年度汇编和核算报告,并将此类 告转 发 给 《议定 书》缔约方会议、遵约委员会以及每个有关缔约方。
Background: The CMP, by its decision 13/CMP.1, requested the secretariat to publish the annual compilation and accounting reports after completion of the initial review under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol and resolution of any question of implementation relating to adjustments under Article 5,
paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol, and to
[...] forward such reports to the CMP, the [...]
Compliance Committee and each Party concerned.
预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会在其 2012 年 4 月 23 日第 2 次会议上决定,按照 经济及社会理事会第 1989/56
[...] 号决议所附联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所章程第 四条第 3(e)款,将该研究所的告76 转递给经济及社会理事会。
At its 2nd meeting, on 23 April 2012, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice decided to transmit the report of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute76 to the Economic and Social Council, in accordance with
article IV, paragraph 3 (e), of the statute of
[...] the Institute, annexed to Economic and [...]
Social Council resolution 1989/56.




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