

单词 转向装置


(车辆的)转向装置 n

steering n

See also:

装置 n

system n
equipment n
unit n
rig n

External sources (not reviewed)

侧翻与稳定性控制系统可精密监控车辆动力学特性,并自动控制刹车、悬架 转向装置 , 以 主动保障车辆安全,确保车辆按照驾驶员的意图行驶。
Rollover and Stability Control systems provide active safety of the vehicle through precise
monitoring of vehicle dynamics and automatic control of brakes,
[...] suspension and steering to maintain driver-intended [...]
转向装置,刀盘和E-Vac™的 离合器使得这款草坪车比2500系列更加容易安装附件。
Power steering, deck and E-Vac™ [...]
PTO make this tractor the easiest to use tractor and more attachment capable than the Series 2500.
2006年1月,光洋精工和丰田工机合并而成,主要提 转向装置 和 驱 动装置。
A manufacturer of steering systems and driveline components established through the merger of Koyo Seiko Co.
An additional bow steering device is not [...]
VAQ通过传感器监测垂直轮上的动力变化,并响应这些变化,利用接近其性能极限的精 转向装置 , 允 许对车辆进行操控以保持空档和敏捷性。
The VAQ responds to changes in vertical wheel forces monitored by
sensors, allowing the vehicle’s handling to remain neutral and
[...] agile, with precise steering close to its performance limits.
自动传动液(ATF)适用于乘用车、商用车、非公路用卡车和移动设备的变速器以及非传动应用,例如动 转向装置 、 小 型液压泵和农业应用等。
Automatic transmission fluids are used in the transmissions of
passenger cars, commercial
[...] vehicles, off-road trucks, mobile equipment and in non-transmission applications, such as power steering, small hydraulic [...]
pumps and farm applications.
关于能证实使用了鱼雷的确凿证据,我们在沉没现场收集到推进器部件,包 括一个带有推进器的推进电机和一 转向装置。
As for conclusive evidence that can corroborate the use of a torpedo, we have
collected propulsion parts, including a propulsion motor with
[...] propellers and a steering section from [...]
the site of the sinking.
5 月 15 日疏浚船在爆炸现场打捞到的鱼雷部件,包括 5x5 平扇对转浆推进器、 推进电机转向装置,与 北朝鲜向外国提供的出口产品宣传册中的 CHT-02D 鱼雷 简图完全一致。
The torpedo parts recovered at the site of the explosion by a dredging ship on 15
May, which include
[...] the 5 x 5 bladed contrarotating propellers, propulsion motor and a steering section, perfectly match the schematics of the CHT-02D [...]
torpedo included
in introductory brochures provided to foreign countries by North Korea for export purposes.
这项作业最终于 2010 年 5 月 15 日 9 时
[...] 25 分左右,在爆炸点附近(北纬 37˚55’45”,东经 124˚36’02”)的海底打捞出 了鱼雷部件,其中包括一个十分独特的 5x5 平扇对转浆推进器、一个推进电机和 一转向装置。
6) Starting on 10 May 2010, the JIG initiated a recovery operation that involved two trawlers equipped with a special net to try to recover critical evidence around the point of the explosion, eventually leading to the recovery of torpedo parts at approximately 0925 on 15 May 2010 from the seabed (37˚55’45”N 124˚36’02”E) near the explosion
point that included a
[...] distinctly unique 5x5 bladed contra-rotating propeller set, a propulsion motor and a steering section.
在同样 大小的向装置中,滚柱导装置的 转 动 体 的接触面积与滚珠相比要大,所以刚性也 相应变高。
In the same-sized guide, the rolling elements’ contact surface is bigger than for balls, so rigidity is increased.
脉冲发生器和速度监控器之间的连接导线、以及脉冲发生器的 M12 连接插座不包括转 速监控装置的供货范围内。
The line between encoder and speed
monitor as well as the M12 connecting socket of the encoder are not part of
[...] the scope of delivery of the speed monitoring.
在操动转换选择 器 (校准置的 ±1 个分接置)时 ,明显地需要用更大 的力气,已开始的分接变换操作一定要转完,不得中途改转向。
When operating the change-over selector (adjustment position ±
1 tap position)
[...] which you can tell by the increased amount of force required, the already started switching operation must be completed without changing the direction of revolution.
分配阀 (N) 有一种装转换架配件包用于在 500 系列软管卷盘原装位置安装 XD 系列软管卷盘。
[...] valves (N) A Mounting Adapter Kit is available for installing an XD Series Hose Reel in the same location that a Series 500 Hose Reel was previously installed.
安全停装置 向后拉动阴接头的套筒,插入阳接头并向前推套筒,使 牢固连接。
Safety Stop Pull back sleeve of female fitting, insert male fitting and slide sleeve forward to secure connection.
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构)、车身和便 装置 ( 包 括车灯控 装置 、 HV AC、门锁系统、电动车窗、座椅记忆器和无钥匙进入系统)、安全管理(例如电动助 转向 系 统 、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子呼叫、信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。
Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter alternators, and
electromechanical valve-trains),
[...] body and convenience (including light control; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC; comfort locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), safety management (e.g. electronic power steering, collision avoidance, [...]
anti-lock brake
system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment (including e-call and information access).
倾斜扫描仪并将其从您的置转开, 然后将扫描 置 于 向 下 位 置。
Tilt and rotate the scanner away from you to place your scanner in the downward position.
军事服务是指与军事行动有关的专业服务,包括战略规划、情报、调查、 陆地、海洋或空中侦察、各类有人或无人飞行业务、卫星监视、任何具有军事用 途的知转让、向武装部队 提供材料和技术支持以及其他相关活动,而安全服务 指武装守卫或保护建筑物、设施、财产和人员,具有安全和警务用途的任何类型 [...]
Military services refers to specialized services related to military action, including strategic planning, intelligence, investigation, land, sea or air reconnaissance, flight operations of any type, manned or unmanned,
satellite surveillance, any
[...] kind of knowledge transfer with military applications, material and technical support to armed forces and other [...]
related activities
while security services refers to armed guarding or protection of buildings, installations, property and people, any kind of knowledge transfer with security and policing applications, development and implementation of informational security measures and other related activities.
为达成此目的,关于构成NISSEI产品的部品 装置 中 含 有或在制造中使用的环境管理物质,明确 禁止使用的物质和全废的目标物质,向 材 料 ・部品・产品・服务等(以下称为目的物)的供应商 彻底地周知,规定购入的目的物的时候不混入使用禁止的物质。
To achieve the purpose, to environmental impact substances used
in products or contained in parts, devices constituting Nissei’s products, we clearly use-prohibited substances and intend total abolition substances as well as define communication instruction to suppliers of materials, parts, products, services…(called target below) in order to abolish environmental impact substances mixing when purchasing.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有 向 无 核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他核爆装置的 裂 变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and
comprehensive programme
[...] of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
高效的监视器和向装置可在 整个染色过程通过 在线方式自动进行加料。
The system efficiently controls the entire dyeing process through automatic monitoring and online dosing.
近年来,国内装冲突已经转向哥伦比亚的边缘和边境地区,迫使游击队组 织撤退并以小团队形式活动,有时他们做平民打扮,普遍使用小武器和杀伤人员 [...]
In recent years,
[...] the internal armed conflict has moved towards the [...]
periphery and border regions of the country, forcing
guerrilla groups to retreat and operate in small groups, at times dressed as civilians, using small arms and anti-personnel mines in a widespread manner.
令人瞩目的创新 没有什么比全新挖掘装载机 和滑转向装载机等创新型产品更加 引人注目的了。
For eye-catching innovation, however, look no further than the new backhoe loaders and skidsteers.
在加纳最终淘汰管理计划 2008 年工作方案执行期间取得了许多成果,其中包括培训 更多的制冷技术员从使用氟氯化碳转为使用碳氢化合物的发泡剂、培训更多的海关官员、 改进汽车空调装置的维修、改装制冷系统转而使用碳氢化合物的制冷剂并将使用氟氯化碳 的汽车空装置转为使 用 HFC-134a、在有关消耗臭氧层物质的问题上执行提高认识活动。
54. A number of results have been achieved so far during the 2008 work programme of the TPMP for Ghana, including training of additional refrigeration technicians in conversion from CFC to hydrocarbon-based refrigerants, training of additional customs officers, improvement on the servicing of MAC units, retrofit of refrigeration systems mainly to hydrocarbon-based refrigerants and CFC-MAC units to HFC-134a, and implementation of several awareness-raising activities on ODS-related issues.
测量用大型日池窑填充的 CFC 容量,尽管并一定都是过磅称重,但实际上最后的 100 公斤是不准确的,因而大多数公司就将 CFC 转装入较小的气罐,这种气罐通常是安 放在某种形式的称装置上, 比如应变仪测压盒。
While measurements of CFC volumes in large day tanks, which are not always mounted on weigh scales are indeed not precise to the last
100 kg, the CFCs are
[...] in most companies transferred into smaller tanks which are usually mounted on some form of weighing mechanism, such as strain gauge load cells.
一旦安装了CFCS之后,装向导管 理器会帮助您建立您首选的图表类型并提供可视化的属性列表方便您修改图表属性,因此,您根本不需处理任何复杂的属性 置 或 者编写任何代码,以往繁琐的功能 置 现 在只需要一键搞定。
The Wizard manager will help you setup your preferred chart type and visual attributes, without even handling properties or writing code.
虽沿用系列的经典酒桶形表壳设计,而尺寸则为 42 ×
[...] 52毫米,比系列现有表藏的表壳较纤巧;然而,表面视窗则更宽阔,能展现出所搭载的CO 207 机芯;而表背则设一长形视窗,透视出其 转装置 及 独 有的两个同轴自动盘。
Featuring the collection’s typical tonneau shape, the generous 42 x 52 mm case is slimmer than its predecessors and has a broad front opening revealing Caliber CO
207, as well as a rectangular rear
[...] aperture onto the rotating mechanism and its two [...]
unusual inline oscillating weights.
地区性别研究网络和计划的研究工作已经调整,现 转向 研 究在冲突和冲突后情况下 妇女和女孩享受人权所面临的挑战,并特别强调预防对妇女和女孩的暴力行为。
Research work of regional gender research networks and programmes have been reoriented towards exploring the challenges to women’s and girls’ enjoyment of human rights in the context of conflict and post-conflict, with particular emphasis on the prevention of violence against women and girls.
该部门 重新调整了其关于性别平等的工作,将重 转向 探 索 妇女和女孩在冲突和冲突后情况下享受 人权所面临的挑战。
The Sector has reshaped its work on gender equality, with a reorientation towards exploring the challenges to women’s and girls’ enjoyment of human rights in the context of conflict and postconflict.
该系统由带有锁止功 能和飞轮式定子的新型变矩器以及沃尔 沃专利产品——制动转装置(RB B)—— 组成,在装载和运输应用中可减少 15% 的油耗、提高舒适性并延长传动系统的 使用寿命。
Consisting of a new torque converter with Lock Up and free wheel stator, the system integrates the Volvo patented Reverseby-Braking (RBB) function, cutting fuel consumption by up to 15% in load-andcarry applications while increasing comfort and driveline durability.




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