

单词 转世

转世 ()

reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)

External sources (not reviewed)

在其他文化,如印度,精神被认为是死亡后立即进入到另一个身体,生活和死亡,并再次成为新的形 转世。
In other cultures, as in India, the spirit was
conceived as entering immediately upon death into another body, to live again and
[...] die and become reincarnated in new forms.
随着这部新条文的实施,政府力图控制藏传佛教的一大重要特征——流传了数个世纪的佛教导 转世 制 度(见西藏附录)。
With the implementation of this new measure, the government attempted to control a vital
feature of Tibetan Buddhism, the
[...] lineages of the reincarnated Buddhist teachers that span centuries (see Tibet [...]
人大常委会副委员长包括一位西 转世 喇 嘛 ,班禅·科智·盖拉南嘉和中国基督教协会会长曹圣洁。
CPPCC Standing Committee vice chairmen included Pagbalha Geleg
[...] Namgyal, a Tibetan reincarnate lama, and Cao [...]
Shengjie, president of the China Christian Council.
尤其重要的是,在过去的一些伟大的先 转世 的 信 念。
Especially important was the
[...] belief in the reincarnation of some great [...]
prophet from the past.
在森林文书中,会 员国重申其承诺,即在全球、区域和国家各级作出努力,争取到 2015 年实现四
[...] 项全球森林目标,其中第一个目标是“通过可持续森林管理,包括保护、恢复、 植树造林和重新造林,转世界各 地森林覆盖丧失的趋势,更加努力地防止森林 退化”。
In the forest instrument, Member States reaffirm their commitment to work globally, regionally and nationally to achieve progress towards the achievement by 2015 of the four global
objectives on forests, the first of
[...] which aims to “Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through [...]
sustainable forest management,
including protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation”.
森林文书全球森林目标 1 和 3
[...] 的目的分别是通过可持续森 林管理,包括保护、恢复、造林和再造林, 转世 界 各地森林覆盖的丧失,更加 努力地防止森林退化,并大幅度增加世界各地的受保护森林面积和其他可持续管 [...]
Global objectives on forests 1 and 3 of
the forest instrument aim,
[...] respectively, to reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through sustainable [...]
forest management,
including protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation, and to increase significantly the area of protected forests worldwide and other areas of sustainably managed forests, and increase the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests.
本委员会可在任何时候考虑对一项地区性食典标准的领土适用范围进行扩大或 根据所有收到的通知书情况将转为 世 界 性 食典标准。
It is open to the Commission to consider at any time the possible extension of the territorial
application of a Codex
[...] Regional Standard or its conversion into a World-wide Codex Standard. [...]
in the light of all notifications received.
178 在众多先例中,仅需回 顾两个实例,即柏拉图关于通过灵魂不死 转世 确 保 人的持续经历的提法, 以及佛陀关于将人的痛苦与其认为的痛苦起源(欲望)分开的见解。
It need only be recalled, as two examples among many, namely, Plato’s contribution, in securing the
continuity of human experience through the
[...] immortality and transmigration of the soul, as [...]
well as Budha’s contribution of detaching
human suffering from in his view what originates it, the desires179 .
委员会面前有秘书转递世界银行关于国际比较方案的报告的说明(E/CN.3/ 2012/25)。
It had before it a note by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting the report of the World Bank on the International [...]
Comparison Programme (E/CN.3/2012/25).
这些家具在一个时间就像吉祥物有时会忘记,而另外一些人喜欢一个新的存在和重新装潢——毕竟家具的核心是一个家庭的传统,可能是父亲最喜欢的椅子或母亲的床头柜,家具可以像 转世 的 逝 者出现。
Those pieces which at one time were like mascots sometimes get forgotten while others enjoy a new existence and are taken up afresh – after all furniture is at the heart of a family’s
heritage, be it father’s favourite chair or mother’s bedside table, furniture can
[...] appear like the reincarnation of the deceased.
秘书处代表告知执行委员会,阿根廷政府请求将列在开发计划署下的泡沫塑料项转给世界银 行,编制氟氯烃淘汰管理计划和牵头执行机构作用由开发计划署转给工发组织。
The representative of the Secretariat informed the Committee that the Government of Argentina had
requested that the foam project
[...] included for UNDP be transferred to the World Bank and that the [...]
HPMP preparation and lead agency
role for UNDP be transferred to UNIDO.
在 3 月 1 日第 5 次会议上,委员会面前有秘书转递 世 界 银行关于制定统计发展 行动计划的努力的报告的说明(E/CN.3/2012/16),委员会还听取了世界银行代表 [...]
At the 5th meeting, on 1 March, the Commission had
before it a note by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting the report of the World Bank on efforts [...]
in developing a plan of action
on statistical development (E/CN.3/2012/16), and heard an introductory statement by the representative of the World Bank.
以色列政权对我们和平性质的核活动进行无端 指控,再次试转移世界舆 论对以色列秘密研制和非 法持有数百枚核弹头、建设核武库和发展其他威胁整 [...]
个地区、侵犯国际和平与安全的大规模杀伤性武器的 注意力。
The Israeli regime’s baseless allegations against the peaceful nature of
our nuclear activities is
[...] another attempt to divert the attention of world public opinion from [...]
its clandestine development
and unlawful possession of hundreds of nuclear warheads, nuclear weapons arsenal and other weapons of mass destruction, which threaten the region as a whole and act against international peace and security.
根据第 185
[...] EX/30 号决定, 一旦获得执行局批准,资金转入加 强 世 界 各地教科文组织机构 所在地的安全特别账户。
Following 185 EX/Decision 30, the funds, once
approved by the
[...] Executive Board, will be transferred to the Special Account [...]
for Strengthening the Security of UNESCO Premises Worldwide.
另有萨吉· K(2000),《贸易,外来直接投资和国际技 转 让 : 一项调查》 世 界 银 行,华盛顿哥 伦比亚特区。
Also Saggi, K. (2000) “Trade, Foreign
Direct Investment and
[...] International Technology Transfer: A Survey”, World Bank, Washington [...]
DC See Glossary for explanation of the PCT.
这样、只要储备各种尺寸 和材料的联合弯头和联合三通接头 —— 以及常用世伟洛克转换接 头即可、没有必 要再储备特殊的弯头和三通。
So, stocking union elbows and union tees in various sizes and materials—along with commonly used Swagelok adapters—eliminates the need for stocking special elbows and tees.
世纪初出现转折 以 来,这种主张一直受到质疑,因为这种政策取向在几大新兴发展中经济体的实 践中开始遭到挑战。
That idea had been
[...] questioned since the turnaround at the beginning of the century as that policy [...]
preference began to be challenged
in practice in several major emerging developing economies.
世民学者的转型式 智慧和社会经验将帮助并激励他们通过互动、对话和协作解决全球化问题。
The transformative intellectual and social experience of Schwarzman Scholars [...]
will equip and inspire them to solve global
problems through engagement, dialogue, and collaboration.
我们曾敦促将此次会 议办成一个迈向更加公正、更加公平和更加可持 世 界 的 转 折 点
We have urged for this
[...] conference to mark a turning point towards a more just, more equitable and more sustainable world.
视听电子平台将 有助于取得通过使用传统媒体和新型媒体而获得高质量内容的节目的预期效果,有助于将本 地内容/地方节转送给世界各 地的观众,加强南南国家和南北国家之间跨文化信息流通。
It will help to attain the expected results of quality content production promoted through using both traditional and new media; increased access of local content/endogenous programmes to international audiences; and improved flow of intercultural information from South to South and from South to North.
Copyright© 受本许可证中的条款和条件的制约,Specification Lead 按此方式颁发给您付讫的、非独占的、不 转 让 的 、 世 界 范 围内的、有限的许可证(没有颁发从属许可证的权利),您可以行使 Specification [...]
Lead 知识产权权利,出于评估的目的在内部审阅本规范。
Copyright© Subject to the terms and conditions of this license, the Specification Lead hereby grants you
a fully-paid,
[...] non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, limited license (without the right to sublicense) under Specification [...]
Lead intellectual
property rights to review the Specification internally for the purposes of evaluation only.
[...] 会的职责范围内,同时指出应当谨慎行事,以致关于把地区标 转 变 成 全 世 界 标 准 的建议,不妨碍对商品委员会工作计划的管理。
The Commission agreed with the view of the Executive Committee that development of regional standards be retained in the terms of reference of Coordinating Committees,
while noting that care should be taken so
[...] that proposals to convert regional standards [...]
into worldwide standards did not hinder
the work programme management of commodity committees.
不扩散和裁军基金第 255 号项目,不扩散和裁军基金通过这个项目世 界卫生组转拨了 1 562 000 美元,以编制生物安全和病原体安保培训 [...]
NDF Project No. 255, by
[...] which the NDF has transferred $1,562,000 to the World Health Organization [...]
to develop and deliver
training materials in biosafety and pathogen security to WHO member countries.
关于 2007 年账户核对中的未清核对账项,世界银行解释说,收入短缺
[...] 2,686,741 美 元的原因是,为世界银行核准项目 世 界 银 行 转 拨 的 资金被减除了两次。
Concerning the outstanding reconciling items from the 2007 reconciliation of accounts, the World Bank explained that the shortfall of US
$2,686,741 in its income was the result of a
[...] double deduction on transfers of funds to the Bank [...]
for its approved projects.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划 转 空 间 、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划转空间 和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉 世 界 的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地 转 为 更 机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
除在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到贸易和投资委员
[...] 会第二届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/6)、亚洲及太平洋技转让中 心理事 会第七届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/7)、以及联合国亚洲及太平洋农业工 [...]
程和机械中心理事会第七届会议的报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/8)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Trade and Investment on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/6), the report of
the Governing Council of the Asian and
[...] Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology on its [...]
seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/7) and
the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery on its seventh session (E/ESCAP/68/8).
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.




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