单词 | 轨道交通 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 轨道交通 —metroless common: rapid transit • subway See also:轨道 n—tracks pl • path n • runners pl 轨道—railway or tram line • fig. conventional way of thinking 交通 n—transportation n • transport n • traffic n • communications pl 交通—liaison • be connected
各国正在采取措施减少二氧化碳排 放,包括促进公共交通、转向 轨道交通 等 低 碳密集模式、以及提高燃油效率等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Countries were taking steps to reduce emissions by, for example, promoting public transportation, moving towards less-carbon-intensive modes such as rail, and improving fuel efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,对于 发展市内公共交通服务,公共汽车快速交通系统应被视为在资源有限时替 代 轨道 交通的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, in regards to the development of inner city mass transit service, bus rapid transit should be considered as an alternative to railbased transit where there are constraints in resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个系列的产品专门针对轨道交通的 要 求而设计,而且可以进行变频控制。 bitzeruk.com | They are dimensioned for the typical rail coach and can be controlled over a wide speed range. bitzeruk.com |
(四) 银行业和公证; (五) 消防、陆地、海洋、铁路城市交通和其他公 共 轨道交通。 daccess-ods.un.org | (v) Fire fighting, land, sea, railway urban transportation and other public transportation on rail. daccess-ods.un.org |
易拉丝拓橡胶不仅在加拿大、美国和墨西哥拥有众多的客户,还为欧洲和中国 的 轨道交通 系 统 制造塑料和橡胶部件。 elastoproxy.com | With customers in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, Elasto Proxy also fabricates plastic and rubber components for mass transit systems in Europe and China. elastoproxy.com |
绿色交通” 建设行动: 构筑以轨道交通为骨 干的区域公交网和慢行系统为主 导的绿色交通系统,实现高效便捷、以人为本的绿色 出行模式。 prdbay.com | A green transport system, which emphasises on regional public transportation network and non-motorised transport with railway as the backbone, should be established so as to realise a highly efficient, convenient and people-oriented green mode of transport. prdbay.com |
步行10分钟即可到达皇居和举世闻名的银座购物区,搭 乘 轨道交通 前 往 浅草寺和东京迪斯尼乐园/迪斯尼海洋馆仅需20分钟。 shangri-la.com | A 10 minutes’ walk from the hotel brings you to The Imperial Palace and the world-famous Ginza shopping district. shangri-la.com |
产品广泛应用于美国、英国、德国、智利、土耳其、日本、韩国、巴西、印度、墨西哥、澳大利亚、巴基斯坦等国家,行业涵盖机场、港口、隧道、道路、车站 、 轨道交通 、 工业企业厂房、建筑景观、办公空间、酒店、停车场、足球场、加油站、展厅、餐馆等各个细分行业,宏源人以原创的LVD无极灯技术成功地点亮全球,展现了对照明和节能事业的热爱和专注。 cn.lvd.cc | The products are widely used in the United States, Britain, Germany, Chile, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Brazil, India, Mexico, Australia, Pakistan and other countries, the [...] industry covering the [...] airport, ports, tunnels, roads, stations, rail transportation, industrial [...]enterprises plant, construction [...]landscape, office space, hotels, car parks, soccer fields, gas stations, showrooms, restaurants and other industry segments, Hongyuan original LVD Induction Lamp successful location of light the world, to show the love of the cause of the lighting and energy and focus. en.lvd.cc |
Adams在题为“前方绿灯:客货运铁路 和 轨道交通 的 标 准无线通信”的演讲中,介绍了机车和轨道基础设施之间的无线通信标准怎样帮助车载系统在满足美国联邦政府的铁路安全指令要求外,还能确保列车不超限、不超速、不危及轨道工安全、不出现道岔切换错误等情况。 tipschina.gov.cn | In his presentation, Green Signals Ahead: [...] Standards-Based Wireless Communications for Freight and [...]Passenger Rail and Rail Transit, Adams [...]will share how wireless communications standards between trains or locomotives and track infrastructure can help onboard systems to ensure that trains do not 'exceed limits authority,' exceed speed restrictions, endanger trackside workers or move through a misaligned track switch as well as meet the Federal mandate for rail safety. tipschina.gov.cn |
康迪泰克的客户包括汽车行业、机械和设备工程行业、采矿和印刷业以 及 轨道交通 业 的 领先企业。 contitech.cn | Its roster of customers includes leading companies in the [...] automotive industry, machine and systems engineering, mining and the printing [...] industry as well as the rail transport sector. contitech.cn |
为铁路和轨道交通行业 设计先进通信系统的领先提供商理立系统公司(Lilee Systems)今天宣布,美国前运输部部长、理立系统公司董事Norman [...] Y. Mineta阁下和理立系统战略发展副总裁Jon T. Adams将在首届ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB国际车联网大会(ICCVE [...]2012)上发表主题演讲。 tipschina.gov.cn | Lilee Systems, the leading provider of advanced communication systems designed [...] for the rail and rail transit industries, today announced [...]that the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and Board of Director for Lilee Systems, and Jon T. Adams, Vice President of Strategic Development, Lilee Systems will be delivering featured presentations during the 1st Annual ACM/ISS/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles (ICCVE 2012). tipschina.gov.cn |
轨道交通正在 成为公共交通的热门方式。 bksv.cn | Trams are becoming a popular solution for public transport. bksv.ru |
SPD浪涌保护器主要应用于电力和供电系统、电信和通讯、石油石化、铁路 和 轨道交通 、 建筑、军事等领域。 tuv.com | Surge Protective Devices (SPD) are used in electric power supply systems, telecommunications, petroleum, [...] petrochemical, railway and [...] rolling stock transportation, construction, the military, and many other fields that work with electricity. tuv.com |
在桥梁支座领域,公司与铁二院共同开发的城 市 轨道交通 桥 梁盆式橡胶支座填补了国内产品的空白,已用于深圳地铁三号线的建设;公司与铁科院和铁三院共同开发的客运专线连续梁球型支座(KTQZ)已投入京石客运专线等工程应用;在桥梁伸缩装置领域,公司是国内最早研制开发模数式型钢桥梁伸缩装置并投入生产的企业之一,拥有“客运专线桥梁伸缩装置的基本结构胶条嵌入方式”专利,该基本结构被铁道部“客运专线桥梁伸缩装置标准梁图”(图号:8388系列)所采用。 xinzhu.com | And in the field of bridge expansion joints, Xinzhu is one of the first enterprises to develop and manufacture module type steel bridge expansion joints, and the company has the patent of “adhesive tape embedding method for the basic structure of bridge expansion joints of passenger dedicated line” and the basic structure has been adopted in the “diagram of standard beam of passenger dedicated line’s bridge expansion joints”(Diagram: 8388 series) by the Ministry of Railways. xinzhu.com |
太网的出现提供了正确的解决方案,但 是 轨道交通 工 具需要特殊的考虑。 harting.com.cn | Ethernet appears to offer the right solution, but rail vehicles require special consideration. harting.ca |
康迪泰克空气弹簧系统中国公司总经理Michael Bott简要介绍了空气弹簧在中国 轨道交通 工 业 中的应用,其中包括在中国各代高速铁路中的应用。 contitech.cn | Michael Bott, general manager of ContiTech Air Spring Systems in China, explained how air springs are used in the Chinese railway industry, including the various generations of the CRH. contitech.cn |
H3-6 合承包段(Wiesing / Jenbach Ost,被称为“Tiergarten 隧道”,属于约 671 米长隧道工段的一部分,而该隧道工段构成蒂罗尔的下因恩谷慕尼黑-维罗 纳 轨道交通 走 廊 的一部分。 doka.com | Contract section H3-6 (Wiesing / Jenbach Ost, known as the "Tiergarten tunnel") was for [...] an approx. 671 m long [...] section of tunnel forming part of the Munich-Verona rail transit corridor in Tyrol's Lower Inn Valley. doka.com |
CRTS CHINA 国际轨道交通展” 首办于2005年,拥有7届佳绩,每年分别在上海、北京举办年会和展览,是唯一获得科学技术部、住房和城乡建设部联合批准 的 轨道交通 行 业展会,是中国唯一集铁路与城 市 轨道交通 于 一 体的综合行业展览会,亦是唯一立足于中国、关注亚洲采购市场的国 际 轨道交通 展。 wuerth.com.cn | CRTS CHINA was first held in 2005 and has been successfully held seven times. It isthe only comprehensive industry exhibition integrating railway and urban rail transit in China and also the only international rail transit exhibition based in China and focused on Asian procurement markets. wuerth.com.cn |
近年来,斯凯孚 的产品在中国铁路和轨道交通行业得到了更加广阔 的应用,无论是CRH系列动车组、HXD系列电力机 车、25K/T准高速列车、城市轨道交通 车 辆,还是25 吨轴重货车,斯凯孚的产品日日夜夜运行在中国广阔 的土地上,为中国经济的高速发展贡献自己的力量。 ebuilder.com | SKF products have been widely used in CRH series high speed train units, HXD electric locomotives, 25K/T quasi-high-speed train, mass transit vehicles, and 25 ton heavy axle load wagon. ebuilder.com |
6. 轨道交通运输 设备(限于合资、合作):高速铁路、铁路客运专线、城际铁路、干线铁路及城 市 轨道交通 运 输 设备的整车和关键零部件(牵引传动系统、控制系统、制动系统)的研发、设计与制造;高速铁路、铁路客运专线、城际铁路及城 市 轨道交通 旅 客 服务设施和设备的研发、设计与制造,信息化建设中有关信息系统的设计与研发;高速铁路、铁路客运专线、城际铁路的轨道和桥梁设备研发、设计与制造 , 轨道交通 运 输 通信信号系统的研发、设计与制造,电气化铁 aqsiq.biz | 6 to rail transportation equipment (limited to joint venture, cooperation): high-speed rail, passenger rail lines, inter-city railway, main line railway and urban rail transportation equipment and key parts of the vehicle (traction drive system, control system, brake system ) R & D, design and manufacturing; high-speed railway, railway line, intercity passenger rail and urban rail transit facilities and equipment R & D, design and manufacturing, information technology in information system design and development; high-speed railway, the railway passenger line, inter-city railway track and bridge equipment R & D, design and manufacturing, rail transportation communication signal system development, design and manufacturing, electric iron aqsiq.biz |
晋元达企业生产的DIN25201防松动垫圈产品全部百分百采用日本.及欧洲进口优质钢材.严格控制每个生产工艺.确保产品完全可符合性能要求.SZJYD品牌DIN25201双叠自锁垫圈产品是(2009年中国)最早通过中国国家级检测机构防松动测试并认证的产品.并成功通过英国公司总部试验室防松动效果测试.并成功合作武广高铁.京沪高铁.武石线.京石线等高铁项目.本公司生产DIN25201产品大量使用于船舶工业.机车制 造 . 轨道交通 系 统 .桥梁钢构工程.大型建筑工程机械及矿山机械设备.发动机.特种设备和军工装配等应用领域.凭借出色品质表现.成功合作多家国际顶尖企业.间接供货法国空中客车.南车开启时代科技.四方车辆.唐山客车.广州文冲船厂等. dg-jyd.com | Strict control of each production process to ensure that the products fully comply with the performance requirements DIN25201 double stacked self-locking washers [...] products SZJYD brand is (earliest [...] anti-loosening by China's national testing organizations [...]test and certify products in China) [...]in 2009 and successfully by the British company headquarters laboratory anti-loosening effect test. successful cooperation between Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed rail Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway line. martial stone. dg-jyd.com |
在基建总投资中,超过7000亿元的资金将被用于城 市 轨道交通 的 建 设;170亿用于电网升级和改造;3.05万亿用于农村基础设施建设;3万亿用于铁路建设,预计中国的铁路服务里程将超过120,000公里。 australiachina.com.au | The total investment includes spending in excess of CNY700 billion [...] for urban rail transport; CNY17 billion [...]for power grid development; CNY3.05 trillion [...]on rural infrastructure construction; and CNY3 trillion on railway construction, with the length of China’s railway service estimated to exceed 120,000km. australiachina.com.au |
从东海之滨的秦山核电站到雪域高原西藏羊湖电站、从亚洲最大的抽水蓄能电站——天荒坪到亚洲最大的水力发电站——二滩、从家乡扬州的第二发电厂到国外的巴基斯坦恰希玛核电站、从国内最先进的航空港——广州白云国际新机场到城市正在兴建的重要地 下 轨道交通 之 一 广州地铁、从中国首次长捆二号运载火箭发射到神舟号宇宙飞船发射都配套有华能电缆。 jshncable.com | Qinshan Nuclear Power Station from the East China Sea coast to the snow-covered plateau of Tibet Sheep Lake Station, from Asia's largest pumped storage power station - of Tianhuangping to Asia's largest hydroelectric power station - Ertan, from his hometown of Yangzhou Second Power Plant to Guangzhou Metro foreign Chashma nuclear power plant, the most advanced aviation Hong Kong - Guangzhou Baiyun [...] International Airport to the city being [...] built one of the underground rail transit, from China, [...]for the first time long bundles [...]II launch vehicle to launch Shenzhou universe The spacecraft launch supporting Huaneng cable. jshncable.com |
新科电子专注于先进电子与通信系统的设计、开发与一体化,包括宽带射频与卫星通信、电子政务与绿色信息通信技术(ICT)解决方案、信息通信与IT技术 、 轨道 与 交通 管 理系统、实时指挥与控制系统、模拟系统、互动数字媒体系统、智能楼宇管理系统与信息安全系统。 stee.st.com.sg | It specialises in the design, development and integration of advanced electronics and communications systems, such as broadband radio frequency and satellite communication, e-Government and eco-enabling ICT [...] solutions, information communications [...] technologies and IT, rail and traffic management, [...]real-time command and control, modelling [...]and simulation, interactive digital media, intelligent building management and information security. stee.st.com.sg |
提高乘客和货物运输速度及安全性有赖于动力 学、空气动力学以及交通安全技术的广泛应用——在高 速列车和低噪音轨道车辆 研发领域尤其如此。 contitech.cn | The faster, safer transportation of people and goods is a question of dynamics, aerodynamics and travel security – especially in the development of high-speed trains and low-noise railway vehicles. contitech.cn |
华沙东站位于靠近市中心的Praga区,占地14公顷,该站被定义为支持国家体育中心和波兰2012欧洲足球锦标赛足球场馆的关键性交通枢纽,同时也是主要的国际性(巴黎,柏林,华沙,莫斯科线),国家性, 以及地区性的集火车,地铁,公交, 有 轨 电 车 , 道 路 为 一体 的 交通 换 乘 枢纽。 chapmantaylor.com | In the Praga district, close to the city centre, the ca.14ha Warsaw East Station site had been identified as a key transport hub to support the national sport centre and football arena for the European Football Championship to be hosted by Poland in 2012. chapmantaylor.com |
俄罗斯联邦 在发展交通运输系统方面取得了若干重大成就,包 括:(a) 赤塔-哈巴罗夫斯克公路竣工,从而使东部和西部边界之间实 现交通运 输无缝连接;(b) 在执行修复韩半岛纵贯铁路项目方面取得 进展;(c) 在 2015 年前把西伯利亚铁路的跨越时间减少至 7 天(7 日 横跨西伯利);以及(d) 以及通过全球轨道导航卫星系统(全球导航 卫星系统)和全球导航卫星系统/全球定位系统利用卫星追踪系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Russian Federation had made a number of major achievements in the development of its transport system, including: (a) completion of the construction of [...] Chita-Khabarovsk road, which [...] provided a seamless transport connection between the eastern and western borders; (b) progress in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation of the trans-Korean railway; (c) reduction of transit time on the Trans-Siberian Railway to seven days (Transib 7 days) by 2015; and (d) the use of satellite tracking systems with the Global Orbital Navigation [...]Satellite System (GLONASS) [...]and GLONASS with the Global Positioning System (GPS). daccess-ods.un.org |
调解小组试图通过三轨道方法 加快达成和平协议的进程:(a) 与交战各 方一 起努力,使他们直接商定达尔富尔和平协议;(b) 扩大与达尔富尔民间社会的磋 商,以期为谈判创造一个实质性基础,并加强各方参与政治进程的意愿;(c) [...] 帮 助改善乍得和苏丹之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mediation has sought to accelerate progress towards a [...] peace [...] agreement by means of a three-track approach: (a) working with the belligerent parties to bring them [...]to direct negotiations [...]on a peace agreement for Darfur; (b) expanding the consultations with Darfurian civil society to create a substantive foundation for the negotiations and to bolster the willingness of the parties to engage in the political process; and (c) facilitating an improvement in relations between Chad and the Sudan. daccess-ods.un.org |