

单词 车辙

车辙 ()

rut (of a wagon)

See also:



track n


withdraw v
remove v

External sources (not reviewed)

为了提高沥青道路系统的性能寿命,必须通过设计消除或尽可能减 车辙 、 推 移、拥 包、热开裂和疲劳裂纹等路面问题。
In order to improve the performance
life of asphalt road systems, pavement
[...] failures such as rutting, pushing, shoving; [...]
thermal and fatigue cracking must be eliminated or minimized by design.
沥青在高温下会软化,从而导车辙 痕 迹并褪色;极低的温度又会导致其开裂并留下碎屑。
At high temperatures, asphalt is subject to softening
[...] that leads to rutting and bleeding.
用聚乙烯改性剂提高沥青路车辙性 能
Improve asphalt road rutting resistance with [...]
polyethylene modifiers.
使用Polybilt™改性剂树脂增强沥青路面的 车辙 性 能(沥青改性)。
Enhance rutting resistance (bitumen [...]
modification) on asphalt road surfaces by using Polybilt™ modifier resins.
与多种沥青兼容,Polybilt改性剂能提高沥青的软化点并减 车辙 痕 迹 ,它能生成具有良好储存稳定性和加工性能的改性共混物。
Compatible with a large variety of bitumen types, Polybilt modifiers boost the bitumen
[...] softening point and decrease rutting.
Polybilt改性剂可与多种沥青兼容,提高沥青的软化点并减 车辙 痕 迹
Compatible with a large variety of bitumen types, Polybilt modifiers boost the bitumen
[...] softening point and decrease rutting.
鹰眼2000系列数字激光断面仪(DLP)可以设置各种各样的激光来采集国际平整度(IRI),行驶指数(RN) 车辙 深 度,名义断面深度(MPD),感应器测量的断面深度(SMTD)和其他的指数。
The Hawkeye 2000 Series Digital Laser Profiler (DLP) can be configured with a variety of sensors to enable the collection of data to provide roughness
results in International Roughness Index
[...] (IRI), Ride Number (RN), Rut Depth, Mean [...]
Profile Depth (MPD), Sensor Measured Texture
Depth (SMTD) and other indices.
道路技术研究所研究开发的重交沥青路面专用 车辙 剂 荣获了“国家重点新产品”荣誉,聚羧酸高性能减水剂荣获了“广东省重点新产品”荣誉,排水降噪沥青路面材料荣获了“湖北省科技进步奖叁等奖”和“云南省科学技术进步奖三等奖”荣誉,研究开发的沥青混合料温拌技术、温拌橡胶沥青路面技术、温拌再生沥青路面技术为等为沥青路面的节能减排做出了突出的贡献。
The Road Technology Institute researched and developed the heavy traffic for
[...] Asphalt Pavement Rutting Resistance which [...]
woned the honor of "National Key New Product",
polycarboxylate superplasticizer woned the "Guangdong Province Key New Product" honor, drain noise asphalt pavement material woned ”Hubei Province, the third prize of Science and Technology Progress Award "and the “Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award" honors, asphalt mixture warm mix technology, warm Mix rubber asphalt pavement technology, warm mix recycled asphalt pavement technology etc. made outstanding contributions to the energy saving of the asphalt pavement.
其新型尾灯与Quattroporte车系如出一辙 , 因 此,两者 车 尾 造 型极其相似。
The new tail lights were reminiscent of those on the Quattroporte, creating a strong rear-end resemblance.
但是,如果缅甸能够处理这个复杂的 过程,它有可能最终发挥其巨大的经济潜力,赶上 周边国家,并在这个过程中避免重蹈周边国家的辙。
But if it is able to manage this complex process, Myanmar has the possibility to finally realise its enormous economic potential, catching up with its neighbours while avoiding some of their mistakes.
同出辙的是, 能够确认与知识产权相关的技术援助的“最佳实践”文献少而又少。
In the same vein, we have been struck by the paucity of literature which identifies ‘best practice’ for IP-related technical assistance.
2012 NSX超级运动概念车型所展示的系统看似与之如出 辙 , 该 车 型 后 车 桥 前 面安装有V6发动机和混合动力双离合变速器,前车桥上安装有双电动马达。
The system shown in the 2012 NSX supersports concept appears to be the mirror image of this one, with the V6 engine and hybrid DCT transmission mounted ahead of the rear axle and the twin electric motors mounted on the front axle.
基于种族、文化和民族优越感对文化多元性的不尊重和错误的种族、歧视和 仇外概念只会令强国从中获益,也是历史上造成悲剧性的冲突的基本原因,必须 避免重蹈辙。
Lack of respect for cultural diversity and erroneous racist, discriminatory and xenophobic ideas about the superiority of races, cultures and nations, which only benefit the powerful, have throughout history been among the basic causes of tragic conflicts, whose recurrence we are duty bound to avoid.
安全理事会绝不能重蹈辙,就象在 2003 年 2 月那样,仅凭美国国务卿鲍 [...]
威尔的单方面谎言,即沦为美国强权和霸权的工具,为其武装入侵伊拉克提供合 法外衣。
It is imperative for the Security Council not to
[...] step into the same situation in which [...]
it was once misused as a tool of high-handedness
and hegemony of the United States by giving legitimacy to its armed invasion into Iraq, based on a single word of lies of Powell, United States Secretary of State, in February 2003.
警务司缺少刑事情报分析干事的情况限制了系统规划和执行最佳做法 以及所得经验教训的能力,而且带来重蹈 辙 的 风 险。
The absence of a Criminal Information Analysis Officer in the Police Division limits the capacity to systematically project and implement best practices and lessons learned, and creates the risk that costly mistakes will be repeated.
特别报告员同意其前任 的观点,即应当承认冲突具有种族或族裔性质,并在冲突后国家的重建工作中应 对这一问题,以避免重蹈辙。
The Special Rapporteur shares the view of his predecessor that the ethnic or racial dimension of a conflict should be acknowledged and addressed as part of the post-conflict reconstruction of countries emerging from armed conflict to avoid its resurgence.
这种行动也是以色列对巴勒斯坦人民内部事务的蓄 意干涉。占领国此时所使用的借口和作出的威胁与其多年来一直企图破坏两国解 决方案所使用的借口和威胁如出辙 , 目 的是维持非法占领、定居和压迫巴勒斯 坦人民的现状,压制其自决和独立的权利。
Such an action also constitutes deliberate Israeli interference in the internal affairs of the Palestinian people, and the pretexts and threats being used by the occupying Power are similar to those used over the years in its long-standing attempts to thwart the two-State solution for the benefit of perpetuating the status quo of its illegitimate occupation, settlements and oppression of the Palestinian people and suppression of their right to selfdetermination and independence.
继各位社区领导人就法律责任调查结果发表了一项公开声明之后, 紧锣密鼓地开展了提高认识的运动,力促认清有关冲突期间被征募充当交战者的 受害儿童不应承担法律或道德责任的判决与声明,是避免重蹈 辙 的 最 佳保障。
A public statement by community leaders on the legal findings of responsibility, followed by an intensive awareness-raising campaign on the judgement and a declaration to the effect that child victims of recruitment should not be held legally or morally responsible for their actions as combatants during the conflict, would be the best guarantee of non-repetition.
钳制新闻出版的法 律已成往事;它们的下场与数十年来制定并利用这些法律限制利比亚人民自 由的人的下场如出辙。
The laws that muzzled the press are now a thing of the past; they have gone the same way as those who created them and used them to curb the freedom of the Libyan people for decades.
安理会现在正在重蹈 2006 年的辙,当 时它留有余地,让以色列得以持续 杀害黎巴嫩平民和摧毁黎巴嫩的基础设施,以便实现 某些方面的目标。
The Council is now repeating what it did in 2006, when it gave Israel the leeway to keep killing Lebanese civilians and to destroy Lebanon’s basic infrastructure in order to achieve the aims of certain parties.
[...] 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩 车 辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 [...]
后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public
servants, terrorist acts, theft or international
[...] trafficking in vehicles, as provided [...]
for under Panamanian criminal law, with the
aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个人车使用 的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) 高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清车辆; 以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; (c)
high-quality alternatives
[...] to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓
[...] 酌情采用乘坐率高的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自 车 道 和 步行道,鼓励采用非机 车交 通 工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 [...]
维护;(e) 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f)
重新评估目 前的消费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy,
as appropriate; (c)
[...] encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways [...]
in urban and suburban
centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网络的基础上,建立穷人特别
[...] 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备, 比如在妇女之家、地方车站和 各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 [...]
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4)
strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s
[...] homes, in local railway stations and [...]
various types of local schools; and (5) innovating
adaptations and new applications of technology, including hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
联合国环境规划署(环境署)2010 年《排 放差距报告》中得出结论说,目前预测的 2020 年排放量将重蹈 21 世纪终了时 的辙,使气温上升 2.5 到 5 摄氏度,使数以百万计人的生命受到因热浪及气 候灾害所导致越来越多营养不良、疾病或伤患的威胁,并可能使一些传染病病 媒的地理范围发生变化。
In its 2010 Emissions Gap Report, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded that the currently forecast 2020 emission levels were consistent with pathways that would lead to a likely temperature increase of between 2.5 and 5 degrees Celsius by the end of the twenty-first century, putting millions of lives at risk from increased malnutrition, disease or injury in heatwaves and weather-related disasters, and changes in the geographic range of some infectious disease vectors.
关于这个问题为年计算的新的一年的实际效用,由Pappa回答如出 辙 方 式 Ḥisda已经解决的问题有关的新的一年里的国王;解决方案的差异和原则的进一步阐发提斯利1是新一年的年票。
The question regarding the practical utility of the new year for
the counting of the years, answered by
[...] Pappa in exactly the same way as Ḥisda had [...]
solved the question concerning the new
year of the kings; solution of the discrepancy and further elucidations of the principle that Tishri 1 was the new year for the counting of the years.
因此,咨询委员会强调,应分析和吸 取教训,以避免重蹈辙,并 且,“团结”项目指导 委员会应在指导项目实施、支持项目主任、协助做出 [...]
The Advisory Committee therefore emphasized that lessons
should be analysed and applied so as to
[...] avoid repeating the same mistakes in the [...]
future and that the Umoja Steering Committee
had an important role to play in guiding implementation, supporting the Director and facilitating decisionmaking and the rapid resolution of issues.




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