

单词 车臣

车臣 ()

Chechnya, a Russian region in the Caucasus

See also:

submit oneself to the rule of or acknowledge allegiance to
surname Chen
"Your Servant", form of address used when speaking a ruler
serve a ruler as his subject
state official or subject in dynastic China
Kangxi radical 168

External sources (not reviewed)

提交人再度表示,无论如何,只因为 他车臣人, 已足以令法庭宣布他有罪。
The author repeats that in any event, the mere fact
[...] that he was a Chechen was sufficient [...]
for the courts to declare him guilty.
教科文组织驻莫斯科办事处继续支持俄罗斯联邦就恢 车臣 共 和 国的教育体系并使之 现代化所进行的工作。
The UNESCO Moscow Office continued to support
the Russian Federation with regard to the restoration and modernization of the
[...] education system in the Chechen Republic.
缔约国坚称,在整个初步调查期间,提交人和他的同案者从未抱怨过非法讯 问手段,包括其车臣共和国之外审前拘留设施期间。
The State party contends that throughout the preliminary investigation, neither the author nor his co-accused ever complained about unlawful
methods of questioning, including during their stay in pretrial detention facilities
[...] located outside the Chechen Republic.
50 米的地方,他们被阿尔泰边疆区海关官员和边防军逮捕。提交人称,所 有官员都拿着枪;这些官员一发现他们 车臣 人 , 就立刻逮捕了他们。
The author claims that all the officers carried guns and once the officers found out
[...] that they were of Chechen origin, they arrested them.
需要强调指出的是,俄罗斯联邦正是用“Tochka-U”型导弹系统完全摧毁了 Bamut 市(车臣共和 国)并消灭了该市的和平居民。
It needs to be emphasized that it was with the use of “Tochka-U” systems that the
Russian Federation completely destroyed the city of Bamut
[...] (Republic of Chechnya) and eliminated [...]
its peaceful population.
[...] 汗、巴勒斯坦自治领土、伊拉克、俄罗斯联邦 车臣 ) 、大湖地区和西非的教育系统重新运 [...]
UNESCO continued to provide support for countries in crisis and reconstruction through capacity-building and basic support aimed at restoring the functioning of the education system in Afghanistan,
the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, Iraq, the
[...] Russian Federation (Chechnya), the Great Lakes [...]
region and West Africa.
2009 年10月12 日,车臣人X.Z. 进行了谈话,他以前在达吉斯坦居住, 目前流亡在外。
In an interview conducted on 12 October
[...] 2009, X.Z., a Chechen who had been living in Dagestan, and [...]
was now living in exile, explained
that he had been held in secret detention and tortured for five days in the summer of 2005, apparently in connection with a search for a wounded man who had been brought to his house by a friend.
根据一项关于国家全民教育 规划制定情况的调查结果,应会员国的要求,通过直接的技术援助,能力建设和促进交流,
为制定全民教育的规划和计划在技术和方法上提供了支持,包括帮助恢复非洲、亚洲、拉丁 美洲和阿拉伯国家的地区全民教育论坛,支持海地、尼泊尔、塞内加尔、越南建立国家全民
[...] 教育工作组并帮助它们开展工作,以及为阿尔及利亚、摩尔多瓦共和国、尼日利亚和俄罗斯 联邦车臣共和 国)等正在进行重大改革的国家提供技术援助。
On the basis of findings of a survey on the state of the preparation of national EFA Plans, and at the request of the Member States, technical and methodological support was provided for elaborating EFA-related plans and programmes through direct technical assistance, capacity-building and facilitating exchange of experience among the States. This includes assistance for reviving regional EFA forums in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Arab States, support to the organization and functioning of national EFA groups as in the case of Haiti, Nepal, Senegal, Viet Nam, as well as technical assistance for the countries
undergoing major reforms such as Algeria, the Republic of Moldova, Nigeria and the Russian
[...] Federation (for the Chechen Republic).
俄罗斯联邦政府在提交人权事务委员会第九十七届会议的材料中也表示,车臣共和 国的几起失踪事件已经开始刑事调查。
In its submission to the Human Rights Committee at its ninety-seventh session, the Government of the Russian
Federation also stated that criminal investigations had been opened into several cases of
[...] disappearances in the Chechen Republic.
[...] 家,包括阿尔及利亚、朝鲜人民民主共和国、尼日利亚、尼日尔、俄罗斯联 车臣 共 和 国、 科特迪瓦、海地、刚果的布拉柴维尔和苏丹。
In-country technical support for planning and implementation of education reform policies and EFA plans was provided to a wide range of countries including Algeria, the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, Mongolia,
[...] Nigeria, Niger, the Chechen Republic of the [...]
Russian Federation, Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti,
the Republic of the Congo, and Sudan.
提交人称,他根据《公约》第二条应有的权利受到侵犯,因为他根据《俄 罗斯宪法》应有的权利由于他车臣 人 和 车臣 共 和 国的现实情况而没有得到保 障。
3.1 The author claims a violation of his rights under article 2 of the Covenant, as his rights
under the Russian Constitution were not guaranteed
[...] because of his Chechen origin and current events in the Chechen Republic.
提交人称,法庭无视有利于他的旁证,对他身 车臣 人 存 有偏见。
The author claims that the court ignored various pieces of circumstantial evidence in his favour, and was
[...] biased because of his Chechen origins.
在武装冲突地区和战后地区车臣、 达吉斯坦、纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫、Pridnestrovie), [...]
未解决的政治、经济和社会问题引起仇外情绪和偏执情绪,有时需要一个调解人来促进稳 定。
Unsettled political, economic and
social problems in the armed and
[...] post-conflict regions (Chechnya, Dagestan, Nagorny [...]
Karabakh, Pridnestrovie) give rise to
xenophobia and intolerance, and sometimes require the involvement of a mediator to facilitate stabilization.
车臣共和国境内有 13 个肺结核病治疗机构,其中包括 3 个结核病防治所和 [...]
5 个拥有 380 个床位的结核病医院。
In the Chechen Republic, there [...]
are 13 treatment centres with a focus on tuberculosis, of which 3 are TB dispensaries and
5 have a tuberculosis ward with 380 beds.
请详细说明车臣冲突 失去基于累计分摊的养老金福利的国内流离失所者人 数以及为使他们得到应有养老金所采取措施的最新情况。
Please provide updated and detailed information on the number of internally displaced pensioners affected by the loss of accrued contribution-based old-age pension benefits as a result of the conflict in Chechnya, and on measures taken to enable them to obtain their due pension.
他还 说,车臣还存 在其他一些象他被关过的那种秘密设施,现在达吉斯坦也有。
He also said that several other secret facilities, such as the one where he had been held, exist in Chechnya, and now also in Dagestan.415
关于 MEDEVAC 人道主义方案的当前统计数据表明,在 1993 至 2007 年 间,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、科索沃 车臣 、 伊 拉克、巴基斯坦和阿富汗等地战 乱国家或发生自然灾害国家共有 114 人被转往捷克共和国接受治疗,其中大部分 是儿童。
Current statistics of the humanitarian program MEDEVAC show 114 transported cases that were given medical support in the Czech Republic (predominantly children), from areas afflicted by war or natural catastrophe, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Chechnya, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan between 1993-2007.
车臣、安哥拉、苏丹、伊拉克和科特迪瓦等国的 2003 年紧急教 育优先项目已经准备就绪。
Priority emergency education projects for 2003
[...] were prepared for Chechnya, Angola, the Sudan, [...]
Iraq and Côte d’Ivoire.
(b) 向儿童提供保护,包括保车臣裔儿 童、没有被正式确认为难民的儿 童,以及主要由于公共秩序受到严重扰乱或武装冲突而无法回到原籍国的儿童
(b) To provide protection for children,
[...] including those of Chechen origin, not formally [...]
recognized as refugees and unable to
return to their country of origin due to, inter alia, severe disturbances of the public order or armed conflict
委员会建议缔约国采取紧迫措施,确 车臣 和 北高加索的每一位儿童和境内 流逝的儿童都依据关于教育问题的联邦法入学就读,防止儿童自愿应征入伍 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party
take urgent measures to ensure that all
[...] children living in Chechnya and the Northern [...]
Caucasus and those internally displaced
pursue their schooling in conformity with the Federal Law on education and to prevent their voluntary recruitment into military units.
5.3 2009 年10月25 日,提交人提供了进一步评论。他回顾了2006
[...] 年他向 Staropromyslovsk 区法院车臣共和国检察院和最高法院提出的申诉。
5.3 On 25 October 2009, the author provided further comments, recalling his complaints
lodged in 2006 with the Staropromyslovsk District Court, the
[...] Prosecutor's Office of Chechen Republic and the [...]
Supreme Court.
特别报告员希望回顾邀请访问下列国家的请求:阿富汗(2005 年)、阿尔及利 亚(1997 年首次提出请求)、白俄罗斯(2005 年)、玻利维亚多民族国(2005 年)、 科特迪瓦(2005 年)、埃及(1996 年)、厄立特里亚(2005 年)、埃塞俄比亚(2005 年)、斐济(2006 年)、冈比亚(2006 年)、印度(1993 年)、伊朗伊斯兰共和国(2005 年)、伊拉克(2005
年)、以色列(2002 年)、利比里亚(2006 年)、阿拉伯利比亚民
[...] 众国(2005 年)、俄罗斯联邦关于访车臣共和国的请求(2000 年)、沙特阿拉伯 [...]
(2005 年)、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(2005 年)、突尼斯(1998 年)、土库曼斯坦(2003
年)、美利坚合众国(2004 年)、乌兹别克斯坦(2006 年)和也门(2005 年)。
The Special Rapporteur would like to recall requests for invitations sent to the following States: Afghanistan (2005); Algeria (request first made in 1997); Belarus (2005); Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (2005); Côte d’Ivoire (2005); Egypt (1996); Eritrea (2005); Ethiopia (2005); Fiji (2006); Gambia (2006); India (1993); Iran (Islamic Republic of) (2005); Iraq (2005); Israel (2002); Liberia (2006); Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
(2005); Russian Federation with respect to
[...] the Republic of Chechnya (2000); Saudi [...]
Arabia (2005); Syrian Arab Republic (2005);
Tunisia (1998); Turkmenistan (2003); United States of America (2004); Uzbekistan (2006); Yemen (2005).
[...] Gudermes 的拘留中心探访过他,该律师向他说明了他车 臣的权利。
He admits that one lawyer, Mr.
Bakhonoev, had visited him in the detention centre of Gudermes, and this lawyer had
[...] explained to him his rights in Chechen.
委员会对特殊引渡案件感到关切,例如根据双边引渡协议 车臣 人 引 渡回 俄罗斯联邦,以及将库尔德人引渡回土耳其等,这些人可能会面临遭受酷刑的实 [...]
(22) The Committee is concerned at
cases of extraordinary rendition, such as
[...] the rendition of Chechens to the Russian [...]
Federation, based on bilateral extradition
agreements, and Kurds to Turkey, where they may face a real risk of torture.
(b) 当前的难民立法没有明确规定补充形式的人员保护,包括 车臣 裔儿 童的保护,他们没有被正式确认为难民,且由于不安全条件而无法回到原籍国
(b) The current refugee legislation does not explicitly provide for
complementary forms of protection for persons,
[...] including children of Chechen origin, who are [...]
not formally recognized as refugees and
who are unable to return to their country of origin due to unsafe conditions
2001 年,联邦军队曾经并仍车臣共和国犯有反人 类和种族灭绝罪行,这一政策对其刑事案件产生了间接影响。
According to the author, the investigation proceedings were unlawful, as in 2001, the federal troops were and are still committing crimes against humanity and genocide in the Chechen Republic, and this policy had indirect repercussions on his criminal case.
在所有起诉的刑事案件中,有 88 起涉及公务人员(车臣共和 国政府补偿委 员会、格罗兹尼技术资产登记局工作人员、村镇行政机构的领导和工作人员车 臣共和国内务部反经济犯罪处人员)。
Of the total number of criminal cases,
88 concerned
[...] officials (staff of the Chechen Republic State Committee for the payment of compensation, staff of the Grozny technical inventory office, heads and staff of the agricultural administration, and officials of the department for the repression of economic crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic).
日,俄罗斯联车臣共和 国检察院下属的Lenin 地区间调查委员 会在他不知道的情况下审议了对其关于虐待的指控的调查材料,以缺乏犯罪证据 为由拒绝了提起刑事诉讼。
He claims that on 19 July 2008, the Lenin interdistrict Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic, without his knowledge, considered the materials of the investigation into his allegations of ill-treatment and refused to open a criminal case for lack of corpus delicti.
2009年10 月,人 权事务委员会表示关切的是,不断有报告说,军队、安全部门和其他国家工作人 员车臣和北 高加索其他地区犯有酷刑和虐待、强迫失踪、任意逮捕、法外处决 和秘密拘留的行为,由于缺乏系统的有效调查和起诉,此类侵犯人权行为者似乎 普遍逍遥法外。
The Committee’s observations are confirmed by judgements made by the European Court of Human Rights, which has frequently established violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, some of which involved periods of secret detention.409 In October 2009, the Human Rights Committee expressed its concern about ongoing reports of torture and ill-treatment, enforced disappearance, arbitrary arrest, extrajudicial killing and secret detention in Chechnya and other parts of the North Caucasus committed by military, security services and other state agents, and that the authors of these violations appeared to enjoy widespread impunity owing to a systematic lack of effective investigation and prosecution.
俄罗斯移民局会车臣共和 国政府,为绝大 多数此类居民自愿返车臣共和 国原住地提供了协助(共 30 多万人,其中 2007 年 6 000 多人)。
Together with the
[...] Government of the Chechen Republic, the Federal Migration Service has provided assistance to the overwhelming majority of citizens in this category for voluntary return to their previous places of residence in the Chechen Republic (more [...]
than 300,000 persons,
including more than 6,000 in 2007).




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