

单词 车牌



vehicle registration plate
license plate

External sources (not reviewed)

私营军事和安保公司人员并不总是穿戴特定的制服和标志徽章,并常常 驾驶配备有色玻璃、不悬车牌的无标志越野车,因而更加无法辨别。
Private military and security company personnel are not always wearing distinctive uniforms and
identification badges and often drive unmarked
[...] sport utility vehicles with tinted glasses and no plates, which [...]
add to the confusion.
在 Hirista,两名武装人员抢走了两辆政府公车,其中一辆属于军方,另外 一辆属于财产登记局车牌号为 538936(大马士革)。
In Hirista, two armed persons stole two government
vehicles, one of which was assigned to the army and the other to the
[...] Property Registry, licence plate No. 538936 [...]
该装置被安放在一辆马自达 ZOOM 3 汽车里,车牌号码:881093,为该中心 雇员阿里·海达尔工程师所有。
The device had been planted in a Mazda Zoom 3 vehicle, licence plate No. 881093, belonging to engineer Ali Haydar, an employee of the centre.
[...] 解决实际问题,例如相互承认文件 车牌 、 领 空、学 校和大学文凭以及电话通讯等。
We want to solve practical issues, such as the mutual recognition of
[...] documents, license plates, airspace, [...]
school and university diplomas, telephone communication and others.
以代表团工作人员姓名注册的“S” 车牌车 辆 不准停在联合国。
Vehicles with “S” plates registered in [...]
the name of Mission staff willnot be authorized to park in the United Nations compound.
后来透露出这辆货车是被盗车辆,这名警官在把车辆卖给提交人和 她的丈夫之前更换车牌。
Later, it was revealed that the lorry was a
stolen vehicle, and that the officer had changed
[...] its registration plate before selling it [...]
to the author and her husband.
2008年9月9日,一辆属于联络处外交人员的奥迪 80(希车牌号 KNA-8503) 遭不明身份者的破坏,车牌被损坏。
On 9 September 2008, a vehicle, make
[...] Audi 80 (Greek licence plates KNA8503), belonging to a member of the diplomatic staff of the Liaison Office, was vandalized by two unidentified perpetrators, who damaged the rear number plate.
有不同装置用于固定五轮仪:真空吸盘,拖车挂钩连接,保险杠挂钩,使用 车牌 照 固 定孔或 „Bosch“连 接。
Various devices are available for fastening the fifth wheel assembly to a
vehicle: By means of
[...] suction cups, to trailer hitches by a special clamp, to bumpers by chains and clamps, through the holes of a license plate or by using [...]
a “Bosch” type device.
( 包括在执法 程序上使用指纹 ) ,在路边安装照相机作为执法措施( 如自车牌识别 ) 。另一方 面,新技术也对确保尊重人权提出了新挑战,如只为了预定和合理目的处理相关 个人信息,并切实保证系统安全。
On the other hand, new technologies also present new challenges to ensuring respect for human rights, in terms of ensuring that only relevant personal data are processed, for predetermined and justifiable purposes, and in terms of securing the systems effectively.
塞尔维亚不能指望继续在数百英里之外的贝尔格 莱德向科索沃城市发车牌。
Serbia simply cannot hope to continue issuing, hundreds of miles away in
[...] Belgrade, plates for vehicles in Kosovo’s cities.
2012 年5月26 日,还是在霍姆斯省,当局检获一辆被盗车辆,车上载着各
[...] 种武器,包括六支俄罗斯步枪、三支泵动式步枪、手榴弹、爆炸装置、大量的步 枪弹药、军用弹盒、军服和一些 车牌。
On 26 May 2012, also in Homs, the authorities seized a stolen car containing various weapons, including six Russian rifles, three pump-action rifles, hand grenades, explosive
devices, a large quantity of rifle ammunition, a military cartridge pouch, military uniforms
[...] and several fake licence plates.
较大开口可用于发动机舱的通风,以及尾翼气流的管理,此外,尾部保留唯一的封闭区用于放 车牌。
Large openings serve to ventilate the engine
bay and manage the airflow to the rear wing, with the only sealed area at the rear being
[...] reserved for the license plate.
各间巴士公司亦在其辖下大部分巴士上装设其他设施,方便 残疾乘客,如附设靠背及安全带的轮椅停放处、降低车身功能,并设有阔门、车 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设有车门关闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显车牌号码 及顾客服务专线的点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number plate and customer service hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
每一个代表只能领取一个停车 证并且只供“D”车牌的车辆使用。
Only one decal will be issued per delegate
[...] for use on a vehicle with “D” plates.
提交人的丈夫让女儿记下警员车牌 号 码 ,但该名警员朝 着她开车,用摩托车撞她,把她撞到地上。
The author’s husband asked his daughter to write down the number of
[...] the officer’s licence plate, but the [...]
officer drove towards her and hit her with
his motorcycle, knocking her to the ground.
此外,在定居者恐怖袭击事件被报告之后不长时间,在被占领西 岸的一条中心马路上,又有 6 个燃烧弹被投向挂有巴勒斯车牌的 汽 车。
Furthermore, a short while after the settler terror attack was
reported, six additional firebombs
[...] were hurled at cars with Palestinian licence plates on [...]
a central road in the Occupied West Bank.
我公司总裁祝辰博士就“基于RFID和视频的城市防拥堵系统”在“物联网在智慧交通与智慧物流中的应用及发展论坛”上做重要报告,祝总在报告中就城市道路拥堵、交通恶性事故频发、车辆盗抢、假 车牌 、 非法营运车辆等引发的社会问题做深入阐述,一针见血的指出问题产生的根源及解决问题的关键,并把我公司的技术优势融合到需要解决的问题中。
Our company president's wish Chen, " based on the RFID and video City anti-blocking system " in the "Internet of things in the intelligent transportation and wisdom logistics application and Development Forum" made important report, I wish the total in the report on city
road congestion, traffic
[...] accidents, vehicle theft malignant grab, false license plate cover, illegal [...]
operation of the vehicle
and other social problems caused by doing in-depth pierce to the heart of the matter, pointed out the causes of the problems and the key to solve the problem, and my company's technical superiority is fused to the need to solve the problem of.
例如交警可以利用车载终端将路面车辆 车牌 信 息 传递到后台中心,通过后台中心的信息库查询车量的违规等相关记录,或者控制中心通过无线网络将要寻找的可疑车辆通知相应路段警车,路面警车又可以通过无线网路相互沟通信息合力追踪可以车辆;救护车可以在运输急救病人的途中将病人的信息和实时状况通过无线网络传递到医院,预先完成病人的挂号和抢救安排;消防车在前往火警地点的途中,控制中心可以将火警地点的地图以及相关信息传递到消防车的车载终端,消防员即可可以分析现场状况,消防车在到达现场之前有足够的时间制订详细周密的救火计划,可以大大节约救火时间和提高救火效率。
When fire-fighting vehicle is on the way to fire alarm place, the control center can send the map of fire occurrence place and related information to the vehicle terminal of fire-fighting vehicle. In that way, fire fighter can analyze the on-scene condition, and make a thorough plan for fighting the fire before reaching the fire occurrence place, which greatly saves the time of fighting fire and increases the fire-fighting efficiency.
电源:工业标准电源,AC220V ,50HZ ; 通讯接口:RS485/RS232/CAN; 容量:20万条脱机存储容量; 支持机号:255; 标准数据接口:Wiegand ; 车场嵌套:可设置大车场嵌套小车场功能; 无卡延期:不须有卡,直接实现远程延期; 扩展输入输出:工业标准,可实现其它标准I/O要求; 满位显示:LED显示屏具有满位提示功能,车位满,可禁止车辆入场; 收费标准:多种收费模式,自动设置、加载即可,方便用户使用; 车辆类型设置:可选择入口预制车类 车牌 号 码 ,也可出口选择车辆类型收费 。
Power supply: the power industry standards, AC220V, isolator, The communication interface: RS485 / RS232 / CAN, Capacity: 20 million weaning storage capacity, Support immediately: 255, Standard data interface: Wiegand, Wheel-dreven nested: can install large wheel-dreven nested car field function, No extension: don''''t have to have a card, direct to realize the remote extension, Expand the input and output: industrial standard, can achieve other standard I/O request, With a display: the LED display with a prompt functions, with full, can be banned parking cars admission, Fees: various charges mode, automatic Settings, loading, user-friendly, Vehicle type: can choose entrance car type and number of prefabricated, also can choose vehicle type export charges.
此外,当局亦鼓励营办商在小巴内提供方便残疾人士的设施, 如显车牌号码的凸字牌、扶手、防滑地板及有需要人士的优先座位。
Moreover, the operators are encouraged to upgrade facilities on board, such as Braille registration number plate, handrails, non-slippery floor and priority seats for persons in need, to facilitate passengers.
蓝鸟在大陆地区最知名的案例即:上海公安(10,000名)使用蓝鸟Pidion掌上终端来处理交通违法行为(对违规车辆及 车牌 进 行 拍照记录、对违章单进行条码扫描、输入必要的数据并直接与中央数据库进行同步)。
In China, Pidion PDAs are used by Shanghai police (10,000 units) to handle
traffic violations (taking photo of the
[...] offending vehicle and number plate, scanning of [...]
the ticket barcode, input of necessary
data, direct synchronization with central database).
传奇车手与来自大型汽车制造商博物馆的 牌车 款 相 互组合,赋予Ennstal Classic一种独特的氛围,这项赛事的主题是:保持传统,激情不灭。
The combination of legendary drivers and crown jewels from the museums
[...] of the great automakers endows the [...]
Ennstal Classic with a unique atmosphere under
the motto, “Tradition is preserving the fire, not the ash.
这种依赖导致广州汽车的销量和其股价在去年秋天急剧下跌,当时由于中日之间领土争端,中国消费者抵制日本 牌车。
That dependence caused Guangzhou Auto’s sales — and its share price — to
plunge last fall after Chinese consumers
[...] boycotted Japanese-brand cars during the flare-up [...]
of a territorial dispute between China and Japan.
其中,包括自适应巡航控制系统及预测性紧急制动系统等技术的驾驶员辅助系统在本次车展上向国内公众亮相,并将应用于国内自主 牌车 型。
Unveiled to the Chinese public at the booth, the Driver Assistance Systems integrated with the functions of
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Predictive Emergency Braking System (PEBS) will be
[...] applied to local automotive brands.
在欧洲举办四年后,Super Trofeo
[...] 超级挑战赛如今走进亚洲,为业余赛车手们提供了一个专门的平台,他们可以单独或两人一组参赛,驾驶定制的兰博基尼 Super Trofeo 赛车在世界上速度最快的单一牌车 赛 中 角逐。
Already in its fourth year in Europe, the Super Trofeo Championship in Asia will now provide an exclusive platform for Gentlemen drivers, entering individually or in teams of two,
to compete at the wheel of the bespoke Lamborghini
[...] Super Trofeo race car in one of the world’s fastest one-make Series.
今年到现在为止,尼桑的销量增长强劲,丰田的销量也回升,但是现在最新政治争端意味着这两家公司的增长都会再次放缓,因为中国购买外国 牌车 的 消 费者会选择美国和欧洲的品牌来取代日本车。
Nissan’s sales have posted strong growth so far this year and Toyota’s sales were also coming back, but now this latest political twist means both companies could see their
growth slow once again as Chinese shoppers for
[...] foreign-name cars look to brands from the US [...]
and Europe instead of Japan.
ATE提供针对制动器和相关服务的广泛备用零部件,而VDO提供针对发动机执行器的原始更换部件、用于中央锁定系统的执行器、供油系统、传感器、HVAC吹风机和风扇系统、挡风玻璃雨刮器和前大灯清洗系统*、胎压监测系统*以及多 牌车 载 故 障诊断系统*和柴油机修理服务*(带“*”的产品或服务不在中国提供)。
ATE offers a broad range of spare parts for brakes and correspondent services while VDO provides original replacement parts for engine actuators, actuators for central locking systems, fuel systems, sensors, HVAC blower and
fan systems, screen
[...] and headlight washer systems*, tire pressure monitoring systems* as well as multi-brand diagnostics system* [...]
and diesel repair
service* (products or services with “*” marks are not available in China).
在商議過程中,法案委員會要求 政府當局考慮一位委員的建 議,將由英文字母“LC”組成的登記號碼(條 例 草案規定 保留給 行政管 理 委員會)推出作公開拍賣或在自訂牌 號 碼 計劃下供 公 眾 申請;而由英 文字母“LEGCO”組成的相若牌號碼組合,則予保留以供 編 配予行政 管 理委員會擁 有的車輛。
In the course of deliberation, the Administration has been asked to consider a member's suggestion that registration marks consisting of the letters "LC" which are reserved for the Commission under the Bill should be released for public auction or for application under the PVRMs Scheme; while similar combinations consisting of the letters "LEGCO" can be reserved for assignment to vehicles owned by the Commission instead.




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