

单词 车展



the Frankfurt motor show


car show
automobile expo

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 全向下的位置向上稍微抬高,使其不致妨碍单车的滚动,但此时座管的高 度没有车展开时那么高。
Remember to raise the seat pillar slightly
from the fully-down position so that it does not hinder the bike from rolling along, but
[...] not so high that the bike unfolds.
随着奥迪K型车的推出,首辆装备方向盘左置技术的量产 轿 车展 现在世人面前。
The Audi Type K is unveiled, the
[...] first passenger car with lefthand drive [...]
as standard.
The demand for car podiums in Airports [...]
is growing quite fast especially in Shanghai, which is one of the biggest and most
international city in the world.
他的注意力完全被新款Quattroporte总裁系列运动版吸引,并在北美国际 车展 玛 莎 拉蒂展位前用照片记录了这款车的英姿。
His attention was particularly captured by the presentation of the new Quattroporte Sport GT S, photographed at the Maserati stand set up at the North American International Auto Show.
契合"绿色科技,和谐未来"的车展主 题,博世展出了自适应巡航控制系统(ACC)、第九代ABS³®等致力于提高驾驶安全与舒适性的创新技术,以及清洁柴油技术的最新本土化成果——经济型高压共轨系统CRS1-16及商用车尾气后处理系统Denoxtronic 6。
Echoing the theme "Green Technology • Harmonious Future" from the motor show, Bosch [...]
is displaying the Adaptive Cruise Control
(ACC), the ABS/ESP® Generation 9 and other innovations that enhance driving safety and comfort, and presenting its latest localized technologies including the economical Common Rail System CRS1-16 and the exhaust gas after-treatment system - Denoxtronic 6.
当时速达到300公里/小时并且滑行条件在可控边界内,这辆超速的RUF CTR3赛车展现出 了它作为赛车领域老大的真正本色。
At speeds of up to 300 km/h and sliding conditions at the edge of control, the superfast RUF CTR3 revealed its true colours as a leader in the field of motor sport.
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量和档次,展会期间也深受国美外客户的问津和喜爱,外销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO BIKE、菜篮车和小童车都非常感兴趣,有客户直接在展会上下单,还有很多客户洽谈的非常愉快,留下了详细的联系方式,要求我 车展 后 马 上报价回盘,还有要求来公司现场参观后下单;同时,此次展会上我们也参观学习同行的先进技术和文化内涵,此次展会对我们的所有的参展人员和公司的发展都有很重要的作用。
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the exhibition but also by the United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
两年一次的上车展将于4月21日至4月29日举行,做为中国年度盛事 车展 印 证 了中国依旧是最为活跃最具潜力的汽车市场,并吸引着业内的广泛关注。
As one of the most important event in China with a
very impressive
[...] gathering each year, the car show will on top, enjoy this year the rapid development of the car industry in [...]
China, bringing
the attention of all the market, from home and abroad.
随着一年一度的北车展这周开幕,有消息称尼桑(Tokyo: 7201)计划在华生产英菲尼迪,在全球最大的汽车市场寻求挖掘对豪华车品牌的强劲需求。
As the annual Beijing Auto Show begins this week, news has emerged that Nissan (Tokyo: 7201) plans to start production of its Infiniti cars in China, seeking to tap strong demand for luxury brands in the world’s largest auto market.
他继续鼓励他的技术人员(说实话,这些技术人员根本不需要鼓励)为 Miura 开发全系列的改版(部分源自该汽车制造商得自 Jota
[...] 的经验),从而创造出这个传奇车型的确定及绝对版本:在 1971 年日内车展上展出的 SV)。
He continued to spur on his technical staff, who - truth be told - needed no encouragement, in order to introduce a complete range of modifications for the Miura (in part derived from the carmaker's experience with the Jota), thus
creating the definitive and absolute version of this legendary model: the SV,
[...] presented at the Geneva Motor Show in 1971.
兰博基尼在 2003 年底特车展上推 出的 Murciélago Roadster 概念车在意大利跑车爱好者之间引起了热烈的反响,公司趁势在 2004 年日内车展上正 式推出其量产版跑车。
Presented as a concept car in 2003 in Detroit - where it generated significant interest among Italian supercar enthusiasts - the production version of the Murciélago Roadster makes its official debut at the Geneva Show 2004.
在首届展会大获成功的基础之上,经过近一年的精心筹备,2013中国 车展 览 会 蓄势待发。新年伊始,从主办方传来喜讯,中国汽车工业协会房车委员会(CMRV)正式确定成为2013中国 车展 览 会 的"联合主办单位",将与主办方在展商招募、观众组织、活动策划等方面展开深度合作。
At the beginning
[...] of the New Year, organizers of the trade fair announced that the Recreational Vehicle Industry Committee (CMRV) would officially become the joint organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013.
在本周中国内陆城市成都举办车展 上 , 尼桑(Tokyo: 7201)的一名高管承认钓鱼岛争端,已经被中日媒体广泛报道,这使其公司被迫抑制其在华的营销活动。
At an auto show this week in the interior city of Chengdu, a top executive at Nissan (Tokyo: 7201) acknowledged that the island spat, which has received widespread media coverage in both China and Japan, has forced his company to curb its marketing events throughout China.
明年我们还会来参 观,期待更多大型车展商的参与。
We will come here again and expect to see more participation
[...] from famous forklift exhibitors worldwide.
继去年8月以"战略合作伙伴"身份助力首届中国 车展 大 获成功之后,近日中国港中旅资产经营公司再次与2013中国 车展 览 会主办方杜塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司达成合作协议:在过往友好合作的基础之上,港中旅资产之母公司中国港中旅集团公司(CTS)将成为2013中国 车展 的 联 合主办单位,双方将进一步加强合作力度、拓宽合作内容,为打造新一届的成功展会同心协力、共谋发展。
CTS Asset Management Corporation (CTSAMC)recently reached a new cooperation agreement with Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013: Based on previous friendly cooperation, China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation (parent company of CTSAMC, hereinafter referred to as CTS) will become [...]
a joint organizer for All in CARAVANING 2013.
在2003年法兰克福国际车展上, 萨克森州首次以统一的主题 “汽车之乡萨克森”参展。
As a manufacturing location, Saxony profiles itself under the umbrella brandname “Autoland Sachsen” for the first time at the 2003 Frankfurt International Motor Show (IAA).
它是MINI大家族中首款量产的两座车型,在中国的首次亮相是在去年年底的广 车展 上。
It is the first two-seat model to come out of
the big MINI family, arriving on stage in China for the first time at the end of last year
[...] during the Guangzhou Car Show.
备受期待的2014款雪佛兰Corvette在1月14日的底特 车展 上 亮 相,配备多项传动系创新,包括新型小体积V8发动机,并选择首次为前置发动机装配七速手动变速器。
The much-anticipated 2014 Chevrolet Corvette, unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show on January 14th, features a host of driveline innovations including a new small-block V8 engine and, for the first time on a front-engined production car, the option of a seven-speed manual transmission.
为了进一步满足中国消费者对车辆安全与舒适性不断提高的需求,博世已从今年起逐步引入最新的智能化驾驶辅助技术——驾驶员辅助系统,其中包括在本 车展 上 亮 相的自适应巡航控制系统(ACC)。
To further satisfy the rising demand of Chinese consumers for driving safety and comfort, Bosch has gradually started introducing the latest intelligent driving
assistance technology – the Driver Assistance system since this year,
[...] which includes the exhibited Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
[...] Trucks)于九月份在德国汉诺威举办的IAA国 车展 上 推 出全新的FH系列,公司总裁Claes Nilsson(见图片)盛赞新款设计为“出色的长途运输卡车,拥有远超竞争对手的领先技术。
Launching the new FH series at
September’s IAA international Motor Show
[...] in Hannover, Germany, Volvo Trucks President Claes [...]
Nilsson (pictured) hailed the new
design as “an outstanding long-haul truck, with technology way ahead of its competitors.
2012年北京国车展期间 ,奔驰金融成为业界首家跻身国际 车展 的 汽 车 金 融 企业;   梅赛德斯-奔驰金融•尊享汇,作为以金融服务为主题的独立展馆,更被公认为亚 车展 史 上前所未见的创举。
In 2012, MBAFC became the first automotive finance company to participate in Beijing International Auto Show, where it presented to China and Asia the first           Mercedes-Benz Financial Pavilion, offering customers exclusive service and [...]
unique brand experience.
在2006年美国底特律北美国际车展上 , 江森自控推出了名为Mesos的电子创新 车 , 展 示 了一系列最新电子技术解决方案。
At the 2006 North American International Auto Show in
Detroit, USA, Johnson
[...] Controls introduced an Electronics Innovation Vehicle called Mesos, presenting a range of up to date [...]
solutions in electronics.
值CFCFA企业联谊论坛和工作组会议召开之际,内蒙古物流协会(IMLA)在张海峰先生的领导下,于2012年6月6日在中华人民共和国内蒙古自治区呼和浩特举办了卡车和 车展 览。
In conjunction with the CFCFA Business Networking Forum and Working Groups Meeting, the Inner Mongolia Logistics Association (IMLA), led by
Mr. Haifeng Zhang, organized an exhibition
[...] of trucks and trailers on 6 June 2012 [...]
in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China.
我公司于4月26日至29日参加了为期4天的中国国家自 车展 , 本次参展为推广我公司品牌,我们沿去年用内外销“NAYANG [...]
& CLAMBER”两个品牌一起展示,以更好的提升我们产品和品牌知名度,拓宽国内外市场,同是宣传企业文化,提高了公司的影响力。
My company in April 26th to 29 participated in a period of 4
[...] days of China Bicycle Exhibition, this exhibition [...]
is to promote my company brand,
along with our last year in export " NAYANG & CLAMBER " two brand display, in order to better improve our product and brand awareness, expand domestic and foreign markets, and promote corporate culture, enhance the company's influence.
加利西亚老将傀儡公司,这是把30年的经验,他走上了他的项目“疯狂的”好一个字的意义,并与本 车展 , 其 中迈克尔Borines小丑,安德烈和爱德华多·罗德里格斯Giráldez体现三个史前人类或狩猎,或聚集在森林食品,或者什么也不做,但让人笑到族人。
The veteran puppet Galician company, which is about to turn 30 years of
[...] experience, he embarked on his project “wildest”-in [...]
a good sense of the word, and
clown with this show, in which Michael Borines, Andres and Eduardo Rodriguez Giráldez embody three prehistoric beings or hunt or gather food in the forest, or do nothing but make people laugh to his fellow tribesmen.
这款在日内车展上首 发亮相的汽车是最后一代直列六缸发动机车型,其设计概念闪现着3500 GT和A6系列的影子,甚至可以追溯至二战前的6CM [...]
Grand Prix汽车。
[...] at the Geneva motor show, it was to be the last evolution of the straight-6 [...]
engine family, which could trace
its roots back to the 3500 GT and the A6 series before that, and even the pre-war 6CM Grand Prix car.
2009年11月10日,两年一届的世界两轮摩 车展 览 会 在世界时尚之都米兰举行,世界顶级摩托车品牌云集米兰,代表着当今世界摩托车最高水平与发展方向,也使米兰摩 车展 向 来 被世人所高度关注。
On November 10th, 2009, the world's two wheels motorcycle
exhibition held in the world’s
[...] fashion capital Milan, Harley-Davidson, BMW, Suzuki, Yamaha, etc. Such world's top brands gathered there, representing the highest level and development direction of motorcycles, meanwhile bring people’s [...]
highly concern as always.
车展的LE XUS雷克萨斯展台特别设置了油电混合动力技术展区,集中展示了包括CT200h在内的多款混合动力车型,让更多中国消费者了解完全油电混合动力这一前瞻科技,使观众亲身感受到LEXUS雷克萨斯油电混合动力技术为生活带来的改变。
The Lexus booth at the 2012
[...] Beijing International Automotive Exhibition will [...]
include a special section for hybrid technologies,
where hybrid models, including the CT200h, will be put on display, so that more Chinese consumers will get to further understand the leading-edge full hybrid technologies and experience the "changes" brought by Lexus' hybrid technology.
或许源于此,在与此次广车展同时 举办的日系汽车零部件购销展览会(JAPPE2009,日本贸易振兴机构——JETRO主办)上,丰田的广州合资公司“广汽丰田”与日产的合资公司“东风日产”分别展示了希望采购的2/3级零部件,开始招募当地供应商。
For this reason, at the Japanese Auto Parts Procurement & Promotion Exhibition 2009 (JAPPE 2009) which is held simultaneously with Auto Guangzhou and hosted by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Toyota and Nissan’s local joint ventures Guangqi Toyota and Dongfeng Nissan respectively each displayed Tier 2 and 3-type parts which they wish to procure from local suppliers.
随后捷豹于1948 年车展上推 出全新的 XK120 (发动机输出功率达到史无前例的 160 BHP),从那时起它就注定成为最出色的跑车制造商之一。
When Jaguar subsequently introduced its new XK120 at the 1948 Motor Show – with an engine output of an unprecedented 160 BHP – it was destined to become one of the greatest sports cars of all time.




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