单词 | 车主 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 车主 noun, plural —owners pl车主 —vehicle ownerExamples:前车主—previous owner (of a car for sale) 主车群—peloton (main group of riders in a bicycle race)
例如,从 Taï [...] 到吉格洛,沿路现有 5 个政府官方检查 站,每个检查站向途经车辆车主索要 1 000 至 2 000 非洲法郎。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, from Taï to Guiglo, owners of vehicles were paying CFAF 1,000 to 2,000 at each of the five [...] existing official Government checkpoints.13 The Group also directly [...] witnessed this on the road between Toumodi and Tiébissou. daccess-ods.un.org |
两者提供符合客户 需求的全面服务,包括汽车主动安全和 被动安全、环保和产品质量保证及产品 [...] 工艺。 setupineurope.com | They provide a full range of services adapted to the client’s needs, from [...] active and passive car safety, to environmental [...]protection or the quality assurance [...]of products and production process. setupineurope.com |
随着交通流量持续增大(在亚洲尤为明显),不断攀升的燃料成本意味着世界各地 的 车主 需 要 从口袋里掏出更多的钱。 wacker.com | As traffic volumes continue to swell, particularly in Asia, the rising cost of fuel means that motorists all around the world will have to dig deeper into their pockets to pay for it. wacker.com |
这些提高公共意识运动有助于提高车 主和汽车空调维修店技术人员在 HFC-134a 汽车空调系统中不使用 [...] CFC-12 并改装其 CFC12 汽车空调的意识。 multilateralfund.org | These public awareness campaigns have contributed to raising [...] awareness of vehicle owners and technicians [...]of MAC service shops not to use CFC-12 [...]in HFC-134a MAC systems and to retrofit their CFC-12 MAC systems. multilateralfund.org |
在联 科行动人权官员的干预下,两天后汽车退 还 车主。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vehicle was returned two [...] days later to its owner following the intervention [...]of UNOCI human rights officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
这位警官把货车卖给提交人和她的丈夫,使他们以为他就是这辆货车 的合法车主。 daccess-ods.un.org | The officer sold the lorry to the author and her husband, giving them to believe that he [...] was the legitimate owner of the vehicle. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Duma [...] 镇,一个武装恐怖团伙从车主 Ghassan Musa Qarduh 那里偷走一辆 [...]枣色奥迪(车牌号 002727(大马士革))。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of Duma, an armed terrorist group stole a burgundy-coloured Audi, licence plate No. 002727 [...] (Damascus), from its owner, Ghassan Musa Qarduh. daccess-ods.un.org |
当您登上邮轮后,您将发现一块“自 行 车主 题 航次”特别区域。 msccruises.com.cn | On board the ship, you’ll find a special [...] area dedicated to our bike program. msccruises.com.au |
开发计划署表示,氟氯烃淘汰管理计划调查发现,总共有 6,800 辆汽车 的空调仍在使用 CFC-12,而车主长期 以来一直将回收的各类氟氯化碳用来加注到其车 中。 multilateralfund.org | UNDP advised that the HPMP survey identified a total of [...] 6,800 vehicles still using CFC-12 in their MACs and vehicle owners have been for [...]a long time using recovered CFCs to refill their cars. multilateralfund.org |
没有一个电子系统能够代替安全驾驶,但是,侧倾稳定控制(RSC)系统能帮 助 车主 保 持 车 辆 控 制和平衡。 landrover.com | While no technology can remove the need for [...] safe driving practice, the [...] Roll Stability Control (RSC) system can help the driver to maintain vehicle control and [...]balance. landrover.com |
据报导,这位法拉利车主名叫 Joerg Daecher,现年53岁,当时他正驾驶本人的豪华法拉利回家,蓦地间,他透过车子前大灯发现路上有一只刺猬正在横穿马路,他便机灵转向,直接撞上了公路旁的护栏,豪华的法拉利很有问题受损,幸其自己和那只刺猬并不有生命伤害。 sdgxsz.com | According to the [...] report, the Ferrari owners named Joerg Daecher, [...]now 53 years old, when he was driving my luxury Ferrari [...]home, suddenly, he found the car headlights on a hedgehog is crossing the road, he was smart steering, directly into a highway guardrail, luxury Ferrari has a problem very much damaged, fortunately, the self and the hedgehog is not life-threatening injury. sdgxsz.com |
允许司机与生产商沟通很有意义,因为这可以帮 助我们了解车主是如 何使用自己的车辆,以此我们便可更好地满 [...] 足他们的需求和期待。 t-systems.cn | Allowing drivers to send information to manufacturers is useful [...] because that way we discover how they [...] actually use their cars. And we can be [...]much more responsive to their needs and expectations. t-systems.com |
与其他LEXUS雷克萨斯混合动力车型一样,CT200h特别限量 版 车主 同 样 享受6年或15万公里的免费保修及免费保养服务,不但为消费者带来更超值、更安心的拥有体验,也诠释出LEXUS雷克萨斯对油电混合动力技术的充分信心。 lexus.com.cn | Lexus also provides Chinese consumers with 6-year/150,000km free [...] maintenance and free repair warranty to [...] all its hybrid vehicles including CT200h [...]Limited Special Edition, which delivers [...]value-for-money, care-free experience to car owners and also showcases Lexus’ full confidence in its hybrid technology. lexus.com.cn |
这种传统的车辆出入管理系统给车主 并 未 带来任何方便,尤其在雨雪天气、酷热天气等气候下使 得 车主 更 为不便;IC卡车辆出入管理系统本质上是需要停车,不能实现更为先进和人性化的无障碍自动出入;很多停车场是在地下,传统的IC卡车辆出入管理系统使 得 车主 要 在 上坡的位置停车、校验和通过的,这样 对 车主 也 带 来了不便。 rfidcn.com | This traditional vehicles difference management system management system brings by no means for the vehicle owner any conveniently, in climate and so on under sleet weather, extremely hot weather causes the vehicle owner to be more inconvenient especially; The IC card vehicles difference management system management system essentially is needs to stop, cannot realize more advanced and human nature does not have the barrier automatic difference; Very many parking lots are in underground, the traditional IC card vehicles difference management system management system causes the vehicle mainly stops, the verification in uphill position and through, like this to the vehicle owner also brings has been [...] inconvenient. rfidcn.com |
在您的车间中安装了卡尔拉得的设 备后,您的客户 —— 即车主和保险公司 —— 将会 从您的工作中获得安全和满意的体验。 ebuilder.com | With Car-O-Liner equipment in your shop, your customers - the vehicle owners and insurance [...] companies - will experience safety [...]and complete satisfaction from your work. ebuilder.com |
最终地位进程中的相关事件——秘书长任命科索沃未来地位进程特使—— [...] 联络小组指导原则——协商进程的失败——特使提出科索沃地位解决方案全面 提案——“三驾马车”主持下的科索沃未来地位谈判失败——2007 [...]年 11 月 17 日举行科索沃议会选举——2008 年 2 月 17 日通过独立宣言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Relevant events in the final status process — Appointment by SecretaryGeneral of Special Envoy for the future status process for Kosovo — Guiding Principles of the Contact Group — Failure of consultative process — Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement by Special Envoy — Failure [...] of negotiations on the future status of [...] Kosovo under the auspices of the Troika [...]— Elections held for the Assembly of Kosovo [...]on 17 November 2007 — Adoption of the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
Brompton 网站的这部分内容允许车主记录 其车辆的详细资料,以便在必要时与其联络。 support.brompton.co.uk | This section of the Brompton [...] website allows owners to record the details of their bike(s), so that [...]they can be contacted if [...]the need arises, and we would encourage all new and existing owners to register. support.brompton.co.uk |
在公司研发主管兼兰博基尼赛车主管 M aurizio Reggiani 的陪同下,两人对该赛事在参赛队伍方面的显著增长、其亚洲赛事的成功举办、赛事为倾心兰博基尼品牌的嘉宾和 [...] VIP 所提供的丰富娱乐活动、以及通过传统及快速发展的社会媒体所累积的追随者一一作出了总结性概述。 lamborghini.com | Flanked by the company's Research & Development [...] Director and Head of Lamborghini Motorsport, Maurizio [...]Reggiani, the pair outlined how the [...]series has significantly expanded its grid, inaugurated a successful championship in Asia, provided a fertile environment for guest and VIP immersion in the Lamborghini brand, and had built a significant following through traditional and burgeoning social media. lamborghini.com |
这问题可以看看之前的车主是什 么人,男生还是女生,也是打工渡假的吗? 4tern.com | (You will get to know who is [...] the previous car owner, female or male, [...]working holiday maker or not) 4tern.com |
当车主实现 科迪是伦敦的朋友,他只会聘请科迪如果他将他与她的日期。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When the owner realizes Cody is [...] friends with London, he will only hire Cody if he will set him up on a date with her. en.seekcartoon.com |
2012 兰博基尼大赛盛况空前,来自美国、加拿大、墨西哥和巴西的志趣相投的兰博基 尼 车主 将 聚 首科罗拉多,在地形复杂、风光如画的赛道上飞驰。 lamborghini.com | The 2012 Giro brings together [...] like-minded Lamborghini owners from the USA, [...]Canada, Mexico and Brazil to enjoy the rugged [...]scenery and spectacular driving of Colorado. lamborghini.com |
越来越多的汽车制造商已经 宣布电动车计划或已开始生产电动车 , 主 要 用 于城市地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | A growing number of vehicle manufacturers have announced plans or have started producing [...] electric vehicles, primarily for use in urban areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
通用汽车的中国合资企业上汽集团(上海汽车工业集团)五菱汽车售出超过123万辆 汽 车 , 主 要 是 货车及卡车,当中有700,000辆为 与ZAP Jonway货运车类似的五菱之光货车。 zapworld.com | General Motors with its China JV partners SAIC (Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp) Wuling sold over 1.23 million vehicles in mostly vans and trucks, of these 700,000 were the Sunshine Van, similar to ZAP Jonway's Shuttle Van. zapworld.com |
分子量非常高的乙丙橡胶可用于制造需要具备良好密封性能的模压密封件和垫片,低门尼粘度乙丙橡胶配合低含油量的配方可用于制造需满足 汽 车主 机 厂 低温标准的制动部件。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Very high molecular weight rubber used in molded seals and gaskets needing good sealing performance, and low Mooney EPDM for low oil content formulations used for brake components to meet OEM low-temperature specifications. exxonmobilchemical.com |
此外,CT200h特别限量版还在精英版的基础上进行了配置升级,增配了智能钥匙、后挡风玻璃雨刷器、前挡风玻璃雨量感应雨刷器以及前雾灯和倒车雷达,为率性的年 轻 车主 提 供 更为人性化的无忧驾驶体验。 lexus.com.cn | In addition, CT200h Limited Special Edition builds up the package based on Elite Edition with spec-up that it newly introduces smart entry system, front fog and driving lamp [...] as well as clearance and back sonar, bring [...] unconventional young car owners a humanized and [...]worry-free driving experience. lexus.com.cn |
上海汽车博物馆外依环境优雅的汽 车主 题 公 园,内设完善舒适的配套服务设施,内外景致交融,既有可举办中小型会议的会议室多间,也有可以用来举办学术讲座的多功能会议厅,高档舒适的贵宾休息室既可供VIP用户休憩交流,也可举办各类小型研讨会。 shautomuseum.gov.cn | Shanghai Auto Museum [...] outside the car by an elegant theme park, equipped [...]with complete service facilities and comfortable, [...]inside and outside views blend, both small and medium sized meetings can be held in conference room number, but also can be used to hold multi-functional conference hall of academic lectures , high-grade comfortable lounge both open exchange for VIP users can also organize all kinds of small seminars. shautomuseum.gov.cn |
秉承“以人为尊”的品牌理念,沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)将于近期推出免费检测空调滤芯的服务,凡于10月1日至31日期间光临4S店的沃尔 沃 车主 , 均可免费检测汽车空调滤芯性能,如更换空调滤芯还可享受免除工时费的优惠待遇。 volvocars.com | She is one of the twelve young people who have won "Sweden's Most Interfering Summer Job" at some of Sweden's greatest technology companies. må, 20 jun 2011 09:00:00 http://www.volvocars.com/intl/top/corporate/pages /default.aspx?itemid=297 The quality demands of Volvo Car Corporation could not be confirmed more impressively: in the latest J.D. Power study for the German market, the Swedish manufacturer comes first in the brand ranking for 2011 - ahead of all the German premium brands and all the Japanese manufacturers, who dominated th e competition for many years. fr, 17 jun 2011 10:00:00 http://www.volvocars.com/intl/top/corporate/pages /default.aspx?itemid=296 For the tenth year, environmentally aware teenagers from different parts of the world gathered together in Göteborg for the final round of the Volvo Adventure competition. volvocars.com |