单词 | 躲难 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 躲难 —take refugeseek refuge from disasterExamples:明枪好躲,暗箭难防—lit. easy dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies 明枪易躲,暗箭难防—lit. easy dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies See also:躲 v—hide v • avoid v 躲—dodge 难—difficult (to...) • distress • not good • scold 难 n—difficulty n • disaster n • problem n 难 adj—difficult adj
加勒比地区的 12 名专家也面临着包括躲避灾难、恢复磁带和线性非积压式图象档案的有关数字、声音、胶片、广播和图象的技术问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Twelve specialists from the region were also exposed to technical aspects relating [...] to digital, audio, film, broadcast and [...] video including disaster avoidance, recovery [...]of magnetic tapes and linear uncompressed video archiving. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在某些情形中,这些挑战还导致从业 者躲 避那些难以盈 利的线路,挑选最有盈利潜力的航运线路,而把其他吸引力不 大的航运业务交给他人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some cases, these challenges lead to unprofitable routes or ―cherry-picking‖ of the most lucrative or profitable shipments, leaving the less attractive shipments to others. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,在 2007 年至 2009 年又另外开辟了 三个难民营,以收容躲避索 马里新动乱 的 难 民。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, three [...] additional camps had been opened between 2007 and 2009 to host refugees fleeing new [...]unrest in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
而在此刻,上海向犹太难民敞开了大门,使近3万犹 太 难 民 在上 海 躲 过 了 艰 难 岁 月。 shanghaibiennale.org | China, on the other hand, opened [...] its door. Over 30,000 Jewish refugees fled to Shanghai. shanghaibiennale.org |
国际海事组织 2009 年 6 月 23 日通知 [...] Msc.1/Circ.1334, 附件,第 57 段中载:“还应考虑 使用水龙,虽然在躲避的同时很难拖 曳。 daccess-ods.un.org | IMO Circular Msc.1/Circ.1334, date 23 June 2009, Annex, para. 57 states as follows: “The use of [...] water hoses should also be considered [...] though they may be difficult to train if evasive [...]manoeuvring is also taking place. daccess-ods.un.org |
迄 今为止世界躲过这种灾难纯属侥幸。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is sheer luck that the [...] world has escaped such catastrophe until now. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一局势也再次强调了紧急寻求一项解决办法 [...] 的道德和政治当务之急,以便减缓平民人口的痛苦、 创造有利于恢复利比亚可持续和平的条件,并且使区 域躲过新的磨难,这种磨难可能 使区域重新陷入动 荡,并因此产生种种后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also underscores once again the moral and political imperative to urgently seek a solution aimed at relieving the suffering of the civilian population, creating conditions conducive to the return of sustainable peace [...] in Libya, and sparing the [...] region new tribulations that could plunge it back into instability, [...]with all the resultant consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
98 欧洲委员会人权专员建议亚美尼亚确保所 有 难 民 以 及为 躲避纳 戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区的冲突而逃离家园的境内流离失所者都能得到适当 住房。 daccess-ods.un.org | CoE ECRI noted that Armenia [...] amended the Law on Refugees to provide for temporary protection.98 CoE Commissioner recommended ensuring that all refugees and internally [...]displaced persons [...]who fled their places of origin as a result of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh receive proper housing. daccess-ods.un.org |
从顶甲板通往舰桥甲板的逃生点很狭窄,又受到限制,因此 在这一区域的乘客很难躲避实弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Escape points to the bridge deck from the top deck [...] were narrow and restricted and as [...] such it was very difficult for passengers in this area to avoid being [...]hit by live rounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
截至 2011 年 6 月,收容难民的地区躲过了 最严重的骚乱。 daccess-ods.un.org | As at June 2011, [...] areas hosting the refugees had been spared the [...]worst of the unrest. daccess-ods.un.org |
這些名副其實的「廉價勞工」,就像數目難以估計 的有害蛀蟲,躲在陰 暗角落蠶食婦女的就業機會。 legco.gov.hk | These are true "cheap labourers" who are just like numerous pests nibbling away women's employment opportunity in the dark. legco.gov.hk |
由于所有这些原 [...] 因,以及害怕再次被捕并遭受酷刑,申诉人决 定 躲 藏 起 来,并拒绝服兵役。 daccess-ods.un.org | For all these reasons, and due to [...] his fear of being caught and tortured again, the [...] complainant decided to hide and refused [...]to perform his military service. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴勒斯坦平民继续遭受以色列不分青红皂白、过 [...] 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙人民无 处 躲 无 处 藏。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, F-16s, helicopters and other heavy weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert metal explosive [...] bombs, the profound human suffering continues to mount, as the [...] people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge. daccess-ods.un.org |
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例 如 难民 儿 童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, [...] especially those from marginalized [...] communities, such as refugee children and [...]children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国希望迅速解决利比亚危机,因为危机不仅对 尼日尔的安全、而且对它的经济和社会都产生影响: [...] 由利比亚出资的道路建设工程停工,21 万尼日尔移民 从利比亚回国,还有越来越多的利比 亚 难 民 为 躲 避战 争逃到尼日尔。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that there will be a rapid solution to the crisis, which would not just have a security impact on Niger, but also an economic and social impact, given the work stoppage on the road construction that was being financed by Libya, the return from [...] Libya of over 210,000 migrant Niger nationals and the arrival of increasing [...] numbers of Libyan refugees fleeing the war. daccess-ods.un.org |
该集团试图通过这一做法减轻其罪行,并将北南关系 推向战争边缘,因为天安号事件被定性为险恶的合谋事件,这使朝 鲜 难 以 躲 过国 内外的强烈公开指控和谴责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through this the group sought to play down its crime and push north-south relations to the brink of war as theCheonan case was branded as a hideous conspiratorial case, making it impossible for it to escape the bitter domestic and foreign public accusation and denunciation. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,虽然负责前战斗员 [...] 事务的国务秘书 Fodé Cassamá准将也于 4 月 28 日获 释,但必须指出,仍有若干政府官员在比绍的外交使 团馆舍内寻求避难,或躲藏在外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notwithstanding, while the Secretary of State for Former Combatants, Brigadier General Fodé Cassamá, was also released on 28 April, it is important to [...] note that several Government officials are [...] still seeking refuge in diplomatic compounds in Bissau or are still in hiding. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生活贫困的人至少能得到 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本 的 躲 避 处、住房和卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以预防疾病和物质匮乏所造成的其他有害后果,包括营 养不良、流行病和母婴死亡等。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential food that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing and sanitation, and an adequate supply of safe drinking water, so as to prevent diseases and other harmful consequences of material deprivations, including malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未 爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情 况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 [...] 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting also called on all States Parties to [...] recommit, even in difficult financial times, [...]to realising a world without anti-personnel [...]mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了在近期解决多国办事处补充人力资源方面的 困 难 , 确保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 [...] 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 [...]时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In order [...] to offset the difficulty in filling resource [...]gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that [...]staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以 很 难 制 订 由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差, 很 难 形 成 信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s [...] sensitivity on human rights, [...] have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources [...]and joint United [...]Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |