单词 | 身陷牢狱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 身陷牢狱 —go to prisonbe imprisonedSee also:身陷—be imprisoned • be trapped 牢狱—prison 牢狱 n—jail n 牢牢—safely 泱泱—grand • magnificent
可是,這數位純粹為弱勢人士和被壓迫的羣體抱不平的人,竟 然一一身陷牢獄。 legco.gov.hk | But all of these people who stand up and fight for the rights of the disadvantaged are jailed. legco.gov.hk |
趙連海為了要和因飲用有毒的三鹿牌奶粉的兒童及其父母一起爭 取公義,亦身陷牢獄。 legco.gov.hk | ZHAO Lianhai is also jailed because he wants to fight for justice with the parents of children who drank the contaminated Sanlu formula milk. legco.gov.hk |
另一系列原因涉及牢狱释放,释放时人无法找到长期工作,也无法支 付住所费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another chain of causes is related [...] to release from prison when a person is [...]unable to find permanent employment and pay for dwelling. daccess-ods.un.org |
对Tom Rucker来说,曼德拉注视着监狱窗外陷 入 沉 思的面容体现了这位南非政治家伟大的精神力量,而这正是Rucker希望在这座 半 身 雕 像 中再现的力量:曼德拉希望不同种族之间和谐共处,而他这一生的痛苦遭遇令他做出的这种努力显得更加深刻可信。 wacker.com | For Tom Rucker, Mandela's thoughtful gaze out of the cell window epitomized the greatness of the South African statesman and what he intended to reproduce [...] in the bust: Mandela's vision of reconciliation [...]between racial groups, a reconciliation made credible by virtue of his own lifetime of suffering. wacker.com |
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 [...] 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放 人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, [...] 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled [...] people, elderly people, families with many children, [...] persons released from prison and persons under [...]probation supervision, [...]homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们呼吁重申保护所有身陷武装 冲突和外国占 领下的无辜平民,包括在我们发言时每时每刻在死亡 [...] 的加沙平民的决心。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call for renewed determination to provide protection to all innocent [...] civilians caught in armed conflicts [...]and under foreign occupation, including those [...]we see dying by the minute in Gaza as we speak. daccess-ods.un.org |
就個人而言,劉曉波二十多年來為中國民主自由作出和平、理性、 非暴力的抗爭,以致他多次身陷牢獄 , 至今尚為《零八憲章》運動而 服刑。 legco.gov.hk | In the personal sense, for the past 20-odd years, LIU Xiaobo has been staging peaceful, rational and non-violent fights for democracy and freedom in China. legco.gov.hk |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室还 为这些监狱的女子牢房作 了投入,以确保女性囚犯及其携带的幼儿与男性囚犯 一样享受到更好的条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC has also invested in [...] the female wards of each of those prisons to ensure that [...]female detainees and their accompanying [...]infants are afforded improvements equivalent to those enjoyed by their male counterparts. daccess-ods.un.org |
二十多年來, [...] 劉曉波“依仁蹈義,捨生不渝”,多次因為文字獄 而 身陷 政 治 黑 牢 ,被國家機器的持續打壓仍不改其風骨氣節,拒絕出國,堅持在內地和平 [...]抗爭。 legco.gov.hk | Although being held time and again in political prison for the articles he wrote, and being [...] persistently oppressed by the state [...] machinery, LIU Xiaobo has never lost his upright charater [...]and integrity; he refuses to leave [...]the country and chooses to continue his fight in Mainland China through peaceful means. legco.gov.hk |
其中三个监狱非常出名:巴格拉姆空军基地的秘密监狱,据称别名 “飞机库”228 ,以及喀布尔附近的两个秘密监狱, 别 名“ 黑 牢 ” 和 “盐坑”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three of these are well-known: a secret prison at Bagram airbase, [...] reportedly identified as “the Hangar;”228 and two [...] secret prisons near Kabul, known as the “dark prison” and the “salt pit”. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧盟/禁毒办的短期方案假定将会使用 Ukonga 监狱,并在此基础上设想翻 修和改造牢房,培训监狱工作 人员,提供必要设备、包括医疗用品和文娱设施, [...] 提供囚犯衣物材料,购置盘子、杯子、上饭菜的用具、卧具、毯子和床垫,提供 监狱管理和将囚犯从监狱运往法院的车辆,并提供无线电通信设备以人道监禁用 具。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on the assumption that Ukonga Prison would be used, the short-term European Union/UNODC programme [...] envisages refurbishment and [...] rehabilitation of prison cells, training of prison staff, provision [...]of essential equipment, including [...]medical supplies and recreational resources, provision of material for prisoner clothing, purchase of plates, cups, serving utensils, bedding, blankets and mattresses, provision of vehicles for prison management and transport of inmates from prison to court and provision of radio communications equipment and humane restraints. daccess-ods.un.org |
采取措施,彻底改善监狱条件,如牢 房 过 度拥挤、卫生条件恶劣 和保健设施严重不足( 奥地利) daccess-ods.un.org | Take measures to [...] significantly improve prison conditions such as [...]overcrowding, substandard sanitation and poor health facilities (Austria) daccess-ods.un.org |
同国际劳工组织( 劳工组织) 一起,高专办还制作了关于监狱劳动的国际法 [...] 介绍说明,包括了人权、劳动和贸易法,并提醒狱政署和更多的政府方面注意发 展监狱工业的陷阱。 daccess-ods.un.org | In collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), OHCHR also produced a briefing note on international law governing prison labour, including human rights, labour and [...] trade law, and brought to the attention of GDP and the wider Government several [...] pitfalls in developing prison industries. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,若有㆟因為財富問題而 無能力聘請律師協助,便 應給與協助,尤其是涉及刑事法律問題,因為罪名㆒旦成立, 輕則罰款,重則身陷牢獄, 甚至面對死刑,還可能使個㆟聲譽、前途毀於㆒旦。 legco.gov.hk | This is particularly so when it comes to be provided with legal aid services. This is particularly so when it comes to criminal cases, where, if convicted, a person will be fined for a light offence or criminal cases, where, if convicted, a person will be fined for a light offence or criminal cases, where, if convicted, a person will be fined for a light offence or criminal cases, where, if convicted, a person will be fined for a light offence or imprisoned for a serious offence, [...] where he may even be [...] sentenced to death, or his imprisoned for a serious offence, where he may even be sentenced to death, or his imprisoned for [...]a serious offence, [...]where he may even be sentenced to death, or his imprisoned for a serious offence, where he may even be sentenced to death, or his reputation and his future may be ruined. legco.gov.hk |
然而,修建 监狱本身不是 ,也不应被视为解决目前人满为患的唯一办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, prison building alone will not [...] constitute, and should not be seen as, the sole solution to the current overcrowding. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会希望对这些事件表示关切,它们清楚表 明缔约国的监狱系统存在缺陷,而 且墨西哥州迫切需要尽快处理小组委员会在此 提出的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee wishes to register its concern [...] about these incidents, which [...] clearly show the shortcomings of the prison system in the State [...]party and point up the urgent [...]need for the Mexican State to address the recommendations made here by the Subcommittee and to do so as soon as possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当告知媒体和公众有关导致女性 身陷 刑 事 司法系统禁锢的原因, 以及对此做出响应的最有效方式,以便让女性重新融入社会,其中应考虑到 [...] 她们子女的最佳利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The media and the public shall be [...] informed about the reasons that lead to [...] women’s entrapment in the criminal justice [...]system and the most effective ways to respond [...]to it, in order to enable women’s social reintegration, taking into account the best interests of their children. daccess-ods.un.org |
麻雀耍樂是㆒種非常普遍的社交活動(雖然我 不鼓勵賭博),但我不希望見到市民無辜 ㆞ 身陷 法 網。 legco.gov.hk | Given that mahjong playing is a very common social activity, although I do [...] not encourage gambling, still I do not want to see members of the public getting on the [...] wrong side of the law innocently. legco.gov.hk |
委员会还关切的是,规范狱中搜身频 率 和方法的 程序由狱方自己决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is further concerned that the [...] procedure regulating the frequency and [...] methods of searches in prisons and detention centres [...]is determined by the prison authorities themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
在将近三十年的 牢狱生活 中,他成为抵制作为南非种族隔离制度特征 的种族主义、不宽容和不公正的统一象征。 daccess-ods.un.org | During his almost [...] three decades in prison he became a unifying [...]symbol of resistance to the racism, intolerance and injustice [...]that characterized South Africa’s apartheid regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
24 安全的监禁条件,特别是对需要特殊支助的老年人的监禁条件需 要完全不同的考量,例如冬天提供额外的衣物、 监 狱 和 牢 房 中 的无障碍安排、特 别防止他们在监狱里受到暴力和勒索,以及适合其年龄的教育和职业机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The growing population of older persons in prisons poses a new set of challenges, virtually unexplored by treaty monitoring mechanisms to date.24 Safe conditions of confinement, in particular for those older people in need of special support, demands entirely different considerations, such as extra clothing in the winter, mobility arrangements within facilities and cells, special protection against violence and extortion within prison structure, and age-appropriate educational and vocational opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中大部分牢房缺少采光和通 [...] 风,还有一些牢房则异常闷热,特别是在圣佩德罗苏拉市 监 狱 的 部 分 牢 房 里 ,有 时会达到 35°C 以上的高温。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the wings did not have natural light or proper ventilation and some [...] wings were extremely hot, particularly [...] in San Pedro Sula Prison, where the temperature [...]sometimes rose above 35 degrees. daccess-ods.un.org |
关切人数众多而且还在不断增多的移徙者,尤其是妇女和儿童,他们试图在 没有所需旅行证件情况下跨越国际边界 , 身陷 极 易 受害的境地,并确认国家有义 务尊重这些移徙者的人权 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned at the large and growing number of migrants, especially women and children, who attempt to cross international borders without the required travel documents, which places them in a particularly vulnerable situation, and recognizing the obligation of States to respect the human rights of those migrants daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 监狱当局应对牢房和 床铺的分配进行管控,尊重囚犯享受有尊严待遇 的权利,确保每一名囚犯都能有一个可以安心睡觉的地方、获得足够的食物、参 [...] 加娱乐活动,以及享受卫生服务等待遇,并且不得为此强迫犯人支付费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Ensuring that the prison authorities are [...] responsible for the assignment of cells and beds, so that all inmates have [...]a decent place to sleep, sufficient food, recreation, sanitary facilities and other amenities that safeguard the right to decent treatment, without having to pay for them. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据上 述情况及防范产生的益处,小组委员会建议对存在极度拥挤情况的瓦哈卡州 Santa María Ixcotel 监狱的第 19 号牢房及 其他类似监区的囚犯状况立即进行审 查。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of the foregoing and in the interests of prevention, the Subcommittee recommends an [...] immediate review of the [...] condition of prisoners in cell block No. 19 and other similar areas at the Santa María Ixcotel Prison in Oaxaca, [...]where there is a situation of extreme overcrowding. daccess-ods.un.org |