

单词 身经百战

External sources (not reviewed)

根据资料显示,2006年国际华商五百强当中,既 身经百战 的 商场老将,也有异军突起的青年才俊,五百强企业的总市值已经达到8,979亿美元,而大部分华商企业分布在亚洲,这是任何一个国家都不能忽视的经济力量。
The value of these 500  Chinese enterprises has already reached US$897.9 billion, with the majority originating from Asia.
结果,联刚稳定团通过联合国开发计划署(开发 署 ) 经 办 的 一个方案开 始遣散数百计的战斗人员,直至 2010 年底资金用尽。
As a result, MONUSCO began demobilizing hundreds of combatants through a programme run by the [...]
United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) until funds were depleted late in 2010.
虽然外籍人口的存在协助了马尔代夫 经 济 发 展,但是他们的存在也为本 地居民和外籍人士身造成了挑战。
While the presence of the expatriate
population had assisted
[...] Maldives in its economic progress, their presence has created challenges as well, both for the locals and the expatriates themselves.
了解了敌人—癌症,了解了自己身 体 疾 病讯号及生活方式,了解癌症科技的发展和治疗,知己知 百战百 胜。
Know your enemy—Cancer; know
[...] your own body mechanism and lifestyle; familiarize yourself with the new cancer treatment techniques; Know yourself know your enemy to be ever victorious.
如秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团的特别报告(S/2009/299)所述, 2009 年 4 月 26 日至 5 月 6 日访问该国的技术评估团指出,尽管许多主要领域 取得了进展,但起点极低——该经过 14 年战后百废待 兴,基础设施支离破 碎,全国三分之一人口流离失所,公共部门也完全崩溃——有争议的问题和政治 暗流众多,如果没有联利特派团的制止,这些问题都会迅速发展成为主要的破坏 稳定因素。
As the Secretary-General indicated in his special report on the United Nations Mission in Liberia (S/2009/299), the technical assessment mission that visited the country from 26 April to 6 May 2009 noted that, although progress had been made in many key areas, notwithstanding an extremely low starting point — that of a completely failed State after 14 years of civil war, with an infrastructure in ruins, a third of the population displaced and a completely collapsed public sector — there were many contentious issues and political undercurrents that, without the deterrence provided by UNMIL, could rapidly develop into major destabilizing factors.
在过去的几十年,地雷战争遗 留爆炸物 造成百人身亡和 数千人受伤,严重阻碍为发展之 目的开发自然资源。
Over the past few decades, mines and the
[...] explosive remnants of war had caused hundreds of fatalities and thousands [...]
of injuries and severely
impeded the exploitation of natural resources for development.
最不发达国家有权利和责任来制定和执行本国协调一致 经济 与发展的政策战略,并确定身的 国 家优先事项,包括实现资源在经济和社会 部门之间的平衡分配。
Least developed countries have the right and responsibility to
formulate and execute
[...] their own coherent economic and development policies and strategies and identify their [...]
own national priorities,
including striking a balance in the allocation of resources between economic and social sectors.
不仅政府和联合国没有周全计划如 何在战行动 中保护平民,而且政府军 身 也 使 劲欺 百 姓。
Not only have the Government and the United
Nations failed to plan effectively
[...] for civilian protection in their operations, but the Government forces have themselves
人口结构演变、全球化、技术变革以及需要迈向高效绿色生态经济要求在今后几 年制订一项雄心勃勃的就业战略,这 战 略 本 身 则 有 赖于整个宏 经 济 和 可持续 发展投资环境的获得改善。
Demographic trends, globalization, technological advances and the need to move towards a green, eco-efficient economy all call for an ambitious employment strategy over the coming years, which will depend on an improvement of the overall macroeconomic environment and investment in sustainable development.
这张专辑的成功为乐队带来了巨大的影响力,之后乐队 百 万 美元 的 身 价 于 著名公司Warner Bros签约,战美国市场。
The album became the band’s greatest success, and also gave the band a million dollar contract with Warner Bros.
远东集团面对此一趋势也迅速采取行动,包括以远纺工业(上海)为核心之纺织化纤产业已结合上海、苏州、无锡等地之资源完成上下游一条龙垂直整合之布局,在水泥事业方面则以江西亚东、武汉亚东为出发点,建构以长江中上游为基地,长江各分支流域为发展腹地之”T”字 战 略 队型 , 百 货 零售事业则以SOGO百货在大陆之基础结合远 百 货 近40 年 百 货 零 售事业 经 营 KN OW-HOW,以双品牌策略积极产开布局。
V has completed the up- and downstream vertical integration of its assets in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Wuxi; Far Eastern's Cement and Building Material Business has used Yadong Cement Ltd. in Jiangxi and Ya Dong Cement Co. in Wuhan to build a base along the middle and upper Yangtze River and embark on a T-shaped development campaign throughout the hinterland delineated
by the Yangtze's
[...] tributaries; Far Eastern's Retailing Business has relied on Pacific SOGO Department Store's solid base in China and the Far Eastern Department Store's close to 40 years of retailing know-how to actively advance a dual-brand [...]
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其身委任 (或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁百分之 五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each
resolution except that
[...] concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity [...]
share capital of
such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
经假的火星听起来主角, 旅行不是足够月亮, 这现在到达是431 百万公里是战对common-sense 的彗星。
Already the false Mars sounding leads, trip are not enough the Moon, now this to reach a comet that is the 431 MILLION KILOMETERS is a challenge to common-sense.
民盟好 几次被禁止使用他们偏爱的公共场所(比如足球 场)进行公众集会;有的巩发党候选人据称做出了
[...] 当选后修建道路或学校的不当承诺;选民名单也错百出,比如经身故的 人的名字出现在名单中, 一些选民的名字被漏掉了,一些选民的名字出现了 [...]
The NLD was on several occasions denied the use of its preferred public venues, such as football stadiums, for holding rallies; some USDP candidates were alleged to have made improper promises that they would build roads or schools if elected;
and many errors were found in voter
[...] rolls, such as the inclusion of people who had died, [...]
failure to include some voters and
inclusion of some people more than once.57 None of these appeared to indicate widespread foul play.
来自安联、人保资产管理、人保健康、慕尼黑再保险公司、埃森哲、欧华律师事务所、IBM、统一通计 百 汇 医 疗集团、WPMI、Duff & Phelps、Vanbreda International、GMC、纽约人寿国际、Generali Life、Crawford及国际SOS的高层管理人员,亦分享了其 战经 验 和 个案,并对国际及中国保险业的现况和未来趋势作深度透视。
Top executives from Allianz, PICC Asset Management, PICC Health, Munich
Reinsurance, Accenture, DLA
[...] Piper, IBM, Avaya, ParkwayHealth, WPMI, Duff & Phelps, Vanbreda International, GMC, New York Life International, Generali Life, Crawford and International SOS shared their real-life experiences and cases with insight [...]
into the current
situation and future trend of international and Chinese insurance industry.
已 为国际减少灾战略关于“百万安全学校与医院”的活动提供了支持。
Support was given to the ISDR campaign “One Million Safe Schools and Hospitals”.
这些话提醒我们,今天,我们必须立即以 我们的全部力量采取行动,不然就为时过晚,那场可战争中千百万人 的遭遇就是一个教训。
These words remind us today to act
immediately and with all our might, lest it be too late, as it
[...] was for tens of millions of people in that dreadful war.
在新的一年开始之时,让我们在此再次作出承诺,决 不让世界任何地方百姓再为战争付出沉重的代价。
Here, at the beginning of a new year, let us renew our conviction that no
[...] civilian anywhere should bear the costs of war.
许多会员国的行政机构往 往不足,工作人员的负担也过重,它们由于这一 战 自 身 存 在 的弱点,恐怕会在困难面前怯 步。
It may be feared that many Member States, whose administrative structures are often inappropriate and staff overworked, will shrink from the difficulty, since the stakes are low.
越南就其身而言 , 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分经验, 以在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement
effectively the
[...] universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights [...]
in Viet Nam and the world.
(a) 发展中国家将率先整合对冲击的复原力以及 身 的 政策 和 战 略 中 灾害 管理措施。
(a) Developing countries will lead in integrating resilience to shocks and measures for disaster
[...] management within their own policies and strategies.
为其国战斗的事实身足以 使其免受这一风险。
The mere fact of fighting for their country would shield them from such a risk.
此外,威胁、战和改革问题高级别小组的报告(A/59/565)以及秘书长题 为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪 战争 罪 、族裔清洗和危害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level
[...] Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic [...]
cleansing and crimes
against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
9 月初百慕大还当经合组 织负责审查税务信息 交流协议执行情况的税务目的透明度和信息交流全球论坛副主席。
In early September, Bermuda was also elected vice-chair of the OECD Global Forum [...]
on Transparency and Exchange of Information
for Tax Purposes, which is charged with reviewing implementation of tax information exchange agreements.
[...] 请他们把遭受核武器的使用所造成的悲惨后果的 身经 历 告 知世人和子孙后代。
Japan has started to appoint Hibakusha, atomic bombs survivors, as “Special Communicators for a World without
Nuclear Weapons” to ask them to pass on
[...] their first-hand experience of the tragic [...]
consequences of the use of nuclear weapons
to the world and to future generations.
一 本关于传统比赛和体育运动百科 全书 已 经 完 成 ,教科文组织支持体育教育的工组计划草案 亦已制定。
A world encyclopedia on traditional games and sports has been finalized and a draft strategy for UNESCO’s work in support of physical education has been elaborated.
他们的住房由族长在1914年(安迪·沃霍尔的父亲同年从斯洛伐克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来做生意的门面, 经 改 装 成 百 货 店 和肉铺;二楼有两间卧室。
Built by the family patriarch in 1914 (the same year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home had a ground floor that doubled as the family business, once a grocery store and butcher shop, and an upper level two-bedroom home.




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