

单词 身心健康

See also:

身心 adj

mental adj
psychological adj


mental and physical
body and mind

健身 n

fitness n
gym n
wellness n
gyms pl

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年是乌兹别克斯坦下一代和谐发展年;在培 身心健康 的 青 年一代和帮 助男女青年在社会中找到自身适当位置方面,妇女将进一步发挥其作用。
The year 2010 has been proclaimed in Uzbekistan as the Year of the Harmoniously Developed Generation, which will further
strengthen the role of women in raising a
[...] generation of physically healthy and spiritually [...]
mature young people and helping boys
and girls take up their proper place in society.
推 廣「體育普及化」,是要鼓勵所有人士,不論老幼,都積 極參與體育運動,追身心健康,並建立正面的社區精 神。
Promoting “Sports for All” is to encourage people of all age groups to
participate actively in sports in quest of
[...] sound physical and psychological health as well as positive [...]
community spirit.
其中明确规定了以下权利和自由:生命权 身心健康 权 、 个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家庭隐私权、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 [...]
言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止
强迫劳动、罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 童与青年受保护权、残疾人受保护权、请愿权、遭受公共部门侵害者的权利。
The following rights and freedoms are
expressly provided for: right to life,
[...] right to physical and mental integrity, individual [...]
freedom, right to defense, freedom
of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
[...] 响了当地儿童,使他们常常亲历和遭受暴力侵害、 得不到受教育机会以身心健康急剧 恶化。
Israel’s blockade was having a grave impact on children, who were frequently exposed to, and were victims of,
violence, lacked opportunities and access to education and experienced rapidly
[...] deteriorating physical and mental health.
現 時 大部分 僱 員 在 其 工作時間內 均 沒有休 息時段,部 分甚至沒有用膳
時 段 , 而 僱 主 要 求 僱 員 在 休 息 日 工作的 情
[...] 況 亦 日 趨 普遍, 此舉不僅 損 害 僱 員身 心 健 康、增加 發生意外和患 職 業 病 的 機 會,同 [...]
時亦減低 工 作 效 率 ;為此, 本 會 促 請 政 府
立法規定僱 主 須讓僱 員 在工作時間內享 有 合理的休 息和用膳 時間, 並 檢 討 現 行 勞 工 法例,以 確 保 僱 員 享 有 休 息 日的權 利 。
That, as most employees currently do not have rest breaks — some even have no meal breaks, during their working hours, and it has become increasingly prevalent for employers to require their employees
to work on rest days, which
[...] harms employees' mental and physical health, increases the [...]
occurrence of accidents and the
contracting of occupational diseases, and also reduces work efficiency, this Council urges the Government to stipulate by legislation that employers should provide their employees with reasonable rest and meal breaks during working hours, as well as to review the existing labour laws with a view to ensuring that employees enjoy the right to have rest days.
[...] 义,可为妇女提供必要知识、生产力、学习能力、技能、道德价值观和理解 力,使其能终生学习、获得就业、增 身心健康 , 包 括预防和控制孕产死亡、 艾滋病毒和艾滋病及其它传染性和非传染性疾病,以及充分参与社会、经济 [...]
The Commission notes that quality education and full and equal access and participation in science and technology for women of all ages are imperative for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women, and an economic necessity, and that they provide women with the knowledge, capacity, aptitudes, skills, ethical values
and understanding necessary for lifelong learning, employment,
[...] better physical and mental health, including the [...]
prevention and control
of maternal mortality, HIV and AIDS and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as for full participation in social, economic and political development.
这并不意味着澳大利亚的医生不重视您 身心健康。
This doesn't mean that Australian doctors
[...] don't think your health and wellbeing [...]
is important.
儿童的经济和社会福祉、消除贫穷、受教育权利、享有能达到的最高标 身心健 康的权利以及食物权
Economic and social well-being of children, eradication of poverty,
right to education, right to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard
[...] of physical and mental health and right to food
关于报告建议 29,加拿大人口与发展行动要求土库曼斯坦 政 府 审 查 对 传 染 病 的 官 方政策 ,以便 对该国的状况作客
[...] 观的评 价 ,制定政策切实 保 障 所有土库曼人 达 到 最身心 健 康 的权利。
With reference to recommendation 29 of the report, ACPD, called on the Turkmen Government to review the official policy on infectious diseases and allow for an objective assessment of the country’s situation, with the view
of designing policies that will effectively guarantee the right of all Turkmen
[...] to the highest attainable level of health.
[...] 制定政策、计划和创新战略,涵盖了素质教育权、 贩卖儿童、青少年身心健康、受 战争或武装冲突 影响的儿童等领域。
The Commission had been given the mandate to develop policies, programmes and innovative strategies, covering the right to quality
education, trafficking in children,
[...] adolescent physical and mental health, and children affected [...]
by war or armed conflict.
在长期照料方面,不论是机构还是家庭照料,均显示大量重要的人权问 题,老年人在实现其自由和人身安全权、隐私权、行动自由权、言论自由权、免
[...] 遭酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇的权利、人格完整权、适足生活水 准权和可达到的最高水准身心健康 权 方 面面临的挑战很常见,但是没有得到适 当的应对。
Particular challenges for the realization by older persons of the right to liberty and security of person, the right to privacy, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to personal integrity, the right to an adequate standard of living and the
right to the highest attainable standard
[...] of physical and mental health, among others, [...]
are common but have often not been adequately regulated.
[...] 返回中国的决定其本身即构成了单独违反《公约》第二十四条的行为,不论遣返 决定是否会损害该未成年人 身心健康。
Under the particular circumstances of the case, the decision by the Netherlands to return X.H.L. to China constituted in itself a violation of article
24 of the Covenant, independently of whether or not the decision could do
[...] harm to the minor’s psychological well-being.
对人的关爱可见《宪法》第 34 条,其中保障了公民的健康保护权,并规
[...] 定国家有义务采取措施,确保公共健康,构建医疗护理与社会保障体系,以及采 取其他措施,保护公民身心健康。
The care for the human being is reflected by the provisions of Article 34 of the Constitution that guarantees the right to the protection of health and the obligation of the State to take measures to ensure public health, to organize a medical care and
social security system as well as to take other measures in order to
[...] protect the physical and mental health of the person.
(b) 确保儿童能够获得各种国内和国际来源的信息和资料,特别是旨在促 进其社会、精神和道德福祉 身心健康 的 信 息和资料。
(b) Ensure that children have access to information and material from a diversity of national and international sources,
especially those aimed at the promotion of their social, spiritual and moral
[...] well-being and physical and mental health.
也在同一次会议上,食物权问题特别报告员奥利维尔·德舒特介绍了人 人有权享 有最身心 健 康 问题特别报告员、与负责儿童与 武 装冲突 问题的秘书长 特别代表、暴力侵害妇女、 [...]
其原因及后果问题特别报告员、负责国内流离失所者 人权问题的秘书长代表、关于适足生
活水准权所含适足住房问题及在此 方 面 不 受 歧视问题特别报告员、食 物 权问题特别报告员、法 外处决、即 决处决或 任意处决 问题特别报告员、教育权问题特别报告员以及人权与赤 贫 问题独立专 家 应 理事会 S-9/1 号决议的要求编写的联合报告(A/HRC/10/22)。
Also at the same meeting, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, introduced the combined report of the
Special Rapporteur on the
[...] right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of [...]
physical and mental health,
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for children and armed conflict, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, the Representative of the SecretaryGeneral on the human rights of internally displaced persons, the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to nondiscrimination in this context, the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, arbitrary or summary executions, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, and the Independent Expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, as requested by Council resolution S-9/1 (A/HRC/10/22).
我们高兴 地听到,近东救济工程处将重建夏令营,继续执行其 夏季方案,因为这对加沙公民 身心健康 是 重 要的。
We are glad to hear that UNRWA will rebuild the camps to
continue with its summer programmes, which are important
[...] for the physical and psychological wellbeing of Gaza’s citizens.
b. 认识到没有从制度上预防孕产妇死亡,就是没有尊重和保护妇女的生命
[...] 权;重申认识到孕产妇死亡率和发病率的原因还包括侵犯其他人权,其中包括享 有能达到的最高标身心健康和完 整性的权利以及平等、无歧视地获得基本保健 的权利;呼吁人权理事会在 [...]
2009 年年底之前讨论与这一根本人权问题有关的义
务;c. 明确确认应通过以下等方式消除工业化国家和发展中国家之间以及各
b. A recognition that systemic failure to prevent maternal deaths constitutes a failure to respect and protect women’s right to life; a reiteration of the understanding that the causes of maternal mortality and morbidity also involve violations of other human rights, including the
right to the highest attainable
[...] standard of physical and mental health and integrity as [...]
well as the right to equality and
non-discrimination in access to basic health care; and a call to the Human Rights Council to discuss the obligations related to this essential human rights issue before the end of 2009
家长可以及时了解子女的进步 身心健康 状 况
Parents have open access to information regarding their child’s progress and well-being.
必须尽最大的努力来强调使用兴奋剂所带来的危害,它不仅有害健康而且有悖体 育道德,一定要尽最大的努力来保护运动员 身心健康 , 保护公平竞赛和竞争的美 德、体育界的廉洁以及人们参与各级体育运动的权利”(教科文组织,1978 [...]
“No effort must be spared to highlight the harmful affects of doping, which is both injurious to health and contrary
to the sporting ethic, or to protect
[...] the physical and mental health of athletes, the [...]
virtues of fair play and competition,
the integrity of the sporting community and the rights of people participating in it at any level whatsoever” (UNESCO, 1978).
委员会欢迎缔约国批准了《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》,《消除 一切形式歧视妇女公约任择议定书》和向所有专题特别程序所作的长期有效邀 请,对此尤其注意到2009
[...] 年土著人民人权和基本自由情况特别报告员以及人人 有权享有最身心健康问题特别报告员对该国的访问。
The Committee welcomes the ratification by the State party of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and the standing invitation extended to all thematic special procedures, noting, in particular, the visits in 2009 of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people and the
Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable
[...] standard of physical and mental health.
[...] 外,以色列还一再违反其根据《公民及政治权利国 际公约》做出的承诺,尤其是关于言论自由、集会 自由、食物权身心健康权的承诺。
They were compounded by recurring Israeli violations of its commitments under the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, particularly
in relation to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to food
[...] and the right to mental and physical health.
我們獨家專有的特殊配方包含葫蘆芭、柑桔類果皮萃取、綠茶萃取和的茶胺酸,提供我們渴望 身心健康。
Our unique and exclusive botanical ingredient blend of Eurycoma longifolia, citrus peel extract, green tea extract, and
pharmaceutical-grade L-Theanine helps to provide the much-needed
[...] balance our bodies need and the feelings of wellbeing we crave.
保护工身心健康和安 全的主要法律是《职业健康和安全法》与《化学制 品法》(分别于 1999 年和 1998 年生效),《在封闭的环境中利用转基因微生物 法》(2002 年)和《放射法》(2004 年)及其执行法规。
The main laws for
[...] protecting the physical and mental health and safety of workers are the Occupational Health and Safety [...]
Act and the Chemicals
Act (entering into effect in 1999 and 1998, respectively), the Use in Closed Environment of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms Act (2002) and the Radiation Act (2004) and their implementing legislation.
[...] 境外敌对活动的儿童,包括难民和寻求庇护的儿童,还缺乏资料说明采取了哪些 措施帮助他们恢身心健康并融 入社会。
However, the Committee regrets the lack of information on measures taken to identify children, including refugee and asylum-seeking children, who may have been recruited or used in hostilities
abroad, as well as information on measures taken for
[...] their physical and psychological recovery and social [...]
保柏(亞洲)有限公司董事總經理馬明安醫學博士表示:「我們首創保柏『港人健康指數』,目的是希望喚起港人 身心健康 的 關注,更重要的是藉著推廣此健康指數,推動更多香港人積極建立一個終生實踐的健康生活方式。
Dr Daimen Marmion, Managing Director of BUPA (Asia) Limited, said: "BUPA Hong Kong Health Index [...]
is custom-made to raise the concern for both physical and mental health.
人权高专办经济、社会和文化权利科科长代表享有能达到的最高标 身心 健康的权 利问题特别报告员介绍了他的有关老年人健康权问题专题研究中的发 现。
The Chief, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Section, OHCHR, speaking on behalf of the Special Rapporteur on the
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard
[...] of physical and mental health, offered observations [...]
from his thematic study on
the right to health of older persons.




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