

单词 身处



put oneself in sb else's shoes



使身处他境 v

transport v

External sources (not reviewed)

我们的身处地为 用户着想的设计理念使我们的产品达到了极高的易用性,只需轻点鼠标+简单录入即可完成商城管理。
We put ourselves in the design concept for the sake of users, so that our products meet a high ease of use, simple click of the mouse input to complete the mall management.
当代身 处特殊 的历史地位,能够在出现重大变化的时候有 所作为。
The current generation was in the unique position of being capable of making a difference at a time when change was crucial.
[...] 话题的敏感性和潜在风险,大部分受访者,尤其身处缅甸的相关人士,均要求匿名。
Most of those interviewed asked to remain
anonymous, due to the sensitive nature of the subject and because of potential risks,
[...] particularly to those based in Myanmar.
关于在国外实施的其他罪行,《刑法典》第 9 条规定,巴拉圭刑法只适用于符合 两国共认罪行之规定的情况,且须满足以下条件,即行为人在犯罪时(a) 拥有巴 拉圭国籍或在犯罪后获得国籍;或(b) 不是巴拉圭国民但身处巴拉 圭境内且引 渡已被拒绝,尽管根据犯罪性质本可依法允许;这一规定也应适用于犯罪地没有 规定惩罚的情况。
Concerning other offences committed abroad, under article 9 of the Criminal Code, Paraguayan criminal law shall apply only when the dual criminality requirement is met and if at the time of commission, the perpetrator (a) held Paraguayan nationality or acquired it after the offence was committed; or (b) was not a Paraguayan national but was present in Paraguay and extradition had been refused even though the nature of the offence would have made it legally permissible; this provision shall also apply where there is no provision for punishment in the place of commission.
[...] 国领土之外实施的海盗行为,如果犯罪人为丹麦公民、丹麦居民 身处 丹 麦 ,即 可行使第 8 B 条规定的管辖权。
Jurisdiction may be exercised for acts of piracy committed outside the
territory of the Danish State under section 8 B if the perpetrator is a Danish citizen, a
[...] Danish resident or present in Denmark.
但会议指出,实际上,这并不阻止 官员(由于时间身处原地的因素)通知行使管辖权的国家说他享有豁免权,这种 通知可以启动一个程序,行使豁免权的国家将该官员的处境通知给官员的所属 国。
It was however suggested that in practice this did not preclude the official — because of the element of time and being present — from notifying the State exercising jurisdiction that he enjoyed immunity; such notification could then trigger the process by which the State exercising jurisdiction informed the State of the official about the situation of the official.
身处这些 情形中的平民不是 一种选择,而是一项依照国际人道主义法、人权法 乃至传统法所必须履行的义务。
The protection of civilians in those circumstances is not a choice but an obligation under international humanitarian law, human rights law and even traditional law.
该《法 案》确定了酷刑的定义,并增设了与公职人员施行酷刑的行为、或与无论其国籍 为何也无论身处境内 或境外的其他人员在公职人员唆使或同意或默许下施行酷 刑的行为相关的若干项罪行。
The Act provides for a definition of torture and creates offences relating to an act of torture by a public official or other person acting at the instigation of, or with the consent or acquiescence of, a public official, regardless of nationality, within or outside the State.
这两道“绿色”外墙与室外绿化相互影映,将突显建 身处 公 园 中的特点。
The “green” walls will resonate with the greenery outside, relating the building to the park.
其中的首要目标是维护本国、本国公民以 身处 本国 境内的其他人防范上述威胁;在上述威胁日益加剧的情况下,加强国家保障 个人人身和公共安全的职能;运用国际标准切断支助恐怖主义活动的资金链,并 创建一个绝不容忍任何恐怖主义或极端主义形式或表现的氛围。
Among these, priority has been given to defending the country, its citizens and others located in its territory against these threats, to strengthening the role of the State in guaranteeing individual security and public safety in a context where such threats are increasing, to applying international standards in staunching funding for such activities and to creating an atmosphere of complete intolerance of any form or manifestation of terrorism or extremism.
身处市郊居民区,意味着周围大部分的住房都是独立的占地面积为 1/4 英亩 (1000 平方米)左右的砖房别墅。
The local area around the College is residential suburban housing, meaning that most residences are stand-alone brick-veneer houses on quarter acre blocks of land.
无论身处何处,马 尔文将立刻为您提供服务。
Whatever your situation Malvern will provide the right support for you.
此外,为打击仇外心理和 歧视,难民署正在厄瓜多尔和多米尼加共和国开展公共宣传运动,并在该地区所 有国家开展“身处地为 难民着想”的运动。
Additionally, to combat xenophobia and discrimination, UNHCR is implementing public information campaigns in Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, as well as the “put yourselves in the shoes of a refugee” campaign in all countries in the region.
不过,有些 委员会成员虽然也敦促秘书处对欠租国家严格执行有关房租协定的专门条款,但还是建议秘 书处在与常驻代表团交涉时要身处 地 、 灵活和有策略性,要考虑到现有的制度安排,如有 必要,可与有困难的国家进行讨论,根据具体情况采取个案特别处理的付款方式。
Nevertheless, several Committee members, although urging the Secretariat to apply strictly the specific provisions of the rental agreement governing the situation of countries with rental arrears, advised it to show circumspection, flexibility and tact with the Permanent Delegations, to take into account existing legal frameworks and, if necessary, to deal with countries finding it difficult to pay on a case-by-case basis.
[...] 现在都介绍为确保妇女参与和平与安全而采取的行动以及这些行动 身处 武装 冲突及其后果中的妇女和女童带来影响。
In response to the request of the Security Council, most reports of the Secretary-General on peacekeeping missions now include information on actions taken to ensure the
participation of women in peace and security and the consequences for
[...] women and girls of armed conflict [...]
and its aftermath.
最后,关于财务披露方案,现在将更强调改进工作人员 身处 的 风 险领域并 向他们提供所需的咨询意见。
Finally, with respect to the Financial Disclosure Programme, more emphasis will now be placed on refining the risk areas encountered by staff and providing them with the needed counsel.
[...] 视国际法对关于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决议投了反 对票,同时请该代表团身处地为 巴勒斯坦被占领土 的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚人 [...]
民着想,哪怕只有一天,以了解他们六十多年来所遭 受的深重苦难。
Noting that the Israeli delegation had been the only one to vote against the resolution on the occupied Syrian Golan, in defiance
of international law, he invited
[...] that delegation to put itself in the position of [...]
the Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory and the Syrians in the occupied Syrian Golan for just one day in order to understand the terrible suffering that those people had endured for over six decades.
她们往往缺乏教育或工作技能身处 的 传 统背景提倡早婚,并 且婚后会留在家里照看子女,而不是外出谋生。
They tend to lack education or work skills and come from traditional backgrounds that promote early marriage and are expected to stay at home with children instead of earning a living.
我遗憾地通知你,由于占领国以色列得寸进尺地违反国际人道主义法和人权 法,被以色列非法监禁和关押的巴勒斯坦政治犯继 身处 险 境,他们本已令人悲 叹的生活条件不断恶化。
I regret to inform you that the situation of Palestinian political prisoners illegally imprisoned and detained by Israel, the occupying Power, continues to be grave, and the already deplorable conditions in which they are being held continue to deteriorate, owing to escalating Israeli violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.
But to come here and see [...]
all of the progress that you are making, we are all the more honored to be able to support you in some small way.
救助行动通常持续几天便结束,虽然救援工作可能会持续一个星期或更多的时间, 因为还有人被困在倒塌的建筑物当中或 身处 偏 远 的地区。
Rescue operations are normally
over in a matter of days, although some
[...] rescues may take place after a week or [...]
more where people are trapped in collapsed
structures or in isolated regions.
我 借此机会呼吁海地的友邦和捐助国,想想这些组织, 这身处海地 实地的国际社会宝贵而富有才干的使 者们,协助他们找到必要的资源,为最穷困的人们提 供一线希望:教育和粮食。
I take this opportunity to call on Haiti’s friends and on donors to think about those organizations, the international community’s valuable and talented ambassadors on the ground in Haiti, and help them find the necessary resources to provide a glimmer of hope for the poorest: education and food.
您真的可以将任何地方变成会议室,无论 身处 何 处 , 都 能全神贯注并提高效率。
You can literally turn any room into a conference room to stay focused wherever you are and increase your productivity.
上海和睦家医院24小时急诊热线(021) 2216 3999,北京和睦家医院24小时急诊热线(010) 5927 7120,广州和睦家诊所24小时急诊热线(020) 8710 6060,会说英语的医务人员能在身处 紧 急 情况时为您提供一些基本的急救建议,或帮助您安排救护车。
The emergency hotlines at Shanghai United Family Hospital (021) 2216 3999, Beijing United Family Hospital (010) 5927 7120, and United Family Guangzhou Clinic (020) 8710 6060, link you to English speaking medical staff at all hours of the day to offer you basic advice in an emergency situation, or to help you arrange for an ambulance.
身处困境的飞行任务可以利 用其他机构的通信资产迅速部署计划外的通信任务。
Missions in trouble can rapidly configure unplanned communications sessions with other agencies’ communications assets.
关闭油田,绑架在南科尔多 凡州的中国建筑工人,以及驱逐一个中国领导的石
[...] 油财团都加重了北京棘手的政治问题,并 身处南 苏丹和北苏丹的中国公民中引发焦虑。
The shutdown of the oil fields, abduction of Chinese construction workers in Southern Kordofan and expulsion of the head of a Chinese-led oil
consortium added to Beijing’s vexing political problem and generated anxiety among
[...] Chinese nationals in North and South.
过去两天,我们已听过多位顶尖的国际专家,就 身处 世 界 各地的社区所面对的房屋挑战,以及所采取或正考虑采取的解决方案,提出独特的见解。
During the past two days, we have heard some of the most distinguished international experts give profound insights into the challenges in housing that face their respective communities around the world, as well as the solutions they are adopting  - or currently considering - to address them.
区域委员会集正式的和真正的“本土化” 身份和可信赖的区域机构于身,处 于 得天独厚的地位,可在这一迅速演变的区域形势中发 挥关键作用。
The Regional Commissions, with their combination of formal and real legitimacy as “home grown” and trusted regional institutions, are well placed to play a key role in this rapidly evolving regional landscape.
本组织的宗旨和目的:(a)欢迎和改造社会弃儿和吸毒者而无任何社会、政治或 宗教歧视;(b)完全免费地身处困 境 者及其家庭提供这项服务;(c)通过指引 [...]
个人过上基于尊严、诚实、责任、自尊和尊敬他人的生活而扫除各种毒瘾和遭受 排斥现象;(d)以职业培训为手段,使本社团欢迎的人重返社会;(e)通过主张
无毒品世界的公共倡议支持家庭并推动预防;(f)通过社区自身的生产活动及公 私两方面的捐助,开发弘扬使命所必需的经济资源。
Aims and purposes of the organization: (a) to welcome and rehabilitate social outcasts and drug addicts without any social, political or religious discrimination; (b) to offer
this service completely free of charge to the
[...] people who need it and to their families; [...]
(c) to end any type of addiction or
marginalization by showing individuals the path to life based on dignity, honesty, responsibility, respect for oneself and others; (d) to use professional training as an instrument for the total social rehabilitation of the people welcomed into the community; (e) to support families and prevention through public initiatives in favour of a drug-free world; (f) to develop economic resources through the community’s own production activities as well as private and public contributions necessary for the development of the mission.




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