

单词 身兼

See also:

holding two or more (official) posts at the same time

External sources (not reviewed)

現為城市當代舞蹈團CCDC舞蹈中心外展事務經理及舞蹈培訓獎學金計劃「彩色青春」導師 身兼 行 政 、導師、編舞及司儀。
Currently, she is the Outreach Affairs Manager of CCDC Dance Centre and the Centre's instructor of Dance Training Scholarship Scheme "Teens of Colours".
鉴于维持和平特派团的人权部身兼 二 职 ,有时甚 身兼 三 职 ,人权 高专办和维持和平行动部应根据一些特定人权部门肩负多重任务的情况,进 [...]
一步考虑它们所需要的 D-1、P-5 和 P-4 职等工作人员的数目和级别。
In light of
[...] double, and sometimes triple-hatting of human rights components [...]
in peacekeeping missions, OHCHR and the Department
of Peacekeeping Operations should give further consideration to the number and level of staff at the D-1, P-5 and P-4 levels required by particular human rights components in view of their multiple mandates.
(L) 倘董事會須裁定本公司與控股股東(定義見上市規則)之間出現的任 何衝突事宜身兼上述控股股東的僱員或高級職員的任何董事不可於相關董事會 會議上投票或被計入法定人數,亦不可出席相關董事會會議。
(L) In case of any issues of conflict concerning the Company and the controlling shareholder(s) (as defined in the Listing Rules) being decided by the Board, any Director who is also an employee or officer of such controlling shareholder(s) may not vote or be counted in the quorum and may not be present at the relevant Board meeting.
制,如果 區議員因身兼的多個議席 而開設一間辦事處,並且/或者 聘 用助理處理這 些職務,其實報實銷津貼將扣減三分 之 一,條 件是所 索 還的開支必須未曾以其他身 分 申 請發還。
(Under the existing mechanism, the AA would be reduced by one-third if members operate a single ward office for duties relating to their multiple membership and/or employing assistant(s) for these duties, provided that the expenses being claimed have not already been claimed in their other capacities.
身兼替任 董事的董事有權在其自身投票後,單獨代表委任其的董 [...]
A Director
[...] who is also an alternate Director [...]
shall be entitled in addition to his own vote to a separate vote on behalf
of the Director appointing him.
关于遴身兼数职 的秘书长特别代表和副特别代表/驻地协调员/人道主义协 调员/开发署常驻代表的人选,检查专员知道,目前秘书长特别代表系由秘书长任命, [...]
As for the selection of “multi-hatted” SRSGs and [...]
Deputy Special Representatives/RC/HC/UNDP resident representatives, the
Inspector understands that SRSGs are currently appointed by the Secretary-General while the others are now nominated through the IAAP process and then appointed by the Secretary-General.
議員同意把一個辯論時段編配身兼 小組 委員會及事務委員會主席的張超雄議員,以便他在 2008年 2 月 20日的立法會會議上就小組委員會的報 告動議議案,而在該次立法會會議上,只應進行另 一項不具立法效力的議員議案辯論。
Members agreed that a debate slot should be allocated to Dr Fernando CHEUNG as Chairman of the Subcommittee and the Panel to move a motion on the Subcommittee's Report at the Council meeting on 20 February 2008, and that there should only be one other motion debate on a Member's motion with no legislative effect for that Council meeting.
160 公司法或本章程細則的條文,如規定或授權某事宜須由或須對董事及秘書作 出,則不得以有關事宜身兼董事 及秘書的人作出或對其作出而或遵行,亦 不得以該事身兼董事 及代秘書的人作出或對其作出而獲遵行。
160 A provision of the Law or of these Articles requiring or authorising a thing to be done by or to a Director and the Secretary shall not be satisfied by its being done by or to the same person acting both as Director and as or in place of the Secretary.
此外,他深感关切的是,高级代表一 身兼 最不 发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级 代表、非洲问题代理特别顾问和驻贸发会议代表三种 职能,恐怕难以给予每一种职能所需的专注,而且有 违大会第 62/236 号和第 63/260 号决议。
Furthermore, he was deeply concerned that the High Representative’s responsibility for three functions — High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, acting Special Adviser on Africa and representative to UNCTAD — might undermine the dedicated attention required for each of those functions and was, moreover, contrary to General Assembly resolutions 62/236 and 63/260.
本公 司認為現階段由王先身兼兩職實屬必要,一方面可以繼續監督現有的建造及物業管理 業務,同時亦可掌管物業發展業務的策略性發展及處理此業務大幅增加的資本承擔。
The Company considers that this dual role is essential at this time, in order to continue to oversee the existing construction and property management businesses, whilst at the same time to manage the strategic development of and significant additional capital commitments to, the property development business.
(a) 董事可按董事會可能決定的期間及條款,除其董事職務 身兼 本 公司 任何其他受薪職位或崗位,並可就此獲享董事可能決定的額外薪酬(不 論以薪金、佣金、分享利潤或其他方式)以及增補根據或按照任何其他 章程細則所規定任何薪酬的額外薪金。
(a) A Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
The same functions are also being discharged concurrently in the Administrative Sector.
身兼许多要职,其中包括美国消防协会 (NFPA)/美国电气及电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 弧闪研究项目的测试程序和方案特别委员会主席,由此也可见他在准则和标准制定领域的重要地位。
His appointment to serve as Chair of the NFPA/IEEE Test Procedures and Protocols ad hoc Committee for the ARC Flash Research Project is just one example of his standing in the codes and standards community.
考那斯國家合唱團創立於1969年,創建人 身兼 樂 團藝術總監和首席指揮的彼得雷斯.
Formed in 1969 by Petras Bingelis, who became its first and only Artistic Director and Chief Conductor, the Kaunas State Choir has gradually evolved into one of the finest classical choral groups in Lithuania.
工作坊遵循“沉浸”的历史发展主线,在全球范围内邀请不同时期内在此领域做出卓越贡献、 身兼 艺 术家、研究者及教育家的代表性人物,通过一系列史论与实践课程,与中国同领域研究者进行交流。
Our program will gather a group of international key figures, who greatly contributed the discipline’s evolution, to deliver a series of lectures combining theoretical studies and workshops to communicate with creators and researchers in China.
鉴于副秘书长有一段时身兼秘书 长非洲问题特别顾问和最不发达国 家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表两职,有代表团希望了解这一 安排对该方案的影响。
Given that an Under-Secretary-General had for some time served as both the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Africa and the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, information was sought on the impact that had had upon the programme.
程先生亦曾在 GE 身兼數職,包含 GE Appliance—Asia [...]
的副總裁、區域執行人員與總裁,以及 GE China Ltd. 的董事長兼執行長。
Mr. Cheng also held executive
[...] positions at GE, including corporate vice [...]
president, regional executive and president of GE
Appliance—Asia, and chairman and CEO of GE China Ltd.
21.2 如法律或本細則的條文要求或授權董事及秘書同時行事,則不能 身兼 董事 及秘書的人士處理。
21.2 A provision of the Law or of these Articles requiring or authorising a thing to be done by or to a Director and the Secretary shall not be satisfied by its being done by or to the same person acting both as Director and as or in place of the Secretary.
总书记胡锦身兼三个 最有权力的职务,即中国共产党总书记、国家主席和中央军事委员会主席。
Hu Jintao holds the three most powerful positions as CCP general secretary, president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission.
本公司已採納商業行為和道德守則及一份價值觀和責 任聲明,公司證券交易政策法規的附伴小冊子於本公 司經營期間的任何時候任何地點適用於全體員工、顧 問、高級管理人員及董事,不論他們在公司組織架構身兼何職
The Company has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Securities Trading Policy with companion booklet and a Statement of Values and Responsibilities applicable to all employees, consultants, officers and directors regardless of their position in the organization, at all times and everywhere the Company does business.
除获公司法授权、具有相关司法权力的法院颁令、董事会授权或本 公司于股东大会上批准外,任何股东 身兼 董 事者除外)或其他人士概无权查阅本 公司任何账目、账册或文件。
No Member (other than a Director) shall have any right of inspecting any accounting record or book or document of the Company except as conferred by law or authorised by the Board or the Company in general meeting.
立基纽约的艺术家塞巴斯蒂安·里昂·艾格尼 身兼 着 多 重角色,包括创意总监、设计师、作曲家和装置艺术家。
New York-based artist Sebastien Leon Agneessens wears multiple hats: creative director, designer, composer and installation artist.
身兼替任董事之董事在其委任人缺席時,除其本身之投 票權外,有權代表其委任人單獨投票;而獲兩(2)名或以上之董事委任之替任董事在 [...]
A director who is also an alternate director [...]
shall be entitled in the absence of his appointor to a separate vote on behalf
of his appointor in addition to his own vote; and an alternate director who is appointed by two (2) or more directors shall be entitled to a separate vote on behalf of each of his appointors in the appointor’s absence.
身兼SAPAR 協會主席的保羅便建議,外商現在有兩條路可以選擇:第一是將產品代理給當地業者來販售;第二是直接在義大利設立當地公司。
Paolo Dalla Pria said that there are two ways for overseas traders to choose, first is to let Italian operators distribute their products; the second is to establish companies in Italy directly.
身兼美容 業行業培訓諮詢委員會主席的CMM國際集團主席鄭明明教授表示:「評審局訂立的課程評審指引非常詳盡和清晰,學校可以按照指引去釐定課程級別和內容;學員亦可因應課程所屬的資歷架構級別,選擇適合自己的課程,確立個人進修的目標和方向,這對提升美容業的服務質素及競爭力均有很大幫助。
Prof Cheng Ming Ming,
[...] Chairperson of CMM International Group and the Beauty ITAC, [...]
says, :The HKCAAVQ provides the beauty
industry with very clear and detailed accreditation guidelines. Based on these guidelines, schools can develop the course curriculum at the corresponding QF levels; and students are able to choose the courses that best suit their level and needs, so as to set a clear progression pathway for themselves.
同樣地,池田的著作也讓日本創價學會會員得知菲律賓獨立建國英雄──荷西‧黎剎(José Rizal),並學習這位品格高尚身兼 醫 師 、文學家與人道主義者等職銜之人的精神,以及為菲律賓獨立所展開的奮鬥。
Similarly, thanks to Ikeda's frequent references, members of the SGI in Japan know José Rizal, the hero of Philippine independence, as the heroic, virtuous figure that he was: a medical doctor, literary genius and humanitarian who inspired the Philippine independence movement and died in his early 30s.
代表团解释了监察专员如何协调兼任的全国人权委员会主席职责 身兼人 权 委主席扩大了监察专员的任务范围,并赋予了监察专员新增的实权,可调查执 法机构的滥权行为。
The delegation explained the synergies of the Ombudsman’s role as the Chair of the National Human Rights Commission, in that the role broadened the Ombudsman’s mandate and provided the office with additional powers to investigate abuses by law enforcement agencies.
他曾在上述機身兼多個 領導職位,並現職互聯網工程工作小組的域名伺服器操作及多媒體骨幹 [...]
(MBONE) 部署工作組主席,以及開放式網絡基金會的計劃促進組聯合主席。
Throughout his career, he has held [...]
a number of leadership positions within these groups and currently serves as the Chair
of IETF¡¦s Domain Name Server Operations and MBONE Deployment Working Group, as well as the Co-Chair of the Forwarding Abstractions Group at ONF.
Felipe Oliveira Baptista 身兼两大 品牌的设计大师:其同名品牌以及法国名牌Lacoste(他首次为Lacoste打造的2012春夏系列于去年9月在纽约面世,同时接手了前任设计师 Christophe [...]
Being "the master" of two brands — his name-sake Felipe Oliveira Baptista and French Lacoste (his [...]
debut collection for Lacoste
was for SS2012 Collection in New York, September 2011); previously, Lacoste was under the creative patronage of Christophe Lemaire) — Portugal-born Felipe Oliveira Baptista is really making his way.
为满足迫切需要,整个检察官办公室的工作人员都 身兼 数 职 ,此外,检察 官办公室还征聘了临时人员,以确保能够达到法庭规定的期限要求。
To cover pressing needs, staff members throughout the Office are taking on dual or multiple roles and, in addition, the Office has recruited temporary staff to ensure it can meet its courtimposed deadlines.




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