

单词 身体质量指数

See also:

身体 n

health n

身体 adv

bodily adv


(human) body


atomic weight of an element
atomic mass

External sources (not reviewed)

肥胖有几个度,其措施是通过计算给定的B MI (身体质量指数 ) 是体的重量 (公斤)和个人的高度(米)的平方的比值。
Obesity has several degrees, and its measure is given by
[...] calculating the BMI (Body Mass Index) which is the ratio [...]
of the weight body (in kg) and the square
of the height of the individual (in m).
一个权重分析身体质量指数(BM I)和体重或体重指数的最佳建议身体脂肪。
An analysis
[...] of weight, body mass index (bmi) and body fat with [...]
recommendation for optimal weight or bmi.
事实上,“超重”和“肥胖”也是临床上用于描述人身体质量指数 ( BMI值)的术语。
In fact, the words “overweight” and
“obese” are also clinically defined terms for describing people
[...] according to a measurement called body mass index (BMI).
如果可能的话,让您的体重维持在健康的范围内(降低您身体质量指数 ( BM I),将会提高您整体的健康,增加您怀孕的机率,并为您提供一个更好健康的怀孕期和健康宝宝。
If at all possible, getting your weight into a healthy [...]
range (lowering your BMI) will improve your overall health, increase
your chances of getting pregnant without intervention, and provide you with a better chance of a healthy pregnancy with a positive outcome.
Jeroen Smaers及其同事收集了数百种现代和已灭绝的蝙蝠、食肉动物和灵长类动物的大脑 身体质量数 据。
Jeroen Smaers and colleagues gathered data on
[...] brain and body mass for hundreds of modern and [...]
extinct bats, carnivorans, and primates.
这些模板需考虑并处理具体类型指 标 ( 即 数量 、 质 量 方 面)、 其信息来源(即公开的文件、现有的数据库、所要求的 体 数 据 )以及 质量指标 的情况下分析的具体类别。
These templates will need to consider and address the
[...] specific type of indicator (i.e., quantitative, qualitative), their sources of information (i.e., publicly available documents, existing databases, specific data requested), as well as the specific categories for analysis, in the case of qualitative indicators.
中国环境监 测总站在互联网上直播这 113 个城市的空质量指数、主 要空气污染物、 体 空 气 质量水平和污 染程度。
The CNEMC live broadcasts the on the Internet
[...] the air quality index, primary air pollutants, overall level of air quality, and [...]
level of pollution, for those 113 cities.
虽然要加以考虑的弱势和被边缘化群体各种各样——例如妇女和女童、语 言上的数群体、土 著人民、残疾儿童,但全纳概念在 质 上 是 不分类别的, 目的是在专为每一名儿量身定制 的学习环境中,为其提供有效的学习机会。
Although there are different categories of vulnerable and marginalized groups to
[...] consider—such as women and girls, linguistic minorities, indigenous peoples, children with disabilities—the nature of the concept of inclusive education is non-categorical [...]
and aimed at providing effective learning opportunities for every child, in particular tailored learning contexts.
16 虽然指标应是衡 量一个多行体治理 进程在统治社会和领导社会迈向其所期望目标时的正当性、 能力和效能的尺度,但得到最广泛采用和承认的指标(例如,世界银行指标、政质量指标)所 检视的是政府在统治和引导中的正当性、能力和效能,而不是治 理进程身。
Governance indicators have been produced and used for
different purposes by a
[...] number of institutions: international donors, private sector agencies, monitor groups (national and international NGO networks), and academic scholars, whose different perspectives on, and expectations of, different public issues have improved the methods and content of governance assessment.16 While indicators should be measurements of the legitimacy, capacity and effectiveness of a multi-actor governance process to rule and lead society towards its preferred goals, the most adopted and recognized indicators (for example, World Bank indicators, quality of government indicators) look at the legitimacy, capacity and effectiveness of governments to rule and steer, rather than at the governance process itself.
指出,一些指标可能有助于发现结构性歧 视,它们包括:受到攻击或其他犯罪行为侵害的非洲裔人的数量和比例,特别是 当这些罪行是政府官员所为的时候;各自国家内没有或仅有很少数量有关种族歧 视行为的申诉、起诉和定罪;关于执法官员对非洲裔人的行为的信息缺失或不 足,以及没有或仅有很数量对执 法官员的申诉;认为该 体 犯 罪 率更高;更严 厉或不相称的判决;关进监狱或预防性拘留的非洲裔人的数量和比例;以及执法 官员中非洲裔人代表不足。
He pointed out that a number of indicators might be helpful for the detection of structural discrimination, inter alia: the number and percentage of people of African descent who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by State officials; the absence or small number of complaints, prosecution and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the respective country; lack or insufficient information on the behaviour of law enforcement officials vis-à-vis people of African descent and lack or small number of complaints against law enforcement officers; higher crime rates attributed [...]
to that group;
harsher or disproportionate sentences; the number and percentage of people of African descent held in prison or preventive detention; and insufficient representation of people of African descent among law enforcement officials.
当超过这些数时, 水的使用条件和生活的 体质量 就 会恶化,但对生命没 有直接危害。
When these parameters are exceeded the conditions for the use of water and the overall quality of life deteriorate, [...]
but there is no direct hazard to life.
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view
to achieving a better
[...] balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity [...]
with the expected outcomes
of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
此外, 欧共体代表团指出, 这些添加剂的使用可能误导消费者将其视为关乎产品的 体质量。
In addition,
[...] the Delegation noted that the use of these additives could mislead consumers as to the overall quality of the product.
但是,缔约指出, 这份请愿书只提到刚果民主共和国图西人的 体 状 况,因此 并不涉及申诉人及其子女,特别是考虑到在庇护程序中瑞士当局对申诉人及其子 女的图西身份提出了质疑。
The State party notes, however,
[...] that this petition refers to the general situation of the Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and therefore does not concern the complainant and his children, especially since, in the course of the asylum proceedings, the Swiss authorities had called their Tutsi origins into [...]
指出教育应该是一项优先的人道主义应对措施,因 为它也是一种保护手段,儿童身体 、 心理和认知能力的发展至关重要。
She noted that education should be a priority humanitarian response, because it was also a protection tool, key for the physical, psychological [...]
and cognitive development of the child.
在某些情况下, 这将要量身定制不同的框架指标 , 以反映不同援助的 体 特 点
This will in some cases require
[...] different frameworks and indicators, tailored to reflect the specific characteristics of different flows.
(9)“平数据”指的是所有的访数 据 ( 比如客 身 份 、 用户名或密 码)、联系数据(现存关于 SupplyOn 服务和客户之间的合约关系的数 据)、交易数据(使用 SupplyOn 服务过程中电子记录的访客量统计 文件)、公司概况数据(公司信息、客户提供的产品和服务的信息)、 商业数据(客户在使用 SupplyOn 服务时传输给另一客户的数据)和注 册数据(联系数据和公司概况数据)。
(9) "Platform Data" refers to all Access Data (for example Customer ID, user name or password), Contract Data (data on the existing contractual relationship with the Customer as regards use of the SupplyOn Services), Transaction Data (log files electronically recorded during use of the SupplyOn [...]
Services), Company
Profile Data (information on the company, products and services provided by the Customer), Business Data (data which a Customer transmits to another Customer when using the SupplyOn Services) and Registration Data (Contract Data and Company Profile Data).
在备选方案 2,即对基金重组改造方面,审计报告首 指 出 《 在当前公共资金和私人资 金都稀缺的背景下,要求一个专项基金,不管它的定位如何,仅靠 身 力 量 去 实 质 性 地 吸引 新资金是不现实的。
As to option 2, to revamp IFPC,
[...] the report stresses first that “in view of the current dearth of public and private financial resources, it seems hardly realistic to require a particular Fund, whatever its position, to be the sole beneficiary of large amounts of new funding.
探矿者指南》审查了作为金属含量和丰度的重要指标的所有潜在替代 指 标变 量,概述了可用于该质模型的具 体数 据 集 以及关于克拉里昂-克利伯顿断裂带 所有已知结核矿床的数据资料。
The Prospector’s Guide examines all potential proxy data variables identified
[...] as important indicators of metal content and abundance, and outlines specific data sets that qualify for use in the Geological Model and data information [...]
on all known
nodule deposits in the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone.
与会者强调了一些 要点,诸如保证 C/4 文件与 C/5 文件紧密联系的重要性,通过减少优先事项、进一步应用注重结果的 管理(RBM)方法,以及通过列入体 的 、 可衡量的、可实现的和责任明确的预期结果以及现实的 目标和绩效指标并特别注质量指标 , 更加突出重点和更加集中的必要性。
Some key features were highlighted such as the importance of ensuring a close linkage between both C/4 and C/5 documents, the necessity to increase focus and concentration by reducing the number of priorities and further application of
the RBM approach, by including specific,
[...] measurable, achievable and accountable expected results as well as realistic targets and performance indicators, with a specific focus on qualitative indicators.
尤其是 电子商务中心第 35
[...] 律要素:实施单一窗口设施的法律依据;单一窗口设施的结构和组织;数据保 护;访问数据和政府机构间共享数据的权限 身 份 识别、认证和授权 数 据质 量;赔 偿责任问题;仲裁和争议解决;电子单证;电子存档;知识产权和数据 [...]
In particular, UN/CEFACT Recommendation 35, in its Annex II, featured “Checklist Guidelines” listing and discussing the following legal elements: legal basis for implementing a Single Window facility; single window facility structure and organization; data protection; authority to access and share data between
government agencies;
[...] identification, authentication, and authorization; data quality; liability [...]
issues; arbitration and
dispute resolution; electronic documents; electronic archiving; intellectual property rights and database ownership; and competition.
买方,如果他确定他身份,有权向卖方索取有关的个人资料,证实关于他的或不受到这种待遇,信息加工用途,个人资料的处理和类别的受助人或受助会员国类别该等资料披露,在适当的转移,个人资料数据认为注定非欧洲共 体 , 数 据 通 信在个人可访问的形式到有关他的任何现有资料的来源及其信息,要知道,挑战逻辑在自动处理决定的基础上,采取个人及其和生产方面的法律效果探讨。
The Buyer, if he establishes his identity, has the right to question the Seller to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning him are or are not subjected to this treatment, information on for purposes of processing, the categories of personal data processed and the recipients or categories of
[...] recipients to whom the data are disclosed, where appropriate, information on transfers of personal data considered destined for a non-member State European Community, the communication in an accessible form of personal data concerning him and any available information on the origin thereof, of information to know [...]
and challenge the logic- the automatic processing where a decision taken on the basis thereof and producing legal effects in respect of the individual.
[...] 63% 报告说,外勤支助部自成立以来所提供 指 导 和 支助的 体质量 、 及 时性和针对 性均有改善(A/65/624,第 92 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, 63 per cent of the
missions responding to the
[...] survey reported improvements in the overall quality, timeliness [...]
and responsiveness of direction
and support given since the establishment of the Department of Field Support (A/65/624, para. 92).
美国一项全国性的研究对6759名儿童和1679名青少年对食物摄 量 , 体质指数 ( BMI),价格指数进行研究,其目的是检验快餐价格(FF),水果蔬菜与膳食 量 和 体质指数 之 间 的联系。
Using nationwide data from U.S. studies, surveys of 6,759 children and 1,679
adolescents on food intake,
[...] dietary intake, body mass index (BMI) and price indexes, the purpose of this study was to examine associations of the prices of fast foods (FF), and fruits and vegetables (FV) with dietary quality and BMI.
该法规(除其他事项外)管制 “危险物质”(因身性质、状况和 数量 而 具 有毒性而对人类健康或环境可能具 有直接或长期危险的物质)、有害废物(有毒、易燃、腐蚀性、活性、传染性和爆 [...]
固态和液态废料,工业、城市或农业废料,焚化炉残渣,阴沟水,阴沟烂泥,垃 圾,化学废料,危险废物,生物材料,发射性材料,残破或废弃的装备,油料或 任何油料残渣和废气或其他类似物品)。
The Act regulates (among other things) “hazardous
substances” (substances which, due
[...] to their nature, condition and quantity are toxic and capable [...]
of posing an immediate or
long-term risk to human health or the environment) and “hazardous waste” (toxic, inflammable, corrosive, reactive, infective or explosive waste, and includes waste which is potentially hazardous to human health or the environment) and “pollutants” (dredged spoil, solid or liquid waste, industrial municipal or agricultural waste, incinerator residue, sewage, sewage sludge, garbage, chemical waste, hazardous waste, biological material, radioactive materials, wrecked or discarded equipment, oil or any oil residue and exhaust gases or other similar matter).
总的来说,会员国的关切和投入涉及这些指标是否适用于非冲突情况的问 题;会员国有责任填补指标;有必要解 质量 及 数量指 标 的 问题;有必要确保第 1325(2000)号决议的所有方面得到解决。
In general, the concerns of Member States and inputs covered issues related to the applicability of the indicators for non-conflict contexts;
responsibility of Member States for
[...] populating the indicators; the need to address qualitative as well as quantitative indicators; and the need [...]
to ensure that all
aspects of resolution 1325 (2000) were addressed.
联合国 会员国的例子更突出了有社会意义的成果、对需要时间才逐渐实现的目标的计 量、评价和所提供资料的独立性都非常重要,如果不同时考 质量 , 数量指 标可 能会造成质量下降。
Examples from Member States reinforced the importance of socially relevant results, measures for objectives that take time to emerge, the independence of evaluations and of the information provided, and that quantitative targets might reduce quality if not also taken into account.
考虑到对性别问题敏感的指标的特殊性质,我们 强调,所数量指标都必须辅之质 量 评 论和分析, 以便反映体国情或背景。
Taking into account the specific nature of gendersensitive indicators, we stress the
[...] need for all quantitative indicators to be accompanied by qualitative commentary and analysis in order to reflect a country-specific situation or context.




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