

单词 身体

身体 adverb ()

bodily adv

身体 ()

(human) body


身体部分 n

body parts pl


body part

身体残疾 adj

physically handicapped adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在造身体伤害 、健康损害、侵犯隐私或其他人格权利的情况下,人 可以请求对侵犯者适用禁止令,管理住房或通信的使用,或适用其他类似措 施。
In the case of causing bodily injury, damage [...]
to health, violating of privacy or other personality rights, a person may request
applying of a restraining order in respect of the violator, regulating of the use of housing or communication, or applying of other similar measures.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括身体各 部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to
[...] different parts of the body or blows with [...]
weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns,
spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
她指出教育应该是一项优先的人道主义应对措施,因 为它也是一种保护手段,儿童身体 、 心理和认知能力的发展至关重要。
She noted that education should be a priority humanitarian
response, because it was also a protection tool,
[...] key for the physical, psychological and cognitive [...]
development of the child.
几内亚比绍报告说,该国 在西非国家经济共同体和红十字国际委员会的资金支持下,对一 身体 机 能 康复 中心进行了翻修。
Guinea-Bissau reported having renovated a Physical Rehabilitation Centre, with financial support from the Economic Community of West African States and ICRC.
[...] 要的是,促进对所有人的更多尊重,而不管他们身体或精神能力如何。
That would promote greater respect for persons with
disabilities and, more importantly, foster greater respect for all people,
[...] regardless of their physical or mental ability.
全国青年协会制定了一项国家青年政策草案,其中包含了由青年人在不同场 合提出的七条基本路线,即:青年人在参与民主进程中发挥主导作用;普遍实现
知识社会、信息融入以及多语言沟通;普遍参与大众文化、体育运动以及娱乐活 动,以此作为社会融合和青年发展的战略;通过参加体面的工作以及进行农村发
[...] 展,使青年人普遍享有经济权利;保 身体 健 康以及实现健康的生活方式;实现 [...]
The National Institute for Youth (INJ) has produced a preliminary draft of a national policy on youth containing seven basic lines of action for young people in various forums and workshops, namely empowerment of young people in participatory democratic processes, universal access to the knowledge society, digital inclusion and multilingual communication, popular culture, sport and recreation as a strategy for social
inclusion and development, economic rights of
[...] young people through decent work and [...]
rural development, all-round health and a healthy
lifestyle, social protection from violence and justice as a basis of a culture of peace.
食用或在烹饪时使用植物油和橄榄油 身体 有 益
Eating and cooking with vegetable oil and olive
[...] oil are better for your body.
(e) 建立相关机构并拟订相关程序,以确保法律援助提供人与其他专业人 员之间展开密切合作并且建立适当的推介制度,目的是争取对受害人有一个全 面的了解,并能对其法律、心理、社会、情感 身体 和 认 知状况与需要作出评 估。
(e) Establishing mechanisms and procedures to ensure close cooperation and appropriate referral systems between legal aid providers and different professionals to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the child, as well as an assessment of his or her legal, psychological, social, emotional, physical and cognitive situation and needs.
每天摄入多种食物可以身体提 供所需的各种维生素和矿物质。
Eat a variety of foods from each food group to get all the vitamins and minerals you need each day.
关于他身体另一 方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣 身体 和 精 神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually [...]
the case after
the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
马祖里湖地区、塔特拉山脉 和其他一些地区环境整洁,并有着益 身体 健康的小气候特征。
The Masurian Lake District, the
Tatra Mountains and other regions of the country with a clean environment and a
[...] micro-climate favourable to the health.
如果公职人员在履行公务期间给某个人造成严重痛苦或折磨,不论身 体上的 还是心理上的,以便从遭到酷刑者或第三方那里获得资料或供词, [...]
或者对该人实施或涉嫌实施的行为进行惩罚,或胁迫他们做出或不做出某 一具体行为,则该公职人员犯有酷刑罪。
A public servant commits the offence of torture if, in exercise of their official
functions, they inflict severe pain or
[...] suffering, whether physical or mental, on [...]
an individual in order to obtain information
or a confession from the tortured individual or a third party, or to inflict punishment for an act which that individual has or is suspected of having committed, or to coerce them into engaging or not engaging in a specific act.
在这方面,世界生物圈保护区网络为本组织以及本组织以外的所有人形成可持续发展的概念, 身体 力 行 提供 了独特的学习场所。
In that regard, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves provides a unique set of learning sites for all of us to shape and to implement the sustainable development concept within our Organization and beyond.
此外,阿尔巴尼亚的身体机能 和医学康复”项目 继续为该国的医疗和护理人员提供技术援助,旨在改善和提高地方和国家层面提 [...]
In addition, the Physical and Medical [...]
Rehabilitation (PMR) project in Albania continues to provide technical assistance
to medical staff and the Faculty of Nursing in Albania aimed at improving and upgrading the rehabilitation capacities at the local and national level.
(c) 因疏忽行为而致使这些儿童或残疾人遭受伤害或丧失肢体,或造身 体或精神残疾。
(c) Through neglect, causing such a child or disabled person to suffer damage or loss of limbs, or physical or mental disability.
机构和设施应确保照料者酌情做好准备,以照顾有特殊需要的儿童,尤其 是携带艾滋病毒/患有艾滋病或其他慢性身心疾病的儿童和 身体 或 心 智残障的 儿童。
Agencies and facilities should ensure that, wherever appropriate, carers are prepared to respond to children with special needs, notably those living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic physical or mental illnesses, and children with physical or mental disabilities.
有 关的身体功能 残疾人”因此而面临歧视,因为并未采取措施以实现其良好健康 权。
As a result, the “functionally disabled person” in question is exposed [...]
to discrimination, since no measures have been taken
in order to comply with her right to good health care.
我们如此强调环境,是认为环境教育与有关环境问题的人权教育是整体环境 议程的重要组成部分,我们呼吁所有会员国在实践中展示自己对教育的承诺,将 环境教育作为一种手段,借以认识自然世界、我们的环境和家园——我们 身体、 精 神和文化福祉全都赖以维持——并与之重新建立联系。
With such emphasis on the environment, we consider that environmental education and human rights education related to environmental issues are an important part of the overall environmental agenda, and we call upon all Member States to demonstrate in practice their commitment to education by including environmental education as a means to understand and reconnect to the natural world, our environment, our home upon which we all rely for our physical, spiritual and cultural well-being.
这伙人在正门口停留了一段时间,因而阻碍了我们的工作人员自由通行,使 我团的工作受到干扰,并千方百计要使局势升级为暴力 身体 对 抗
The group remained at the main entrance for some time, thus blocking the free passage of our personnel, interfering in the
performance of the Mission, and creating all conditions to escalate the
[...] situation into a violent physical confrontation.
在包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、索马 里、乍得、菲律宾、尼泊尔以及其他各处在内的世 界各个地区,当前肆虐的武装冲突以及它们对平民 造成的精神身体伤害,应该促使会员国利用联合 国——特别是秘书长及其代表——关于在武装冲突 中保护平民做出的所有提议,来起草建立调查委员 会或类似机构的有效决议,以便用实际具体的方式 保护平民。
The armed conflicts currently raging and their psychological and physical harm to civilians in various corners of the world — including Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Chad, the Philippines, Nepal and elsewhere — should compel Member States to draw on all proposals on the protection of civilians in armed conflict made by the United Nations, and the Secretary-General and his representatives in particular, in order to draft effective resolutions establishing investigative committees or similar entities to protect civilians in a practical and concrete manner.
Keep the headset on the
[...] same side of your body as the phone.
[...] 证实提交人的儿子没有向他们抱怨自己健康问题或受到酷刑的事实,并说他没身体受到伤害的迹象。
Six individuals who were detained in the same cell with the author’s son have either written explanatory letters or given testimonies, attesting to the fact that the author’s son had
not complained to them about his health or about being subjected to torture and that
[...] he had no signs of bodily injuries.
例如,不要试图身体的任 何部位去堵泄漏。
For example, do not try to
[...] stop leaks with any part of the body.
营地里没有任何治疗设施,五名吉布提战俘生病 身体 非 常虚弱,他们也正 是因此而无法跟两名同胞一起逃离。
This camp has no medical services and the five Djiboutian soldiers are ill and very weak, which is why they could not escape along with the two others.
除其他外,《基本法》做出以下规定:不得侵犯任何人的生命 身体 或尊 严;不得侵犯他人财产;所有人都有权享有对其生命 身体 和 尊 严的保护;不得 以监禁、逮捕、引渡或其他方式剥夺或限制他人自由(除非法律另有规定);不得 违犯本《基本法》规定的各项权利,除非经由为特定目的颁布的符合以色列国价 值观的法律,且不得超过所需程度。
The Basic Law stipulates, inter alia, the following:
There shall be no
[...] violation of the life, body or dignity of any person as such; There shall be no violation of the property of a person; All persons are entitled to protection of their life, body and dignity; There [...]
shall be no deprivation
or restriction of the liberty of a person by imprisonment, arrest, extradition or otherwise (unless as provided by law); There shall be no violation of rights under this Basic Law except by a law befitting the values of the State of Israel, enacted for a proper purpose, and to an extent no greater than is required.
[...] 被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚被羁押者所遭遇的不人道待遇深表关切,因为这 将会导致身体健康 状况恶化,并使其生命面临风险,同时这也公然违反了国 [...]
They strongly condemned the Israeli brutal practices in Israeli occupation prisons, and expressed their grave concern at the inhuman conditions of the Syrian detainees in the occupied
Syrian Golan which have led to the
[...] deterioration of their physical health and put [...]
their lives at risk, in a blatant violation
of international humanitarian law.




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