

单词 身份识别卡

See also:

识别 n

identification n
recognition n

识别 v

identify v
identifies v
recognize v



External sources (not reviewed)

我明白,由于运输工作人身份识别卡 (TWI C)将作为一个身份牌使用,照像时我脸上的 任何部分不可以被物件或衣着挡住。
I understand
[...] that since the TWIC will serve as a visual identification badge, items [...]
or attire should not obscure any part
of my face when my photograph is taken.
识别模块(UIM)卡是用户身份模 块 (SIM)对多个移动电话标准,使用卡新兴一代。
User Identity Module (UIM) card is an emerging generation of subscriber identity module [...]
(SIM) card for use on multiple mobile phone standards.
正在快速兴起的生物测定技术是一种根据生理或行为特征,自动识别人员身份的方法,明显优于基于密码、PIN和 卡 的 身份识别 系 统
Biometrics, an automated method of recognizing a person based on physiological or behavioral
characteristics, is quickly emerging as highly
[...] preferable to identification systems based on passwords, PINs, and swipe cards.
为了减少有罪不罚现象,小组委员会建议所有执法人员在执勤 时必须佩带明显身份标识,如 姓名胸牌或其他 别 标 志
With a view to decreasing impunity, the SPT recommends that all law enforcement officers be obliged to wear a means of clear identification, such as a name badge or other identification while on duty.
(h) 如果设保人是前述规则未予涉及的其他实体的参与方,设保人 身份 识别特征 即为创设文件中所载实体的名称 [;根据建议 [...]
22,为确定设保人的独一 特征而需要提供登记相关交易中代表该实体的每个自然人的姓名之类必要补充 信息]。
(h) If the grantor is a participant in an entity other than one
already referred to in the preceding
[...] rules, the grantor identifier is the name of the [...]
entity as stated in the document creating
it[; necessary, additional information, such as the names of each natural person representing the entity in the transaction to which the registration relates, should be required to uniquely identify the grantor in accordance with recommendation 22].
同时,别报告 员还提到“中 性指标”,举例来说,如果为了保障妇女、宗教少数群体和弱势群体的权利,或 者如果戴面纱的人必须可以识(例如 身份卡 上 相 片或在安全检查时),亟须采 取这种干预措施。
At the same time, the Special Rapporteur also referred to “neutral indicators”, for example if the interference is crucial to protect the rights of women, religious minorities and vulnerable groups or if the wearer must be properly identifiable, e.g. on an identity card photograph or at security checks.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)根据第 1 款备选案文 C,登记处应当
同时有按数字和姓名编制的索引,查询人员应当能够使用其中某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保
[...] 人及有担保债权人或其管理人的地址必须是记录的一部分,但不一定 身份识 别特征 的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担保债权人、其管理人或设保人 [...]
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish to note that: (a) under option C in paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other indexing criterion; and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c) the address of the grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to
be part of the record, but not
[...] necessarily part of the identifier, except if there [...]
is a need for additional information
to identify the secured creditor, its representative or the grantor.
全球越来越多的人需要并接受这卡 片 , 主要将其用在各种小额支付、物理和逻辑访问控制、政府和企业员 身份识别 、 自 动收费系统等多种应用。
The demand and acceptance for this type of card is rapidly growing, with major deployments worldwide in applications such as micro-payment, [...]
physical and logical access control, government and corporate IDs, and automatic fare collection.
我要 感谢秘书长提交有关该问题的报告(S/2011/250),感 谢拉卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士以负责儿童与武装冲突 问题的秘书长别代表的身份介绍情况,还要感谢儿 童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生。
I should like to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/250) on this issue, as well
as Ms. Radhika
[...] Coomaraswamy for the information she provided in her capacity as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed [...]
Conflict and Mr.
Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF.
(c) 改善贩运人口受害者身份识别,并 为他们提供适当的康复方案,真 正能获得医疗保健和咨询,并使这些服务体制化。
(c) Improving the identification of victims of [...]
trafficking and providing them with appropriate rehabilitation programmes,
genuine access to health care and counselling, and institutionalizing such services.
缔约国应该向寻求庇护人员和难民提供有效 身份识别 手 段 ,以免他们无端遭到 驱逐出境,确保他们能够得到社会和经济方面的机会。
The State party should systematically provide recognized means of identification to asylum-seekers and to refugees in order to protect them from unwarranted deportation and ensure their access to social and economic opportunities.
根据最终淘汰管理计划,约 400 名制冷技术员接受了利用碳氢技术进行安全 处置和维修方面的培训,200 名海关和其他执法人员在全国各边境站接受了关于执行《消 耗臭氧层物质条例》的办法以及利用消耗臭氧层物质分析器 别 消 耗 臭氧层物质的培训; 国家臭氧机构为制冷联盟提供了一套台式计算机,供办公使用,针对在环境保护局接受培 训并获得认证的联盟制冷和空调技术员,资助为他们制作了 600 张塑身份卡。
Under the TPMP approximately 400 refrigeration technicians were trained in the safe handling and servicing with hydrocarbon technology and 200 customs and other law enforcement officers were trained at various border points around the country on the methods of enforcing the ODS Regulations and in detecting ODS by using ODS analysers; NOU provided a set of desktop computers to the refrigeration union for use at its office and financed the production of 600 plastic ID cards to EPA trained and certified refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians of the Union.
当您开立 Skrill (Moneybookers) 账户时,本公司将以每 3
[...] 个月的间隔期或本公司为保护本公司的财务利益、防止洗钱或欺诈而认为必要的任何其它期间,将有关您及您的 Skrill (Moneybookers) 账户、财务记录和交易的特定信息作为本公司日常业务运营的一部分,与本公司的银行、支付服务商、合作伙伴、信用/借 卡 处 理 服务商 身份 验 证服务提供商和信用评级代理机构(包括但不限于 Schufa Holding AG)分享,以识及验证用身份、 降 低本公司面临欺诈及其它犯罪活动的风险,以及管控本公司的金融风险。
When you open a Skrill (Moneybookers) Account, at intervals of up to every 3 months and at any other time we feel it is necessary to do so to protect our financial interests and prevent money-laundering or fraud, we share certain information about you and your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account, financial history and transactions as part of our normal business operations with our banks,
payment facilitator
[...] partners, credit/debit card processing services, identity verification service providers and credit reference agencies (including, but not limited to, Schufa Holding AG) to identify and verify users, to limit our [...]
exposure to fraud and other
criminal activities and to manage our financial risk.
作为您使用网站的条件,您同意(a)提供准确的、最新的以及完整的与您有关的信息和网站上任何注册表格可能提问的信息(“注册资料”);(b)保持您的密码 识别身份 的 安 全性;(c)维护并及时更新注册资料以及您向公司提供的任何其他信息,保持其准确、最新和完整;并且(d)为您的账户的所有使用情况以及使用您账户所发生的任何行为完全负责。
In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to (a) provide accurate, current and complete information about you as may be prompted by any registration forms on the Site ("Registration
Data"); (b) maintain the security of your
[...] password and identification; (c) maintain [...]
and promptly update the Registration Data,
and any other information you provide to the Company, to keep it accurate, current and complete; and (d) be fully responsible for all use of your account and for any actions that take place using your account.
在这方面,为了防止未成年人失踪, 各国主管机构必须采取有效手段对未成年人进行个 身份识别。
State authorities must, in that regard, take effective measures to provide means of personal identification to minors with a view to preventing their disappearance.
瓦加杜古政治协议》别规定 ,建立一个综合指挥中心(CCI),促成政府军和反叛军 的联合,恢复国家权力,在取消信任地带之后,逐渐调整行政管理,振兴越区开庭,制定取 代出生证的补充法规,建立并分发新的国 身份 证 和选 民 卡 , 结 束裁军、复员、重新融入计 划(DDR)进程,以及举行大选。
The Ouagadougou political
[...] Agreement provided in particular for the establishment of an integrated command centre which should lead to the reunification of the loyalist and rebel forces and the restoration of State authority, as soon as the confidence zone is dismantled, the redeployment of the administration, the re-establishment of special local hearings for the purpose of issuing replacement birth certificates, the issuing and distribution of new national identity cards and electors’ cards, the end of the [...]
disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration process and, finally, the holding of elections.
(d) 用于增加安保人员的资源,以加强与设立昼夜运转的控制中心 和总部以外某些办事处实施通行证 身份识别 系 统 有关的能力。
(d ) Resources for additional Security Officers to strengthen capacity in connection with the establishment of round-the-clock
control centres and the implementation of
[...] entry pass and identification systems at some [...]
offices away from Headquarters.
该规定任务包括:向指定官员提 供安保建议,为指定官员和安保管理小组收集、分析和发布安保信息,为稳定团 高级领导人提供近身保护,保护稳定团的房地和资产,进行应急行动规划和准备, 航空安保,对首都以外各办事处的区域安全管理,通行证 身份 鉴 识 服 务 ,消防 安全和消防应急反应,包括遏制有害材料和污染物的泄漏,以及为包括第 1 类案 件在内的行政调查提供别调查服务。
The mandate includes the provision of security advice to the Designated Official, the collection, analyses and dissemination of security information for the Designated Official and the Security Management Team, the provision of close protection services to the Mission’s senior leadership, protection of the Mission’s premises and assets, emergency contingency planning and preparedness, aviation security, regional security management for the
offices located
[...] outside the capital, pass and identification services, fire safety and fire emergency response, including hazardous materials and contaminant spill containment, and special investigation services for [...]
investigations, including category 1 cases.
如果您指明自己的身份或提供任何 识别 您 身份 的 信 息,则星巴克不能保 证您的匿名状态,但是公司会采取一切合理的预防措施尽可能地保密呼叫 者的身份。
Starbucks cannot guarantee your anonymity if you identify yourself or give information from which you can be identified, but the company will take every reasonable precaution to assure that the identity of a caller remains as confidential as possible.
其他明显趋势包括为扩大信息的普及利用而努力促进国际多方合作, 别 是 在 卡 塔 尔多 哈举办了关于识园的 国际会议和展览,它们有助于宣传以信息和传播技术为基础的知识园 [...]
Other salient trends included efforts to foster international multi-stakeholder partnerships for enhancing universal access through the
[...] Conference and Exhibition on Knowledge Parks in Doha, Qatar, that helped to raise [...]
awareness of the potential of ICT-based
Knowledge Parks to contribute towards the empowerment of individuals and communities.
预定在 2008/09
[...] 财政年度结束前完成下列活动:通过流动法院的审理发放代替出 生证的法律关系裁决书;选民登记;印制和发放国 身份 证 和选 民 卡。
The following activities are scheduled to be completed by the end of the 2008/09 fiscal year: the issuance of declaratory judgements in lieu of birth certificates
through mobile court hearings; the voter registration; the printing and the
[...] distribution of the national ID and voters’ cards.
香港–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–共有2,766名参观者出席了3月最后一周举办的亚太区亚洲智能卡展(CARTESAsia)和同一场馆举办的亚洲电子商务博览会(E-CommerceAsia),智 卡 、 数 字安全 身份识别 、 安 全交易和非接触式技术均是会展谈论主题。
HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Smart cards, digital security, ID, secure transactions andcontactless technology were on the agenda last week of March in AsiaPacific with 2,766 visitors attending CARTES Asia and co-locatedE-Commerce Asia.
它允许工作人 员在准许持卡人进入安防门之前,对 卡人 进行目识别。
It allows staff to
[...] visually identify cardholders prior to their [...]
gaining access through a secure door.
一份新的宣传手册正在筹备中, 且与以下国际组织的合作伙伴关系进一步推进:国
际刑警组织(为被偷盗的伊拉克文化遗产建立并且开通一个数据库,编制伊拉克文化遗产专 家名录)、 国际统一私法协会
[...] (负责规范的合作)、ICOM软件科技(负 责 I D 身份卡 ,联 合国教科文组织-ICOM 息中心,针对埃及博物馆人员的培训项目以及在非洲开展的活 [...]
信 动……)、世界海关组织 (教科文-世界海关的文化财产出口证明范本)、
国际古迹遗址理 事会 (负责对国家文化地产的保存进行评估)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(负责 提供培训)。
A new presentation brochure is being prepared and partnerships are increasingly being developed with the following international organizations: INTERPOL (establishing and giving access to a database on cultural property stolen in Iraq, compilation of a list of experts in Iraqi cultural heritage),
UNIDROIT (cooperation in standard-setting),
[...] ICOM (Object-ID record sheets, UNESCO-ICOM [...]
Information Centre, museum staff training
programmes in Egypt and activities in Africa), the World Customs Organization (UNESCO-WCO project on a model cultural property export certificate), ICOMOS (evaluation of the state of conservation of immovable cultural property) and ICCROM (training).
[...] 1929(2010)号决议和其他相关决议,越南国家银行实 行了高度预防和警惕措施,要求银行和信贷机构适用最严一级的客 身份识别标 准 ,将过度货币交易(CTR200、CTR500)、国际电子汇款和可疑交易情况向反洗钱 局和银行业督察局报告,以便进行检查并上报主管当局。
To implement resolution 1929 (2010) and other related resolutions of the Security Council, the State Bank of Viet Nam has applied high-level preventive and vigilant measures, requesting banking and credit
institutions to apply to the
[...] highest level the standards of customer identification and make reports on excessive currency [...]
transactions (CTR200,
CTR500), on international electronic money transfers and on suspicious transactions to the Anti-money-laundering Department and the Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency for inspection and reporting to the competent authorities.
王國興議員: 主席,政府在 2003 年推出內置電子晶片的智身份證, 並引進卡多功 能的概念,讓市民使用智 身 份 證 作為駕駛執照及公共圖書 館圖書證。
MR WONG KWOK-HING (in Chinese): President, in
2003, the Government
[...] issued Smart Identity (ID) Cards embedded with chips and introduced the concept of multi-function card, which enabled [...]
the public to use the
card as a driving licence and a public library card.
必须认识到,执法机识别个人身份的手 段往往有限,所以重要的是要培训 法律官员,让他们认识到以种族划线的后果,并且保 证立法能够提供指导。
It had to be recognized that law enforcement mechanisms often had limited means of identifying individuals so it was important to train officers of the law on the consequences of racial profiling, making sure that legislation provided guidance.




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