

单词 身份证号码

See also:

身份 n

identification n
identity n
capacity n
identities pl
position n

号码 n

number n

号码 pl

numbers pl

External sources (not reviewed)

值得一提的是,新生儿所获得的唯一身份序号(个 身份 证号码)将终生有效。
Newborn children are issued
[...] a unique identification code (the national identity document [...]
number) which is valid throughout their life.
我们还可能会要求您提供其他数据,如您 身份证号码 , 以便处理您的信贷或财务援助请求。
We may also ask for other data such as your National Identification number to process your credit or financing request.
如果您看懂了公式的话,可以进行简单的修改即可适用于18位 身份证号码 , 甚 至可适用于15、18两者并存的情况。
If you understand the formula, it can
carry out simple modifications can be
[...] applied to the identity card numbers of 18, [...]
15,18 or even applicable to the case of the two co-exist.
You need to provide your Hong Kong identification number, birthday, and name appears exactly on your Hong Kong Identification Card.
在Excel中录入数据时,我们常常需要保证某些数据的惟一性,这些数据不能重复,如公司代码、商品编号、公司员工编号以 身份证号码 等 等,在录入这些资料时,我们可以设置数据的有效性验证来确保这些数据的惟一性,这样即保证了数据的正确性,同时也提高了数据的录入效率。
Entry of data in Excel, we often need to ensure the uniqueness of some of the data, the data can
not be repeated, such
[...] as company code, product ID, company ID, as well as identity card numbers of [...]
staff and so on, in the
input data, we can set up data verify the validity of such data to ensure uniqueness, so that guarantee the correctness of the data, but also to improve the efficiency of data entry.
2010 年 6 月 21 日,联邦选举委员会发表了第 2/2010 号指示,其中规定:一 个政党如在其总部以外举行任何集会,均应提前 7 天申请许可,这比 1990 年的
规定更为苛刻,根据后者,如果在公共场所举行超过 50 人的集会,才需要申请 许可;所涉政党须在许可申请书中列入计划的集会地点、日期、估计的开始和结
[...] 束时间、估计参加人数以及发言人姓名及其住址和全 身份证号码 ; 禁 止政党举 旗游行到指定的集合地点和集会场所,并禁止游行和在行进中喊口号。
On 21 June 2010, the Union Election Commission issued directive 2/2010, which requires a party to seek permission for any gathering outside its headquarters seven days in advance, a provision more restrictive than regulations in 1990 which only required permission for gatherings of over 50 persons in public spaces; requires the party to include, in its application for permission, the planned place, date, estimated starting and finishing time, number of estimated attendees and names of speakers
with their addresses and national
[...] registration card numbers; and prohibits parties [...]
from marching to the designated gathering
point and venue holding flags or marching and chanting slogans in procession.
假设G列为员工“身份证号”字段, G2单元格为第一个员工身份证号码 所 在 的单元格。
The assumption that G as a staff, "ID number" field, G2 cells for the first identity card numbers of staff's cell.
个人信息指用来识别个人的信息,例如家庭地址和电话号码、电子邮件、年龄、性别、婚姻状况、财务状况 身份证号码 、 信用卡或借记卡卡号等,但不包括姓名、企业地址或企业电话号码。
Personal information means information that can be used to personally identify an individual, such as home address and telephone number,
email, age, gender, marital status,
[...] financial status, ID number(s), credit or debit card [...]
number(s), home address etc., but does
not include name, business address or business telephone number.
该策略查找包身份证号码(也 称为 INSEE 号码)和社会保障号(出生时由法国全国统计和经济研究所颁发给 [...]
The policy identifies documents and transmissions
[...] that contain national identification numbers, also [...]
called INSEE numbers and Social Security
numbers, issued to individuals at birth by the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) in France.
即便使用由国家颁发的个 身份证号码 来 识 别设保人的身份特征,还将仍 然有必要按照上文所述的大致内容列入关于确定设保人正确姓名的补充规则, [...]
以便照顾到设保人并非一国公民或居民从而该国未向其颁发个人身份号码的情 形(除非一国认可外国护照号码足以识别外国公民的身份特征)。
Even if a
[...] State-issued personal identification number is [...]
used to identify a grantor, it will still be necessary to include
supplementary rules for determining the correct name of the grantor along the lines set forth above in order to accommodate cases where the grantor is not a citizen or resident of the State and therefore has not been issued a personal identification number (unless a State accepts the number of the foreign passport as sufficient to identify foreign nationals).
该内容刀片需要以下信息才能大致匹配意大 身份证号码。
The content blade requires the following to match for
[...] an Italy National Identification number in [...]
a close proximity.
专家们还特别欢迎2009年8 月实施的新政策。根据该项新政策,军方在 被拘留者被捕两星期内,必须将被拘留者的姓名及 身份证号码 通 知 红十字委员 会。
The experts also welcome in particular the new policy implemented in August 2009, under which the military must
notify ICRC of detainees’
[...] names and identification number within two weeks of capture.332 Nevertheless, there is no legal justification [...]
for this two-week period of secret detention.
c. VALUE(RIGHT(E4,3))/2=INT(VALUE(RIGHT(E4,3))/2用于判断这 身份证号码 是 奇 数还是偶数,当然你也可以用Mod函数来做出判断。
c. VALUE ( RIGHT (E4, 3)) / 2 = INT (VALUE (RIGHT (E4, 3)) / 2 used
[...] to determine the identity card number is odd [...]
or even number, of course, you can also
use Mod function to make judgments.
当您使用本网站或向您提供服务时,我们收集并存储用户自愿提供的个人识别信息,包括但不限于姓名、性别、出生日期 身份证号码 ( 或 护照号码)、邮政地址、电子邮件地址、电话号码、住址、职业、工作单位、职务、教育程度、收入状况、家庭状况等。
When you use this Site or our services, we collect and store personally identifiable information, including
but not limited to names, genders,
[...] dates of birth, ID card numbers (or passport numbers), [...]
postal addresses, email addresses,
phone numbers, residential addresses, occupations, employers, titles, educational backgrounds, income levels, family statuses, etc., when voluntarily submitted by our visitors.
把存储个人固有代码的芯片植入人体,结合韩国的现状可以理解为将存有个 身份证号码 的 RF ID芯片植入体内。
Considering the Korean situation, each person's
unique number can be his/her resident registration number, and the RFID chip with
[...] the number may be implanted in the people.
在无特殊法律要求的情况下,除非连接是安全的并且SSN(社会保险号)或N IN ( 身份证号码 ) 已加密,否则我们不会要求您在互联网上传输个人SSN或NIN,也不建议您在不需要额外身份验证的情况下输入SSN或NIN来访问网站。
To the extent required by law, we will not require you to
transmit your SSN (Social Security
[...] Number) or NIN (National Identification Number) on [...]
the Internet unless the connection is
secure and the SSN or NIN is encrypted, nor expect you to transmit your SSN or NIN to access a website without requiring additional authentication.
根据国家外汇管理局的规定,请提供您的居 身份证号码 及 中 文姓名,验证通过後您才可以继续完成支付。
Paypal offers a payment channel for transferring money on email basis.
课程,使学生有添加删除程序Gideri've 2012-2013学年春季Dönemi'Öğretim的学费费/学费指定日期之间的Payı'ödemelerini
[...] Vakıfbank分行或自动柜员机,电话银行 身份证号码 , 银 行interhet实现。
Course will be at kayit.anadolu.edu.tr add-delete process. courses to students who have add-delete process Gideri've 2012-2013 Academic Year Spring Dönemi'Öğretim Tuition Fee/Tuition between the dates specified
Payı'ödemelerini Vakıfbank branches or ATMs,
[...] telephone banking and ID card numbers, banking [...]
interhet be realized through.
关于第 31-36 段,与会者提出了一些建议,其中包括以下建议: (a) 在第 31
[...] 段中,应予澄清的是,设保人的地址以及出生日期 身份证号 码之类 有关设保人的补充信息均为并不构成查询标准的设保人信息的实例
(a) In paragraph 31, it should be clarified that the address of the grantor and additional
information about the grantor such as
[...] the birth date or identity card number were [...]
examples of grantor information that did
not constitute a search criterion
有时我们需要在Excel中输入大量数据而不允许重复,例 身份证 、 电 话 号码 等。
sometimes we need to input a large amount of data in Excel and not allowed to
[...] repeat, such as ID cards, telephone numbers and so on.
乙. 申请解除时, 告诉对方能够确认身份的姓名, 身份证号, 电话号码等和解除理由, inPHR 确认是否与注册记录一致后, [...]
B. If such things as names, resident’s registration numbers, and
telephone numbers which can be used to
[...] identify individual people are notified together with the [...]
reasons for the termination when
the termination of the contract is applied, the Membership will be terminated after the record of Membership is checked for coincidence.
采用的手 段中可包括但不限于设定号特权 、用 身份码 、 磁盘 访问以及文件访问控制。
These include, but are not limited to account
[...] privileges, user identification codes, disk access, and file [...]
access control.
您需要提供您的手号码,电 子邮件地址、 码 、 您 的香 身份证 资 料 和支付卡(如Visa卡/万事达卡或八达通卡)。
You need to provide your mobile number,
[...] email address, password, information from your Hong Kong Identification Card, and a payment card (such as Visa/Master or [...]
同时,在《公约》的方针指引下,在其他方面也取得了进步,主要表现在颁 布了第 29478
[...] 号法,规定为残疾人参与投票选举提供便利;颁布了第 29524 号 《聋盲人法》,规定聋盲是一种单一性的残疾;出台了全国国民身份登记处的第 0269-2009 号部门 决议,规定为残疾人免费办理和发 身份证 件 , 为此类人口, 特别是没有出生证明的残疾儿童身份证件办理简化了大量手续;颁布了针对军队 和警察部门成员的《保健福利法》。
Other achievements under the Convention have included the adoption of Act No. 29478, which deals with the provision of facilities to enable persons with disabilities to vote; Act No. 29524 on Deafblind Persons, which recognizes deafblindness as a single
[...] Administrative Decision No. 0269-2009 of the National Identity and Civil Status Registry (RENIEC), which establishes that national identity documents are [...]
to be issued free of
charge to persons with disabilities and provides for expedited procedures for persons, especially children, who do not have a birth certificate; and legislation on health-care provisions for members of the armed forces and police.
[...] 497(1981)号决议认为以 色列把其法律强加在被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决定是 无效、无用和无法律效力的,以及联合国大会第 62/110 号决议 要求以色列停止把以色列公民身份和 以色身份证强加 给被占领的叙利亚戈兰上的叙利 亚公民,但它仍然坚持没收阿拉伯土地,并扩张其 非法定居点。
Despite the fact that Israel’s decision to impose its laws in the occupied Syrian Golan had been deemed null and void and without international legal effect by Security Council resolution 497 (1981), and despite
the fact that General
[...] Assembly resolution 62/110 called upon Israel to desist from imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian [...]
citizens in the occupied
Syrian Golan, it nonetheless persisted in confiscating Arab lands and expanding its illegal settlements.
[...] 项计划,以便通过收集生物识别数据识别进入多米尼加共和国的外国人,向他们 提供外国身份号码。
With regard to civil registration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the Central Electoral Board were elaborating a plan for the identification of foreign nationals entering or who had already entered the Dominican
Republic through the collection of biometric data, with a view to
[...] providing them with an identity number as foreigners.
印度的单一身份管理 局于 2010 年 9 月 29 日开始发放单身份号码,巴 基斯坦设立了国家数据库和登 记管理局,建立起一个先进的民事登记计算机系统,有助于便利身份和旅 证件 的安全发放。
The Unique Identification Authority of India began
[...] issuing Unique Identity numbers on 29 September 2010, and Pakistan established the National Database and Registration Authority, which has built a sophisticated computerized civil registry system that helps to facilitate the secure issuance of identity and travel documents.
虽然 Vaghela 并不认识那人并称该男子也非熟人介绍,他却在没 有签署任何合同的情况下收了钱,也没有留下关于其新客户任 身份 资 料 的记 录——甚至连姓名或电号码都没有。
Although Vaghela did not know the individual and claimed that the man had not been referred to him by anyone he knew, he accepted the money without signature of any
contract and retained for
[...] his records no identifying information about his new client — not even a name or telephone number.
此外,使用本国身份号 码可能会给设保人的无担保债权人或破产管理人带来一些问题,因为设保人可 能并不准备向他们自愿提供这类号码(在这类情形下,设保人的无担保债权人 [...]
或破产管理人就必须为获取这类号码而争取法院下达命令);在核实设保人正 确姓名的文件来源方面还可能会出现类似的问题。
In addition, using national identification numbers might pose problems [...]
for the grantor’s unsecured creditors or the insolvency
representative since the grantor may not be prepared to voluntarily provide the number to them (in such a case, unsecured creditors or insolvency representatives of the grantor would have to obtain a court order to gain access to such number); similar problems may also arise with respect to verifying the documentary source of the grantor’s correct name.




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