单词 | 蹟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:古迹n—monumentspl 古迹adj—monumentaladj
至於其余的法定古蹟,则由於现有用途(例如鹤咀灯塔由 海事处用作灯塔)的限制或其他原因,而不可开放予公众。 devb.gov.hk | For the remaining, the public cannot get access to them due to limitations by their current usages (e.g. Cape D’ Aguilar Lighthouse used as a lighthouse by the Marine Department) or other reasons. devb.gov.hk |
c) 「本会要求就中区警署古蹟群的竹棚设计方案谘询区内居民意 見,及政府需降低新建筑物的高度至附近居民可接受水平。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | c) "The DC requests that residents in the vicinity should be consulted on the scaffolding design of the CPS Compound and that the Government should reduce the height of the new structure to a level acceptable to the residents. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
波尔多不仅仅以它的美酒及葡萄园为名,在其他方面,它亦保存了建筑,文化及烹饪方面的遗产,这些古蹟迎接21世纪的到来。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Bordeaux is not only world-famous for its fine wines and top-flight vineyards, it has also [...] preserved an attractive architectural, cultural, and [...] culinary heritage, while welcoming the [...]21st century with open arms. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
其余 6,980 万元为古蹟办的运作开支,用以支付职员费用;应付多项工作的经常费用,包括营运 [...] 2 所文物 中心;举办展览、讲座、导赏团、工作坊等教育活动;进行研究;以及编订和管 理通过互聯网发放的文物资讯。 devb.gov.hk | The remaining $69.8 million is the operating [...] expenditure ofAMO and it includes [...]staff costs; recurrent requirement for the [...]operation of two heritage centres; organisation of educational activities such as exhibitions, lectures, guided tours, workshops; conducting research; and development and maintenance of heritage information on the Internet. devb.gov.hk |
在他们的时间非常流行,这些小的奇蹟实际上已经推出了一款时尚的穿着吸引消费者,包括动态和年轻夫妇选择了它,为自己的婚礼或他们的订婚。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Very popular in their time, these little wonders have virtually introduced a fashion of wearing attractive to consumers including dynamic and young couples who chose it for their wedding or their engagement. en.horloger-paris.com |
不规则的高原与高山地形,形塑此地优美迷人的人文风情 - 引人入胜的传统、亲切有礼的好客之道,以及珍贵的重要古蹟。 seagate.com | Sprawling plateaus and mountainous terrain make up this beautiful region, complete with fascinating traditions, charming hospitality and important historical sites. seagate.com |
对 因 企 业 合 并 所 形 成 的 商 誉 和 使 用 寿 命 不 确 定 的 无 形 资 产,无 论 是 否 存 在 减值蹟象,至 少 於 每 年 末 都 进 行 减 值 测 试。 zte.com.cn | For goodwill generated from business consolidation and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, tests for impairment is performed at least annually regardless of whether there are indications of impairment. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
b) 「本会原则上支持政府尽快落实以马会建议的资助营运模式, 活化中区警署古蹟群,避免因建筑群长期被弃置而导致结构出 现永久性损耗。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | b) "The DC supports in principle the Government's early implementation of the mode of financial support and operation as proposed by The Hong Kong Jockey Club to revitalise the CPS Compound so that the structures would not end up in an extended period of desolation which could result in permanent deterioration. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
环保团体长春社宣布有 28 名立法会候选人(详見附表 2)成为「10 分」环保立法会候选人,他 们已经签署一份「04 立法会环保契约」,承諾如果当选,将在新一届立法会推动由该社提出的 十大首要环保工作,包括保护喜靈洲,反对在该岛兴建「超级监狱」、要求政府检讨红湾半岛 [...] 事件、促请政府成立海港保育局、要求政府实施处理废物收费、在 2008 [...] 年或以前制定自然保 育法案及保謢文化及建筑古蹟法案等等(详見附表 1);另外,有 [...]41 名候选人签署承諾将推动 4-9 项环保工作;有 4 名候选人基於不同理由表示不会签署;其余 [...]86 名候选人选择不作任何 回覆。 cahk.org.hk | The Conservancy Association (CA) announced today that 28 Legco candidates scored full marks in Environmental Protection; they had signed the “04 Legco Environment Compact” and pledged to commit themselves to dealing with 10 urgent green issues, which include opposing the construction of a superjail in Hei Ling Chau, demanding the Government to conduct a review on the Hunghom Peninsula incident, urging the Government to establish a Harbour [...] Authority, pushing the Administration to implement [...] waste chargingscheme,legislating [...]a nature conservation law and heritage conservation [...]law before 2008, etc. (for details, please to Appendix 1) Besides, 41 candidates had supported 4 to 9 green issues in the compact; 4 candidates declined to sign and the remaining 86 did not reply. cahk.org.hk |
现代新德里肇建於英国殖民时期的最後一世纪,其後逐步扩展,纳并古代要塞、雄伟建筑及历史遗迹,兼俱与古蹟相互辉映的现代景象- 高耸的摩天大楼、外交区及规划完善的住宅区。 seagate.com | Modern New Delhi was established in the last century under British rule, but has since grown to include the ancient forts, majestic buildings and historic ruins commingling with their modern counterparts, the tall skyscrapers, diplomatic enclaves and well-planned residential areas. seagate.com |
市民当时痛恨的「邓李杨集团」,已经变成历史陈蹟。 hkupop.hku.hk | The much-detested so-called "Deng, Li and Yang Company" has already joined the many historic vestiges. hkupop.hku.hk |
故此,很多广为业主和住户关注 [...] 的基本问题,例如,支持重建还是復修、能否返回重建区居住、以至重建区的 设计、古蹟保育,和维持社区网络等问题,都没有获得应有的重视和处理。 procommons.org.hk | As a result, public views on some fundamental issues like their possible preference to redevelopment or rehabilitation, their chance to move back after [...] redevelopment, future design of the [...] redeveloped site, heritage preservation, [...]maintenance of social network, etc. are often neglected. procommons.org.hk |
是的,他们也许会觉得我们讲述的事蹟太过重复,然而我们分享这些个人经历时的感恩与真诚会帮 助他们的心对神的信实有深刻的印象,帮助他们在人生的 考验中能跟随我们的脚踪,以至在他们的一生中也能亲身 经历到神各应许的真实。 lordsgrace.ca | Yes, they may find our storiestoo repetitive, but the gratitude and sincerity with which we share these personal stories will help impress upon their hearts the faithfulness of our God, and help them follow our footsteps in their times of trials, and they, too, will come to experience the reality of the promises of God in their own lives as well. lordsgrace.ca |
之 後 俄 国 在 土 耳 其 的 政 策 , 加 上 德 国 为 土 耳 其 人 重 组 军 队、海 峡 问 题、巴 尔 干 战 争 的 影 响、德 国 人 的 焦 虑、 罗 马 利 亚 与 三 国 同 盟、奥 匈 帝 国 与 塞 尔 维 亚 的 关 系 以 及 随 之 而 来 的 导 火 线:裴 迪 南 大 公 被 刺 及 列 强 对 此 事 的 不 同 态 度 ---所 有 这 些 危 机 是 互 相 关 连 的 , 都 是 一 次 世 界 大 对 的痕蹟。 hkahe.com | Then Russian policy in Turkey, plus German reorganization of the Turkish army, the Straits question, the military effect of the Balkan Wars, the anxieties of the Germans, Rumania and the Triple Alliance, the relationship between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and then the immediate spark: the assassination of the Franz Ferdinand and the different attitudes and moves of the Great Powers towards this - all these piles of crisis stepping and overlapping one after another, were the trace of First World War. hkahe.com |
管制员能完成奇蹟般的任务, 也是这个机场成功的关键因素。 tacare.org.tw | The controllers do an almost miraculous job, which is the key to this airport's success. tacare.org.tw |
2002年9月,「香港设计中心」办公室迁至坚尼地道28号作为总部,是一幢由政府提供的历史建筑物,前身为中英联络小组办事处,已被古物古蹟办事处列为受保护的历史文物,具有重要的历史意义。 creativeecologiesplus.hk | September 2002, the headquarter of Hong Kong Design Centre moved to premises provided by the Hong Kong SAR Government in a heritage building at 28 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong that previously served as the office of the Joint Liaison Group. creativeecologiesplus.hk |
不信道而且否认我的蹟象者,将受凌辱的刑罚。 shahroudi.com | And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers. shahroudi.com |
由於特殊因缘聚合,历经多年的努力,我们制作水晶佛像的愿望,奇蹟似地幸获国际知名奥地利国宝水晶工厂-SWAROVSKI(施华洛士奇)的回应,而於1995年制作完成这尊精致且具人物实体感的“水晶释迦牟尼佛像”,限量1000尊,系其百年来史无前例与独一无二之作。 wisrain.com | Under very special circumstances and with many years of effort, our aspiration to make a crystal Buddha statue miraculously and fortunately got a favorable response from Swarovski, the well-known crystal factory in Austria. wisrain.com |
Conquer Electronics Co.功得电子成立於1977年,本公司已取得台湾标准局、美国UL、英国BSI、ISO9001及IECQ等工厂认证,全面采用自动化生产,产品品质获得国际肯定行销国内及欧、亚、美洲等,是台湾最杰出专业保险丝制造商,并名列全球第三大,同时也是世界知名品牌的零件重要供应商之一,为因应未来市场需求及扩大经营规模,正积极导入晶圆制程,诚心邀请有理想有抱负志同道合,社会青年加入我们的大家庭,让我们共同再创台湾奇蹟。 conquer.com.tw | Conquer Electronics, founded in 1977, the Company has made the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, American UL, BSI, ISO 9001 and IECQ, UK factory certified, fully automated production, product quality, internationally recognized marketing domestic and Europe, Asia, the Americas and other Taiwanthe most outstanding professional fuse manufacturers, and among the world's third largest, is also a world-renowned brand parts important supplier of one of the response to future market demand and to expand the scale of operation, is actively imported wafer fabrication, sincerely invites the idealslike-minded ambition, the young people in society to join our family, let us work together to another Taiwan miracle. conquer.com.tw |
这不是,但是,设想,这正是我们的炼狱,而是作为一个漠不关心国家对那些善恶事蹟被发现死亡的完美平衡。 mb-soft.com | It is not, however, conceived, exactly as our Purgatory, but rather as an indifferent state for those whose good and evil deeds are found at death to be in perfect equilibrium. mb-soft.com |
因为此次合作,我才明白并非人人知道何谓「调适再利用」,过去总以为这项领域跨越许多学科,原来仍是以古蹟保存为主轴,故将讨论会主题更改为「建筑再利用」,以往也曾有一次讨论会完全围绕着语言问题打转,因此很高兴能得知他人对古蹟领域词汇的看法。 thisbigcity.net | (We once focused an entire #builtheritage chat on the issue of language, so we’re happy to learn about how others view heritage terminology. thisbigcity.net |
到了 1973 年,日本的国民生产总值已超越了西德,成为仅次於美国的第二经济大国。日 本重新返回世界经济大国之列,许多人也称日本这次经济发展为「经济奇蹟」。 hkahe.com | By 1973, the GNP of Japan bypassed West Germany and Japan became the second economic power only after the US. hkahe.com |
艺术家领头」等计画投资范围遍及全英国,协助个别艺术家完成大型委托作品,其他基金亦资助全国各项剧场、博物馆、古蹟的参与式活动,希望吸引各个族群,包括年轻人、残障人士、地方居民与外国游客。 thisbigcity.net | Other funds served countrywide participatory activities in theatres, museums and heritage sites with the aim of engaging diverse demographics including young people, those with disabilities, local residents and international visitors. thisbigcity.net |
有关安排符合精简市建局职责范围的总体方向,更何况有助减轻 该局的财政负担呢!当然,市建局无需禁绝所有保育工作,假如重建范围内存 在值得保育的古蹟,市建局当然责无旁贷,但保育活化中环街市及上海街唐樓 等专项保育活化计划,便应由政府统領其事。 procommons.org.hk | It should only conduct the preservation of heritage within the redevelopment area on a limit ed scale. Such arrangements would be in consonance with the overall direction of st reamlining the responsibilities of the URA. procommons.org.hk |
长久以来,新派(即不信派) 的人认为五饼二鱼喂 饱五千人的事并非神蹟,祗不过是因有人先愿意慷慨 拿出所有的,以至感动其他人都如此作,结果人人都 吃个饱的。 lordsgrace.ca | The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand has consistently been dismissed by liberal Christians who opt to speculate that it was the generosity of those or someone who took the initiation to offer their food which prompted the rest to give out what they had, resulting in having enough food to satisfy the hunger of the five thousand. lordsgrace.ca |