

单词 蹑着脚

See also:

walk on tiptoe
walk quietly
tread (on)


leg n
role n

classifier for kicks
leg (of an animal or an object)
base (of an object)

External sources (not reviewed)

钢铁的电视塔立脚下环绕着一片 钢、木、竹结合的云状架构。
The design concept was ‘ a piece of floating white cloud beside the Pearl River.
警察局,在那里,他被秘密关押, 着 手 铐 脚 镣 , 三天没有得到食物和 水。
He was then transferred to the Chongwe Police Station, where he was secretly detained, in handcuffs and shackles and without food and water for three days.
岛上空间的不同方面和它断裂的历史之间 着 没 有 脚 本 又悬而未决的关联。
There are unscripted and unresolved links between different aspects of the Island space and its ruptured history.
在那时候,中国的道路上满是穿着毛装的男女 着脚 踏 车 在奔驰,而非驾驶最新型的豪华汽车。
In those days China's roads were full of bicycles ridden by Mao-suit-clad men and women rather than the latest luxury cars.
项目简介: 一个类似ruby on rails的java web快速开脚手架,本着不重 复发明轮子的原则,框架只是将零散的struts(struts2)+spring+hibernate各个组件组装好在一起,并对struts及struts2进行改造,提供零配置编程,并内置一个强大的代码生成器及模板文件,可以生成java的hibernat model,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类,可以生成jsp的增删改查及列表页面。
Project Information: Ruby on rails a similar rapid development of java web scaffolding , in line with the principle of not reinventing the wheel , but the fragmented frame struts (struts2) spring hibernate components assembled together , and the struts and struts2 transformation , providing zero configuration program , and built a powerful code generator and template files , you can generate the java hibernat model, dao, manager, struts struts2 action class , you can generate the CRUD and jsp list page .
手提箱在船舱中翻滚,船壁咯吱直响,让人难以入睡 - 该出来透透气了!没有人能站得脚 跟 , 只能 着 穿 衣 服,每次移动我都想呕吐。
The suitcases perform witches' dances in the cabin, the walls moan and groan, it is impossible to sleep - time to get out!
正是这段历史将散居海外的非洲人联系在一 起;无论是生活在南卡罗来纳州海岛上的Gullah人 或Geechee人,还是非洲裔的巴西人,共同的历史 将他们捆绑在一起,正如塞拉利昂或几内亚北部海 岸的Mende族稻米种植者和安哥拉的Mbangala人有 着共同的经历一样,他们着脚镣, 沿 着 海 岸被带 到要塞,等待船只带他们驶上跨大西洋的“中间航 程” 。
It is that history that connects Africans in the diaspora; whether it is the Gullah or Geechee people in the Sea Islands of South Carolina or the Afro-Brazilian, they are all bound by their shared history, just as the Mende rice growers in Sierra Leone or from the upper Guinea coast and the Mbangala from Angola had a common experience when they were shackled and led country true to its founding principles.
死囚区内的犯人每天24小时都着脚 镣 或手铐,遭到系统虐待,以摧毁被关押者的意志,直到他们招供。
Death row inmates were shackled or handcuffed 24 hours per day and systematically abused to break their will and force confessions.
前领导人邓小平号召中国 要“冷静观察、站脚根、沉着应付、韬光养晦、善于 守拙、绝不当头”。
Former leader Deng Xiaoping called for China to: “Observe calmly; secure our posi
此外还有 多人报怨说,在从法庭到拘留地点途中,他们手 脚 上 都 带 着 手 铐 和 脚 镣 , 有时 甚至在法官面前都不给他们摘下脚镣。
Several complained that detainees had been handcuffed and shackled en route from the place of detention to the judge’s chambers and that in some cases the shackles had not been removed even for the hearing before the judge.
欲了解更多有关穿着Vibram® Fivefingers®跑步的信息还有更安全地过渡到 脚 掌 着 地 跑姿,请访问我们的“赤足跑步常见问题”以及“赤足跑步”页面。
For more information on running in Vibram® Fivefingers® and making a safe transition to a forefoot strike running form, please refer to our Barefoot Running FAQ and Running page.
黎巴嫩贝鲁特,2013年3月25日 —— 凛冽的寒风中,我们忙着卸载成箱的捐赠物资——一批簇新的鞋子,附近的孩子们正在锋利的岩石、碎玻璃和泥地上 脚 奔 跑 着。
BEIRUT, Lebanon, 25 March 2013 – Children run barefoot across the sharp rocks, broken glass and dirt, as we offload boxes of donated new shoes in the bitter wind.
我们拥有的一切都被焚毁 —— 只能着脚从叙利亚来到这里。
Everything we owned was burnt and
[...] destroyed – we came barefoot from Syria,” [...]
says her cousin Nahla, 17, who looks after the younger cousins.
正当世界各地的人们在地球日当天做起环保, 着脚 踏 车 上班上学的时候,吉隆坡世纪学院House of Fayette的同学们正将这样的理想实体化。
In many places around the world, Earth Day is the single day on which recycling and riding bicycles are visionary agendas that remain illusionary; but to the students of the House of Fayette at SEGi College Kuala Lumpur, the vision became real.
Bashmilah先 生也同样描述了关押他的设施如何比阿富汗的更现代化。他的牢房充斥白色噪 音,电灯持续照耀,他一直着脚镣。
White noise was blasted into his cell, the light was kept on constantly, and he was kept shackled.
协会的志愿者Anne对我说: 我看到有的孩子冬天还穿着露脚指头 的单鞋呢。
Anne, one of the organization’s volunteers, said to me, “I saw that the children were still wearing flip-flops in the middle of winter, so at New Year’s, the organization would bring gifts to each of the children: a bag of rice, a bottle of oil and a pair of shoes.
他们可着脚和做 单脚独立,可 做单脚跳和在玩具建筑上轻松地攀爬和滑行,可踢或接住从近处传过来的大球, [...]
They can tiptoe and balance on one foot, hop, climb [...]
and slide on play structures with ease, kick or catch a large ball thrown
from a short distance, and throw and aim at short distances.
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳 脚 踢 ,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
泡脚所使用的温泉流水就像小河流般的流着,河底下的石头舒服地刺激按 着脚 底 , 另一处的温泉设施露天澡堂,那夕阳照射着枫叶,天空一片灿烂景象,心满意足地享受了枫叶之美。
In the creek-like footbath, flowing spa water and stones on the bottom massaged
[...] the points on the sole of my feet.
咨询委员会获悉,在该档供资的 40 个项目中,项目绩效评估包 括 2006-2009 年期间实施的 30 个项目,而其余
[...] 10 个项目仍处于实施阶段(同上, 表 1,脚注 a)。
The Advisory Committee was informed that of the 40 projects funded under that tranche, the assessment of project performance had included 30 projects
implemented during 2006-2009, while the remaining 10 projects were still in the implementation stage
[...] (ibid., table 1, footnote a).
应当注意的是,根据安全理事会第 808 号 决议第 2 段编写的联合国秘书长的报告(联合 国 S/25704 号文件,1993 年 5 月 3 日,第 35 段,第 9 页)指出,“列入国际人道主义协约 法的下述公约体现了适用于武装冲突的法律, 并完全成为国际习惯法的一部分:1949 年 8 月 12
日《保护战争受害者各项日内瓦公约》; 《陆战法规和惯例》(1907 年 10 月 18 日海牙 第四公约)和《公约附件陆战法规和惯例章 程》;1948 年 12 月 9
[...] 日《防止及惩治灭绝种 族罪公约》和《国际军事法庭宪章》 [省脚 注参考—— 教科文组织秘书处]。
It should be noted that the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 808 (United Nations document S/25704, 3 May 1993, para. 35, p. 9) stated that “[T]he part of conventional international humanitarian law which has beyond doubt become part of international customary law is the law applicable in armed conflict as embodied in: the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of War Victims; the Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Regulations annexed thereto of 18 October 1907; the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948; and the
Charter of the International Military Tribunal of 8 August
[...] 1945” [reference to footnotes omitted – the [...]
UNESCO Secretariat].
该代表团指出,这一点也要在本届会议上通 过的确认食品安全控制措施指南里强调,该指南规定,需要在个案基础上确认控制措施
[...] 基于依靠贸易模式的国家之间的相互协议,以及根据观察到的情况,另外还建议修改附 件 A 里的脚 9:微 生物统计防治措施-乳和乳制品操作规范,增加下列内容:“任何经 [...]
过乳过氧化物酶体系处理过的牛奶贸易应基于有关国家之间的相互协议,不得损害与其 他国家的贸易”。
The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and
in line with this observation, further
[...] proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix [...]
A: Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code
of Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of the following: "Any trade in milk treated by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries.
大会在其关于会议时地分配办法的第 53/208 B 号决议中:再次请秘书长确 保按照同时以大会六种正式语文分发文件的六星期规则提供文件;重申大会决定,
[...] 若报告延迟分发,在提出报告时应说明延误的原因;决定,如果报告迟交给会议事 务处,应在该文件脚注内 说明延误的原因。
In its resolution 53/208 B on the pattern of conferences, the General Assembly: (a) reiterated its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that documents were available in accordance with the six-week rule for their distribution simultaneously in the six official languages; (b) reaffirmed its decision that, if a report was issued late, the reasons for the delay should be indicated when the report was introduced; and (c) decided that, if a report
was submitted late to the conference services, the reasons for the delay should be
[...] included in a footnote to the document.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面着一 些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地着 幸 福 生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
着临时 宪法的出台,已形成了一个临时议会,它代表了与政府,尤其是地方一 级的政府更加密切地合作的新的机会。
With the introduction of the interim constitution, an interim parliament has been constituted which presents new opportunities for working more closely with the government, particularly at the local levels.




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