

单词 蹊跷

蹊跷 adjective ()

odd adj
strange adj

See also:


raise one's foot

External sources (not reviewed)

军事监狱和民事监狱一年 到头发生大量越狱事件,其中许多的前因后果十 蹊跷 , 这 仍然是反对有罪不罚 现象的斗争所面临的一大挑战。
The high numbers of escapes from military and civilian prisons that have occurred throughout the year – many of them under suspicious circumstances – continue to be a major challenge in the fight against impunity.
由于河Doube流,它通过波美莱先生和夏夏龙在那里的美丽的村庄栖息在 跷 其 余 的侧畔古朴的木结构房屋。
As the River Doube flows, it passes through the pretty villages of Baume-les-Messieurs and Chateau Chalon where quaint timbered houses perched on stilts rest on the side of the River.
部长们指 出,需要确保媒体的经济生存能力,同时应另 蹊 径 , 保证媒体在经济上的可持续性和独立性。
Ministers pointed to the need for ensuring economic viability of the media while looking for alternative solutions to provide their economic sustainability and independence.
我们认为政府和研究生院校有必要建 立一个新的联盟为那些有意攻读研究生的学生在获得财政支持上 打开思路,独蹊径, 提供更多的渠道。
A new pact between government and graduate institutions is needed, to provide innovative and alternative ways to financially support students interested in earning graduate degrees.
我们找出可能存在的缺陷,帮助排除潜在的危险,并提供一些关于妥善维护游乐场设备的提示——从秋千 跷跷 板。
We identify possible defects, help remove possible dangers, and provide tips on how to maintain playground equipment properly – from swings to teeter totters.
蹊径的 方法是,通过向某些受限制 投资者类型和部门安排私募配售,从而销 售这些非UCITS基金。
The alternative is to distribute these non-UCITS via private placement arrangements to certain restricted investor types and segments.
这一专题讨论小组的成员如下:蹊 大 学 国际问题研究生院荣誉教授 Ryokichi [...]
Hirono 先生、印度能源与资源研究所权力下放式能源解决办法专 题项目主任 Akanksha Chaurey 女士、城市网秘书长及菲律宾拉乌尼翁圣费 尔南多市前市长
Mary Jane Ortega 女士、以及孟加拉国环保律师协会执行 主任兼孟加拉国最高法院注册律师 Syeda Rizwana Hasan 女士。
The panel members were: Mr. Ryokichi Hirono, Professor
emeritus at the Graduate School of
[...] International Studies, Seikei University; Ms. [...]
Akanksha Chaurey, Director of Decentralised
Energy Solutions at The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Ms. Mary Jane Ortega, Secretary-General of CITYNET and former mayor of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines; and Ms. Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Chief Executive of the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers’ Association and an enrolled lawyer of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
我们不能允许外交渠道为伊朗政 权拖延时间,一步步接近获得核武器另 蹊 径。
We cannot allow the diplomatic channel to provide another avenue for the Iranian regime to stall for more time, as it inches closer and closer to a nuclear weapon.
會否有甚麼蹊,所 以才不想要他們呢?
Are there any dubious reasons so that they do not want the chiropractors to be included into their constituency?
这些土地法人团体为传统 保有土地的经济开发开辟蹊径。
These ILGs provide the vehicle to developing the customary land for economic purposes.
展览后他们三位决定在“土地计划”实施一个真正的厨房,最后房屋由卡明设计和建造了出来:下层是“ 跷 ” 式 的支柱,没有围合,是做饭的地方;二层带斜顶,四面也不围合,但有栏杆连着座椅,是吃饭的地方;斜顶再往上长出一个凉亭,同时也是瞭望台,是饭后休息的地方。
After the exhibition, the three of them decided to have a real kitchen in The Land Project, and eventually the
house was designed and built by Kamin: built
[...] on stilts, it stood above an open [...]
space where people could cook; the second level,
with a slanting roof, was also open and had railings and seats, and that was where people ate; above the slanting roof was a pavilion, which was also an observation tower, which was where people rested after meals.
故 此 , 當 局 確 有必要 設 法 另蹊 徑 , 紓 減 羅 湖 管 制 站 的 壓力。
So, the authorities need to find another way to ease the pressure on the Lo Wu Control Point.
在 2010 年出版的其题为“促进公平的时代:缩小差距, 开蹊径” 的报告中,拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)提出,危机为 绘制新路线以及改变迄今遵循的主要发展模式提供了一个难得机会。
In its landmark report entitled “Time for equality: closing gaps, opening trails”, published in 2010, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) argues that the crisis provides a unique opportunity to chart a new course to change the dominant model of development hitherto being followed.
因为传统竞赛和体育运动好像是一种替代做法,一方面它可以弥补结构方面的不足 [ 实施正常体育计划(EPS)通常所需的体育设施和器材的高昂费用 ],另一方面也可以 弥补经济形势造成的限制(经济形势不景气、政府的计划安排厚此薄彼对实现教育系统的目 的和目标产生的压力越来越大),由于形势所限,正常的体育计划难以获得大的发展,也许 应当另蹊径,采取务实的态度。
Indeed, traditional games and sports emerge as an alternative for addressing the structural deficit (exorbitant costs for the sports installations and materials traditionally required for the implementation of the regular PES1 programme) and also the current constraints (difficult economic context, choices and priorities in relation to government programmes applying increasing pressure on the aims and purposes of education systems) which make the full development of regular PES programmes difficult − programmes which should no doubt be addressed differently and pragmatically.
瑞典艺术家Carl Michaël von Hausswolff于2004至2005年间在此建造了一间“星屋”(目前也是空置),采用了一个四角星作为“ 跷” 上面二层地板的形状,并在地板上面安装八扇推拉窗门,居住者可通过窗门的开关来区隔不同的空间。
Carl Michael von Hausswolff, the Swedish sound artist who from 2004 to 2005 built “Star House”, also currently unoccupied, adopted four-pointed stars for the shape of the two floors above the “stilts”, and installed eight doors that could be pushed and pulled so that residents were able to create different spaces by opening or closing the doors.
宣传片的主题句是“开辟新的道路,为您创造便捷”(Creating new paths, so that you have it easier),表明O2愿意为消费者另蹊 径。
The tagline for the campaign reads “Creating new paths, so that you have it easier,” showing that O2 is willing to go the extra mile for the consumer.
我们认为,我们应当另蹊径, 也探讨裁谈会框 架外的办法。
In our view, we should therefore consider another course of action and explore options outside the framework of the Conference also.
在苗族民間傳統工藝及技術的基礎上,她以深厚的蠟畫功底另 蹊 徑 , 創造了一種全新的蠟畫藝術品——蠟版畫,廣受歡迎。
With her profoundly deep knowledge of wax techniques, she has created a new form of wax art – wax engraving – that is highly praised.
仅举挪威建筑设计师亚蒙德和威格斯内斯(Jarmund/Vigsnæs )在清华大学建筑学院举办的《迷失于大自然》(Lost in Nature)作品展;罗尔夫·拉姆斯塔建筑事务所(Reiulf Ramstad Architects)的罗尔夫·拉姆斯塔在中央美术学院举办的《另 蹊 径 》(Detour)系列讲座和《世界建筑导报》中文专刊介绍斯诺赫塔建筑事务所罗伯特·格伦伍德(Robert Grenwood)旅游建筑学研讨会,以及中国建筑设计师于2010年和2011年前往挪威的两次研修之旅等少数例子便可以说明人们对于挪威建筑艺术的兴趣正处于方兴未艾之中。
Exhibitions as  ”Lost in Nature” by Norwegian Architects Jarmund/Vigsnæs at Tsinghua School of Architecture, Detour at Central Academy of Fine Arts, lecture series by architects like Reiulf Ramstad from Reiulf Ramstad Architects, and Robert Grenwood from Snøhetta, a special issue in the Chinese magazine World Architecture Review, a seminar on the architecture of tourism, as well as two study tours with Chinese architects going to Norway in 2010 and 2012, just to mention some activities in recent years, shows that this interest in Norwegian architecture is as strong as ever.
为了能够研制全新产品,开发创新产品,他们独 蹊 径 , 不停地质疑现存的条框规范和常识惯例。
To develop new, innovative products, they pursue their own paths and constantly question existing rules and conventions.
一如大部分由品牌主辦的藝術活動,在沒有博物館的文化包袱,以及私人藝廊的商業考慮下,Mobile Art另蹊徑,創造了一個由場館建築到策劃方式都別開生面的「移動式」藝術展覽會。
Without the commercial pressure and financial constraint that usually come with organising an exhibition, Chanel Mobile Art is one of a ‘mobile’ kind.
许多度假村保持着村庄一般的面貌,另外一些则另 蹊 径。
Many resorts want to preserve their village-like appearance, while others decide to go the other way.
Given the situation, it is extremely important to find an alternative path to achieving peace and stability in Afghanistan.
隨著世界人口邁向70億,國際新聞單位充斥著負面消息,Boyce Chaka等人決定另蹊徑, 改善這個世界,也透過微小但極為重要的方式帶來變化。
As the world population grows to hit the 7 billion mark, and bleak stories are beamed by international news agencies, citizens of the world such as Chaka have found other means to make this a better place and contribute towards making a difference in their own small but very significant ways.
在Splatter, 我们热衷于研读另蹊径取 得成功的品牌案例,因此,在本期的THE SOUND中,我们要探讨的是斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心这个项目,以期从中找到关键的成功因素,到在这个复杂的国家里取得成功的秘诀,而不仅仅是从他人的失败中汲取教训。
At Splatter we LOVE hearing about successful brands who have followed the road less traveled so in this edition of THE SOUND we are exploring the Swatch Art Peace Hotel project with the aim of finding the Key Success Factors so that we might all learn from other brands success in this complicated country, rather than just learning from others mistakes
于是,崭新的厂房于1945年在La Côte-aux-Fées落成启用,并决定另蹊 径 ,开始投入超薄机芯的研发工作。
That is why, in 1945, Piaget built a new Manufacturing facility, which was soon to distinguish itself by novel developments in the area of ultra-thin movements
源于对品牌精髓的传承,又深深植根于现代文化,Lancôme兰蔻打破传统的束缚,以精巧别致却又不失奔放的独特气息另 蹊 径。
From the essence of the heritage of the brand, but also deeply rooted in modern culture, Lancôme Lancome break the shackles of tradition, to sophisticated chic but without losing the unique atmosphere of unrestrained another way.
WGF无公害干粉灌装机研制成功填补了我国干粉灌装设备的空白,尤其是独具匠心的设计原理,在国内外均采用机械方式,或“挤”或“填”或“灌”的落后原理的情况下,另 蹊 径 ,采用了真空负压“吸”粉的原理,具有生产效率高、无粉尘飞扬、操作简单、维修简单、对改善工人劳动条件、消除环境污染有十分明显的效果。
WGF did the powder without the environmental damage to fill installing equipment to develop successfully fills our country to do the powder to fill installs the equipment the blank, the alone ingenuity principle of design, in domestic and foreign selected the mechanical method in particular, either "crowded" or "filled in" or "fills" in the backward principle situation, used the vacuum negative pressure "to attract" the powder principle in addition, had the production efficiency high, flies upwards, the operation simply without the dust, the service is simple, to improves the worker work condition, the elimination environmental pollution has the extremely tangible effect.
秘书处的一位代表答复说,大会部一方面一直在努力改善稿件及时提交的 状况并取得了一些成效,另一方面也意识到那些在外地开展工作的文件编写部门 所受的制约因素,因此便另蹊径,即鉴于现在的技术已经使得瞬时电子分发文 件成为可能,希望能从这些技术进步中受益。
A representative of the Secretariat responded that, while the Department strove to increase the timely submission of manuscripts and had achieved improvements, it recognized the constraints on author departments that were working in the field and was instead seeking to benefit from the technological gains that had made instantaneous electronic distribution of documents possible.
目前國際間貨幣政策似乎已顯得失效,未來全球經濟將會持續處 於低增長、高通脹的困局中,如何為香港經濟發展開闢 蹊 徑 ,使香 港經濟得以持續發展,將成為未來新一屆特區政府必須面對的考驗。
At present, it seems the international monetary policy has lost its effectiveness and in the future, the global economy will remain in the predicament of low growth and high inflation.




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