单词 | 蹄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蹄—hoofpig's trotters蹄noun—hoovenExamples:蹄子—hoof (old) wench hussy 口蹄疫—foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) aphthous fever 奇蹄目—Perissodactyla order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, tapir, rhinoceros)
您可在利位伐全自动蹄浴槽AFB1000的帮助下,节约时间和资金的同时,在牛群中实施有效的牛蹄护理计划。 delaval.cn | You can maintain aneffectivehoof care programme in your herd while saving time and money, with the help of DeLaval automated footbath AFB1000. delaval.com |
如果您想在牛群中维持良好的牛蹄健康,却不花太多的时间, 重新设计的利拉伐AFB1000正是您需要的。 delaval.cn | If you want [...] to maintain good hoofhealth inyour [...]herd without it taking too much time, the redesigned DeLaval AFB1000 delivers what you need. delaval.com |
当 Stanford 得赛马跑过赛道而触 发连接快门的细线时,就有 24 [...] 幅照片被拍摄下来,从而证明了某些时刻所有的赛马都四蹄腾空。 motion.kodak.com | As Stanford's horse ran the track, it tripped [...] the wires and recorded 24 photographs that proved [...] that all four of thehorse's [...]feet were off the ground at the same time. motion.kodak.com |
利比亚于2010年11月9 日参加了普遍定期审议;当时我国仍然在独裁政权 的铁蹄统治之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Libya participated in the universal periodic review on 9 November 2010; at the time, the country was still under the heel of the dictatorial regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 1872 年,加利福尼亚州州长 Leland Stanford 因一场赌博而雇佣了他,赌博的内容是让 [...] 其证明在赛马比赛中有的时候所有参赛的 4 匹马都是四蹄腾空。 motion.kodak.com | In 1872, California Governor Leland Stanford hired Muybridge to [...] help him win a bet by proving that there are times in a horse race [...] when allfour oftheanimal's [...]feet are off the ground. motion.kodak.com |
VINNAPAS® 威耐实醋酸乙烯-乙烯(VAE)乳液可满足高质量HVAC玛蹄脂应用在粘附力和柔性平衡方面的要求。 wacker.com | VINNAPAS® VAE copolymer dispersions provide the necessary balance of adhesion and flexibility for high quality HVAC mastic applications. wacker.com |
在一个友好的马蹄铁游戏,苹果白兰地和彩虹短跑开始拥有其他的竞技实力。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After a friendlygame of horseshoes, Applejack and [...] Rainbow Dash start boasting to the other on their athletic prowess. en.seekcartoon.com |
由欧盟资助的关于亚洲高致病性新发或再发动物疫病区域合作项 [...] 目,在亚洲将疫苗银行从禽流感疫苗扩展到其他传染病,如口蹄疫、狂犬病和其 他高致病性新发或再发跨区域疾病的疫苗。 daccess-ods.un.org | The EU funded Regional Cooperation Programme on Highly Pathogenic Emerging and Re-emerging animal diseases (HPED) in Asia will see the expansion - in Asia - of this vaccine [...] bank to other diseases other than avian [...] influenza, such as: foot and mouth disease, [...]rabies and possibly other pathogenic emerging [...]and re-emerging transboundary diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於种种困难,七名研究组的学者加上十位同学马不停蹄的工作,亦未能於当日完成点算工作。 hkupop.hku.hk | Due to various constraints and difficulties, however, the counting result could not be reached by the end of the day despite the continuous hard work of the 7 academics and 10 students. hkupop.hku.hk |
当肌肉健壮的男子,高五鬼观看网络视频,如老人马蹄与Wedgie忍者病毒,末底改和里格比说,他们可以做出更好的视频,和投注肌肉的男人和五鬼10。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are watching viral internet videos [...] such as Old Man Horseshoesand Wedgie Ninja, [...]Mordecai and Rigby say they can make [...]a better video, and bet Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost $10. seekcartoon.com |
是在男袍的窄袖口前边,再接一个半圆形袖头,一般最长半尺,其形像马蹄,又叫“马蹄袖”。 sypm.org.cn | Were men and narrow cuffs front robe, and a semi-circular sleeve head, General up to half foot, its shaped likeahorseshoe,also known as "matixiufb". sypm.org.cn |
最近批准了题为“对早期检测、 应对和控制口蹄疫爆发的紧急援助”的新的技术合作项目的第二阶段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recently phase II of a new emergency technical cooperation project entitled “emergency assistance for early detection, response and control of foot-mouth disease outbreak” has been approved. daccess-ods.un.org |
7、烤好的酥烧饼用刀切开,但不要切断,放上2大匙蹄膀肉和1大匙香菜丁就可以趁热吃了。 maomaomom.com | 5: Serving: Slice each flatbread open, fill with 2-3 tbsp pork meat and top with some chopped cilantro, serve immediately. maomaomom.com |
生日送花束方面并没有特定有生日意思的花种,反而有心思的生日送花会是送上生日岁数支数的花,不论是玫瑰丶马蹄兰丶郁金香都可以。 givegift.com.hk | There is no flower that particularly has a meaning of birthday, and in fact for the extreme flower message crowd, there is a flower or plant specie that is birthday flower for that day. givegift.com.hk |
在 2010年,政府部门最常种植的树苗品种包括木荷、大头茶、红胶木、耳果相思 [...] 及刨花润楠,而最常种植的树木品种为油甘子、细葉榕、赤桉、红胶木、毛葉桉 和宫粉羊蹄甲。devb.gov.hk | In 2010, the most common species of seedlings planted by government departments included Schima, Hong Kong Gordonia, Brisbane Box, Ear-leaved Acacia and Many-nerved Machilus whereas the most common [...] species of trees planted included Myrobalan, Chinese Banyan, River Red Gum, Brisbane Box, [...] Cadaga and Camel’s FootTree. devb.gov.hk |
有需求就必定会承应的谷歌当然不会令我们失望,经过一段时间整改,谷歌为Gmail马不停蹄创建了陈列和显示Gmail通讯录的独立页面,秉承谷歌一贯的优良作风,此页面功能仍在不断优化过程中。 google-contact...n.uptodown.com | As was to be expected, Google wasted no time in creating a separate page on which to display the Gmail contacts manager, besides which they have continued gradually adding new improvements. google-contact...n.uptodown.com |
领导层还继续马不停蹄地执行萨拉姆·法耶兹总 理将近两年前提出的建国计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | The leadership also continues to work non-stop to implement the State-building plan launched nearly two years ago by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. daccess-ods.un.org |
是次研究对大屿山西面海岸各个海洋生境的生态情况,包括马蹄蟹调查,进行了桌面研究和实地调查,以便确定该区是否有育幼海滩。 logisticshk.gov.hk | The ecological profile of marine habitats along the West Lantau coast was [...] examined through a desktop study and field [...] surveys,includinghorseshoe crab surveys to [...]determine the presence of any nursery beaches. logisticshk.gov.hk |
马蹄形的散热器护栅,与两边的通风护栅均由轻量的合金制成,并以连扣的H字形设计组合,演绎出HERMÈS的经典标志。 think-silly.com | The central butterfly wheel locks branded with letter ‘H’; Hermès signature saddle stitching on air vents around the rims; The horseshoe radiator grille and the lateral ventilation grilles flanking it, are made from lightweight alloys with a design of interlocking H’s, evoking the Hermès ‘signature’. think-silly.com |
鲜花摆设由粉红玫瑰,单头白合, 马蹄兰爲主, 加上蓝色,白色,粉色衬花和衬叶, [...] 细长叶作艺术綫条, 插在素色藤篮上. givegift.com.hk | The flower arrangement is is made from pink roses, single [...] blossomlilies, calla lilies, plus blue, [...]white and pink accompanying roses and [...]leaves, arranged on light color woven basket. givegift.com.hk |
减低口蹄疫、肠病毒、禽流感感染、提升免疫力功能、增强抵抗力,促进健康。 trade-taiwan.org | Reducing the happening of month-and-footdisease, Enterovlrus, enhancing immunity and boosting health. trade-taiwan.org |
慢下来,把你的相机摄影仔细复制了14双和22蓑羽,桑托斯杜蒙和串联建于世界,水上飞机Jahu,这是由约翰试行里贝罗德巴罗斯于1927年首先在设计的第一架飞机跨越大西洋马不停蹄,经过几代人包括幻影III的战机,其中埃尔顿塞纳1989年3月飞,当然也可以找到商业飞机,比如星座,德兰特,福克27和福克100, 。 >lang=zh-CN' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>emaiero.com | Slow down, take your camera photographic look closely replicates the 14-Bis and 22 Demoiselle, Santos Dumont and designed by the first aircraft built in series in the world, Seaplane Jahu, which was piloted in 1927 by John Ribeiro de Barros in the first crossing the Atlantic Ocean nonstop, several generations of warplanes, including Mirage III in which Ayrton Sena flew in March 1989, and of course can also be found commercial aircraft, such as Constellation, Bandeirante, Fokker 27 and Fokker 100 . >lang=en' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>emaiero.com |
在微电子线路研发设计过程中,李总和他的工程技术人员曾经无数次否定过一个又一个设计方案,不断进行新的探索和拓宽设计思路,当自行设计的微电子线路研发设计有了突破性的进展以后,李总又马不停蹄地将技术设计原理交宏源海外试验基地进行小批量封装。 cn.lvd.cc | After their design made a new breakthrough, Li continued to transfer the technical design theories to the Hongyuan overseas trial base to conduct small batch of packaging. en.lvd.cc |
必须注意,在整个停火协议期间,政府向挪威政府以及斯里兰卡监督团提 出了抗议,指责猛虎组织以停火协议为幌子,一直在肆无忌惮地加剧实施各类非 法活动,包括筹建该组织的军机,并且马不停蹄地扩大征募儿童兵,截止 2007 年4月30 日经斯里兰卡监督团裁定的案件达1,743起。 daccess-ods.un.org | It must be noted that throughout the period of the CFA, protestations by the Government to the Norwegian Government as well as to the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), about the increased illegal activities of the LTTE under the cloak of the CFA including development of its air wing and unabated child recruitment amounting to 1743 cases as ruled by the SLMM as at 30 April 2007, were to go unheeded. daccess-ods.un.org |
根状茎匍匐; 节间的0.3-1.1 厘米叶全部基生; 托叶卵形或者宽卵形, 10-12 * 7-10 毫米; 叶柄3-16毫米,最初带白色长硬毛状柔毛,老时脱落;叶片斜宽卵形或近圆形, 3.5-18 [...] * 4-14 厘米,草质,具细纤维,具长柔毛在脉上, [...] 最初带白色的毛,锈色的的晚些时候,绿色,深绿色,或装饰具带白色或浅马蹄形污点, 疏生贴伏锈色的具细纤维在幼时,后无毛,基部5-8脉,基部心形,边缘不规则齿或细齿,长缘毛,先端短渐尖,钝或圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves all basal; stipules ovate or broadly ovate, 10-12 × 7-10 mm; petiole 3-16 mm, initially whitish hirsute-villous, glabrescent when old; blade obliquely broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5-18 × 4-14 cm, herbaceous, abaxially fibrillose, villous on veins, hairs initially whitish, later rusty, [...] adaxially green, dark green, or adorned with a [...] whitishor pale horseshoe-shapedmaculation, [...]sparsely appressed rusty fibrillose [...]when young, glabrescent, basally 5-8-veined, base cordate, margin irregularly dentate or denticulate, long ciliate, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse, or rounded. flora.ac.cn |