单词 | 踏月 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 踏月 —go for a walk in the moonlightSee also:踏—tread • step on • investigate on the spot • press a pedal
要在沿線車站加裝自動月台閘門,必須妥善解決月台 空隙的問題,以減低乘客因視線被閘門阻擋而 誤 踏月 台 空隙 的風險。 legco.gov.hk | The problem of wide platform gaps has to be properly resolved before APGs are installed at stations along the line in order to reduce the [...] risk of passengers inadvertently [...] stepping into the platform gaps because of sight line obstructions caused by the APGs. legco.gov.hk |
如果要考慮在東鐵線裝設自動月台閘門,便必須先 行在月台安裝月台踏板系 統,以減低乘客上落車 時 踏 進 月台 空隙的風險。 legco.gov.hk | If APGs are to be considered to be installed on the East Rail [...] Line, MGFs have to be installed at platforms first to [...] reduce the risk of passengers stepping into the platform gaps when they are boarding and [...]alighting. legco.gov.hk |
至於在東鐵線安裝自動月台閘門方面,由於東鐵線部分車站 有弧度較大的月台及較闊的月台空隙,因此要在沿線車站加 裝自動月台閘門等,必須妥善解決月台空隙的問題,減低乘 客因視線被閘門阻擋而誤踏月台空 隙的風險。 legco.gov.hk | As regards retrofitting APGs on the East Rail Line, as there are platforms with relatively greater curvatures and wider platform gaps at some stations of the East Rail Line, the problem of wide platform gaps has to be properly resolved before APGs are installed at stations along the line in order to reduce the [...] risk of passengers inadvertently [...] stepping into the platform gaps because of sight line obstructions caused by the APGs. legco.gov.hk |
來到最新第三集,把美、蘇兩國於六十年代的登月太空競賽歷史聯繫起來,博派首領柯柏文(Optimus Prime)踏足月球拯救沉睡多年的前任首領御天敵(Sentinel Prime),卻引致一眾狂派機械人再次大規模侵襲地球。 think-silly.com | Its third installment is based on the space race between U.S. and Soviet Union [...] in the Sixties: [...] Optimus Prime lands on the moon to rescue the former leader Sentinel Prime, triggering the extreme [...]Autobots to launch an attack on the Earth. think-silly.com |
3.又回顾首次载人航天飞行以来人类进入外层空间的辉煌历史和非凡成 [...] 就,尤其是瓦伦蒂娜·捷列什科娃于 1963 年 6 月 16 [...] 日成为绕地球轨道飞行的第 一名女性,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗于 1969 年 7 月 20 日成为踏足月球表面的第一人, 阿波罗号航天器与联盟号航天器于 1975 [...]年 7 月 17 日对接,这是人类在空间的第 [...] 一次国际飞行任务,并回顾过去十年来,人类利用国际空间站维持了多国人员在 外层空间的长期存在 daccess-ods.un.org | the amazing history of human presence in outer space and the remarkable achievements since the first human spaceflight, in particular Valentina Tereshkova becoming the first woman to orbit the Earth on 16 June 1963, Neil [...] Armstrong becoming the [...] first human to set foot upon the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969, and [...]the docking of the Apollo [...]and Soyuz spacecrafts on 17 July 1975, being the first international human mission in space, and recall that for the past decade humanity has maintained a multinational permanent human presence in outer space aboard the International Space Station daccess-ods.un.org |
踏入每月最后 一天,推进杆会停留在日期切换凸轮的最高点,然后下降并退至每月开始时的位置。 iwc.com | At precisely the end of the month, the advance lever, [...] which now rests on the highest point on the date change wheel cam, [...]drops down over a raised step back to the point where it was at the beginning of the month. iwc.com |
踏入三月,理 應是前瞻來年度經濟發展的時候。 hkupop.hku.hk | March used to be the month when economic [...] forecast catches the public's attention. hkupop.hku.hk |
踏入二月,中 國本地客戶逐漸增加訂單,主要由於中國大 陸3G [...] 技術較原定計劃提前將近一年實施。 opc.com.hk | In February, orders from local [...] China customers began to gradually pick up largely due to the plans to pull ahead the implementation [...]of 3G technology in the Mainland by almost a year. opc.com.hk |
踏入十月,上 圆盘向前推进一个数位,完全覆盖了下圆盘。 iwc.com | At the start of October (the tenth month) the upper disc [...] advances by a single digit to cover the lower disc completely. iwc.com |
我想問局長,在這情況下,除了剛才提及 在進行測試時關注的可靠性外,當局有否考慮更重要的一點,便 是 月台 踏板的耐用性,因為普通月台幕門或閘門是橫向開關的,除了有人碰撞 外,便沒有其他東西對其造成壓力。 legco.gov.hk | May I ask the Secretary, in that case, besides reliability which is a concern in such tests, whether the authorities will consider a more important point, that is, the durability of MGFs because ordinary PDSs or APGs open and close sideways; unless somebody knocks against them, no other things can put pressure on them. legco.gov.hk |
十年间, 第一批人类踏上了月球表面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within a decade, the first [...] human beings set foot on the surface of the Moon. daccess-ods.un.org |
月台踏板的 設計 及運作必須與列車訊號系統連接,當列車進入月台後車門開 啟前會自動伸出,當車門關上後及列車駛 離 月 台 前 , 踏 板會 自動收回月台內,以確保乘客安全。 legco.gov.hk | The design and [...] operation of MGFs has to interface with the train signalling system, the MGF plates will automatically extend after the arrival of a train before the train doors are opened, and automatically retract into the platform edge after the train doors are closed and before the train departs [...]to ensure passenger safety. legco.gov.hk |
踏入二月,日历能辨别出该月共有28天还是29天。 iwc.com | And in February, the calendar knows whether the month has twenty-eight [...] or twenty-nine days. iwc.com |
基於安全考慮,當列車到站停定後, 月台踏板會從月台邊 緣伸出,在系統確定踏板已經伸出後, 列車才會開門;乘客上落完畢後,車門會先穩妥關上,然後 月台踏板才會開始收回。 legco.gov.hk | Due to safety consideration, when a train comes to a complete stop at a station, MGFs would extend from the platform edge, and only after the system verifies that MGFs are extended would the train doors open. legco.gov.hk |
(五 ) 要求港鐵盡快在全線月台加裝幕門、閘門和自動伸 縮 月台 踏板等 設施,以加強月台安全,並改善車站設施以達致 無障礙環境; (六 ) 要求各公共巴士公司盡快更換低地台巴士以照顧殘疾人 士的乘車需要,並且在巴士停站時以廣播方式知會乘客有 關路線安排以方便失明人士,同時在公共巴士服務的新專 營權協議中加入條款,規定巴士公司須設立殘疾人士票價 優惠 legco.gov.hk | (f) to request various public bus companies to expeditiously replace their buses with low floor type buses to cater for the transport needs of people with disabilities, and when a bus makes stops, inform passengers of the routing arrangement through its public address system for the convenience of the blind, and at the same time incorporate provisions in the new franchise agreements on public bus services to require bus companies to offer concessionary fares to people with disabilities legco.gov.hk |
曾蔭權明顯踏入民意蜜月期, 能否長期保持優勢,未來兩、三個月的表現將會是關鍵時刻。 hkupop.hku.hk | In terms of popularity, Donald Tsang [...] has apparently entered his honeymoon, but whether [...]he can maintain this advantage in [...]the long run depends very much on his performance in the coming two or three months. hkupop.hku.hk |
市場對新增的河內及達卡貨運服務反應理想,公司業務因而受惠,另一方面燃料價格高企對貨運業務依然造成重大衝擊 , 踏 入 五 月 及 六 月 亞 洲 貨運的淡季,公司會積極面對市場上尤其是海上航運方面帶來的競爭。 swirepacific.com | However, increasing jet fuel prices are inflicting serious damage on our freighter business and we stand to [...] face increasing competition from ocean cargo in May and June, which [...] are traditionally slack months for cargo out of Asia. swirepacific.com |
我們會繼續與港鐵公司密切跟進對月 台 踏 板 系統 試驗計劃的檢討。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to follow up closely with the MTRCL on the review of the trial on the MGF system. legco.gov.hk |
我很多謝議員理解到,這項月台踏 板系統是要香港自行研發的,而世界上亦沒有任何標準可供我們很容易 地借用和立即採納。 legco.gov.hk | I am grateful to Members for their appreciation that this MGF system is developed in Hong Kong and there is no standard in the world that we can very easily make reference to and adopt immediately. legco.gov.hk |
國泰航空貨運董事兼總經理孟天宋表示:「雖 然 踏 入 五 月 貨 運 的淡季,但貨運量對比去年同期仍錄得穩健增幅,可是燃油價格持續高企仍然帶來嚴重影響,衝擊貨運業務。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific Director & General [...] Manager Cargo Ron Mathison said: "May is [...] usually an off-peak month for cargo but we [...]still achieved a healthy growth over the same month last year. swirepacific.com |
如果月台踏板真的出現故障,例如在伸出後不能收回,或有其他狀況, 便可能造成危險。 legco.gov.hk | If MGFs really fail, for example, failing to retract after extension, or there are other conditions, dangers may arise. legco.gov.hk |
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「曾蔭權的最新民望支持度為72.3分,是自1997年4月其評分系列開始以來的最高分數,顯示曾蔭權在當選特首後 正 踏 入 另 一次 蜜 月 期。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, analyzed, "The latest [...] popularity rating of Donald Tsang is 72.3 marks, which is a record high since we started [...] to poll on his popularity in April 1997. hkupop.hku.hk |
局長剛才提到,似乎沒有其他地方安裝同類 型月 台踏板的成效數據可作參考。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary said just now that there is apparently no other places that have installed similar types of MGFs that can provide effectiveness data for reference. legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 是否知悉,港鐵公司會否取消為加裝月台幕門而收取使用八 達通卡每程1毫的額外收費;若會,詳情及時間表為何;若 [...] 否,原因為何;港鐵公司整理及分析有關自動伸 縮 月 台 踏板 試 驗計劃的測試數據的工作進度及預計完成日期為何;港鐵 [...] 公司有何方法防止在還未安裝月台幕門或自動月台閘門的 車站再發生乘客墮軌意外;港鐵公司有否進一步計劃在各車 [...] 站設置洗手間;若有,詳情及時間表為何;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it knows if the MTRCL will cancel the extra charge of 10 cents for each Octopus journey for the retrofitting of platform screen doors (PSDs); if it will, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that; of the MTRCL's progress and expected completion date of collating and [...] analysing the test data of the trial of the [...] mechanical gap fillers (MGFs) system; [...]what method the MTRCL has to prevent the [...]recurrence of accidents of passengers falling onto rail tracks at those stations which have not yet installed PSDs or automatic platform gates (APGs); whether the MTRCL has further plans to provide toilets at the various stations; if so, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
在最後階段,港鐵公司在羅湖站4個月台共98個月台空 隙較闊的上落車位置安裝月台踏板, 在列車提供服務期間進 行功能及可靠性測試(例如測試月台踏 板 是 否有根據要求在 每一次伸出及收回以縮減月台空隙,以及測 試 月 台 踏 板 系 統 運作時的故障率),並收集測試數據,以便評核系統效能。 legco.gov.hk | In the last phase, the MTRCL installed MGFs at a total of 98 [...] boarding and alighting [...] positions at four platforms at Lo Wu Station where platform gaps are relatively wider to conduct function and reliability test during service hours (for example, to test whether MGFs extend and retract to reduce the platform gaps every single time according to requirement, and to test the fault rate of the MGF system during operation) [...]and collect test data [...]in order to assess the performance of the system. legco.gov.hk |
我們現時要確定的,不單 是月台踏板可 以在機械上達到伸縮的效果 ⎯⎯ 這方面並無多大困難 ⎯⎯ 而是該月台踏板系 統與訊號系統一同運作的可靠性、故障率,或 在不同天氣情況下的表現,以致它日後成為整條東鐵線的其中一個恆常 系統的運作情況。 legco.gov.hk | At present, we not only need to [...] confirm that the MGF plates can mechanically extend and retract ― there is little difficulty in this regard ― but also the reliability and the fault rate of the MGF system while [...]operating together [...]with the signalling system, or its performance in different weather conditions and its operation as one of the permanent systems of the entire East Rail Line in the future. legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 港鐵公司是否已完成月台踏板系統的全面檢討;若然,結果 為何;若否,原因為何;以及有否為東鐵線及馬鞍山線沿線 車站加裝幕門或閘門的具體時間表;若有,詳情為何;若否, 原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (c) the MTRCL has completed the comprehensive review of the MGF system; if so, of the outcome; if not, the reasons for that, and whether there is any specific timetable for the retrofitting of PSDs or APGs at the stations along the East Rail Line and the Ma On Shan Line; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
這就是當時的測試為 何除了機械測試外,還要和其他系統,例如訊號系統一起運作,以及測 試其可靠性,因為幕門不可以單獨運作,而是要 與 月 台 踏 板 系 統,以及 其他訊號和行車系統配合運作。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, the tests conducted at the time not only included mechanical tests but also tests on the effect of MGFs operating together with the signalling system and reliability tests. legco.gov.hk |
試驗期間,港鐵公司發現由於月台踏 板 系 統與各個 鐵路系統之間的信息溝通必須重複核證,導致列車停站時間 及整體行車時間延長。 legco.gov.hk | During the trial, the MTRCL found that, since elaborate verifications for the communications between the MGF system and the various railway systems are required, additional platform dwell time and lengthening of total journey time are incurred. legco.gov.hk |
國 泰 航 空 貨 運 董 事 兼 總 經 理 孟 天 宋 表 示 : 「 於 七 月 份 經 香 港 轉 口 往 北 美 洲 及 澳 洲 的 貨 運 量 依 然 強 勁 , 我 們 預 期 整 [...] 體 貨 運 需 求 會 於 八 月 底 踏 入 貨 運 旺 季 時 開 始 [...]上 升 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific Director & General Manager Cargo Ron Mathison said: "Re-exports from Hong Kong to North America and [...] Australia remained strong in July and we expect that overall cargo demand will begin [...] to build in late August as the seasonal [...]peak begins. swirepacific.com |