

单词 踏入

See also:

step on
investigate on the spot
press a pedal

External sources (not reviewed)

香港與㆗華㆟民共和國的關係, 踏入 ㆒ 個 更密切和更 重要的新階段。
Hong Kong's relationship with the People's
[...] Republic has entered a new, closer [...]
and more significant stage.
因此Muriel组织了多次会议,让有潜力的实习生与公司会面,帮助他们跨 踏入 职 场 的第一步。
So Muriel organizes meetings between companies and potential trainees to help them take their first steps into the working world.
此机构每天都有很大成果,帮助病童康复、融入社会并改善术后生活,让他们有机 踏入 劳 动 市场。
This institution has great achievements every day with the children because it participates in the rehabilitation and social
integration of them and improves their prognosis of life, as well as the
[...] possibilities that they are inserted to the labor life.
鑒 於本港經濟踏 入 通 脹 期,但失 業 率依然 高企,工資亦未 有 明 顯 回 升 ,而社會貧富懸殊的 [...]
情況更趨嚴重,本會促請政府設立一 個政府的跨部門扶貧委員會,全面 研究本港 的貧富懸殊問題,以 便 提 升弱勢社 羣 的 自 助能力
及 更 有效地 分 配 社會資源 ,以幫 助最 需要受 幫 助的人,以及保障基層市民的 基 本生活 需要;同時,政 府應協調各部門的工作,制訂 相應的政策及協助脫 貧的措施,以 縮 窄 貧 富懸殊的 差距,減少 社會矛盾,並促進社會和 諧 發 展 。
That, as the
[...] Hong Kong economy has entered an inflation period, [...]
yet the unemployment rate remains high, with wages not showing
an evident rebound and the disparity between the rich and the poor becoming more serious, this Council urges the Government to set up a governmental interdepartmental committee on aiding the poor to comprehensively examine the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong, so as to enhance the self-help capability of the socially disadvantaged groups and enable a more effective allocation of social resources, thereby helping those who are most in need and safeguarding the basic needs of the grass-roots people; at the same time, the Government should co-ordinate the efforts of various departments in formulating corresponding policies as well as measures to help get rid of poverty, with a view to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, reducing social conflicts and promoting harmonious social development.
踏 入 下 一 個 二 十 五 年,如 何 在 已 [...]
有 的 成 功 基 礎 上,繼 續 發 揮 維 達 的 品 牌 優 勢、有 效 地 運 用 銷 售 管 道、善 用 資 本 市 場 的 平 台,謀 求 更 大 的 發 展,是 董 事 局 重 要 的 工 作。
In the next twenty five years, [...]
riding on the current success of the Group, the main focus of the Board is to attain a better
development by capitalizing on the competitive edges of Vinda’s brand, the effective use of sales channels as well as the proper employment of capital market platform.
現在學生可以像在看3D電影般身歷其境 踏入 3 D 的 世 界一同學習。
Now, students get to experience the same amazing 3D effects they get in 3D movies while learning about the world around them.
为了保护大自然,合法的线路均被标识出来;除非获得土地所有者的许可,私人领地决不 踏入 半 步
To preserve nature, legal trails are marked with signs while private land is a no-go unless approved by the landowner.
踏入二零 一四年,我們期待亞洲六號衛星及亞洲八號衛 星發射後,可以提供新增容量服務新客戶,同時滿足我們現有客戶的擴展需求。
Approaching 2014, however, we can look forward to the launches of AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8, which will give us the added capacity to serve new customers and to meet the expansion needs of our existing customers.
踏入工程 师腕表之年,一同探索2013年日内瓦国际高级钟表展IWC万国表展区的幕后花絮。
Take a behind-the-scenes look at IWC’s SIHH 2013 booth, the year of the Ingenieur watches.
随着中国从国家规模及更重要的经济和军事影响力方 踏入 全 球 大国之列,苏世民学者项目对于未来全球政治、经济和文化发展至关重要。
With China rising to global power status, not only by its size, but more importantly by its growing economic and military impact, the Schwarzman Scholars initiative is of major importance for the future global political, economic and cultural development.
中國方面,根據中國國家統計局刊發的資料,二零零六的國內生產總值錄得10.7%增長,踏入二 零零七年首季度,有關增長更進一步上升至11.1% 。
As for the PRC, a 10.7% GDP growth was reported for the calendar year of 2006 and an 11.1% growth was recorded in the first quarter of 2007 according to the publication from National Bureau of Statistics of China.
踏入年底 ,人民銀行降低存款準備金率,貨 幣政策較先前放鬆,大大提振市場信心。
By the end of the year, the People’s Bank of China lowered the deposit reserve requirement ratio, and such loosening monetary policy boosted market confidence significantly.
这间舒适的背包客旅舍正位于派希亚热闹夜生活的中心,然而, 踏入 你 的 房间,所有的噪音也都被拒之门外。
This comfortable backpacker hostel is right in the hub of the buzzing Paihia night life but you’ll leave the noise as soon as you step into your room.
踏入2012年 下半年,我們擬增持由具備 穩健相關業務模式及良好資產負債狀況的發行人發行的高收益債券,從而在避免不必要風險的情況下提升投資組 [...]
Entering the second half of [...]
2012, we intend to increase our exposure to selected high yield bonds that are backed by issuers
with a solid business model and a healthy balance sheet, thereby enhancing portfolio returns without taking undue risks.
巴黎,2007年6月15日- 致力于为电线行业提供下一代增值业务的供应商——StreamWIDE,近日与欧洲和北美的领先移动运营商完成了几份协议的签署,标志着StreamWIDE正 踏入 固 定 -移动融合业务市场。
Paris, June 15th 2007 – StreamWIDE, Next Generation Value-Added Services editor for the Telecom Industry, positioned
itself recently on the
[...] Fixed-Mobile Convergence Market through several agreements signed with leading European and North-American Mobile Operators.
因此踏入新的 一年,荷蘭銀行採取審慎的投資政策,考慮到高 風險資產的波幅加劇,並保持警覺,因為2012年的市況可能變化 [...]
[...] investment policy for entering the New Year is therefore [...]
prudent, taking the high volatility of risky assets
into account while being mindful that changing circumstances in 2012 could require quick adjustments to asset allocations.
由於香港社會又踏入政治 敏感期,民研計劃會不時在這個附加欄目解釋民研計劃的定位。
Because Hong Kong is
[...] going to step into a politically [...]
sensitive period soon, we would use this column space to explain our positions from time to time.
这一报告踏入法律 雷区,认为厄立特里亚侨民的捐款是非法的,并且违反 了维也纳公约。
The report also steps on a legal minefield by suggesting that contributions by the Eritrean diaspora are illegal and violate the Vienna Conventions.
簡介 首播日期: 2012.11.19
[...] 每年的11月19日,電視城內鼓樂喧天,精銳盡出!沒錯,因為當日正是TVB的生日 踏入 4 5 周 年台慶,一班當家小生花旦、男女藝員為慶祝TVB寫下光輝新一頁,以「凝聚力量、一齊向上」的拼搏精神,日以繼夜加緊練習,務求施展混身解數,在一年一度的《萬千星輝賀台慶》中為觀眾獻上無與倫比的精彩表演節目。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.11.19 Production Credits Producer:
[...] Wong Chung Ho Editor: Tang Wai Pang, [...]
Leung Wai Ting Main Cast: Amigo Choi, Astrid
Chan, Carol Cheng, Eric Tsang, King Kong, Lisa, Luisa Maria Leitão, Natalis Chan, 崔建邦, 曾志偉, 汪明荃, 鄭裕玲, 金剛, 陳百祥, 陳芷菁, 黎芷珊 Source HDTV Format RMVB Language Cantonese Subtitle Chinese Source 720p HDTV Format MKV Language Cantonese Subtitle Chinese Latest Search: 2012年萬千星輝頒獎典禮 hotfile, 法網狙擊 ch06 720p torrent, youtube tvb anniversary awards 2012, 2012 tvb anniversary awards torrent, 萬千星輝賀台慶 2012 [...
二零一零年上半年之業績令人鼓舞 踏入 下 半 年,我們的核心業務持續有良好表現。
The first half of 2010 was encouraging and, as we move into the second half, our core businesses continue to perform well.
踏入第十 五届,HOFEX的展览总面积超过60,000平方米,展示来自1,900+家国际供货商的食品、饮料、餐饮设备及酒店科技等产品,将吸引超过35,000+名亚太区的酒店及餐厅雇主、总经理、行政总厨等到场参观及采购。
This year HOFEX will showcase 1,900+ international suppliers and distributors of food, beverages, foodservice equipment, hospitality design and technology etc. Stepping into its 15th edition, the show will further expand to Hall 5 and occupy 13 halls on 3 levels of HKCEC, which contributes its exhibition size to over 60,000m2.
因此,雖然這些人的傳記可供我們瞭解他 踏入 XANG O 讚果的歷程,但是親身認識下列幾位人士,就能理解為何讚果得以成功。
So, while the biographies attached to them may allow for some of what
[...] led them down this XANGO road, to [...]
know the following individuals on a personal
level is to understand the success of XANGO.
女性在更年期前,患上心絞痛的機會較低 踏入 更 年 期後,女性出現心絞痛的機會與同年齡的男性無異。
Menstruating women have a much lower risk. After menopause, the risk in women increases to approach that of men of similar age.
踏入二零 零八年,本集團業務的增長動力依然強勁,加上受惠於農曆新年期間之寒冷天 氣,二零零八年首兩個月中國大陸的銷售額急升百分之四十三點二,本集團整體營業額亦 錄得百分之十七點一的較去年同期增長。
Growth momentum remained strong going into 2008 and, with the help of a cold Chinese New Year, sales in Mainland China surged by 43.2 percent and overall Group turnover increased by 17.1 percent year-on-year in the first two months of 2008.
踏入19世紀、W. TURNER LORD公司將1739年高級家具大師高德和和雕刻家斯洛茲兄弟為路易十五的凡爾賽宮殿的臥室所製作的再生產出來的櫃。
This cabinet was reproduced by W. Turner Lord and Co., Ltd. in the 19th century based [...]
on the cabinet crafted by the high
quality cabinet maker Gaudreaux and sculptor Slodtz brothers for the bedroom of Louis XV in Versailles Palace in 1739.
A balanced scope of theory and screen art techniques must be learned before the student can enter the world behind the lens.
踏入每月 最后一天,推进杆会停留在日期切换凸轮的最高点,然后下降并退至每月开始时的位置。
At precisely the end of the month, the advance lever, which now rests on the highest point on the date change wheel cam, drops down over a raised step back to the point where it was at the beginning of the month.
本奖学金踏入第五 届,歷届的奖学金得主分別为香港小交响乐团行政总裁杨惠女士、康乐及文化事务署(康文署)文化事务部副经理陈焕伟先生、夸啦啦艺术集匯行政总裁邱欢智女士、新媒体艺术机构Microwave主席傅慧仪女士、康文署艺术推广办事处馆长连美娇女士及城市当代舞蹈团行政总监陈綺文女士。
Previous recipients include Ms Margaret Yang, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Mr Chan Woon-wai, Assistant Manager in the Cultural Services Branch of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Ms Lynn Yau, Chief Executive Officer of The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), Ms Winnie Fu, Chairperson of the Microwave (new media arts organisation), Ms Ivy Lin, Curator of the Art Promotion Office, LCSD and Ms Clementine Chan, Managing Director of the City Contemporary Dance Company.




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