单词 | 踏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 踏noun—stampn踏—treadstep onless common: investigate on the spot press a pedal Examples:踏板n—pedaln pedalspl 踏板pl—restspl 踏板—treadle pedal (in a car, on a piano etc)
然而,这是本公司朝向未来踏出令人振奋的一步,我们将会向各位股东报告有关进展。 asiasat.com | However, this is an exciting step for the Company and we shall keep the Shareholders apprised of progress. asiasat.com |
让您的味蕾踏上令人难忘的美食之旅!五大着名厨师将加入到MSC邮轮船队2011-2012航季一系列邮轮特别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。 msccruises.com.cn | Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board. msccruises.co.uk |
无论您有任何目标,都需要一个 周详的投资计划来让您踏出第一步。 aia.com.hk | Whatever your objective may be, you need a well-designed investment plan on the starting line. aia.com.hk |
被拘留者的身 [...] 份一旦确定,即被迫躺在地上,遭到警棍殴打、脚踢和踩踏。daccess-ods.un.org | Once the detainees had been identified, they were forced to lie on the ground and were then beaten with [...] batons, kickedand stamped on. daccess-ods.un.org |
人权教育和培训包括一切旨在促进所有人权和基本自由得到普遍尊重和遵守 的教育、培训、信息、宣传和学习活动,因而这些活动主要通过为人们提供知识 和技能,帮助他们了解和形成正确的态度和行为,有助于防止侵犯和践踏人权的 行为,使他们能够为营造和增强普遍讲人权的氛围作出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human rights education and training comprises all educational, training, information, awareness-raising and learning activities aimed at promoting universal respect for and observance of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and thus contributing to, inter alia, the prevention of human rights violations and abuses by providing persons with knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behaviours, to empower them to contribute to the building and promotion of a universal culture of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
个人权利以及最基本的人权遭到独裁者及其内阁的践踏,甚至连那些级别不 高的官员都在干着图财害命的勾当,却能够逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Personal rights and the most fundamental human rights were flouted by the dictator and his entire cabinet, on such a scale that even lower-level officials amassed fortunes and violated rights with complete impunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,它们还应当向国际社会解释,它们为何 催促安理会对一个只是力图行使其不可剥夺的合法 权利的国家采取行动,同时同样是这少数几个国家又 千方百计地阻止安全理事会对以色列政权践踏国际法和国际人道主义法最基本原则(如戈德斯通报告 (A/HRC/12/48)所述)采取行动,一再阻止本机构采 取行动制止犹太复国主义大规模侵犯巴勒斯坦人民 和黎巴嫩人民? daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, they should also explain to the international community why they are pushing the Council to take action against a nation that is only trying to exercise its legal and inalienable rights, while at the same time the same few countries resort to every possible effort to prevent the Security Council from taking action against the Israeli regime’s violations of the most basic principles of international law and international humanitarian law, as documented by the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), and have repeatedly prevented this body from moving to stop the massive aggression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
和总部的信息互换一样,终端设备的可用性对于远 程位置同样重要,Gruth 解释道:“我们一直通过远程对计算 [...] 机中心的服务器进行管理,因此可能两年多都没有人踏足一些远程的位置,所以当有人最终进入那里的服务器机房时, [...]设备应该要运转正常。 igel.com | Just like at the home exchange itself, the availability of the end devices is also critical at the satellite locations, as Gruth explains: “Since we almost always remotely administer the servers in [...] the computer centers, it can be that no [...] one actually sets footinsomelocations [...]for more than two years, and so when someone [...]finally does enter a server room there, the device has got to function. igel.com |
南苏丹独立 6 个月后,仍有数以千计的南苏丹人滞留在苏丹,盼望踏上返回南部家乡的旅程。 unicef.org | More than six months after the secession of South Sudan, thousands of South Sudanese are still trying to make the journey southward. unicef.org |
此外,作为走向无核武器世界的脚踏实地的第一 步,日本认为,加强不对无核武器国家使用核武器的 安全保证或持有核武器的目的仅仅是阻止他方使用 核武器等看法应当得到重视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, as a first practical step towards a world without nuclear weapons, Japan finds worthy of attention such ideas as enhancing the effectiveness of security assurances not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or retaining nuclear weapons solely for the purpose of deterring others from using such weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议注意到艾滋病毒问题和法律委员会在指明诸如以下一些特别 重要的领域方面所作出的贡献:建立有利的法律环境,从而促进以有 效和可持续的方式应对艾滋病毒及提供可负担得起的药品方面的各种 问题,颁布相关法律,以及使主要受影响人口能获得司法服务和保 护,从而免受歧视和避免人权遭受践踏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Meeting noted the contribution of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law in identifying areas of particular significance, such as an enabling legal environment for effective and sustainable responses to HIV and affordable access to medicines, enactment of laws, and access to justice and protection against discrimination and human rights abuses with regard to key affected populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界上没有一个人是完全没有行善的 [...] 能力,年轻人更有青春、时间、热情,他们往往比年长的人更快踏出第一步。 ccineurope.org | There is nobody in the world who lacks the ability to do good, but young people [...] have freshness, time and passion, and most of the time [...] they are quicker to takethe first [...]step than the older generation. ccineurope.org |
踏入下一 个 二 十 五 年,如 何 在 已 有 的 成 功 基 础 上,继 续 发 挥 维 达 的 品 牌 优 势、有 效 地 运 用 销 售 管 道、善 用 资 本 市 场 的 平 台,谋 求 更 大 的 发 展,是 董 事 局 重 要 的 工 作。 vindapaper.com | In the next twenty five years, riding on the current success of the Group, the main focus of the Board is to attain a better development by capitalizing on the competitive edges of Vinda’s brand, the effective use of sales channels as well as the proper employment of capital market platform. vindapaper.com |
气候变化要求世界必须踏上持续 的经济、社会和体制创新及重建进程,解决对国际和平与安全的新挑战,并且直 面涉及分担责任和风险的公平性的根本问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Climate change calls forthe world to embark on sustained processes of economic, social and institutional innovation and renewal; to address new challenges to international peace and security; and to face up to fundamental questions about fairness in the distribution of responsibility and risk. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩托车和踏板摩托车骑手在行驶过程中则必须佩戴经认可的安全头盔。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Motorcycle and scooter riders are required to wear an approved safety helmet while riding. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
(c) 与践踏人权、容忍强迫或强制劳工或使用童工者e 沆瀣一气、参与出售或制造杀 伤人员地雷或其部件、或在其他方面不能履行联合国规定的相关义务或责任的企 业实体没有资格成为合作伙伴。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) Business entities that arecomplicit inhuman rights abuses, tolerate forced or compulsory labour or the use of child labour,e are involved in the sale or manufacture of anti-personnel mines or their components or otherwise do not meet relevant obligations or responsibilities stipulated by the United Nations are not eligible for partnership. unesdoc.unesco.org |
需要建立独立于项目的专门核心政策咨询能力;“脚踏实地”举措为在本 组织内建立关于气候变化和贫穷-环境关系问题的核心政策专长提供了一个绝佳 机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a need to have a dedicated core policy advisory capability independent of projects; and the “boots-on-the-ground” initiative provides a great opportunity to build a core of policy expertise within the organization on climate change and the poverty-environment nexus. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过细腻而缓慢地图画组合,隐喻了当下上海这座国际大都市里,平淡踏实,充满细节,拥挤而繁密的私人经历的市井生活,更有妙在无目的的心理活动和私人压抑。 shanghaibiennale.org | The slow and meticulous composition is a microcosm of urban life in the international metropolis of Shanghai, bustling, humdrum and personal. shanghaibiennale.org |
它们为实现全民教育提 供了脚踏实地、稳当可靠和价廉实用的模式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They provide onthe-ground, professionally sound, practical and costeffective models of how education for all can be achieved. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而且 其安全性和舒适性也有所提高:由于没有线缆所以操作中不会被绊倒 ,而且脚踏开关可以放在任何地方。 steute.cn | Safety and comfort are improved: there are no tripping hazards and the footswitchescan be placed anywhere. steute.cn |
我希望,在苏丹南北双方踏上新征程的时候,我 们将有机会向我们大陆的其它国家传播重要的经验 教训,表明如何在战争之后建立真正持久的和平,并 且打造给所有人带来和平、稳定与繁荣的成功国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is my hope that, as Northern and Southern Sudan embark on a new journey, we will have the chance to convey important lessons to the rest of our continent about establishing genuine and lasting peace after a period of war, and about building successful States that provide peace, stability and prosperity for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们对发展中国家不愿意踏上这条路表示理解,但它们竞争法规的制定及有效 的国际合作可以弥补《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》中限制全球竞争、约束某些情况下技 术转让的一些规定。 iprcommission.org | We understand the reluctance of developing countries to embark down this path, but the development of national competition laws and effective international cooperation could act as a counterbalance to the aspects of the TRIPS agreement which have the effect of restricting competition globally, and inhibiting technology transfer in certain circumstances. iprcommission.org |
因此,商家必须做到 应有的审慎,确保其运用自然资源不给践踏人权火上浇油。38 涉及这类矿产品 交易的所有国家都必须保证全面履行自己的义务,制定适当政策,建立适当的监 管和监察机制,制止涉及侵犯人权活动的非法开采和交易。 daccess-ods.un.org | Businesses therefore need to exercise due diligence to ensure that their use of natural resources does not fuel human rights abuses.38 All States involved in trading such minerals have to make sure that they respond fully to their obligation to put in place appropriate policies, regulation and oversight mechanisms to stop illegal exploitation and trade linked to human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 推动防止人权受到侵犯和践踏的现象,打击并根除一切形式的歧视、种 族主义、散布成见和煽动仇恨的行为,及其背后的各种有害观念和偏见。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e ) Contributing to the prevention of human rights violations and abuses and to the combating and eradication of all forms of discrimination, racism, stereotyping and incitement to hatred, and the harmful attitudes and prejudices that underlie them. daccess-ods.un.org |
(69) 经营汽车、电单车、三轮电单车、机动车、小型电单车、脚踏车、单车 及客车、汽艇、小船、货车、飞机、水上飞机及其他各类运输工具(全部 [...] 包含在下文「机动车及其他等」之范围内)之制造商、经销商、租车商、 修理商、清洁商、存储商及仓储商之业务,不论以汽油、酒精、蒸汽、 [...]燃气、电力、动物或其他动力,及机动车及其他等所用或有关之引擎、底 盘、主体及其他配件所推动及协助。 mmg.com | (69) To carry on the business of manufacturers of, dealers in, hirers, repairers, cleaners, storers and [...] warehousers of motor-cars, motor-cycles, [...] cyclecars,motors, scooters, cycles,bicycles [...]and carriages, launches, boats, vans, [...]aeroplanes, hydroplanes, and other conveyances of all descriptions (all hereinafter comprised in the term “motors and other things”), whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, animal or other power, and of engines, chassis, bodies and other things used for, in, or in connection with motors and other things. mmg.com |
踏入二零一四年,我们期待亚洲六号卫星及亚洲八号卫 星发射後,可以提供新增容量服务新客户,同时满足我们现有客户的扩展需求。 asiasat.com | Approaching 2014, however, we can look forward to the launches of AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8, which will give us the added capacity to serve new customers and to meet the expansion needs of our existing customers. asiasat.com |
本集团拥有有梭、小剑杆、苏州必佳乐大剑杆、比利时必佳乐喷气、日本丰田喷气、日本津田驹等各种织布设备,能够生产小提花类、牛仔布、大提花类、一般喷气类、高支高密类生产各类纯棉、涤棉、麻棉以及天丝、Modal、大豆纤维、竹纤维、丽赛、真丝棉混纺及各种新型纤维混纺或交织等3000余种面料,可以生产从47″至135″的任何幅宽、经纬密之和从90根至1000根的各种踏盘和小提花坯布,棉布重量范围从40g/㎡至650g/㎡,史陶比尔大提花织机85台,可以生产98″、105″、118″、120″,经纱密度173根/英寸左右的大提花品种,花围36至38厘米和72至74厘米两种规格,以及各种幅宽的染色布印花布等。 wqfz.com | The Group owns shuttles, small rapier, Suzhou Bijiale large rapier, Belgium Picanol Air Injection, Japan Toyota, Japan Tsudakoma and other kinds of weaving equipments which can produce dobby series, jacquard, common air injection series, denim, and high-density series cotton, polyester cotton, hemp cotton and tencel, modal, silk cotton blend and all kinds of fabrics of more than 3000 sorts,and it can produce the width of 47″to 135″, density in warp and waft can be from 90 to 1000 grey fabric, and the weight of the cotton cloth can be from 40g/㎡ to 650g/㎡, There are 85 sets of Staubli Jacquard weaving machines,which can produce 98″, 105″, 118″, 120″,the density in warp and waft can be from 173t/inch jacquard series and two kinds of flowers width of 36 to 38cm and 72 to 74cm,and so on. wqfz.com |