单词 | 跻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跻 —go up (esp. in rank)less common: ascend Examples:跻身—rise (in society)
据德国化工业经理人协会(VAA)公布的年度调查显示,瓦克成 功 跻 身 德 国化工行业最佳雇主行列。 reports.wacker.com | WACKER is one of the best employers in the German chemical industry, as shown in an annual survey by Germany’s Association of Chemical-Industry Executives (VAA). reports.wacker.com |
在澳大利亚,华为也跻身《澳大利亚金融时报》的Strategic 100 排名榜中。 australiachina.com.au | In Australia, Huawei was listed in the Australian Financial Review’s ‘Strategic 100’ list. australiachina.com.au |
他曾被任命为浩鸿天业信息技术有限公司的首席执行官,在他的领导下,浩鸿天业成 功 跻 身 于中国知名软件测试服务商之列。 pactera.com | Mr. Sun was appointed as the CEO of Horizon Information & Technology Co. and led the company to become one of the best-known software testing service providers in China. pactera.com |
乌兹别克斯坦把跻身世 界发达国家行列作为它 的最重要目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Uzbekistan sees becoming a developed country of the world as its most important goal. daccess-ods.un.org |
他已被列入“观察家报最有趣的演员在英国喜剧50之一, [4 ]民意调查曾经在50的同胞喜剧演 员 跻 身 2005的喜剧演员。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He has been listed in The Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy,[4] and amongst the top 50 comedians ever in a 2005 poll of fellow comedians. seekcartoon.com |
我们按照简单的行业逻辑走到这一步,为我们的未来打开了巨大的机会,让我们能 够 跻 身 汽车供应商行业顶尖联盟的行列。 tipschina.gov.cn | Simple industrial logic brought us to this step, and opens up great opportunities for our future, allowing us to play in the top league of the automotive supplier industry. tipschina.gov.cn |
根据丹麦农业咨询服务机构(Dansk [...] Landbrugsrådgiving)最新发布的一份研究显示,利拉伐全自动机器人挤奶系统(VMS)现已在能源效率最佳实践方面 , 跻 身 世 界最佳全自动挤奶系统(AMS)的行列。 delaval.cn | According to a recent study by the Danish Agricultural [...] Advisory Service (Dansk Landbrugsrådgiving), [...]our VMS ranks among the top Automatic [...]Milking Systems (AMS) in the world for energy efficiency best practices. delaval.cn |
始创与1987年的“国际制冷、空调、供暖、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会”(简称中国制冷展)经过二十四年多的不断发展和创新,目前 已 跻 身 为 全球制冷空调暖通行业规模最大的同类专业展览会之一。 emerson.com | Initiated in the year of 1987, the International Exhibition for Refrigeration, China Refrigeration Expo has been reputed as one of the leading exhibitions you can't miss in HVAC&R industry for its over 20 years persistent improvement and innovation. emerson.com |
委员会吁请整个国际社会包括安全理事会做好准备,在适当的时候承认巴 勒斯坦国,跻身这一历史时刻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee calls on the entire international community, including the Security Council, to be ready to recognize the State of Palestine at an appropriate time and to become part of the historic moment. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1983年起,她便跻身全球模特儿界迅速窜红的明星模特儿之列,经常亮相于众多知名时尚杂志的封面。 clarinsusa.com | From 1983 on she became one of the quickest rising stars of the international modeling world, being featured on the covers of numerous international fashion magazines. clarinsusa.com |
为此,他们应该减少对少数几种劳动密 集制造业的依赖,实行多样化,跻身 于 追赶经济体的供应链之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | For this purpose, they should reduce their reliance on a [...] few labour-intensive manufactures and diversify by [...] inserting themselves into the supply chains [...]of catching-up economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚祝贺白俄罗斯在1986 年发生切尔诺贝利核电站事故后仍然在经 济、社会和文化权利方面取得进展,使 其 跻 身 于该地区内外率先实现“千年发展 目标”的国家之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria congratulated Belarus on the progress made in the area of economic, social and cultural rights despite the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, which had placed it among the first in its region and beyond in terms of achieving the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
而今天,沃尔沃建筑设备已经跻身于 该公司的主 流设备。 volvospiritmagazine.com | Today, Volvo CE is part of the company’s mainstream equipment. volvospiritmagazine.com |
旨在跻身于目前最可靠及最佳 品质的电源之列,所有 PEII 装置 均实施标准的一年期保修,含零 件与人工。 advanced-energy.net.cn | Designed to be among the most reliable and highest-quality power supplies available, all PEII units carry our standard one-year warranty for parts and labor. advanced-energy.com |
从2002年起,CTIEC连续多年跻身全 国工程总承包企业和项目管理企业50强、全国勘察设计企业100强和全球顶级工程设计咨询公司200强。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since 2002, CTIEC has been in the list of Top 50 of National Engineering General Contracting and Project Management Enterprises, Top 100 of National Exploration and Design Enterprises, and Top 200 of Globe Engineering Design and Consulting Companies. tipschina.gov.cn |
有几位部长提请人们关注这一事实,即发展中国家一 旦 跻 身 中等收入国家的行列,就 不再可能获得多边组织的某些经济支持,转型期国家也是如此。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some ministers drew attention to the fact that once developing countries were moving to the ranks of middle-income countries, they would be losing possibilities to access certain financial support from multilateral organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在众多的奖项当中,伟易达的教育平板电脑InnoTab 2,在欧洲跻身英 国玩具零售商协会的「热门圣诞玩具排行榜」。 vtech.com.cn | Among the many awards won by VTech’s educational tablets in Europe, InnoTab 2 has been included in the “Top Toys for Christmas” list by the Toy Retailers Association in the UK. vtech.com.cn |
如果考虑一下中国在1980年的处境,很显然,这个有着庞大的贫穷农业人口的国家,能在不到30年时间 里 跻 身 GC I排名最高的30个国家之列,达到傲视群雄的高度,确实是了不起的成就。 jpmifc.com | If you look at the situation of China in 1980, it was clear that this had a huge poverty of the rural population of the country, ranks GCI ranking in less than 30 years of the 30 countries with the highest out of reach like the clash of height, is a remarkable achievement indeed. jpmifc.com |
这所大学也跻身由卡内基教学促进基金会评出的全国 77 所显示高研究能力的公共研究大学。 china.blackstone.com | The university also is ranked among the nation’s 77 public research universities demonstrating high-research activity by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. blackstone.com |
在中国,博世也与北汽集团进行无级变速器CVT技术的联合研发工作,在此过程中北汽集团建立起了相关产品的自主生产能力, 并 跻 身 于 国内掌握先进自动变速箱开发技术的行列。 bosch.com.cn | In China, Bosch and BAIC Group also carried out joint R&D in CVT, during which BAIC Group established an independent facility for the manufacturing of CVT related products, and became one of the first enterprises in China to master the advanced development technology for automatic transmissions. bosch.com.cn |
澳大利亚的ICT产品服务跻身10大出口产业,约占澳大利亚出口总额的1.8%,而中国则是澳大利亚ICT设备出口的最大市场之一。 australiachina.com.au | In Australia, ICT goods and services are among the top 10 exports, accounting for around 1.8 per cent of Australia’s total exports and China is one of the largest markets for Australian ICT equipment exports. australiachina.com.au |
翌年,在赢得世锦赛-普利司通邀请赛(WGC-Bridgestone Invitational)后,他旋即跻身世界主力球员,并成为美国莱德杯球队中一位重量级成员。 audemarspiguet.com | The next year he cemented his place among the world’s leading players by winning the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational and being a valued member of the U.S. Ryder Cup side. audemarspiguet.com |
1972年取得维也纳美术学院硕士学位,随即在茵斯布鲁克展出其作品, 并 跻 身 意大利艺术界,先后在罗马奥地利文化研究所及米兰商人画廊(Il Mercante)成功展出其大作。 kristallwelten.swarovski.com | By the time he graduated, Weiler had already begun to exhibit his art; he established contacts in Italy, and presented his works at the Austrian Institute of Culture (Kulturforum) in Rome as well as the “Il Mercante” gallery in Milan. kristallwelten.swarovski.com |
在全球 的大学排名中,瑞士的大学往往跻身 前 100名,而在欧洲的排名 更为靠前。 gza.ch | Swiss universities regularly rank among the top 100 universities worldwide and even higher in Europe. gza.ch |
丰富的职业生涯已让他跻身这一代最伟大的主厨之列。 audemarspiguet.com | His career has [...] earned him recognition as the most [...]eminent chef of his generation. audemarspiguet.com |
2012年北京国际车展期间,奔驰金融成为业界首 家 跻 身 国 际级车展的汽车金融企业; 梅赛德斯-奔驰金融•尊享汇,作为以金融服务为主题的独立展馆,更被公认为亚洲车展史上前所未见的创举。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | In 2012, MBAFC became the first automotive finance company to participate in Beijing International Auto Show, where it presented to China and Asia the first Mercedes-Benz Financial Pavilion, offering customers exclusive service and unique brand experience. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
在过去半个世纪,Emerson 稳步前进,跻身最具创新力和最成功的工业企业之列,并以其管理过程、稳健的财务业绩和卓越运营而闻名,这样的公司并不多见。 emerson.com | Few companies can rival Emerson's steady rise during the last half century to rank among the most innovative and successful industrial enterprises, widely known for our management process, sustained financial performance and operational excellence. emerson.com |
至于这枚1815 RATTRAPANTE PERPETUAL CALENDAR,从名字开首便可得知此表为这一系列成功计时作品的延续 , 跻 身 计 时码表和所谓的追针或双追针计时腕表的顶尖阵营。 wthejournal.com | The first part of its name already indicates that the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar represents a worthy continuation of the successful series: it joins the top league of chronographs, the so-called rattrapante or split-seconds chronographs. wthejournal.com |
有几位部长提请人们关注这一事实,即发展中国家一 旦 跻 身 中 等收入国家的行列,就不再可能获得多边 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some ministers drew attention to the fact that once developing countries were moving to the ranks of middle-income countries, they would be losing possibilities to access certain financial support from multilateral organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |