单词 | 跳转 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跳转 verb —jump vSee also:跳—bounce • skip over • palpitate
接下来,程序会跳转至树形视 图,并可以选择下载的时间序列,同时显示数据图表。 eijkelkamp.com | Subsequently, the program will jump to the tree view where [...] the downloaded time series will be selected and a graph/table of the data will be shown. eijkelkamp.com |
一经使用者选定,便跳转至与其 选择相关的下一个页面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As soon as a selection has been made by the user, subsequent pages will be shown that are appropriate to the selection. unesdoc.unesco.org |
向后跳转):播放音乐或查看图片时返回至上一个文件,或返回至电影的上一章节。 knowledge.seagate.com | (Back Skip): Return to the previous [...] file when playing music or viewing pictures or to the previous chapter in a movie. knowledge.seagate.com |
完全的编程访问允许立即跳转至任何页面或者仿真Back(上一步)以及Next(下一步)按钮。 evget.com | Full programmatic [...] access allows instant jumping to any page or simulation [...]of the Back and Next buttons. evget.com |
向前跳转): 播放音乐或查看图片时转至下一个文件,或转至电影的下一章节。 knowledge.seagate.com | (Forward Skip): Go to the next fle [...] when playing music or viewing pictures or to the next chapter in a movie. knowledge.seagate.com |
但,在以 J 代码指定了跳转的目标位置时,在 跳转 目 标 位置的程序块起始部分,序列编号是必要的。 ckd.co.jp | However, the sequence [...] number is required, when specifying the place to jump to with J code. ckd.co.jp |
超级链接带有颜色和下滑线的文本或图形,如果单击,就 会 跳转 至 某个文件或文件中的某个位置,或 者 跳转 到 全 球广域网或 Intranet 上的某个 HTML 页。 oapdf.com | Hyperlink with a drop line color and [...] text or graphics, [...] if you click, it will jump to a file or document in a location, or Jump to the global wide area [...]network or Intranet on a HTML page. oapdf.com |
如果你想要多试试这些 API 的用法,请跳转到 参考手册 以查看其他不同的用法。 developer.mozilla.org | If you want to start [...] tinkering with the API, jump in to the reference [...]documentation and checking out the different methods. developer.mozilla.org |
熟悉网页制作的朋友,当然对超链接比较熟悉了,但是当我们在用Word进行文档处理,有时候也需要设置超链接的,比如在超长文档中创建文档目录,为书稿创建目录等,这样以来我们只需要点击第一页的超链接即可快 速 跳转 到 需 要的页面或者打开我们需要的文件,那在Word中如何来快速地创建文档内的超链接呢? oapdf.com | familiar with the Web making friends, of course, familiar with the hyperlink, but when we use Word for document processing, and sometimes also need to set the hyperlink, such as long documents create a document directory, create a directory for the manuscript and so on, so since we only [...] need to click on the first page of [...] hyperlinks to quickly jump to the desired page [...]or open the file we need it in Word, [...]how to quickly create a hyperlink within a document it? oapdf.com |
为了实现此操作,我们扩展了已有的 跳转 宏 使 其具有 新的功能。 saia-pcd.com | For this purpose, [...] the existing “Jump” macros have been [...]extended with new functions. saia-pcd.com |
可以在一个录音文件中持续倒退或前进。当 继续快速跳转时, 每次跳过的长度会逐渐增加。 livescribe.com | As you continue [...] to speed jump, the length you jump increases. livescribe.com |
当设置 eDART™ 交叉复制时,可以很容易地从一个机 器跳 转至另一个机器,而无需改变任何设置,因为已在各 eDART 之间对这些设置进行了复制。 zh.rjginc.com | When you set up eDART™s to cross copy, you can easily move from one machine to another without changing any settings because setups are copied between eDARTs. en.rjginc.com |
这样,您即可跳过某些内容, 并跳转到录像的下一个关键部分。 sketchbook.com | It enables you to gloss [...] over things and jump to the next key [...]part of your recording. sketchbook.com |
中国大学的申请是开放和透明的,中国大学欢迎世界各地的学生来华深造,因此,中国没有所谓的官方或唯 一申请机构, 但是,有些中国大学会授权某个机构全权负责他们的国际学生招生录取工作,比如中国六 大汉语教学基地之一的华中师范大学就已授权CUAC全面代理他们展开招生工作,因此,该校国际交 流学院官网(http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/)上English version的链接是直接跳转到我 们的在线招生系统 (http://ccnu.at0086.com/web/index.aspx)。 at0086.com | However, some Chinese universities might authorize some organizations or agents to recruit international students on their behalf; for example, CUAC is authorized by one of the six Chinese language education bases of China, Central China Normal University to manage international applications and offers, thus, the English version of official website of College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University (http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/ ) is directly direct to the site of us (http://ccnu.at0086.com/web/index.aspx ). at0086.com |
设置了定向功能时,在已有的 回复编号前添加“>>(半角不等号)”, 则 跳转 至 该 回复的链接点击有效。 manual.cybozu.co.jp | When the anchor function is enabled, the comment link is activated only by adding ">>" in front of the comment number. manual.cybozu.co.jp |
如果想要使事情变得 更加有趣,那么可以右键单击小组件,然后打 开 跳转 菜单 redlion.net | To make things a bit more interesting, right-click on the [...] widget and access the Jump menu redlion.net |
如果(指令跟在条件测试指令后,当测试结果为真 时 跳转 到 分 支指 令处,当测试结果为假时顺序执行程序。 vicinno.com | Backward branching is typically done to create loops (as described next); forward branching is typically done in conjunction with an o or m instruction for conditional branching (as described afterward). vicinno.com |
这是Lite版本,它只有短短的水平和对 跳转 完 整 版本的功能的子集。 cn.moba-app.com | This is the Lite version, which has only a few short levels and a subset of the [...] features of full version of Jump...----. moba-app.com |
当 CPU 负担过重时,系统会跳过一些进程(弹出、点击、擦除)以维持进度;如果 您 跳转到 C hrome 浏览器的另一个标签页,我们会尽最大的努力停止一切异常。 html5rocks.com | When we pushed our CPUs too hard, [...] processes were skipped (pop, click, scratch) in [...]order to keep up with the schedule; we [...]put serious effort into halting all the madness if you jump over to another tab in Chrome. html5rocks.com |
在脱机模式下,可以执行例如装纸和设置页顶距离等操作,同时也可以在打 印机配置菜单间跳转。 printronix.com | In offline mode, you can perform operator functions, such as loading paper and setting top-of-form. printronix.cn |
在分支程序中经常使用各种条件进行比较,根据比较结果 再 跳转 到不同的程序行处进行执行。 vicinno.com | After stopping program execution manually, you can determine at which program line execution has halted and/or resume program execution as described above. vicinno.com |
首款腕表Moser Perpetual 1的推出就诠释了这种非凡特质:万年历显示前所未有,清晰可辨,瞬间启动(“flash calendar”)功能考虑到一年中不同月份的长短,日 期 跳转 时 不经过中间位置。 wthejournal.com | This difference was epitomized in the very first model brought out: the Moser Perpetual 1, an original perpetual calendar watch with perfect legibility, with a “flash calendar” display taking into account the variable lengths of the months of the year, and a date that changes without an intermediate position. wthejournal.com |
如果您想在一个音频片段中快速跳到开始、结尾或者当中任何位置,请使用位 置 跳转 条。 livescribe.com | If you want to quickly jump to the beginning, end, or any position within an audio [...] session, use the Jump to Position bar. livescribe.com |
通过空间跳转到拿 起所有的明星!听起来很简单? cn.moba-app.com | Jump through space to pick up all [...] of the stars! moba-app.com |
设置链接不仅为网页、还可以是诸如打开文件的动作 、 跳转 到 一个页面视图、执行JavaScript命令等。 evget.com | Set links not only for web pages, but actions such as opening files, go to a page view, run JavaScript commands, and more. evget.com |
选择那些项中的一个,从而直接跳 转至数据库的那部分。 redlion.net | Select one [...] of those items to jump directly to that [...]section of the database. redlion.net |
10) 移动指令和跳转命令存在于同一个程序块中时,有时可能无法进行运行程序的变更。 ckd.co.jp | 10) When moving and jump commands are in [...] the same block, operation program may not be changed. ckd.co.jp |
由于伪静态是用正则判断需要跳转到 的 页面而不是真实页面地址,分辨到底显示哪个页面的责任也由直接指定转由服务器CPU来判断了,所以CPU占有量的上升,确实是伪静态最大的弊病。 dolychem.com | Pseudo-static is a [...] regular judge the need to jump to the page instead [...]of the real page address, to distinguish in the end [...]to show which page is the responsibility of the specified transfer directly from the server CPU to determine the CPU share of the rise is indeed a pseudo-static maximum ills. dolychem.com |