单词 | 跳水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跳水—dive(almost always used)less common: diving (sport, a Chinese specialty) Examples:跳水池n—diving pooln See also:跳—bounce skip over palpitate
切勿在未检查水深的情况下跳水。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | NEVER diveinto water without first checkingthe water depth. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
第三名士兵没有跳水,但迅速与顶甲板下来的以色列士兵 会合。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third soldier did notjump and was rapidly joined [...] by Israeli soldiers who came down from the top deck. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年发起的旅游部门开 曼群岛环境项目和女王伊丽莎白二世植物园及两个跳水圣地均已获得绿色地球 认证。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Cayman Islands Environmental Project and the Queen [...] Elizabeth II Botanic Park for the Tourism Sector, launched [...] in 2010,andtwodiving resorts had been [...]Green Globe certified. daccess-ods.un.org |
围绕着四个主要线(文化,跳水,航空和体育自动),集合的品牌主要有两个模型得出的Oris的历史,如硬币,有时技术性很强的问题,有针对性的与专业的合作夥伴关系。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Articulated around four main [...] lines (Culture,Diving,Aviation and [...]Sport Auto), the collections of the brand are both models [...]drawn from the history of Oris as coins, sometimes highly technical issues targeted partnerships with professionals . en.horloger-paris.com |
格板的功能是覆盖过滤系统的面端,在整个比赛泳池、跳水池、训练池和跌水池周围都能看到。 quadrantplastics.com | The grating provides the cover for the front [...] end of the filtration system and is visible around the main [...] competition pool, diving pool,training [...]pool & plunge pool. quadrantplastics.com |
作为承办2011年第14届国际泳联世界竞标赛的专业等级赛事场馆,上海东方体育中心内设综合体育馆、游泳馆、室外跳水池、新闻中心及停车场、公交站点等相关配套设施。 life.bosch.com.cn | As the host of the 14th FINA World [...] Championships, Shanghai Oriental Sports Center features a complex [...] stadium andan aquatics center including an outdoor diving pool. life.bosch.com.cn |
2011年第十四届世界游泳锦标赛将在上海举行,届时将新建一座面积约347000平方米的体育中心,其中包括体育场、游泳馆、一座为跳水锦标赛设置的露天泳池以 及一个媒体中心。 chinese-architects.com | This required the construction of a new 347,000m2 sports [...] center comprising a new sports stadium, swimming stadium, an [...] open-air pool for high-diving competitions, plus [...]a media center. chinese-architects.com |
帆船、潜水、冲浪、钓鱼、 高崖跳水:所有这些都是威尔士沿海地区非常受欢迎的消遣活动。 englishuk.com | Sailing, diving, surfing, fishing, [...] coasteering: all of these are popular pastimes enjoyed along the coastline of Wales. englishuk.com |
该馆内主要进行游泳、跳水、花样游泳、现代五项运动中的游泳项目,该馆最主要的特色是壮观的波浪型屋顶,长160米,宽80米,其跨度比伦敦希斯罗机场的5号航站楼还长。 quadrantplastics.com | It will be [...] hosting swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, [...]and the swimming element of the Modern Pentathlon, and features [...]a spectacular wave-like roof that is 160 m long and up to 80 m wide, giving it a longer single span than Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport. quadrantplastics.com |
从夏季的冲浪、跳水和帆船到冬季的骑马和周末滑雪旅游,你有各种机会可在课堂之外提高英语技能,同时与教师和朋友共度欢乐时光。 lsi.edu | From surfing,diving and sailing in summer [...] to hose riding and weekend skiing trips in winter, you’ll have every opportunity [...]to develop your English language skills outside the classroom, while having a great time with teachers and friends. lsi.edu |
我国运动健儿在此几乎包揽了跳水金牌,并在游泳项目上有重大突破,各国运动员在此多次打破世界记录。 acehk.com | China's athletes at this [...] almost a clean sweep of divinggold medals,and swimming [...]there is a major breakthrough in this [...]many athletes from various countries to break the world record. acehk.com |
尽管市场对非农存有积极预期,但兴业投资分析师认为,从此前伯南克对就业市场改善步伐缓慢“令人痛苦”和对高失业率表示“严重关注”等尖锐措辞上来看,或许就业数据仅好于预期且失业率维持在8%以上的高位是难以改变美联储对就业市场的看法,风险货币在跳水后迅速收复部分跌幅,只有就业人数高于市场预期区间上限16-18万,或者就业人数好于预期且失业率有所下降,那么联储对新一轮量化宽松则需要更多考虑,这也将迅速推升美元并对风险货币带来沉重压力。 fxats.com | Despite there are positive expectations, but Societe Generale investment analysts that the painful from the previous Bernanke the slow pace of improvement on the employment market and the high unemployment rate in the market for non-agricultural sharp on the wording of the "serious concern", perhaps employment data is only better than expected and the unemployment rate remained high at more than 8% is difficult to change the Fed's view of the job market, part of the [...] decline in the risk of currency [...] quickly recovered after diving, the only employment [...]is higher than the maximum range of [...]market expectations of 16-18 million or employment is better than expected and the unemployment rate declined, then you need to give more consideration to the Federal Reserve on a new round of quantitative easing, which will quickly push up the dollar and the risk of currency under heavy pressure. fxats.com |
让您享受自然的活动,在湖中游泳,行走于山,远足,单车径,山地自行车,滑水,帆船,帆板,跳水,跑步,网球,高尔夫球塔卢瓦尔。 hotelspreference.com | Let you enjoy for natural activities as swimming on the [...] lake, walking on [...] mountains, hike, cycle track, mountain bike,water ski, sailboat, windsurfing, diving, jogging, [...]tennis, golf of Talloires. hotelspreference.com |
邮票中的地标为首次正式启用时拍摄的照片,地标包括泰特现代艺术馆、伦敦塔桥、伦敦奥林匹克体育场和伦敦眼;邮票亦同时捕捉跳水、剑击、田径和单车四个奥运比赛项目的场景。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | This was created by first commissioning photography of the Tate Modern, Tower Bridge, the Olympic Stadium [...] and the London Eye; while at the same time capturing the [...] Olympic disciplinesofdiving,fencing, athletics [...]and cycling. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
跳水是只允许在指定的水域或授权的认购潜水超越。 chorwacjawczasy.com | Diving is permitted only indesignated waters or tothe subscription [...] authorization to dive beyond. chorwacjawczasy.com |
在潜水了浓厚的兴趣应该知道:跳水Safari浏览器由标准每日潜水(每天潜水),以及传统的陆上野生动物园参观动物园是不同的不同。 oceanyachtaurora.ru | Those who became interested in scuba diving should know: DivingSafari is different from the standard Daily-dive (daily-dive) as well as the traditional overland safari is different from visiting the zoo. oceanyachtaurora.ru |
多数情况下,倾斜的湖边设有木制的防波堤;也有的湖边设有跳水板。 swissworld.org | Often, there are wooden jetties leading out to slightly deeper parts of the lake; sometimes there are [...] installations complete withdiving boards. swissworld.org |
2011年中国钢铁业经历了冰火两重天的过程,从年初中国钢铁综合价格指数创2009年以来新高,到下半年粗钢产量和国内钢材销售价格双重跳水,中国钢铁业可谓景气不再,重临盈利危机。 rolandberger.com.cn | 2011 witnessed the best and worst periods of time for China's steel and iron industries. At the beginning of 2011, the compound price index of China's steel and iron materials hit a new high since the previous high back in 2009,while inthe second half of the year; both the crude steel output and steel price experienced a downward slide. rolandberger.com.cn |
到尼格瑞尔崖 (Negril Cliffs) 这个着名的悬崖跳水景点走走,将带给你全新的度假体验。 tripadvisor.com.tw | Take your vacation to new [...] heights at famed cliffjumping spot, Negril Cliffs. tripadvisor.com |
我太胆小,以至我不敢做任何跳水动作,然而只有10岁的Ben 却像在海边长大的孩子一样,每天都不断地展示给我看如何去做。 lmacademics.com | I was too [...] chicken to doany diving and got shown up [...]every day by 10-year-old Ben, who looked like he was born in the ocean. lmacademics.com |
测验时,必须跳水,然後单独游泳,中途不得停止。 ayp.org.hk | Forthe test,jump or divein andswim [...] unaided without stopping. ayp.org.hk |
有趣的是主观和每个人的看法的变化;喜欢当一个极端的体育运动员感觉到一个危险的特技如悬崖跳水作为乐趣和令人兴奋的,或当一个书呆子会说出认为的最有趣和令人兴奋的事情要做的是向坐在下来,并读一本书。 tutitu.info | Fun is subjective and each person’s perception of it varies; like when an [...] extreme sports athlete perceives a dangerous [...] stuntlike cliffdiving as fun andexciting, [...]or when a bookworm would state that [...]the most fun and exciting thing to do is to sit down and read a book. tutitu.info |
国家游泳中心位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区,是奥运会标志性建筑之一,墙面为晶莹泡状的独创性结构,人们又称之为“水立方”,有17000观众席,是目前世界最大的游泳馆,承担奥运会游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球等赛事,安恒利(国际)有限公司有幸承接其扩声系统工程。 acehk.com | National Aquatics Center in Beijing Olympic Green central area, is one of the Olympic Games landmark buildings, the walls of the original crystal structure of bubbly, it is also known as "Water Cube", with 17,000 seats, is currently the world's largest swimming Hall, the [...] commitment to the Olympic [...] Games swimming, diving, synchronized swimming,water polo and other [...]events, Advanced Communication [...]Equipment (International) Limited fortunate to undertake its sound reinforcement system engineering. acehk.com |
通过“幽幽静水 - 涓涓流水-跳动精灵 - 夜色水景”虚拟驿站,您尽可漫步倘佯,细细品味。 oase-livingwater.com | Still Water - Flowing Water-Leaping Water - Evening Water" are virtual stations through which you can wander step-by-step. oase-livingwater.com |
我们知道,如果能够采用更好的管理软 件就可以跳过这一步进而考虑下一步措施,并通过远程管理设备 极大地节省工程师往返现场和维护的时间”。 igel.com | We knew that with better management software we could take it one step further and remote manage the devices, drastically reducing our engineers’ visits and maintenance time. igel.com |