单词 | 跳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跳verb—jumpv跳—bounce skip over palpitate Examples:跳板n—springboardspl 蹦蹦跳跳地去v—bouncev 跳舞n—dancingn
如果跳线和接线都处于良好工作状态,但仍然存有问题, 那么需要更换 [...] “A” 侧和 “B” 侧压力转换器。 graco.com | If thejumpers and thewiring [...] are in good working condition and you still have the error, then you will need to replace [...]the “A” and “B” pressure transducers. graco.com |
俄罗斯联邦中止执行《欧洲常规武装力量条约》(这本身就违反了《条约》 [...] 规定)的目的完全是将格鲁吉亚被占领土作为其自己的军事跳板。daccess-ods.un.org | Suspension of the implementation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe by the Russian Federation (which itself is a violation [...] of the treaty) has served inter alia the goal of using the Georgian occupied territories as [...] its ownmilitary springboard. daccess-ods.un.org |
硬碟跳接器的位置若位於主要磁碟位置,则基本输入/输出系统 (BIOS) [...] 即将其视为可开机硬碟。 seagate.com | The hard [...] disc withthe jumperin master position [...]is treated by the basic input/output system (BIOS) as bootable. seagate.com |
因此,有一些计划专家总想跳过这一道多余的决策步骤,干脆与作者签订付费合同。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some programme specialists are therefore tempted to omit this stage in the decision-making process by signing a fee contract directly with the author. unesdoc.unesco.org |
还要保证所有灭 火装置都不动作,因为灭火装置有可能和保护继电器的跳闸回路相连接。 highvolt.de | It must also be ensured that any fire fighting equipment which may be coupled with the trippingof the protective relay will not be activated. highvolt.de |
PCr位於肌肉中,可以快速恢復并维持ATP的浓度,可以因应短跑、跳跃、举重和抛物等激烈运动的需求。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | PCr is localized in the muscle so [...] that it can rapidly restore and maintain ATP levels for intense exercises [...] such as sprinting,jumping,lifting andthrowing. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
最常见的一种心律失常,是心跳心慌,被称为"窦性心律不齐"。 cn.iherb.com | The most common form of arrhythmia is a "heart palpitation," known as sinus arrhythmia. iherb.com |
在编辑器中通过菜单或快捷键跳到测试案例。 javakaiyuan.com | In the editor menu or [...] shortcut keys to jump through thetest cases . javakaiyuan.com |
当使用RAID管理控制台软件创建一个磁盘阵列,用户就可以指定一个初始化项(跳过初始化, 前台初始化,后台初始化)。 highpoint-tech.cn | When creating an array using the HighPoint RAID [...] Management Console software, you can specify an [...] initialization option (Skipinitialization, [...]foreground and background). highpoint-tech.cn |
为了提高妇女的能力,以便为改进粮食安全作出重大贡献,喂养后代方案将 努力:(a) 确保妇女生产者平等获得资产、投入和技术;(b) 制定针对男女的农 业干预措施和做法;(c) 优先推广节省劳力的技术,以有利于家中的妇女和女孩, 使女孩能够继续上学,以及有利于在农业领域作为农产品的生产者、加工者和销 售者的妇女;(d) [...] 扩大妇女对各级和各机构决策的涉入和参与,使她们能够有助 于带头制定政策、进行投资、设计和执行方案;(e) 改进从事耕作和参与农业综 [...] 合企业的妇女获得金融服务的机会;(f) 帮助妇女跳出生产范围的局限,开启机 会,参与价值链生产中以投资为主和促成转变的一方。 daccess-ods.un.org | To increase the ability of women to contribute significantly to improved food security, FTF will strive to: (a) ensure that women producers have equal access to assets, inputs and technology; (b) develop agricultural interventions and practices that target both men and women; (c) prioritize labour-saving technologies that benefit women and girls in the home and allow girls to stay in school, and that benefit women in the agricultural arena as producers, processors and marketers of agricultural goods; (d) expand the involvement and participation of women in decision-making at all levels and in all institutions so that they may help lead the formulation of policy, investments, programme design and implementation; (e) improve access to financial services [...] for women in farming and agribusiness; and [...] (f) help women move beyond production [...]by opening up opportunities to engage in [...]the investment-oriented and transformational sides of value chain production. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们知道,如果能够采用更好的管理软 件就可以跳过这一步进而考虑下一步措施,并通过远程管理设备 极大地节省工程师往返现场和维护的时间”。 igel.com | We knew that with better management software we could take it one step further and remote manage the devices, drastically reducing our engineers’ visits and maintenance time. igel.com |
不会,Jabra MOTION UC 采用自适应频率跳变技术,可避开正在忙碌的信道。 jabra.cn | No. Jabra MOTION UC uses [...] Adaptive FrequencyHopping,avoiding channels [...]that are busy. jabra.com |
通过 Q1 触发器线圈收到的外部信号使电机保护开关跳闸。 highvolt.de | Motor protective switch was triggered by an external signal on the Q1 trigger coil. highvolt.de |
在运行时填充状态字段时, 此属性非常有用,因为它允许在数据输入过程中跳过未使用的字段。 redlion.net | This property is useful when the state fields are populated at runtime, as it allows [...] unused fields to be skippedduring the data entry [...]process. redlion.net |
哥打基纳巴卢大多数村庄和小镇都拥有周日跳蚤市场,售卖各种商品,包括水果、蔬菜、兰花、艺术品和手工制品,甚至传统乐器。 shangri-la.com | Most villages and towns in Kota Kinabalu [...] feature Sunday Flea Markets selling [...]products from fruits, vegetables, orchids, [...]arts and crafts to even traditional music instruments. shangri-la.com |
病情严重时,患者可能会在数分钟内陷入昏迷,甚至心脏停止跳动。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | In severe cases the patient may go into shock within a few minutes and the heart can stop. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
切勿跳入岩石水潭、小溪、湖泊或河流中。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Never dive into a rock-pool, creek, lake or river. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
跳海乘客后来被另一艘船救上来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The passenger was later picked up by another boat. daccess-ods.un.org |
第三名士兵没有跳水,但迅速与顶甲板下来的以色列士兵 会合。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third soldier did notjump and was rapidly joined [...] by Israeli soldiers who came down from the top deck. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果 E27 警报没有消 失,请仔细检查跳线。 graco.com | If the E27 alarm is not gone [...] double-check your jumper. graco.com |
如果数据不采取直接到接收器的路径,该芯片可能被误导,从而无法修复你的位置或固定的位置上跳来跳去。 hkcarworld.com | If the data does not take an direct path to [...] the receiver, the chip might be misled and thus be unable to fix your position or fixes a [...] positionthat isjumping around. hkcarworld.com |
为了精确测量温度,我们提供各种各样的温度传感器,从基本的模拟式、数字式、跳变点式、风扇控制器件到更高级的集成解决方案应有尽有。 processcontrol.analog.com | For accurate temperature measurement, we offer a host of temperature sensors from basic analog, digital, trip point, and fan control devices to more advanced integrated solutions. processcontrol.analog.com |
在距离维诺妮卡卖农产品的市场不远的地方,一群女孩儿在属于她们的俱乐部唱歌跳舞。 unicef.org | Not far from the market where Veronica sells her produce, a group of girls dance and sing in their club quarters. unicef.org |
接下来,程序会跳转至树形视 图,并可以选择下载的时间序列,同时显示数据图表。 eijkelkamp.com | Subsequently, the programwill jumptothe tree view where [...] the downloaded time series will be selected and a graph/table of the data will be shown. eijkelkamp.com |
项目简介: Checkstyle 可寻找:·不能使用的或者多余的输入 ·空格更好的地方不使用跳格符,反之亦然 ·不遵循命名标准的变量、方法或者类 ·过分复杂的分配或者返回语句。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Checkstyle can look for : · can not be used or redundant input space a better place without tabbing character , and vice versa does not follow standard variable naming , method or class assignment , or overly complex return statement . javakaiyuan.com |
Jabra 设备可以与 Apple iPhone 一起使用,但是请注意虽然 Jabra 设备兼容 iPhone [...] 电话应用程序,但是音乐应用程序可能无法正常工作,例如:播放/暂停、跳过、下一步/上一步、增大音量/减小音量等。 jabra.cn | You can use your Jabra device with your Apple iPhone, but please note that while the Jabra device is compatible for iPhone [...] telephone applications, music applications may not perform [...] correctly, e.g.Play/Pause,Skip Next/Previous, Volume [...]Up/Down, etc. jabra.com |
围绕着四个主要线(文化,跳水,航空和体育自动),集合的品牌主要有两个模型得出的Oris的历史,如硬币,有时技术性很强的问题,有针对性的与专业的合作夥伴关系。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Articulated around four main lines (Culture, Diving, Aviation and Sport Auto), the collections of the brand are both models drawn from the history of Oris as coins, sometimes highly technical issues targeted partnerships with professionals . en.horloger-paris.com |