

单词 路面



network node interface

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瓦克将第一次展出适用于铁路隧 路面 铺 设 用排水混凝土的新型ETONIS® 260, 耐久又透水。
For the first time, WACKER is showcasing the new ETONIS® 260 for drainage
[...] concrete for road surfacing in railway tunnels [...]
durable yet water-permeable.
对于粘结剂含量、沥 青混合料的粒度以路面平整 度的允许公差均远低 于德国高速公路标准。
The permissible tolerances for binder content,
[...] grain mix and also evenness were far lower than those of German motorways.
路面平整 度要求极高但又缺少人造基准线 时,该传感系统是最理想的传感器。
This sensor system is ideal, above
[...] all when great evenness is required but [...]
an artificial reference is not available.
Further strengths of the premium SUV with permanent all-wheel drive include exceptional safety and well-balanced ride comfort as well as excellent driving dynamics both on and off the road.
对于驱动系统应用,确保马达在空载以及平 路面 工 况下 的转速不要超过此限定值。
In a machine propel application, maximum motor speed during
[...] unloaded, on - road travelling on level ground should not [...]
exceed this limit.
汽車懸架的工作是最大限度地發揮輪胎 路面 之 間的摩擦,提供良好的操控性與操縱穩定性,以確保乘客的舒適。
The job of a car suspension is to maximize the friction between
[...] the tires and the road surface, to provide steering [...]
stability with good handling and
to ensure the comfort of the passengers.
關於上文第 9 段 (a)項,有關費用是用以設計、供應、安裝、測試 和試用九龍區系統,包括收集車速數據的車輛偵測設備;把偵測所得 車速數據傳送到中央電腦系統以計算行車時間的數據通訊設備;計算 行車時間及監控所路面設備的中央電腦系統;顯示計算所得行車時 間的行車時間顯示器;以及進行相關的屋宇裝備工程。
As regards paragraph 9(a) above, the cost is for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the JTIS Kowloon, including vehicle detection equipment for collection of vehicle speed data; data communication equipment for transmitting detected vehicle speed data to the central computer system for calculation; the central computer system for journey time calculation as well as for control and monitoring of all field equipment; journey time indicators to display the calculated journey time; and the related building services works.
身材嬌小的玫瑰,潔白細膩的黃金首飾,德愛玫瑰石英和粉紅色藍寶石的 路面 存 在 ,在版本白金吊墜手鍊以及版本從595€。
Petite Rose d'Amour, delicate white gold jewelry, rose quartz and
[...] pink sapphire pavement exists in version [...]
white gold pendant chain bracelet as
well as versions from 595 €.
這次策略性環境評估得出的結論是,相比其 路面 交 通 工具,鐵路是較 環保的集體運輸工具,而提倡使用鐵路能有助達到一個可持續發展的交通運 [...]
The SEA has concluded that rail is a more
environmentally friendly form of mass
[...] transportation than road based alternatives, [...]
and that the promotion of rail would assist
in achieving a sustainable transportation system.
三款車頂的框架均以鎂合金製造,比上一代型號輕巧了六公斤;從而提供更佳的靈活性,令跑車 路面 上 的表現更加卓越。
The frame of the three roof versions is made of magnesium,
making the roofs around six kilograms
[...] lighter than the roof on the predecessor, thus providing [...]
a lower centre of gravity for the
vehicle and, in turn, better agility.
通过实施由居民自 己决定并积极参加的下列基础设施项目,使这种改善 得以实现:铺彻街路面、建公共广场、建一堵挡土 墙、一个足球场、250 个排污水渗井、10 个界石形水 龙头和 60 个公共厕所。
Projects included the paving of streets, the creation of public spaces and the building of a retaining wall, a football stadium, 250 drainage wells, 10 drinking fountains and 60 latrines.
铁轨之间和两侧路面如果 用经过ETONIS® 260改良的透水混凝土铺设, 能够确保消防、 救护车辆迅速而顺畅地驶入铁路隧道。
Water-permeability test: Open-pored concrete modified with ETONIS® 260 facilitates the transport of moisture (left), while on conventional solid concrete, water builds up and runs off slowly (right).
(b) 设施和基础设施(74 227 400 美元,为批款的 36.8%),这是由于特派团
任务期限的不确定性导致部署冻结,加上其后安理会决定将特派团的军事部分从 5 200 人减至 2 200 人,因而导致重大建设项目的缩减或取消,如直升机停机坪、
[...] 通道、停机坪和现有跑道的扩展和重 路面 等 项 目;部分抵消这一减少额的是, 因住宿和办公房地建筑延误而导致的房地租金费用增加,保安服务所需经费增 [...]
加,冰箱运费高于预算,以及公用事业费用高昂(另见第 17 段)。
(b) Facilities and infrastructure ($74,227,400 or 36.8 per cent of the apportionment), owing to a freeze in deployment resulting from the uncertainty about the Mission mandate, followed by the Security Council decision to reduce the military component of the Mission from 5,200 to 2,200 with the resultant scaling down or cancellation of major
construction and other large projects such as
[...] helipads, access roads, aprons and the [...]
extension and recarpeting of existing runways;
partially offset by increased costs for rental of premises owing to delays in the construction of accommodation and office premises, increased requirements for security services, higher-than-budgeted freight charges for refrigerators, and the high cost of utilities (see also para. 17).
在遍佈無線網路設施的城市裡,街邊不再需要電動車充電站林立,而是 路面 直 接釋出電力,讓往來車輛直接充電。
In a city equipped with wireless utilities, instead of streets
lined with electric car charging
[...] stations we will have roads that emit electricity, charging the cars that travel over them.
另一方面,研究人員亦同時詳細記 路面 情 況 ,包括遊行人士佔用通道的數目,和警方人流控制的方法等。
On the other hand, some team members were
[...] recording the road situation, including [...]
the number of lanes that were occupied
by participants and how the police controlled the flow of participants.
毗連車輛進出口通道的行人路面若 用混凝土建造,則該 通道亦須用混凝土建造。
Where the adjoining footpath is constructed [...]
of concrete, the run-in and run-out should also be constructed with concrete.
许莹副厅长首次对二十一局一公司承建的奇木高速公路第QM-1标段的项目部工作进行了督导,对水稳层、沥 路面 、 桥 面 系 铺装的施工现场进行了检查,并对现场施工控制有序,标准化建设等方面给予了高度的评价,同时也对奇木项目部即将面临的工期压力和冬季施工问题提出几点要求:第一,施工建设要以安全为前提,项目部全体人员要时刻提高安全意识,杜绝事故发生,创建 [...] [...]
Xu Ying deputy director for the first time twenty-one bureau to build the Qimu the motorway QM-1 section project of the Department of
supervision of work, on the water layer in
[...] bridge deck pavement, asphalt pavement, the construction [...]
site was examined, and the site
construction control and orderly, standardized construction and other aspects to a high degree of evaluation, but also on the Qimu project department will soon face the time pressure and winter construction this paper puts forward some requirements: first, the construction to the premise of safety, project department staff should enhance the consciousness of safety, prevent accidents, to create a " zero casualty " site, the better promotion Qimu high-speed all the overall safety management level.
控制侧全开时的最小路面积, 与上表格的最大 路面 积 一 样。
The maximum passage area when the controlling side is fully opened is the same as the maximum passage area shown in the [...]
table above.
的背景设置是一般的法国乡村,农场房屋,围墙,汽车 路面 , 排 水沟,排水沟和垃圾桶。
The background settings are generally of rural France, and include farm
[...] houses, fences, cars, road surfaces, drains, gutters and [...]
garbage bins.
鋁合金打造的三角雙叉骨設計不僅提高底盤鋼性,在電磁避震(AUDI MAGNETIC RIDE)等技術的幫助下,更讓R8能夠忠實地回 路面 狀 況及提升操控的靈敏度和精確度。
Aluminum double wishbones making the chassis more durable, with AUDI magnetic ride enabling R8 to respond to the condition with greater sensitivity and accuracy.
在道路的顛簸,使車輪移動上下垂直 路面。
A bump in the road causes the wheel to move up and down
[...] perpendicular to the road surface.
在此方案中,主幹道將於主 水平基準面以下 7 米路面水平 橫跨地鐵隧道,將主幹道 隧道的高度(包括通風管道)計算在內,隧道頂部水平將 [...]
於主水平基準面以上約 2.5 米。
For this scheme,
[...] the Trunk Road will cross over the MTR tunnel at a road level of [...]
around –7mPD and, taking into account
the height of the Trunk Road tunnel, including ventilation ducts, the top of tunnel structure would be at a level of around +2.5mPD.
通过胶结剂的物理特性或粘弹性能,能够了解和预 路面 在 各 类气候、环境、交通和荷载条件下的性能。
Knowing the rheological properties, or viscoelastic behavior, of
the binder are the keys to
[...] understanding and predicting pavement performance over [...]
a wide range of climatic, environmental,
traffic and loading conditions.
工业园区有130公顷的面积,出售已经完善基础设施的地块面积从500-10000平方米不等,用于建造现代规范的建筑物,协助开展项目,向商户提供全面服务,传输数据的光纤通道,工业用水网,下水道系统,24小时安全保卫服务,高中低压电力供应,硬 路面 的 马 路 和 街 道,特别的免税优惠,这一切都便于商户开展工业活动。
The Industrial District spreads over a surface of 130 hectares, where urbanizad lots for sale can be found, going from 500 to 10,000 m2, with the added value of having a modern construction regulation, consultants to develop projects, thorough services for the entrepeneur, fiber optic system for
transferring data,
[...] industrial water lines, 24-hour security service, sewage system, high, medium and low tension power lines, paved avenues and [...]
streets, as well as
special exemptions and benefits to carry out industrial activities.
十字路口設有大型的單車停等區,不過這時單車道必須與其他左轉車輛共 路面。
This junction has a large bike box, though at this point the wide blue lane becomes shared
[...] with left-turning road traffic.
然而路面设计 应考虑到: a) 车辆轴载; b) 交通流量; c) 基层和路基材料的质量(鉴于各国的修路材料质量各不相同 ) , 路面 承 载 标准并 不包括在亚洲公路标准之内)。
(c) Quality of materials to be used for basecourse and subgrade (as the quality of road construction materials varies from country to country, the pavement load specification was not included in the Asian Highway standards).
在广场进行其他考古活动使用一些重型机是为了清 路面 的 岩 石碎块,但这一工作是 在坡路考古结构外围区域进行的。
Some heavy machinery, also employed for other archaeological activities on the plaza, is used to remove the debris cleared from the pathway, but it operates from areas external to the archaeological structures of the pathway.
此外,由于具有拉伸性和热塑性特点,S-1217是一种良好的聚合物改性剂,同时它还具有良好的分散性能和粘度水平,可用 路面 和 屋 面材料的沥青改性剂。
Additionally, S-1217 is an excellent polymer modifier due to its elongation and thermoplastic
characteristics, and can be used as an asphalt
[...] modifier for paving and roofing applications [...]
due to its dispersion capability and viscosity level.
[...] 莱里克地区七个乡村社区成立了社区发展理事会,开始扩大和恢复 12 公里多路面。
: With the support of the United States Agency for International Development, seven village communities in Lerik
district formed a community development council and initiated work to expand and rehabilitate
[...] more than 12 km of road surface.
歇尔·多尼戈尔国际拉力赛(The Shell Donegal
[...] Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster Grand Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔 路面 赛 车 爱好者的盛事;而西北200(North West 200)拥有号称世界最快赛道。
The Shell Donegal International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last 35 years and boasts some of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier
events in Ireland for fans
[...] of motor cycle road racing; along with North West 200, which has a circuit reputed [...]
to be one of the fastest in the world.




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