单词 | 路途遥远 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 路途遥远 adjective —distant adj路途遥远 —far-flungSee also:遥远 v—remote v 遥遥 adj—distant adj 远途—long-distance • long-haul
由于路途遥远,家人探视他们次数有限,而且探视支 出不堪承受。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their families have very limited access to them due to the distance and the burdensome visit expenses. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过家庭健康日活动,像路途遥远这 样 的传统障碍已经被消除,人们能够接受医疗保健服务。 unicef.org | Through Family Health Days, traditional barriers to [...] healthcare, such as long distances, have been eliminated. unicef.org |
由于地势崎岖,路途遥远,驻 扎在这些地区 的本国干事无法定期走访其他 9 个地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to the [...] rough terrain and distance involved, the National [...]Officers stationed in those districts are unable to visit the [...]other 9 districts on a regular basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次 袭击不幸再次残酷地提醒我们,阿富汗的安全与稳定 仍然路途遥远。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sadly, that attack was another brutal reminder that security and stability in Afghanistan are still a long way off. daccess-ods.un.org |
多年实践让我们认识到,实现和平与安全的理想 也许仍然路途遥远,但 只要我们恪守《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则,铭记“发愤立志、同心协力、以竟厥 [...] 功”的庄严承诺,坚定信念,加强合作,定能朝着共 同安全、持久和平的目标不断迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through our experience over the years, we have [...] come to realize that, even as peace and [...] security may seem a distant dream, if we all [...]abide by the purposes and principles of [...]the United Nations Charter, keep in mind our solemn resolve to combine our efforts to accomplish those aims and strengthen our conviction and cooperation, we will move ever closer to the objective of common security and enduring peace for all humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
女孩教 育的其他障碍包括学校空间不足、女教师匮乏 、 路途遥远 、 负担不起学费、强化 妇女传统角色的文化规范和暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other obstacles to girls’ education include a shortage of school [...] space, lack of female teachers, long distances to travel, unaffordable [...]fees, cultural norms [...]that reinforce women’s traditional roles, and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于队部之间以及从队部到所属区 域办事处路途遥远,加 上普遍存在的限制人员流动的安全和道路情况,拟议在选 [...] 定的队部设立新的员额,以酌情充分支持车辆维修和配水、废物管理及其他运输 服务专用车辆的运作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the long distances between team sites and from team sites to their affiliated [...] regional offices, as well as to the prevailing [...] security and road conditions which restrict [...]mobility of staff, it is proposed to [...]establish additional posts at selected team sites to provide adequate support in the area of repair and maintenance of vehicles and operation of specialized vehicles for water distribution, waste management and other transportation services, as required. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些因素包括:诊所路途遥远, 交 通不便或根本没有交通,支助服务不足,不够理想的治疗方案造成副作用,治 疗服务中非药品部分需要掏钱购买,与去诊所治疗有关的机会成本(例如失去收 入),以及保健方面的人力资源不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include inadequate or non-existent transport to distant clinical sites, insufficient support services, side effects associated with suboptimal treatment regimens, out-ofpocket expenses for non-drug components of treatment services, opportunity costs (such as lost income) associated with clinic attendance and inadequate human resources for health. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于这些国家幅员 小、人口少、生产基地有限、岛际距离遥远,来往其间的航运服务面 [...] 临独特的挑战:交通运输量低、而且往往不定期、运 输 路途遥远 、以 及存在着海港基础设施和设备方面的各种有形制约因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to their small size, low population levels, limited production base and vast inter-island distances, shipping services to and between these countries face unique challenges related [...] to low and often irregular traffic [...] volumes, long voyage distances and physical constraints [...]in associated seaport infrastructure and equipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在世界范围内,妇女在议会中所占席 位的百分比从 1995 年的 11.6%增加到 2011 年的 19.3%,要实现到 2015 年妇女和 男子参政平等的目标仍然路途遥远。 daccess-ods.un.org | Worldwide, the percentage of parliamentary seats held by women increased from 11.6 per cent in 1995 to 19.3 per cent in 2011, leaving a long way to go to reach the target of equal representation of women and men by 2015. daccess-ods.un.org |
文章的标题是“Quattroporte总裁系列运动版与美妙的玛莎拉蒂轰鸣声”,这名记者在文中记录了玛莎拉蒂berlina在恶劣路况中的表现,“摩德纳到拉文 纳 路途遥远 , 中间只有短短几公里高速公路,却有许多A级和B级的沥青公路”。 maserati.com.cn | Entitled ‘The Quattroporte GT S and the magical Maserati roar’, the journalist sums up the Maserati berlina after a [...] workout on a demanding [...] stretch of road “from Modena to Ravenna with just a few kilometres of motorway and lots of A and B roads; a strip of asphalt [...]that links two proudly [...]distinct sides of the region”. maserati.it |
总长215千米,凯里路目前是爱尔兰距离最长的带路标 的 远 足 径 , 路途 景 色 怡人,因此也是人气最旺的远足径。 discoverireland.com | At 215km, the Kerry Way is currently [...] Ireland's longest signposted walking trail and [...]also one of the most popular due to [...]its outstanding natural beauty. discoverireland.com |
扎卡格尼尼首先选中Penha区的Shangai 路,让它跟遥远的灵感相关联。 shanghaibiennale.org | It is the first Shangai street, in Penha district, that is selected by Zaccagnini to be reconnected with its faraway inspiration. shanghaibiennale.org |
直升机急救服务是市区与郊区堵塞的极有效的 工具。31 将病人从遥远的生 病或受伤地点送回家或送去 更复杂的医疗场所是固定翼空中医疗服务的一项主要用 途。 medevacfoundation.org | Helicopter EMS is also a powerful tool in urban/suburban congestion.31 Bringing patients home and/or [...] to more [...] sophisticated medical care from distant sites of illness or injury (called “repatriation”) is one major use of fixed-wing (airplane) air medical service. medevacfoundation.org |
我们都知道提高生产力是一个长远的 路 程 ,我们必须努力不懈的寻求更佳 的 途 径 ,不断检讨我们的工作程序,以提高工作效率,缔造一个创新的文化,同时也要不断学习新的技能和接受新的培训,以提供更高增值的产品和服务。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We must recognize that productivity is a long term journey and we must never stop seeking better ways of doing things, re-examining our work processes for higher efficiency, creating a culture of innovation for higher value-added products and services as we continue to acquire new skills and disciplines. english.sccci.org.sg |
总体 而言,由于行动自由受到限制,70 个村庄的 200 000 人被迫绕路,与走直接路线 相比,前往最近城市的路途要远出两倍和五倍之间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Overall, 200,000 people from 70 villages are forced to use detours between two and five times longer than the direct route to their closest city, owing to movement restrictions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果前三个世纪,是从东罗马,朝圣装满从四世纪起,西与东 耶 路 撒 冷 的一道使这些虔诚的行程主要目标,而这些旅行者带回东多的知识到 最 遥远 的 部 分西方。 mb-soft.com | If the first three centuries are full of pilgrimages to Rome from the East, yet from the fourth century onward [...] West joins with East in [...] making Jerusalem the principal goal of such pious journeys; and these voyagers brought back much knowledge of the East to the most distant parts of the West. mb-soft.com |
在飓风桑迪登陆前的那段日子,Salstrom 及其团队从美国各地调集了数百台 Godwin 排水泵,有些甚至来自遥远的德 克萨斯州和蒙大纳州,并将它们存放在飓风预 期 路 径 附 近的赛莱默分部和分销点。 impeller.xyleminc.com | In the days leading up to Hurricane Sandy, Salstrom and his team gathered hundreds of Godwin dewatering pumps from across [...] the US – some coming from as far away as [...] Texas and Montana – and stockpiled them in Xylem branches and distribution sites near her projected path. impeller.xyleminc.com |
由于路程遥远、路况差 和车辆老化造成卡车运营成本极高、转运费用高昂以及过 境手续复杂,向一些国家内地和在国家之间运送物品的运输费用仍然非常昂贵。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moving goods to the hinterlands of some countries and across countries is still expensive, as a result of long distances, high operating costs for trucks due to poor roads and aging vehicles, high trans-shipment costs and complex border crossing procedures. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是全球性的问题,因此需要亚太区域各政 府以及那些地处遥远且依 赖渔业的国家做出共同努力,以便对渔业实行更好 的规范,并帮助控制非法、无管制和未经报告的捕捞活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such support included effective ocean governance, which was a global issue that required the efforts of governments in the Asia-Pacific region, and in distant nations dependent on fishing, to better regulate fishing and help combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为非洲鲶鱼的最大生产者,尼日利亚甚至 从 遥远 的 北欧进口鲶鱼饲料。 fao.org | Being the largest producer of catfish in Africa, Nigeria even imports catfish feeds from as far away as Northern Europe. fao.org |
对数百万年轻的非洲人来说,贫 穷、干旱、一些人缺乏远见以及广为实行自由放任政 策这种当今备受推崇的做法,导致他们毫无 退 路 地走 上迷途,被迫远走他 乡,或者去寻找所谓的天堂。 daccess-ods.un.org | For millions of young Africans, poverty, drought, the lack of vision of some and today’s prized practice of conducting laissezfaire, laissez-aller policies have provoked their irrevocable flight towards the mirages of forced emigration or artificial paradises, which makes them easy prey to organized crime and human traffickers. daccess-ods.un.org |
实现创新的未来之路仍然遥远:二 十世纪八十年代,AIXTRON爱思强创始人Holger Jürgensen博士(德国亚琛工业大学教授)便认识到沉积技术的巨大潜力。 aixtron.com | Visualizing innovations of the future: Back in the 1980s, Dr. Holger Jürgensen, at the RWTH Aachen, recognized the tremendous potential of deposition technology, and by founding AIXTRON in 1983, he and his research team laid the cornerstone of our subsequent success. aixtron.com |
是否像私人防卫通常要求的那 样,只有迫在眉睫、近在咫尺的威胁才算威胁,或者,是否在执法行动中的某些 [...] 情况下可以扩大这一界限,因而可以将未来或 更 遥远 的 威胁(例如,逮捕过程中 看来嫌疑犯今后还可能再次决定攻击某人的情况)视作让警察可以有理由使用致 [...]命武力的生命威胁? daccess-ods.un.org | Does a threat count only when it is imminent and at hand as is the normal requirement with private defence, or can this be broadened under certain circumstances in the context [...] of law enforcement operations, so that a [...] future or more remote threat (e.g., [...]where it appears in the context of an arrest [...]that the suspect may in the future again decide to attack someone) can be regarded as a threat to life that justifies the use of lethal force by the police? daccess-ods.un.org |
这 往往是由于没有机会获取 [...] 保健,具体因素包括距离医疗设施远,去就医有行程费用,尤其是农村地区的基 础设施落后,距离遥远,有 交通问题;初级保健中心人满为患;公共健康教育不 足,包括老年人或其家人认为疾病症状是老龄化引起的而延误就医;专业保健人 [...]员人数不足和技能不足;药物短缺。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is often the result of lack of access to health care, including the distance and cost of travelling [...] to a facility, [...] especially in rural areas where infrastructure is underdeveloped, distances are vast and transportation [...]is problematic; [...]overcrowding of primary health centres; inadequate public health education, including delays in seeking health care when older persons or their families attribute symptoms of a disease to ageing; understaffing and inadequate skills of health professionals; and shortage of medication. daccess-ods.un.org |
運輸及房屋局副局長和運輸署助理署長/ 巴士及鐵路回應時表示,就往九龍方向巴士轉乘站 啟用初期提供服務的12條巴士路線而言,政府當局 已與有關巴士公司確定,短途路線的 乘客在該巴士 轉乘站乘搭長途路線時 ,只須補回兩線的收費差 額,其總車資將等同有關長途路線的 車資。 legco.gov.hk | USTH and AC/B&R responded that for the 12 bus routes which would be provided initially at the Kowloon-bound BBI, the Administration had confirmed with the relevant bus company that [...] passengers [...] interchanging from short-haul routes to long-haul routes at the BBI would only be charged the fare difference between the routes concerned, such that the total fare would be the same as the long-haul ones. legco.gov.hk |
他遇到了一个怪脾气的老大猩猩,他在第一个男孩保 持 遥远 , 但泰山发现,这个老猩猩居然是Zugor,使用空心树,的扩音器放大他的声音和假装自己是一个怪物来吓唬其他丛林动物远离他的领土和食物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He encounters a crotchety old gorilla who at first [...] keeps the boy distant, but Tarzan discovers [...]that this old gorilla actually is [...]the Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food. seekcartoon.com |
在今天的辯論中 ,我們 可 從數方 面進行 討 論,包 括 中 醫在現代化過程中 所面 對 的 沖 擊 ; 中 醫 享 有法定地 位 後 ,在醫療 和 法 律 體制上如何 作 出 [...] 調 整 配 合 , 以 及 中 醫 專 業在現代化路 途 上下一 步 的發展 。 legco.gov.hk | In the debate today, we may focus our discussions on several aspects, namely, the impact sustained by Chinese medicine in the course of modernization, the adjustments that must be made to the health care and legal systems after establishing [...] the statutory status of CMPs and the future development of the Chinese medicine [...] profession on the path to modernization. legco.gov.hk |
联检组的这份报告的目的是分析由联合国出资旅行的官员在旅行中的各种因素——种 类、等级、交通工具、路途停留 、生活津贴、终点站费用、一次总付办法——并提出了统一 联合国系统各组织旅行政策与做法的措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The objective of this JIU report is to analyse the various elements of travel – [...] categories, class and means [...] of travel, stopovers, subsistence allowances, terminal expenses, lump sum options – of officials travelling at the expense [...]of the United Nations, [...]and propose measures aimed at harmonizing travel policies and practices throughout the organizations of the United Nations system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除第 105.1 [...] 条(年假)规定之条件外,工作人员在作经批准的回籍假旅行时,享有从其 正式工作地点到其正式认定的原籍所在国或回籍假第二国之间的往返旅程 的 路途 期 限。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Subject to the conditions specified in Rule 105.1 (Annual leave), a staff member shall be entitled to claim, in respect of authorized travel on home leave, travel time for the [...] outward and return journeys between the official duty station and the [...] place of home leave or alternate country of home leave. unesdoc.unesco.org |