

单词 跪地求饶

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饶有兴趣地殷切期待人权 事务委员会将采取的措施和处理这一问题,其中包括 人权事务委员会已求执行 的特别任务。
We look forward with great interest
[...] and anticipation to the steps to be taken and the handling of that matter by the Human Rights Council, including the special mission that it has requested.
如果格林斯潘願意道歉,我想問局長,香港的財經官 員,由任志剛到曾俊華到他閣下,是否 跪地求 饒 呢
When GREENSPAN is willing to make an apology, may I ask the Secretary and the public officers in
finance and economic matters, ranging from Joseph YAM to John
[...] TSANG, if they have to kneel down and beg for forgiveness?
看!你們作為一個 黨,肩負起很大的責任,有人以跳樓來 求 你 們 、 跪求 你 , 卻從沒有人 來向跪拜懇求的。
Some people are beseeching you by threatening to jump off buildings as well as kneeling down to beg you, but no one has ever knelt before me, begging me.
In spite of this wealth of resources, Tanah Papua remains one of the poorest regions in Indonesia.
從前在殖地政府 時期,我們甚麼權利也 沒有,只能跪下” ;現時主權移交了,中央政府承諾殖民統治會結束,但 在現時的制度下,我們也不是堂堂正 地 站 起來,而是蹲下來,直至大家都 接受之後,便忘記人是應該站得堂堂正正,有權利,也有責任透過普及平等 的選舉制度,參與政策的制訂,求 政 府 向市民問責。
Now that Hong Kong is reverted to
Chinese sovereignty,
[...] the Central People's Government has promised us an end to the colonial rule; but then under the present system, we can only squat on our heels rather than standing upright on our feet. One day, when everyone has accepted squatting on their heels, we will all forget that as human beings we should be standing upright on our feet, and that we have both the right and responsibility to participate in policy formulation by way of elections by universal and equal suffrage, and thereby hold the Government [...]
accountable to the public.
今天,我預知在我們這個立法會的組成情況下,我們無法抵擋政府的修 訂,無法抵擋政跪下來 、沒理會大眾市民 求 而 提 出的修訂。
Today, I can foresee that with the composition of the Legislative Council, we are unable to resist the amendment proposed by the Government.
饶有兴趣地注意 到余留事项处理机制规约第 29 条的规定,该条求辩护 律师在代表其被联合国法庭 或预留机制起诉的委托人行事时,必须“尊重”允许 他们在其国家内履行公务国家的“法律和条例”。
We note with
[...] keen interest the provision in article 29 of the statute of the Residual Mechanism requiring defence counsel to [...]
“respect the laws
and regulations” of the countries to which they are admitted to perform official duties while representing their clients who have been indicted by United Nations Tribunals or by the Residual Mechanism.
在返回地那朝 觐或“Umra,他用他的骆 跪 在 Al -巴塔DHU - L - Hulaifa,先知使用地方,使他的骆 跪 下。
On returning
[...] (to Medina) from Hajj or 'Umra, he used to make his camel kneel down at Al-Batha which is at Dhu-l-Hulaifa, the place where the Prophet used to make his camel kneel down.
伊本欧麦尔花DHI -图瓦晚上在两者之间的Thaniyas,然后他会通过泰尼亚这是在更高的麦 地 区 , 每当他来到到麦加朝觐或进入麦加“Umra,他从来没有他的她的骆 跪 了 下来,除了附近的清真寺(神圣的清真寺)门,那么他就进入(IT)和黑(石)角,并从那里开始circumambulating天房克尔白​​七次的:在前三加速轮(Ramal),并在过去四年走。
Ibn 'Umar used to spend the night at Dhi-Tuwa in between the two Thaniyas and then he would enter Mecca
through the Thaniya which is at
[...] the higher region of Mecca, and whenever he came to Mecca for Hajj or 'Umra, he never made his she camel kneel down except near the [...]
gate of the Masjid
(Sacred Mosque) and then he would enter (it) and go to the Black (stone) Corner and start from there circumambulating the Ka'ba seven times: hastening in the first three rounds (Ramal) and walking in the last four.
上星期六下午,在財政司司長的官邸門前,有數位報 跪 在 那 裏,求向司長遞交請願信地上還有4支 拐 杖,因為有兩位是傷殘人士。
Last Saturday afternoon, a few
[...] newspaper vendors knelt outside the official residence of the Financial Secretary and asked to submit [...]
a petition to him.
关于 1373 委员会,我国代表饶有兴趣地欢迎 委员会主席国土耳其宣布的雄心勃勃的工作方案,特 别是旨在确保有效执行根据第 1373(2001)号决议所 承担义务的措施,以及继续开展旨在通过定期的专题 讨论和与会员国的非正式通报 ——最近的是有关海 上安全以及在公海上的恐怖主义行为的通报,来促进 决议执行的倡议。
Regarding the 1373 Committee, my delegation welcomes with interest the ambitious programme of work announced by the Turkish chairmanship of the Committee, especially measures aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of the obligations pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) and the continuation of initiatives aimed at promoting the implementation of the resolution through regular thematic discussions and informal briefings with Member States, the most recent of which related to maritime security and acts of terrorism on the high seas.
饶有兴趣地听取 了中非国家经济共同体秘书长 的发言。
We listened with great interest to what the Secretary General of the Economic Community of Central African States had to say.
最后一点但并非最不重要的一点是,欧洲联盟饶有兴趣地关注 2009 年东帝汶地方选举,将此视为 该国民主进程的又一重要里程碑,同时也是迄今在体 制能力建设和民主施政方面所取得的进展的重要标 志,而这两点对于确保该国稳定和善政都具有至关重 要的意义。
Last, but not least, the European Union will follow with great interest the 2009 local elections in Timor-Leste as another important milestone in the country’s democratic processes and as a significant indicator of the progress achieved so far in the area of institutional capacity-building and democratic governance, which are both so crucial to ensuring stability and good governance in the country.
同时,要实实在地推进利用IT技术的富于创造性的能源管理解决方案业务,智能基础设施业务、以及亚洲、欧洲的零售金融业务等有助于满足社会 求 、 实现 富 饶 社 会 的业务。
In addition, we will utilize information technologies to develop creative energy management solutions businesses, smart infrastructure businesses, retail finance businesses in Asia and Europe, and other businesses that contribute to the realization of prosperous societies by addressing social needs.
最終,我請那些苦主到了民建 聯會跪地求他們,民建聯才贊成了。
In the end, the DAB agreed with the proposal because I asked the
[...] victims to go and kneel before the DAB office to beg for their [...]
如果我們要求、要跪......如果領導人是願意跟我們討論、溝通,香 港市民是看得到的。
If we have to beg, kneel…… Hong Kong people [...]
can tell if the leaders are willing to discuss and communicate with us.
我們看看德國所作的努力,這二三十年 來,德國數位總統、總理,不斷由 地 發 言,使我們亦感覺到他們的誠意, 更不用說最少有兩位總統曾親自到猶太人的紀念碑前 跪 要 求 寬 恕
Let us look at the efforts made by Germany. Over the last two to three decades, the several Presidents and Prime Ministers of Germany have
time and again made speeches in all sincerity, and from their speeches we do
[...] feel their sincerity, not to mention the fact that at least two German Presidents had personally knelt down before a Jewish monument to beg for forgiveness.
那时,巴拉圭遭到了三国联盟的破坏、抢劫和掠夺,陷入了极度贫困当中; 不过,在当时的美国总统拉瑟福德·海斯的调解下,巴拉圭通过占领军指派的临 时政府收回了查科地区的部分领土,这个地区当时是被阿根廷占领,阿根廷与巴 西一样吞并了巴拉圭大片饶的土地。
As a result, Paraguay was invaded, sacked and pillaged, and thrown into extreme poverty; but under a provisional Government appointed by the occupation forces it was still able, through an arbitral award by United States President Rutherford B. Hayes, to retain the part of the Chaco (western region) claimed by Argentina – which, like Brazil, annexed large and rich territories.
在这方面, 我们再饶有兴趣地注意 到驻联合国新闻记者协会 代表提出的并且见诸于特设工作组最新报告 (A/63/959)的提议,如迅速向新闻界发布声明;便利 媒体参加大会会议;录像和电视转播会议时显示发言 者姓名和职衔;以及增强大会发言人科的能力和机构 记忆。
In this regard once again we note with great interest the proposals made by the representative of the United Nations Correspondents Association and reflected in the latest report of the Ad Hoc Working Group (A/63/959), such as quick delivery of statements to the press; easy access for the media to Assembly meetings; indication of the speakers’ names and titles during video and TV transmissions of meetings; and enhancing the capacity and institutional memory of the Assembly’s Spokesperson section.
饶有兴趣地听取 了这一通报,并注意到秘书长的报 告(S/2012/128),我们赞同报告中所作的评估。
We have listened with interest to the briefing and have taken note of the Secretary-General’s report (S/2012/128), whose assessments we share.
马来西亚政府期待看到其国家 报告,并饶有兴趣地注意 到特别报告员对其任务得 出的初步结论,她向特别报告员保证马来西亚决心继 续开展建设性对话和合作,以贯彻落实特别报告员关 于改善住房政策的建议。
In anticipation of the report on her country visit, the Government had noted with interest her preliminary conclusions relating to her mandate, and he assured her of Algeria’s determination to continue constructive dialogue and cooperation to follow up on her recommendations for improving housing policy.
除上述改进外,我国代表团饶有兴 趣 地 注 意 到 安理会内最近在加强其与关心某一冲突的各方的互 动的创新做法,例如 2009 年与斯里兰卡、乍得、非 洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟的接触。
In addition to the aforementioned improvements, my delegation has also taken note with interest of the recent innovations in the Council on increasing its interactions with parties concerned with a conflict, such as engagements in 2009 with Sri Lanka, Chad, the African Union and the League of Arab States.
我们饶有兴趣地注意 到非洲联盟为改革其管 理方式、使其维和行动资金来源多样化所做的努力。
We also take note with interest of the efforts made by the African Union to reform its management methods and diversify its sources of funding for peacekeeping operations.
主席,當時,如果你也在座,你會以為 自己是在看“羅生門”,因為這邊的人說不得了,有些人甚至說要向銀行跪,要求銀行不要落井下石,有些人說的話是非常嚴厲的,而坐在那 邊的銀行代表則說他們很坦誠溝通,是很好的幫手等。
President, if you were here then, you would think that you were watching "Rashomon" because while people from this side said that their situation was very critical, and
some people even said
[...] that they would beg the banks on their knees for not rubbing salt into their wounds [...]
and others spoke in
a very serious tone, bank representatives sitting at the other side said that they had been conducting open communication and acting as good helpers.
可是,我們的感情卻 一再被玩弄,我們忍着飢餓追求真理,卻遭到軍警毒打......學生代跪求民主 卻被視而不見,平等對話的要求一再拖延,學生領袖身處危 難......絕食乃不得已而為之,也不得不為之。
We have persisted in pursuing the truth despite our hunger, only to be beaten up by the army and the police …… Student representatives begging for democracy on their knees are totally ignored.
[...] 根本是假選舉,本來市民有權提出要求,現在就正如網友所說跪 求,要呼籲這些候選人回應立法會,並且有關議案也未必獲得通過。
Deputy President, the wordings of this motion are actually very pitiable as the election under discussion is actually bogus. While
members of the public should have the right to
[...] put forth their requests, but as some netizens [...]
have said, they have to go down on
their knees to call upon the candidates to respond to the Legislative Council.
[...] 於透過討論及辯論把問題及見解提出,而不是像國內文革時的慣常做 法,一句基於“政治需要”便可以誅殺某人的全家,因為某人 地 主, 那人便跪玻璃
As I said earlier on, it is the spirit of parliamentary assemblies to present issues and views through discussions and debates, unlike the common practices adopted during the Cultural Revolution in the Mainland when a person's entire
family could be executed simply out of a political need and a
[...] person was made to kneel on broken glass for being a landlord.
我最記得多年前,政府 很多的重大政策,不論是土地政策、城規政策,甚至包括很瑣碎的樓花 買賣的立法,以及最低工資問題等,只要大財團一聲反對,政府便跪 在地上,做一隻搖尾乞憐的哈巴狗。
The one thing I can remember most clearly is that years ago, whenever a large consortium raised objection to any major policy ― the land policy, or the town planning policy or even the trivial matters of the legislation to regulate sales of unfinished flats or the setting of a minimum wage ― the Government would immediately go down on its knees like a Pekingese waging its begging tail.
我们正饶有兴致地研究 他关 于促进对海盗行为责任人予以起诉和监禁这一目标 的可行备选方案的宝贵报告(S/2010/394)。
We welcome the Secretary-General’s continued engagement in the fight against impunity for those responsible for acts of piracy, and we are studying with interest his valuable report (S/2010/394) on possible options to further the aim of prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy.




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