

单词 跨院


跨院校 adj

cross-institutional adj

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

她認為設跨院校的 申訴委員會可解決此問 題,對所有有關各方都有裨益。
She considered
[...] the establishment of an inter-institutional [...]
complaints committee a solution to the problem and beneficial to all the parties concerned.
梁美芬議員建議討論設立獨立跨院 校 申 訴機 制,處理由教資會資助院校教職員提出的投訴。
Dr Priscilla LEUNG suggested discussion on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for handling complaints from staff of the UGC-funded institutions.
有建議認為不應設跨院校申 訴機制,而 應由每所大學各自制訂切合其特色的申訴機制。
Instead of setting up such a mechanism, it was suggested that each university should develop its own redress mechanism that was tailored to its unique characteristics.
對於教資會建議讓校外人士在更大程度上 參與上訴終審機關的工作,部分委員認為,只要各院校所委任 的是同一批人,該建議的效果與設 跨院 校 申訴委員會的建議 沒有分別。
Some members considered that the UGC's suggestion of increasing the participation of external persons at the final level of appeal was no different in effect from the proposal of establishing an inter-institutional complaints committee provided that the same group of persons was appointed by the institutions.
至於成立一個獨立跨院 校調 解機制,以處理所有教資會資助院校員工的投訴,政府當局 認為這建議會損害院校因應其政策、慣例及獨特情況而處理員工 事務及投訴的自主權。
The Administration considered that the suggestion to establish an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism to deal with complaints from staff of all the UGC-funded institutions would undermine the institutions' autonomy in handling staff matters and complaints having regard to their own policies, practices and individual circumstances.
Members had called for the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism.
因此,它們建議設立獨立跨院校申 訴機制,以及探 討可否將申訴專員的職權範圍擴大至涵蓋教資會資助院校。
As such, they proposed the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism and the exploration of the feasibility of extending the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman to cover the UGC-funded institutions.
委員認為,由於大學教職員對個別院校的現有申訴及投訴處 理機制完全沒有信心;申訴專員的職權範圍不涵蓋教資會界別; 以及教職員無力負擔法律程序的高昂費用,因此,設立一個由大 學管理層及教職員代表組成跨院校 民 選獨立申訴委員會,是最 理想的發展路向。
In the view of members, the establishment of such a committee comprising university management and staff should be the best way forward as university staff had no confidence in the existing grievances and complaints mechanisms in individual institutions; the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman did not cover the UGC sector; and the costs of legal proceedings were beyond the means of staff.
由於教資會同樣未能解決這些 糾紛,當局理應認真考慮成跨院校 的調解機制,以處 理這方面的糾紛。
As UGC was unable to resolve these disputes either, the establishment of an inter-institutional redress mechanism to handle such disputes should be seriously considered.
本文件旨在提供法律事務部就大學校長會對成 跨院 校申 訴委員會的觀點提出的意見,供議員參考。
comments of the Legal Service Division on the views of the Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM) on the establishment of an inter-institutional complaints committee.
成立 一個獨立跨院校申 訴機制會損害院校因應其政策、慣例及獨 特情況而處理員工事務及投訴的自主權。
Establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism would undermine institutional autonomy in handling staff matters and complaints having regard to their own policies, practices and individual circumstances.
中央撥款是用以支付整體高等教育界別 跨院 校 活 動所需的 開支,支付院校提升計劃的費用,資助在研資局和卓越學科 [...]
領域計劃範圍以外提高教與學質素的新措施,以及應付三年 期/延展年度內未能預見的撥款需求。
The Central Allocation Vote is to meet expenditure incurred for
[...] sector-wide and cross-institutional [...]
activities, to meet costs of institutional
advancement projects, to support new teaching and learning quality initiatives which are outside the ambit of the RGC and AoE Scheme, and to meet unforeseen funding requirements during a triennium / roll-over year.
在香港,個別大學設有工會或教職員協 會,以處理投訴及申訴個案,亦有教師工會 跨院 校 組 織,協 助會員調解糾紛。
In Hong Kong, individual universities set up their own university unions or staff associations to deal with complaints and grievances. There are also teachers unions and organizations across higher education institutions to assist their members to settle disputes.
4.4.1 台灣沒有專責處理高等教育界教職員投訴及申訴的獨跨院校機 構,但教師組織可就僱傭、申訴及其他相關事宜代 [...]
4.4.1 While Taiwan does not have
[...] any independent inter-institutional [...]
organization that specifically handles complaints and
grievances of staff in the higher education sector, there are teachers' organizations representing teachers in negotiation with relevant institutions and/or authorities relating to employment, complaints and other relevant matters.
李先生認為, 要解決這問題,必須就學術自由立法,並設立獨立跨院校申 訴機制,以處理有關侵犯學術自由的申 訴。
To resolve the problem, Mr LI considered it important to legislate on academic freedom and establish an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism to handle grievances relating to infringement of academic freedom.
不過,其實這些並不足夠,因為議會黨派及高等教育的教職員本 來建議設立一跨院校的 投訴機制,其組成包 跨院 校 的 職員工會, 也可以邀請社會上具公信力的人士加入,一起協助高等教育院校制訂 [...]
Various political parties and groupings in the Legislative Council and the academic staff of
tertiary institutions
[...] originally proposed the setting up of a cross-institution complaint mechanism to [...]
be made up of, among others,
cross-institution academic staff unions.
為方便事務委員會進一步討論設 跨院 校 申 訴委員會 的建議,委員要求立法會秘書處法律事務部就大學校長會的回 應提供法律意見,尤其是大學校長會指設 跨院 校 申 訴委員 會,形同於侵奪大學校董會的法定權力、違反院校自主,以及 輕視法院的裁決。
To facilitate further discussion on
the proposal for the
[...] establishment of an inter-institutional complaints committee, members requested the Legal Service Division of the Secretariat to provide legal advice on the HUCOM's response, in particular on the view that the setting up of an inter-institutional complaints committee was tantamount to usurping the legal powers of the university Councils, [...]
infringing on the autonomy
of the institutions, and slighting the judgement of the courts.
然而,對於大學校長會在向事務委員會作出的回應中表明 不支持設跨院校民選獨立申訴委員會的建議,委員表示失望, 並認為此項決定與各教資會資助院校教職員協會的意見背道而 馳。
However, members were disappointed with the response of the Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM) to the Panel that it did not support the proposal for establishing an elected independent inter-institutional complaints committee, contrary to the views of the staff associations of the UGC-funded institutions.
过去20年里,除讲授领导力课程外,他还是很多哈佛大学商学院博士生的导师,多年来也教 跨院 系 组 织行为博士课程和负责哈佛大学商学院案例编写和课程开发。
A dedicated mentor to many HBS doctoral students over the past two decades, he also taught for years in the interfaculty Ph.
Qiu Zhijie is a professor at the School of Inter-media Art of China Art Academy, the Director [...]
of Total Art Studio and member
of the supervisor team in the Art and Social Thoughts Institute.
它将是中国美术院跨媒体 艺术学院的秋季学院,将从上海双年展布展期间开班。
The program will be included in the autumn semester of
[...] the School of Inter-media Art, China Academy of Art, and [...]
starts in the installation period of the Biennale.
有关判决的部分依据是该法院的以前的一项判 决,院认定,维护跨国公 司的专利权会侵犯那些不能得到其药品的人的生命 权。
The ruling was based, in
[...] part, on the court finding that upholding the multinational’s patent rights [...]
would violate the right
to life of those without access to its drugs.
院还认为《跨国破 产示范法》第 15(2) 条的要求得到满足,因为该申请附有一份外国法院启动外国程序和任命外国代表 的裁决的核证副本。
The court was also satisfied that the requirements of Art. 15 (2) MLCBI were met, [...]
as the application was accompanied by
a certified copy of the decision of the foreign court commencing the foreign proceeding and appointing the foreign representative.
例如,2008 年,在印度, 德里高等院驳回了一跨国医 药公司提起的诉讼,该公司称,一种无商标肺癌 药品的生产侵犯了它的专利权。
In 2008, for example, in
[...] India, the High Court of Delhi dismissed a case brought by a multinational pharmaceutical [...]
company claiming that
the generic manufacturing of a lung cancer drug infringed on its patent rights.
社署會繼續為 嚴重殘疾病 人及其家屬提供輔導及支援服 務,介紹他們接受新 服務,與院跨專業小組合作,藉 以 協 助他們完 成復康計劃,以及加強財政援助及社區支援服務,讓 他們實現重新融 入社會的計劃。
The SWD would also continue to offer counselling and support services to severely disabled patients and their families, connecting them to the new service provision, assisting them to achieve their rehabilitation plan through collaborating with the multi-disciplinary team in hospitals, as well as to realise their plan of reintegrating into the community with the enhanced financial and community support services.
院还认为,依据跨国破 产示范法》第 16(3)条,债务人 的“主要利益中心”是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,依据《美国法典》第 11 篇第 1502(4)节[《跨国破产示范法》第 2(b)条 ],外国程序构成外国主要程序,其 根据是债务人及其妻子只是美国临时居民,须在对承认进行听证的当年年底返回 [...]
The court further found that the debtor’s “centre of main interests” (“COMI”) pursuant to Art. 16 (3) MLCBI was the United Kingdom [...]
of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and that the foreign proceeding constituted a foreign main proceeding pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1502(4) [Art. 2 (b) MLCBI] based on the fact that the debtor and his wife were only temporary residents of the United States and were required to return to the United Kingdom by the end of the year in which the recognition hearing was conducted.
后排:比利时鲁汶大学 Ignaas Verpoest 教授,2009 年跨骏奖得主 Rodney Priestley教授,跨骏员工 Astrid Keller,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 Glenn H. Fredrickson教授,美国伊利诺大学 Martin Gruebele 教授,瑞士洛桑联邦理工院 Jan-Anders Månson教授跨骏董 事会执行成员 René-Pierre Müller 博士,德国拜罗伊特大学 Volker Altstädt教授,日本东京工业大学特聘教授 Toshio Nishi,苏黎世 ETH Paolo Ermanni 教授(主持人)。
Standing: Prof. Dr. Ignaas Verpoest, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Prof. Dr. Rodney Priestley, Quadrant Award Winner 2009, Astrid Keller, Quadrant, Prof. Dr. Glenn H. Fredrickson, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, Prof. Dr. Martin Gruebele, University of Illinois, USA, Prof. Dr. Jan-Anders Månson, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Dr. René-Pierre Müller (Executive Member of the Board Quadrant), Prof. Dr. Volker Altstädt, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Prof. Dr. Toshio Nishi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Prof. Dr. Paolo Ermanni, ETH Zurich (Moderation).
院还认为,依据跨国破 产示范法》, 即使破产管理是“外国程序”,当时的破产管理人也不是“外国代表”,因为破 产管理人没有被授权管理 Y 公司的清算或重组。
The court further held that the receiver was not a “foreign representative” pursuant to Art. 2 (d) MLCBI at that [...]
time, even if the receivership
was a “foreign proceeding”, as the receiver had not been authorized to administer the liquidation or reorganization of company Y.
黎肖娴为纽约大学电影研究哲学博士,香港城市大学创意媒体学院副教授,曾担任创意媒体 院 的 跨 媒 体 批判专业的组长(2002-2010),现为创意媒体文学学士本科生课程主任。
Used to be the Expertise Group Leader for the School’s Critical Intermedia Studies (2002-2010), and currently the Leader of the Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media.




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