

单词 跨度

跨度 noun ()

spans pl


短跨度 n

short pitch n

See also:

step across
stride over

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 其他工作,包括設立資訊管理系統和進行相關研
[...] 究,例如進一步土力評估、車輛護欄撞擊測試、跨度橋樑 的風洞測試和施工風險評估等。
(d) miscellaneous items, including setting up of the information management system and relevant studies such as further geotechnical
assessment, impact test on vehicular parapet, wind tunnel
[...] test for long span bridges and risk [...]
assessment for construction etc.
此外,由于项目的时跨度为 6 年,在某些情况下,一开始参与项目的年轻 [...]
Furthermore, due
[...] to the six-year span of the project, [...]
in some cases, youth who started with the project were forced to move
on to other areas/activities before the completion of all courses/modules.
如汽車和鐵路車輛的空氣動力學設計,如 跨度 ​ ​ 橋樑,塔或高層建築的結構是一個極其複雜的任務。
The aerodynamic design of vehicles such
[...] as automobiles and railroads, of structures such as long-span bridges, towers [...]
or high-rise buildings is an extremely complex task.
(c) 以100 年时跨度为依 据采用全球升温潜能值评估短寿命温室气体排 放对气候变化的影响存在的限制。
(c) The limitations in the use of GWPs based on the 100-year time horizon in evaluating the contribution to climate change of emissions of GHGs with short lifetimes.
这个时跨度也包 含当代艺术在西方世界的体制化和在它作为社会和政治工具的日益增加的作用。
This time-span also covers the institutionalization of contemporary [...]
art in the Western world and its growing role as a social and political instrument.
在联邦广场东端一座宏伟的钢铁和玻璃建筑里,是位于市中心的 Ian Potter 中心:维多利亚国立美术馆 ,其中陈列着两万余件令人叹为观止的澳大利亚艺术品,时 跨度 从 殖 民地时期到现代,并有整整一层陈列着土著艺术品。
Housed in a dramatic steel and glass building at the eastern end of Federation Square, the Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria Australia in the City Centre is home to a marvellous collection of more than 20,000 pieces of Australian art, from the colonial to modern periods and with an entire floor dedicated to indigenous art.
卡奥尔的城市是首都之处,著名的桥梁:桥Valentré的六尖拱和三名防守塔,是,强化 跨度 在 欧 洲的最佳。
The city of Cahors is the capital of the department, famous for its
bridge: Pont Valentré with its six pointed arches and three defensive towers and is the
[...] best fortified river span in Europe.
此外, 擬設啟德辦事處專員將會肩負重責,檢討海旁地區的道路設 計,藉以完善啟德發展計劃基礎設施的設計,以改善其暢達
[...] 程度;並會舉辦設計比賽,以提升顯眼行人天橋和 跨度構 築物的美感。
The proposed H(KTO) will also be heavily involved with refining the design of KTD infrastructure through reviewing the road layout at waterfront areas to improve
accessibility and inviting design competitions to enhance the aesthetic value of prominent
[...] footbridges and long-span structures.
(ii) 由于失物应送回的原则并不受时间推移的影响,因此,在敌对状态结束 50 多年
[...] 之后指导国家之间谈判的这些草案原则必须考虑过去的这段时间以及这种时跨 度所带来的更大的复杂性。
(ii) While the principle that objects lost should be returned is unaffected by the passage of time, these draft Principles, which are to guide interstate negotiations more than 50 years after the cessation of
hostilities, must take into account the intervening passage of time and the added
[...] complexities that such a time span implies.
全部加在一起,我们处理报告所述问题方面的经验 共有数十年的时跨度。
Together, our engagement with the issues we have addressed
[...] in the report spans several decades
然而,在设计全球升温潜能值时没有考虑具体的政策目 标,而视具体的政策目标如何,采用替代指标也许是可取的; (c)以100 年时跨度为依 据采用全球升温潜能值评估短寿命温室气体排 放对气候变化的影响存在的限制。
(c) The limitations in the use of GWPs based on the 100-year time horizon in evaluating the contribution to climate change of emissions of greenhouse gases with short lifetimes.
鉴于其范围之广,时跨度之长,第二个十年还可提供一个渠道,藉以吸 取和传播联合国系统采取就业和体面工作措施处理应对危机和复苏问题的经验, 以期加强全系统处理这些方面工作的能力。
Given its scope and time frame, the Second Decade could also provide a channel to distil and disseminate lessons from the experience of the United Nations system with employment and decent work measures to cope with crisis response and recovery, with a view at strengthening the capacity of the system to deal with those dimensions of its work.
Horizontal pitch is automatically adjusted based on the point size selected.
(a) 对“战略”及其实施环境的综合评价,包括改进“战略”执行工作和 效力及其时跨度的建 议; (b) 评估“战略”中战略目标和业务目标之间的相互关系,以及相关影响 和暂时通过的业绩指标,以便确定执行“战略”的预期结果与执行《公约》的预 期影响之间的联系。
(b) An assessment of the interrelationship between the strategic and operational objectives contained in The Strategy, together with related impact and provisionally adopted performance indicators, in order to establish the linkages between expected outcomes in the implementation of The Strategy and expected impacts in the implementation of the Convention.
本报告所作分析和评估的时跨度为 三 年,并按照计划效绩报告(PPR)所报告的内 容,以 2008 年和 2010 年之间落实计划和预算(P&B)的效绩信息为依据。
The analysis and assessment in the report covers a period of three years and is based on performance information on the implementation of the Program and Budget (P&B) between 2008 and 2010 as reported in the Program Performance Reports (PPRs).
亲眼目睹设备运转的任何人,都对设备的优点一目了然: geniSYS 220 机器开发宗旨是能够超精确地现场加工大口径和螺纹 跨度达 220 毫米(8.75 英寸),深度达 300 毫米(12 英寸)),并且能够按要求切割复杂的 3D 内部空间以及英制和公制螺纹。
The advantage of the unit is clear to anyone who sees it working: the geniSYS 220 has been developed to allow ultra-accurate, in-situ machining of large bores and threads - up to 220mm (8.75in) across and up to 300mm (12in) deep, and to cut complex 3D internal spaces and Imperial and Metric threads on demand.
跨度将是 2011-2013 年,补充开发计划署和毒品和犯罪 问题办公室在这些区域实施的现有方案。
The framework would cover the period 2011-2013 and complement existing programmes implemented by UNDP and UNODC in the regions.
成熟的Nu-Wave Optima(TM)平台将业界最先进的100G技术和独特的拥有适用不 跨度 的 多 种光信号放大器版本的线路设备相结合,在真实网络中提供了无与伦比的100G波分复用传输性能。
The proven Nu-Wave Optima(TM) platform offers unparalleled 100G WDM transmission performance in real network conditions based on the combination of the industry's most advanced 100G technology and unique line equipment with multiple versions of optical amplification to address different span configurations.
铁力士系列塔吊为鸿达集团的主导产品之一,从QTZ31.5到QTZ500,幅度从30米到80米,工作范围大,工作方式多,适用对象广,该系列塔吊为水平臂架、小车变幅、液压自升、机构新颖、运行可靠,外观美观大方,各种安全设施齐全,泵配套件全选用国内知名品牌,电气元件擦用国际品牌,工作速度提高,调速性能好,工作平稳,效率高,广泛适用于高层饭店、居民住宅、高层工业建筑、 跨度 工 业 厂房以及高大烟囱等高塔式建筑物.铁力士系列塔吊曾荣获山东省名牌产品等各种荣誉称号.
Titlis series tower crane is one of the leading product of Hongda Group, from QTZ31.5 to QTZ500, range from 30 meters to 80 meters, the scope of work, work more, widely applicable, the series tower crane for horizontal jib, trolley, hydraulic jack, novel structure, reliable operation, beautiful appearance, all kinds of safety facilities, pump parts all use well-known brands, electrical components, wipe with the international brand, working speed, good speed performance, stable work, high efficiency, widely used in high-rise
hotel, residential, high-rise industrial
[...] building, large span industrial building [...]
and tall chimney high tower building Titlis series.
为此我们选用了跨度刚架 结 构体系,平面中没有任何柱子,使我们得以在三个平面中根据不同的人流及景观,自由布置形成室内外空间的非承重隔墙与屋顶。
We selected long-span rigid frame for [...]
the building structure to eliminate any columns inside the building, permitting us
to place non-bearing walls and roofs freely so that indoor and outdoor spaces could be better integrated.
與準確性0,025%跨度,和 各種附加功能的設備可以廣泛的應用,因為即使在危險地區的ATEX認證。
With an accuracy of 0,025% of the span, and various [...]
additional features of the device allows for a wide range of applications,
due to the Atex approval even in hazardous areas.
在报告第1975(e) 段,调查团建议,鉴于某些弹药或弹药碎片可能产生的长 期环境危害的指控和报告,应当在联合国的主持下,在认为必要的时 跨度 内, 开展一个环境监测方案;该方案应包括加沙地带和以色列南部靠近弹着点的地 区。
In paragraph 1975 (e) of its report, the Mission recommended that, in view of the allegations and reports about long-term environmental damage that may have been created by certain munitions or debris from munitions, a programme of environmental monitoring should be implemented under the auspices of the United Nations, for as long as deemed necessary; the programme should include the Gaza Strip and areas within southern Israel close to impact sites.
依据审议周期跨度而定 ,就如何使国 内法与条款相一致及如何落实条款而得出的结论。
Depending on the scope of the review cycle, findings with respect to the way in which national law has been brought into line with the article and with respect to the implementation of the article in practice.
该馆的藏品类跨度很大,既有传统的土著艺术品,也有20世纪的 Arthur Boyd、Sidney Nolan 和 Albert Tucker 的作品。
The collection ranges from traditional Aboriginal art through to 20th-century works by Arthur Boyd, Sidney Nolan and Albert Tucker.
仅在去年,我们就目 睹签署了新的《裁武条约》,在华盛顿特区召开了核 安全问题首脑会议,在不扩散核武器缔约国审议大会 上一致通过了时跨度为十 年的《最后文件》 (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. I))。
Just last year alone, we witnessed the signing of the New START agreement, the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, D.C., and the adoption of the decade-spanning Final Document by consensus at the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT/CONF.2010/50 (Vol. I)).
该馆内主要进行游泳、跳水、花样游泳、现代五项运动中的游泳项目,该馆最主要的特色是壮观的波浪型屋顶,长160米,宽80米, 跨度 比 伦敦希斯罗机场的5号航站楼还长。
It will be hosting swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, and the swimming element of the Modern Pentathlon, and features a spectacular wave-like
roof that is 160 m long and up to 80 m wide, giving it a
[...] longer single span than Terminal [...]
5 at London Heathrow Airport.
为提供金融产品或服务,John Carris Investments, LLC 需要收集个人信息,例如姓名、地址、电话号码、社保号码,以及关于您的职业、资产、收入、投资目标、时 跨度 、 风险承受能力和帐户活动的信息。
To provide financial products or services, John Carris Investments, LLC, needs to collect personal information such as your name, address,telephone number,
and social security
[...] number, as well as information about your occupation, assets, income, investment goals, time horizons, risk tolerance [...]
and account activity.
如果一个单元格不空,跨度和( 或) 跨度 将 自 动调整到新的位置,页面上第三个表格显示所有原表中列的相关宽度都得到了保护,第四个表格显示我们可以在插入了表格后添加其他单元格:该单元格自由地添加到下一个单元格中。
If a cell
[...] is not empty, out-span and (or) line span will be automatically [...]
adjusted to a new location, the first page of
all three forms listed in the original table have been related to the protection of the width of the fourth table shows that we can Insert the form in add other cells:the freedom to add the cell to the next cell.
不仅是帮助与Sanmaxi数据库转换工具,程序员,应用程序开发人员,数据库管理员或数据库服务器管理员的生活中起着最重要的角色,因为手动转换(书面)数据库采石场形式之一到另一个数据库格式非常耗时不快的过程也就是为什么我们设计和开发的高效和最可靠的数据库转换软件,通过它您可以轻松地迁移或转换您的大容量的数据库记录从MySQL到MSSQL和MSSQL,MySQL在很短的时 跨度 仅 在 单一的点击鼠标的格式。
Only with the help of Sanmaxi database conversion tools which plays most important role in the life of programmers, application developers, database manager or database server administrator because to converting manually (by writing) database quarry form one to another database format is very time consuming and displeasing process that is why we designed and developed highly effective and most reliable database converter software through which you can comfortably migrate or convert your
bulk database records from MySQL to MSSQL and MSSQL to MySQL
[...] format in very short span of time only in single [...]
mouse click.
(e) 会议评估了智利提出的关于延长智利按照第5条第1 款完成销毁雷区 内杀伤人员地雷的最后期限的请求,并同意批准这一请求,将最后期限延长至 2020年3月1日; 会议注意到,尽管所提交的延期计划是可行的,但智利表明该国实施 了改良的程序来核证土地无雷,这就表明智利或许能够以比所要求的时 跨度更 快 的速度来开展行动,而鉴于智利指出了从排雷可以得到的社会经济利益,如能 较快开展行动,会有利于《公约》及智利本身。
(e) The Meeting assessed the request submitted by Chile for an extension of Chile’s deadline for completing the destruction of anti-personnel mines in mined areas in accordance with Article 5.1, agreeing to grant the request for an extension until 1 March 2020.




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