

单词 跨境

跨境 noun ()

cross-boundary n

跨境 ()

cross-border (trade)

See also:

step across
stride over

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,冬季的空氣污染水平較高,這是由於冬季常刮北或東北季候風,令香港以外的 排放污染源造成更多跨境空氣 污染所致。
The air pollution level in winter months, however, is much higher because the prevailing
north or north-easterly monsoon would
[...] bring in more trans-boundary air pollution caused [...]
by emission sources outside Hong Kong.
经社会通过了关于推进无纸化贸易 跨境 确 认 电子数据和单据以实现 包容的和可持续的区域内贸易便利化的第 [...]
68/3 号决议。
The Commission adopted resolution 68/3 on enabling paperless
[...] trade and the cross-border recognition of [...]
electronic data and documents for inclusive
and sustainable intraregional trade facilitation.
This respectable growth resulted from our
focus on account acquisition, further
[...] enhancement of our cross-border services, and provision [...]
of competitive corporate wealth
management products to customers to meet their needs.
(f) 酌情建立次区域或区域机制,特别是建 跨境 海 关 合作机制以及执法、 边境管制和海关管制机构分享信息的网络,以防止、打击和消 跨境 小 武 器和轻 武器非法贸易。
(f) To establish, where appropriate, subregional
or regional mechanisms,
[...] in particular transborder customs cooperation and networks for information-sharing among law enforcement, border and customs control agencies, with a view to preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons across borders.
[...] 府、监管机构和邮政运营机构的代表,讨论了发展中国家和发达国 跨境 电 子商 务的重要性。
The conference gathered representatives from the private sector, governments, regulators
and postal operators which discussed the
[...] importance of cross border e-commerce in [...]
the developing and the developed world.
[...] 际民航组织关于处理和签发机器可读护照和其他旅行证件的最低安全标准;增强 各种能力,并改跨境合作 以查出和防止使用仿冒和伪造旅行证件的行为;减少 [...]
承诺向国际刑警组织报告丢失和被盗旅行证件,推动边境管制第一线和其他执法 官员实时利用国际刑警组织的数据库。
The objectives of the programme are to: upgrade technological security features of travel documents; implement the ICAO Minimum Security Standards for Handling and Issuance of Machine-Readable Passports and
other Travel Documents; enhance
[...] capacities and improve cross-border cooperation in detecting [...]
and preventing the use of fraudulent
and counterfeit travel documents; and reduce the possibility of such loss and stolen passports being used for terrorist and other criminal purposes by implementing the commitment to report lost and stolen travel documents to INTERPOL and facilitating real-time use of INTERPOL databases by first-line border control and other law enforcement officers.
表示期望获得面向公众和面跨境教 育 项目的空间教 育,以使不同国家的学生增加与其他国家的学生建立网络并获得国际经验的能 力。
The desire was expressed for access to space education for the
[...] public and for cross-border education projects [...]
with the purpose of allowing students
in different countries to gain competence in building networks with others and acquiring international experience.
建议针对贸易便利化问题采取以下六项行动:(1) 建立和加强
体制机制,以便发现贸易便利化的瓶颈和制订解决办法,(2) 开展或
[...] 加快旨在建立国家单一电子窗口的计划,以便在技术层面确 跨境互 操作性,(3) 建立一个协调统一的区域框架,以便以电子方式交换贸 [...]
易数据和文件,(4) 实现过境便利化,作为贸易便利化计划的一部
分,(5) 创建一个泛亚协调机制,使活跃在贸易便利化领域的各主要 的区域组织的代表都参与进来,以及(6) 鼓励发展贸易基础设施和物 流服务。
The following six actions are recommended to address trade facilitation issues: (1) Establish and strengthen institutional mechanisms for identifying trade facilitation bottlenecks and developing solutions, (2) Initiate or accelerate plans to establish national electronic Single Windows,
incorporating existing international
[...] standards to ensure cross-border interoperability [...]
at the technical level, (3) Develop
a harmonized regional framework for electronic exchange of trade data and documents, (4) Facilitate transit as part of trade facilitation plans, (5) Create an Asia-wide coordination mechanism bringing together representatives of key regional organizations active in trade facilitation, and (6) Encourage trade infrastructure and logistics services development.
根據邊境禁區政策, 當局把香港人煙較稠密的地方與當時中、英邊界之間的某些地區劃為
[...] 邊境禁區,目的是提供一個緩衝地帶,協助保安部隊維持香港與內地 之間的邊界完整,以及打擊非法入境活動和其 跨境 犯 罪 活動。
Under the FCA policy, certain areas between the populated territory of Hong Kong and the then Sino-British border was declared to be the FCA to provide a buffer zone to help the security forces to maintain the integrity of the
boundary between Hong Kong and the Mainland and to combat illegal
[...] immigration and other cross boundary criminal activities.
小组正在调查跨境军事 活动提供支持是否有经济目标, 例如在某种程度上扰乱可可的收获和出口。
The Panel is investigating whether
[...] possible support for cross-border military activities [...]
could have economic objectives, for
example through the partial disruption of the harvesting and export of cocoa.
本人承諾會通跨境車輛登記車主/由本人透過道路貨物資料系統代其遞交詳細資料的付貨人及收貨人有關「收集個 [...]
I undertake to inform the registered
[...] owner(s) of the cross-boundary vehicle(s) / consignor [...]
and consignee of the cargo whose
particulars are to be submitted by me through the Road Cargo System of the contents of the “Personal Information Collection Statement”.
[...] 全、后冲突和长期危机、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病以及本领域遭受的特定灾害(例跨境水生病害和有害生物爆发)也对水产养殖生产和渔业影响巨大。
Food and nutrition security, post-conflict and
protracted crises, HIV/AIDS and sector-specific
[...] hazards (e.g. transboundary aquatic animal [...]
diseases and pest outbreaks) can also
have significant impacts on aquaculture production and fisheries.
(b) 一种相反的观点是需要将某些事项排除在程序规则的适用范围之外,
[...] 以便程序规则始终重点处理价值低、数量大 跨境 电 子 商务交易,并将可能涉 及冗长或棘手程序问题的复杂案件排除在本系统之外:举例提到对金融机构的 [...]
(b) A contrary view was that certain matters needed to be excluded from the operation of the procedural rules so that they retained
their focus of dealing with
[...] low-value, high-volume cross-border electronic commerce [...]
transactions, and to exclude from the
system complex cases that might have lengthy or difficult procedural issues: examples were given of claims against financial institutions, intellectual property cases or those dealing with personal injury.
尤其是,指出国家单一窗口设施的 充分部署不应是参跨境举措 的先决条件,因为所有国家都有权及早同时在国 [...]
In particular, it was said that the full deployment of a national single window
facility should not be a condition for
[...] participation in cross-border initiatives, since [...]
all countries were entitled to build
experience from an early stage also at the international level.
通过以下方式促跨境资格承认:支持区域认可文书(例如,制订《阿鲁沙公约》);能力建设(例如,地中海认可国以及通 [...]
过信息和通信技术加强的远程教育;教科文组织欧洲高等教育中心实施的国际资格评估远程教育课 程);以及旨在制订关于公认高等教育机构的信息工具的试行项目。
Cross-border recognition of qualifications [...]
was promoted through support to regional recognition instruments (e.g. launch
of the Arusha Convention); capacitybuilding (e.g. Mediterranean Recognition countries and ICT-enhanced distance education; implementation of a distance education course on international credential evaluation by CEPES); and the launch of a pilot project towards designing an information tool on recognized higher education institutions.
此类措施可包括提供资料或报告,说明个人 及公司等法人实体跨境军事 和保安服务的使用。
Such measures may include the provision of information or
[...] reports on the use of transborder military and security [...]
services by persons as well as legal
entities, for example companies.
(e) 建立或加强区域和次区域边境管制机制,并加强海关、边境管制、警察
[...] 和司法当局在区域一级的合作,以解 跨境 小 武 器和轻武器非法贸易问题。
(e) To establish or strengthen regional and subregional mechanisms relating to border control, and to enhance cooperation at the regional level among customs, border
control, police and judicial authorities in order to address the illicit trade in small arms
[...] and light weapons across borders.
[...] 系,以及与多个内地策略伙伴之合作,协助商业客户拓 跨境 业 务 ,并 建立更强大的客户转介渠道。
The co-operation between our Hong Kong and Mainland teams, and the alliance with several strategic partners
on the Mainland, supported customers in
[...] growing their cross-border business, and the [...]
establishment of a dynamic customer referral channel.
[...] 会通报说,该代表团正在拟订一个关于推进无纸化贸易 跨境 确 认电子数据 和单证的区域协定的决议草案(E/ESCAP/68/L.6),并期望得到其他代表团的 [...]
The delegation of the Republic of Korea informed the Commission that it was
fielding a draft resolution on a regional
[...] agreement on cross-border paperless trade [...]
and electronic data and documents exchange
(E/ESCAP/68/L.6) and looked forward to the full support of other delegations.
[...] 丹正采取措施处理这一问题,并加速其与邻国正在进行 跨境 合 作 ,建立更密切 的联系和信息分享。
Nevertheless, Bhutan is undertaking
efforts to address this and has stepped up its
[...] ongoing cross border collaboration [...]
on developing closer networking and information
sharing with neighbouring countries.
(b) 在打跨境贩毒 活动中禁毒执法机构之间的合作发挥着关键作用,有 鉴于此,各国政府需要确保其执法机构拥有必要的法律根据、国家联络点、一 [...]
个协调各个国家主管当局的既定程序、快速通关程序以及随时可以根据请求开 展控制下交付行动的训练有素的官员
(b) Given the key role of cooperation between drug law enforcement
[...] agencies in combating cross-border trafficking, Governments [...]
need to ensure that their agencies
have the necessary legislative authority, national contact points, an established procedure for the coordination of national authorities, fast clearance procedures and trained officers ready to respond to requests to carry out controlled delivery operations
2011 年的活动侧重于毒品数据分析跨境 合 作 、打击恐怖主义和减少毒品需 求,并处理与其在艾滋病毒/艾滋病和偷运移民问题上的任务授权有关的问题, [...]
Activities in 2011 focused on
[...] drug data analysis, cross-border cooperation, counter-terrorism [...]
and drug demand reduction,
and addressing problems related to its mandated work on HIV/AIDS and the smuggling of migrants, mainly in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.
[...] 制和良好治理;(ii)粮食和营养安全以 跨境 威 胁 的信息和早期预警;(iii)农 业、畜牧、渔业和林业有效响应准备和恢复;以及(iv)农业、渔业和林业减缓 [...]
These “pillars” are: (i) institutional strengthening and good governance for DRR in the agriculture sector; (ii) information and
early warning systems on food and
[...] nutrition security and transboundary threats; (iii) [...]
preparedness for effective response and
recovery in agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry; and (iv) good practices, processes and technologies for mitigation and prevention in farming, fisheries and forestry.
淡水资源方面的国际合作反映了跨界含水层与日俱增的重要性,而教科文组织以跨 境地下 蓄水层:新的挑战与方向”为主题召开的国际会议(2010 年 12 月),以及由国际水 文计划(IHP)和世界水资源评估计划(WWAP)牵头的国际共有含水层资源管理计划 (ISARM)及从潜在冲突到合作潜力从潜在的冲突到合作的可能(PCCP)倡议则加强了这 种国际合作。
International cooperation on freshwater resources projected the growing importance of transboundary aquifers, reinforced through the International Conference on “Transboundary Aquifers: Challenges and New Directions”, convened by UNESCO (December 2010), as well as the IHP and WWAP-led initiatives on Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management (ISARM) and From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential (PCCP).
提高能源利用率的措施包括:能源多样化,并 结合清洁的化石燃料技术,更有效地利用能源;开 发全球液化天然气市场;加快开发负担得起的能源 保护技术,重点向产油的发展中国家转让技术;尽
量减少石油和天然气在生产及销售过程中的损失和 排放;提供便利,向石油生产国与出口国提供负担 得起的技术,将固态燃料转化为液态或气态燃料,
[...] 控制天然气的燃烧和泄漏,进行碳捕获和碳存储, 从废料中二次开发能源;以及,通过四通八达的电 网以跨境管道 与交易,支持区域能源传输。
Measures to improve energy use included diversifying energy sources and using them more efficiently in combination with cleaner fossil fuel technologies; developing a global liquefied natural gas market; accelerating the development of affordable energy conservation technologies and their transfer to oil- producing developing countries in particular; minimizing oil and gas losses and emissions throughout the production and distribution process; facilitating the provision to oilproducing and oil-exporting countries of affordable technologies to transform solid fuels to liquid or gaseous fuels, control gas flaring and venting, and perform carbon capture and storage or recapture of energy from waste;
and supporting regional energy transmission through interconnected
[...] electricity grids and cross-border pipelines and trade.
[...] 南亚国家联盟、大湄公河次区域和亚太经社会方案的协作,同时还提及其 政府一直在提高在货物与人跨境流 动方面的竞争力,并为应对气候变化 的全球努力做出贡献。
One delegation pointed out the need to strengthen subregional and regional integration and cooperation and enhance the coordination of the programmes of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Greater Mekong Subregion and ESCAP, and mentioned that
its Government had been promoting
[...] competitiveness in the crossborder movement of goods [...]
and people, and contributing to the
global efforts to address climate change.
安全理事会在其 2011 年 11 月 14 日的主席声明(S/PRST/2011/21)中鼓励联 合国中部非洲区域办事处(中部非洲区域办)协同联合国驻非洲联盟办事处,与联
[...] 项区域战略,以在受上帝军影响区域提供国际人道主义、发展和建设和平援助; 建立各跨境机制 ,以改善平民保护、早期预警能力、人道主义通行和反应;对 [...]
In its presidential statement of 14 November 2011 (S/PRST/2011/21), the Security Council encouraged the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), in coordination with the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU), to engage with the United Nations presences in the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)-affected region and the African Union to develop a regional strategy for: providing international humanitarian, development and
peacebuilding assistance in the LRA-affected
[...] areas; enhancing cross-border mechanisms to improve [...]
the protection of civilians, early
warning capacity, humanitarian access and response; and providing appropriate reintegration support for those returning from displacement, abductees and ex-combatants; as well as strengthening the overall capacity of affected States to extend their authority throughout their respective territories.
毋庸讳言,为打击跨国有组织犯罪而采取的任何 行动均需采取一致办法,以便处理使这一威胁得以发
[...] 展的根本原因,即薄弱的法治、缺乏邻国之间 跨境 的司法和警察合作以及缺乏能力,以及该区域一些国 [...]
It goes without saying that any action undertaken to fight transnational organized crime requires a concerted approach in dealing with the root causes that allow for the development of that threat, which are weak rule of law, a lack of judicial and
police cooperation among neighbouring
[...] countries and across borders and a lack of capacity, [...]
as well as the many socio-economic
challenges facing some of the countries of the region.
我们的中国财务咨询服务团队是德勤亚太网络的一部分,因此我们对于在本地层面就复杂 跨境 项 目 提供建议方面拥有丰富的经验,能够为您提供广泛的子行业专长,这一点鲜有匹敌。
Our China Financial Advisory team is part of Deloitte's Asia Pacific network and, as a
result, we are experienced in advising
[...] on complex cross-border assignments at [...]
a local level and offer you a breadth of
sector expertise that few can rival.




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