单词 | 距离 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 距离 noun —gap nlength n距离 —be apart fromExamples:传输距离—transmission distance 远距离—long-distance 近距离—close range See also:距 n—distance n 距—at a distance of • be apart 离—without (sth) • be away from • independent of • part from • surname Li • mythical beast (archaic) • (in giving distances) from • ☲ 离 v—leave v
d. 资助培训和研讨会,利用远距离和直接交流的方式, 进一步加强多国办事处核 [...] 心人员的业务能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (d) financing of training and [...] workshops, using both distance and direct means [...]of communication, to further strengthen the [...]functional capacities of core staff in cluster offices. unesdoc.unesco.org |
可以显示海拔高度,移动速度,刻度/比例,方向角 , 距离。 javakaiyuan.com | Can display altitude , speed , scale/proportion , [...] orientation angle , distance. javakaiyuan.com |
由于鱼易腐烂,远距离冷藏 运输以及大型和更快速航运的开发促进了物种种类和 产品类型增多的贸易和消费,包括活鱼和新鲜鱼。 fao.org | Owing to the perishability of fish, [...] developments in longdistance refrigerated [...]transport and large-scale and faster shipments [...]have facilitated the trade and consumption of an expanded variety of species and product forms, including live and fresh fish. fao.org |
在文方指 [...] 出,她的第一位律师被迫“与该案保 持 距离 ” ,从而无法切实有效担任她客户的 代理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The source states that her first lawyer [...] was forced “to distance herself from the [...]case” and left unable to effectively represent her client. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些挑战包括长距 离海运 、货物流量不平均、以及出口品单位价值较低等,以及如何使船只的 [...] 大小、服务速度、港口装卸能力、安全和舒适程度等要素与航运量较低、而 且常常不固定等实际情况相匹配。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include long voyage distances, imbalanced cargo [...] flows and low unit values of exports as well as challenges in matching [...]ship size, service speed, port capacity, safety and comfort with low and often irregular traffic volumes. daccess-ods.un.org |
经询问,委员会获悉,与本国常驻代表团无关联且往返总部的费用 [...] 由联合国支付的委员会成员(即居住在通 勤 距离 以 外 者)视为非居民,因此有权获 得生活津贴。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that members of the Committee who were not associated with their permanent missions and whose travel expenses to and from Headquarters were met by the [...] United Nations (i.e. those who lived [...] outside commuting distance) were considered [...]non-resident and were therefore entitled to subsistence allowance. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于苏丹和南苏丹边境地区发生战事,难民署将 难民移至埃塞俄比亚和南苏丹新建立的营地,这些营地位于边境地区的安 全 距离 之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the fighting in the border area between Sudan and South [...] Sudan, UNHCR moved refugees to newly established sites in Ethiopia and [...] South Sudan at a safe distance away from border areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
个人空间——澳大利亚喜欢人与人之间保持得体的个人空 间 距离。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Personal space – Australians like to allow a decent amount of personal space between them and others. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
为加强新闻媒体对联科行动任务和活动的了解,发言人要与 新闻媒体定期举行新闻发布会、访谈和 近 距离 互 动 ,此外,发言人还承担下列其 他职责:准备秘书长特别代表与新闻媒体会面;代表联科行动发布新闻稿;管理 媒体关系股;安排发放特派团记者证;便利新闻媒体前往任务区旅行和访问;监 测新闻媒体对特派团的报道;查明趋势;向秘书长特别代表提供咨询意见;以及 在需要时纠正错误信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the regular press briefings interviews and close interaction with the media to enhance understanding of the UNOCI mandate and activities, the Spokesperson has taken on the following additional duties: preparing the press appearances of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General; issuing press releases on behalf of the Operation; managing the Media Relations Unit; arranging for issuance of mission press credentials; facilitating media trips and visits to the mission area; monitoring the media coverage of the mission; identifying trends; providing advice to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General; and correcting misinformation if and when the need arises. daccess-ods.un.org |
膀胱感染是妇女的一个常见问题,然而对于男性来讲,因为膀胱和尿道开口之间 的 距离 更 大 ,这些感染反而不太常见。 cn.iherb.com | Bladder infections are a common problem for women; however, due to [...] the greater distance between the [...]bladder and urethral opening, these infections are less common in men. iherb.com |
PPV 在田树由蚜虫以一种非 [...] 持久性方式树播,但是树感染了病毒的植物繁殖材料的携树而树播是 PPV 树距离树播的主要 途径。 ippc.int | PPV is transmitted in the field by aphids in a non-persistent [...] manner, but movement of infected propagative plant material is the main way in which [...] PPV is spread over long distances. ippc.int |
中国坚称航海自由仅适用于“和平目的”,并称“很 难将美国军舰和飞机在离中国如此近 距离 范 围 内执行任 务视为和平行为” 。 crisisgroup.org | China maintains that freedom of navigation only applies to “peaceful purposes”, and has “difficulty in seeing the missions conducted by U.S. military ships and planes so close to China as peaceful”. crisisgroup.org |
大多数澳大利亚人都居住在距离海岸 50 公里以内的区域内,所以许多人都拥有轻松随和的生活方式,并都乐于交际。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | With most Australians living within 50 kilometres from the coast, many people enjoy a laid back and social lifestyle. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
与会者 认为与空间有关的活动是实现下列方面的一种手段:培育国家自豪感、反映国 [...] 家综合实力、满足人类好奇心、为人类 长 距离 空 间旅行和空间生活做准备、开 展科学研究、促进优秀的工程、开发新技术、利用空间产生新的生产进程以及 [...]利用空间技术实现可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The participants regarded space-related activities as a means of fostering national pride, reflecting national comprehensive [...] strength, satisfying human curiosity, preparing [...] humans for longdistance space travel [...]and living in space, conducting scientific [...]research, promoting excellence in engineering, developing new technologies, utilizing space to generate new industrial processes and utilizing space technology for sustainable development. daccess-ods.un.org |
用已知高度对参考点做测量 (如水准基点或地板),每个点距离 仪 器 的高度和水 平 距离 会 显 示在 显示屏内。 leica-geosystems.be | After measuring a reference point with a known [...] height (e.g. bench mark or [...] floor), the height and horizontal distance to the instrument are displayed [...]for each following point. leica-geosystems.be |
苏丹政府通知专家组,战斗机正在进行训练活动,由 于一个简易机场距离营地 500 米,政府的飞机在接近跑道时必须低空飞行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Sudan informed the Panel that the said fighter jets were conducting training exercises and that a landing strip 500 metres from the team site required that the Government aircraft fly over the site at low altitudes on their approach to the runway. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些渔业燃料消费相对低,尽管取决于船舶来往于渔场 的 距离 , 使燃 料消费显著增加(例如沿海钩和绳钓渔业对应公海金枪鱼延绳钓)。 fao.org | Fuel consumption in these fisheries is comparatively low [...] although it can increase significantly [...] depending on the distances vessels have to [...]travel to and from the fishing ground (e.g. [...]coastal hook and line fisheries versus high seas tuna longlining). fao.org |
他们距离国际 商 定的发展目标、包括千年发展目标的实现落后最远,并位于人类发展指数排名底 端。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are the most off track in the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and are at the bottom of the Human Development Index rankings. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为距离远, 地理位置偏僻,导致运输费用昂贵,且国 际船运和空运质量和航班频度基本上由不得他们控制,所以加剧了他们的脆弱 性。 daccess-ods.un.org | This increases their [...] vulnerability, as distance and isolation have resulted [...]in relatively high transport costs, and the [...]quality and frequency of international shipping and air services are largely beyond their control. daccess-ods.un.org |
在距离维诺 妮卡卖农产品的市场不远的地方,一群女孩儿在属于她们的俱乐部唱歌跳舞。 unicef.org | Not far from the market where Veronica sells her produce, a group of girls dance and sing in their club quarters. unicef.org |
联合国 海洋法公约》第 15 条规定,海洋区域重叠时,将在两国 海岸线等距离处划分界限,然而有些因素可能影响界限 划分,包括有关的海岸线长度,各大陆和岛屿海岸线之 间的距离,以及争端各方拥有的不同岛屿标志的数量。 crisisgroup.org | When maritime zones [...] overlap, Article 15 of UNCLOS states that the boundaries will be established at an equal distance from both countries coasts, although there are other factors that can modify this, [...]including the lengths [...]of the relevant coastlines, the distance of the various mainland and island coastlines from each other, as well as the number of different island features owned by the various parties to the dispute. crisisgroup.org |
在这个意义 上,虚拟图书馆提供了远距离获得 图书馆馆藏和服务及其他信息资源的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this sense, a virtual library provides remote access to the content and services of libraries and other information resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
针对信息和通信技术及其他新型技术的应用、以及时间/成 本 - 距离 工具包的使用开展研究/举办讲习班,以便利国际道路和/或铁路运输。 daccess-ods.un.org | Studies/workshops on the application of information and communications technology and other new technologies as well as the time/costdistance toolkit to facilitate international road and/or rail transport. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管国际社会对以 1967 年前边界为基础的两国 解决方案存有共识,而且,所有国际和区域伙伴都为 重启谈判,包括近距离间接 会谈认真努力,但是,由 于以色列的立场和继续不遵守国际法和安全理事会 各项决议的做法,公正和持久解决巴勒斯坦问题显然 仍然远未实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the international consensus on the twoState solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders and the serious efforts by all international and regional partners to relaunch negotiations, including proximity talks, a just and lasting settlement to the question of Palestine is still visibly far from being achieved owing to Israel’s positions and continued non-compliance with international law and Security Council resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在纸质地图上绘制一个网格可能十分有用,这样 [...] 就可以以网格为参考轻松识别出任何位置;另一 种可选方法是参考无线电信标的距离 和 方 位进行 识别。 itopf.com | It may be useful to draw a grid onto the paper map so that any position [...] can be easily identified by grid reference or alternatively by [...] reference to the distance and bearing of [...]a radio beacon. itopf.com |
关切在联合国第一个消除贫穷十年(1997-2006)结束后 和 距离 千 年 发展目标 预定实现日期 [...] 2015 年还有六年之际,虽然一些区域在减少贫穷方面取得了进展, 但是这种进展参差不齐,一些国家生活贫穷人口继续增加,最贫穷群体中大部分 为妇女和儿童,特别是在最不发达国家,尤其是在撒哈拉以南非洲 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing concern that, after the First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of [...] Poverty (1997–2006) and six years from the 2015 [...] target date of the Millennium Development [...]Goals, while there has been progress [...]in reducing poverty in some regions, this progress has been uneven and the number of people living in poverty in some countries continues to increase, with women and children constituting the majority of the most affected groups, especially in the least developed countries and particularly in sub-Saharan Africa daccess-ods.un.org |
我国代表团欢迎四方最近于 2010 年 3 月 19 日在 莫斯科举行的会议,以及美利坚合众国政府为启动近 距离间接会谈正在作出的努力,这项会谈应导致为解 决所有最后地位问题而进行谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation welcomes the recent meeting of the Quartet held on 19 March 2010 in Moscow and the ongoing efforts of the Government of the United States of America to launch proximity talks that should lead to negotiations with a view towards resolving all final status issues. daccess-ods.un.org |