

单词 跑马拉松

See also:


horse race
ride a horse at a fast pace
wet dream


marathon (loanword)

拉马拉 n

Ramallah n


Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), Swiss scientist and physician
Marat (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

可以跑马拉松,出 席让您感兴趣的标新立异的会议,出席者与您惯常接触的同事和朋友圈非常不同,或者独自去鲜为人知的目的地旅行。
It could be running a marathon, attending a conference [...]
that interests you on an off-beat subject that will be populated
by people very different from your usual circle of associates and friends or traveling to an obscure destination alone.
I’d like to do a marathon
在鞋业领域也时有这样的创新品类面世,比如运动凉鞋,有氧健身训练鞋或者舒适得可以穿 跑 完 全 程 马拉松 的 Vibram®大底的的正装皮鞋。
Sometimes this happens in footwear and a whole new category is
created, like sport sandals, aerobic fitness trainers or Vibram®-soled
[...] dress shoes so comfortable you could run a marathon.
他现在不仅是最快的水马拉松长跑 者 而 且跑的距离也是最长。
This made him not only the
[...] fastest underwater marathon runner, but also [...]
the runner with the longest distance.
在同一次会议上,第一小组的以下成员发了言:玛尔塔、桑托斯、派斯、蒂 姆、埃克萨、曼弗雷德、诺瓦克、列娜、卡 松 和 拉 迪 卡、 库 马拉 斯 瓦 米。
At the same meeting, the following panellists of the first panel made statements: Marta Santos Pais, Tim Ekesa, Manfred Nowak, Lena Karlsson and Radhika Coomaraswamy.
我们还组织团队完成长岛(LongIsland)半程/全 马拉松 赛 跑 , 筹 款接近 40,000 美元。
We also fielded a team to
[...] compete in a half/full marathon on Long Island, raising [...]
nearly $40,000.
此外,康文署 亦會提供場地,協助田總舉辦針對 拉松 的 訓練課程,以加強參 加者對跑運動的認識及安全意識。
Moreover, the LCSD
[...] provides venues for the HKAAA to organize marathon training courses, which help enhance [...]
participants' knowledge and safety awareness of distance running by the HKAAA.
挪威马拉松长跑运动 员、在1978年至1988年期间赢得9次纽约马拉松比赛冠军的Grete [...]
Waitz,将参加福库斯银行杯(Fokus Bank)奥斯陆马拉松赛,以支持积极抗癌(Active Against Cancer)慈善机构。
OSLO, NORWAY--(Marketwire - September 23, 2010) -
[...] Former Norwegian marathon runner Grete Waitz, [...]
who won nine New York Marathons between
1978 and 1988, will be attending the Fokus Bank Oslo Marathon event in support of the Active Against Cancer charity.
[...] Aanesen表示:“积极抗癌在福库斯银行杯奥斯 马拉松 赛 的 选手不少于200人。
Helle Aanesen, CEO of Active Against Cancer, said, "Active Against Cancer has no less than 200
[...] runners in the Fokus Bank Oslo Marathon.
但我们认为,恰恰相反,人权的一个内容就是要表明,人们有权参 马拉松 赛 跑 而 不 遭受暴力,有权享受没有恐怖的假日,人民的权利由许多不同形式体现出来。
But we thought that on the contrary, that it’s a part of human
rights to make clear that people have
[...] the right to run in a marathon without violence, [...]
and people have a right to enjoy a
holiday without terror, and that the rights of people are represented in many different ways.
贝尔法斯特马拉松(Belfast City Marathon)每年也吸引全世界的马拉松爱好者来到北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)参马拉松长跑、竞 走、和接力活动,接力比赛中,五位选手可以分担这长得惊人的26.2英里行程。
The Belfast City Marathon also attracts athletes from all over the world to Northern Ireland for a marathon run and walk, team relay and fun run.
澳门国马拉松是澳 门自1981年首办以来的年度盛事,每年吸引本地及海外知名 跑 精 英 参与。
This international marathon, first hosted by Macau in 1981, continues to attract large numbers of local and international long distance runners.
馮檢基議員: 主席,在渣打香港拉松 2007 於本年 3 月舉行後,有學 者跑手提 出以下的建議:將比賽日期提前、更改活動路線、延長比賽和封 路時間、收緊競爭性賽事的參賽資格、調低參加人數上限、調整各項賽事的 [...]
起跑時間以免參加者互相阻礙、增設專供志在參與的人士參加的嘉年華組長 跑活動、開放活動路線的部分路段讓公眾夾道觀賞和安排電視台直播賽事等
以增加比賽氣氛、加強推廣長跑運動的正確知識,以及呼籲參加者以負責任 和認真的態度對待賽事和做足準備工夫。
MR FREDERICK FUNG (Chinese): President,
following the Standard
[...] Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007 held in March this year, some academics and runners made the following [...]
suggestions: advancing
the race day, changing the routes of the event, extending the duration of the race and road closure, setting higher eligibility criteria for joining competitive races, reducing the maximum number of participants, adjusting the starting time for various races to avoid participants from obstructing each other, holding a separate long-distance running carnival for those who just wish to participate, opening some sections of the routes for members of the public to line both sides as spectators and arranging for the event to be televised so as to enhance the atmosphere of competition, stepping up efforts to promote correct knowledge of long-distance running, as well as urging participants to adopt a responsible and serious attitude in joining the event and be well-prepared for the race.
做法是透過不同的活動,包括拉松 賽 跑, 甚 至向曾捐贈器官的家庭送贈圍巾,以鼓勵市民捐贈器官。
[...] activities, such as marathon races, or even presenting [...]
families which have donated organs with scarves, were held
to encourage the public to donate organs.
在石油领域,拥有深水石油勘探先进技术的美国公司,如埃克森美孚(《财 富》全球 500 强排名第 2 位)、雪佛龙(第 6 位)、美国康菲石油公司(第 10
[...] 位)、 瓦莱罗能源(第 49 位)和马拉松石油公司(第 108 位),由于赫尔姆斯-伯顿法的限 [...]
In the oil sector, United States companies with advanced technology for deepwater oil exploration, such as Exxon Mobil (ranked No. 2 in the Fortune Global 500), Chevron (ranked No. 6), ConocoPhillips (ranked
No. 10), Valero Energy Corporation
[...] (ranked No. 49) and Marathon Oil Corporation [...]
(ranked No. 108), cannot invest in Cuba,
owing to restrictions under the Helms-Burton Act.
笔记这是一个闪回情节和播出套房十一五“期间的生活和时代的伦敦蒂普顿 马拉松。
Notes: This is a flashback episode and aired during “The Suite Life and Times
[...] of London Tipton” marathon.
参赛者有机会沿着公元前 490 年马拉松战役 结束后将获胜消息带回雅典的古希腊士兵 跑 的 路 线 跑 完 赛程,这种特殊的条件让雅典传 马拉松 成 为非常独特的比赛,每年吸引来自希腊和世界各地 100 余个国家的 20,000 名参赛者。
The opportunity of a runner to run the course
[...] that was originally run in 490 BC, by the ancient Athenian soldier and message bearer following the Marathon Battle, makes the Athens Classic Marathon an outstanding race [...]
which attracts every
year more than 20,000 runners from Greece and 100 other countries all over the world.
(二) 鑒於馬拉松運動日趨普及,當局會否考慮制訂下述的推廣長跑活
動的政策和措施,藉此鼓勵市民多做運動和建立健康的生活模 式:在中小學的體育課程中加入有系統的緩跑訓練、在規劃運動 設施上作出配合、在各社區設置更多的緩跑徑,改以吸震物料鋪
[...] 設現時的緩跑徑、支援相關的體育組織舉辦訓練課程以推廣長跑 運動的正確知識,以及支援舉辦更多 跑 或 馬 拉松 賽 事 ;及
(b) given the increasing popularity of marathon running, whether it will consider formulating the following policies and measures to promote long-distance running, so as to encourage members of the public to do more exercise and adopt a healthy life style: including systematic jogging training in the physical education (PE) curricula for primary and secondary schools, giving support in the planning of sports facilities, providing more jogging tracks in various communities, resurfacing the existing jogging tracks with vibration-absorbing materials, assisting the relevant sports organizations in organizing training courses to promote correct
knowledge of long-distance running, and supporting the organization of more
[...] long-distance running or marathon races; and
除了游泳,視障人士亦可享受不同的體育活動,包括 拉松 長 跑 、 柔 道、草地滾球、獨木舟、高爾夫球及水上活動等等。
Apart from swimming, visually impaired persons are now able to enjoy many types
of sports that we would never have
[...] thought of — blind marathon, judo, lawn bowling, [...]
canoeing, blind golf and water adventure
are just some of the examples.
[...] 法庭审判分庭调来上诉分庭的阿莱特 · 拉马 鲁 松(马 达 加 斯加,自 2011 年 9 月 22 日起)、哈立达·拉希德·汗(巴基斯坦,自 [...]
2012 年 3 月 1 日起)和巴赫季亚尔·图
兹穆哈梅多夫(俄罗斯联邦,自 2012 年 6 月 29 日起)。
The permanent judges from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda serving in the Appeals Chamber are: Mehmet Güney (Turkey), Andrésia Vaz (Senegal) and, following their redeployment from the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda to the Appeals
[...] Chamber, Arlette Ramaroson (Madagascar), effective [...]
22 September 2011, Khalida Rachid Khan
(Pakistan), effective 1 March 2012, and Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov (Russian Federation), effective 29 June 2012.
研究毛拉纳的大部分学者都 承认,对毛拉纳世界性影响的最美好纪念莫过于他的葬礼-长达四十天的哀 马拉松 , 参 加 葬礼的有穆斯林、基督徒、犹太人、印度教徒、佛教徒和琐罗亚思德教信徒在伤心和哭泣, [...]
Most of those scholars who have studied Mawlana admit that there was no
more beautiful tribute
[...] to Mawlana’s universality than his funeral, a 40-day marathon of grieving attended [...]
by distraught and
weeping Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Zoroastrians who mourned in such a manner that one would have believed that Mawlana belonged to each one of them.
[...] 尼亚联合共和国)以及审案法官索洛米·巴隆吉·博萨(乌干达)和姆帕拉 尼 ·拉 约翰松(马达加斯加)。
The Trial Chamber is currently composed of judge/President Joensen (Denmark), judge William H. Sekule (United Republic of
Tanzania) as permanent judge and judges Solomy Balungi Bossa (Uganda) and
[...] Mparany Rajohnson (Madagascar) as ad litem judges.
当然,理解这项 运动的人会说,高尔夫球有足够的理由来禁止人们使用那些能让该运动变得“太”容易的装
[...] 备,正如篮球运动拒绝把篮圈扩大两倍;跳高运动禁止使用弹簧鞋 马拉松 运 动 不允许人们穿 着旱冰鞋或带着火箭背包。
Of course, people who understand the sport may say, golf has good reasons to ban equipment if it makes the game too easy, just as basketball may refuse to double the size of the hoop,
highjumping may prohibit the use of springs in
[...] shoes, and the marathon may exclude people [...]
wearing roller blades or rocket backpacks.
天生就會跑—VFF赤足跑訓練營”將由VFF制訂統一培訓教材和課程,通過連續八次訓練為愛好者提供赤足跑入門指導,為營員提供統一訓練服裝,以優惠價格購買VFF跑鞋,成為VFF北京 拉松 赤 足 跑 團 隊 成員,獲得VFF赤足跑裝備包,部分優秀營員還將有機會成為VFF [...]
Running fans will be provided 8 times of training as the introduction and guidance of barefoot running. Camp members will be offered a training uniform, a favorable price for purchase of VFF running
shoes, an opportunity to become a
[...] member of VFF Beijing Marathon Barefoot Running [...]
Team and get a VFF barefoot running gear
pack, and some outstanding camp members will even have the chance to become VFF PRO and participate in other competitions on behalf of VFF.
在“和平与全国团结之路”的口号之下,开展各 种大型体育和文化活动——拉迈劳山文化和音乐节;
[...] 现在进入第四年的环东帝汶自行车赛;以及进入第三 年的 5 月初举行的帝力国马拉松赛, 还有其他旨在 恢复我国人民的希望、自豪和信念的倡议。
Under the slogan “The Road to Peace and National Unity”, it included major sports and cultural initiatives — the Mount Ramelau Cultural and Music Festival; the Tour de Timor,
which is now in its fourth year; and the
[...] Dili International Marathon in early May, which [...]
is in its third year — among other
initiatives aimed at restoring hope, pride and faith in our people.
9. “舒什”之役:泛亚美尼亚慈善机构计划为卡拉巴赫的关键镇进行具有里程碑 意义的筹款,2009 年 5 月 29 日j 通过全亚美尼亚哈亚斯坦基金(亚美尼亚)在今年 11 月份举办的年度电马 拉松活动 而筹集的资金,将用于重建“舒什”,该镇是纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫具有重 要战略意义的据点城镇……2008 年在“舒什”实施了一些项目:部分恢复水管系 统和连接“舒什”与 Tadevos 泉水的该镇供水线路。
Battle of “Shushi”: pan-Armenian charity plans landmark fundraising for key Karabakh town, 29 May 2009j The funds to be raised through this year’s annual telethon of the All-Armenian Fund “Hayastan” (Armenia) in November will be spent on the reconstruction of “Shushi”, a strategically important stronghold town in Nagorno-Karabakh … A number of projects were implemented in “Shushi” in 2008: the water pipe system and water line connecting “Shushi” with the Tadevos spring that supplies the town with water were partly restored.
獲國際田聯認可為銅級道路賽事的渣打 拉松 2 0 1 2已 於2月5日圓滿結束,今屆總參加人數破紀錄達至70,000人!在男子全馬賽中,首七名衝線者皆打破15年來的賽事紀錄,來自埃塞俄比亞 跑 手 阿 里以2小時11分27秒的驚人時間奪冠。
Recognized by
[...] International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) as a Bronze Label event, the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2012 was successfully concluded on 5 February with a record-breaking figure of 70,000 participants.
例如,达尔富尔混合行动正在改进法希尔和尼 拉 的 跑 道照明和坡道区,签订了直升飞机降落场合同,达尔富尔混合行动的代表每月与苏丹 民航局举行会议,多数问题和关切可以在这些会议上向东道国政府提出。
UNAMID is, inter alia,
[...] improving runway illumination and ramp areas in El Fasher and Nyala; helicopter [...]
landing sites contracts
have been awarded; and UNAMID representatives hold monthly meetings with the Sudan’s Civil Aviation Authorities, during which most of these issues and concerns are raised with the host Government.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比
[...] 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦 拉 脱 维 亚、黎巴嫩 马 来 西 亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 [...]
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal,
Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica,
[...] Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, [...]
Solomon Islands,
Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
马拉松选手在爱尔兰可以选择三 马拉松 赛 事,阿迪达斯都柏 马拉松 ( Ad idas Dublin Marathon)、贝尔法斯马拉松(Belfast Marathon)、科克马拉松(Cork City Marathon)、。
Marathon runners have a pick of three marathons in Ireland with the Adidas Dublin Marathon, the Belfast Marathon and the Cork City Marathon.




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