

单词 跑神儿

See also:

(of a gas or liquid) leak or evaporate
run around (on errands etc)
(verb complement) away
(of an animal) paw (the ground)


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年,来自包括从上帝军跑的儿童的 报告说,上帝军跨境招募在刚果(金)和苏丹 绑架的儿童,并将其送至中非共和国。
In 2010, there were reports,
[...] including by children who had escaped from LRA, of cross-border [...]
recruitment of children abducted
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Sudan and moved by LRA into the Central African Republic.
b. 促进开展各种方案,提供一个知识、文化和 神 环 境 ,以鼓 儿 童 培 养 信心,学会节制和尊重及重视多样性,以实现所有人的和平共存。
b. Promote programmes that provide an
[...] intellectual, cultural and spiritual milieu to encourage children to develop in [...]
faith, embrace moderation
and learn to respect and value diversity in order to build a peaceful coexistence for all.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制 儿 童 和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的神,特 别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the
“Memory of the World
[...] Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use [...]
of ICTs, especially
within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
柏拉图的投机教学没有影响任何明显的程度上的希腊罗马世界流行的宗教,它无法转换,甚至哲学的少;并在这些谁没有自称通过它的手,柏拉图主义,基督教 跑 种 子在 泛 神 论 和其他形式的错误。
Plato's speculative teaching failed to influence in any notable degree the popular religion of the Greco-Roman world; it failed to convert even the philosophical few; and in the hands of
those who did profess to adopt it, Platonism, uncorrected by
[...] Christianity ran to seed in Pantheism and other forms [...]
of error.
[...] 是不同国家在许可重量和大小方面采用不同的技术标准;另一原因是一些承 运公司企图通过多装货、跑车的 办法从中牟利。
The problem exists partly because different countries have different technical standards on permissible
weights and dimensions, and partly because some carriers desire to turn a higher profit
[...] through fewer runs with heavier loads.
联合国儿童基金会支持的当地非政府组织 –
FONDEFH (Fondation pour le Développement et l’Encadrement
[...] de la Famille Haïtienne)正致力于减少城市贫困儿童(包括那些生活在家乐福附近飞 跑 道 上 的贫 儿 童 )的营养不良问题。
A local UNICEF-supported NGO, FONDEFH (Fondation pour le Développement et l’Encadrement de la Famille
Haïtienne), is working to reduce malnutrition among
[...] urban poor children, including those living on the Carrefour airstrip.
据中神话,龙王有九儿子,而这神 物被视作权力的象征,中国宫殿和许多传统艺术品(包 括北京的紫禁城,城中有九龙戏珠的琉璃壁画)中常常 [...]
According to Chinese legend,
[...] the Dragon king has nine sons and the mystic creatures are seen as symbol [...]
of power, images of nine
dragons playing in the sea can be found in Chinese palaces and many traditional artworks (including in the Forbidden City in Beijing where there is a glazed mural featuring nine dragons each playing with a pearl).
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中 神 的 儿 子 幌 子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the
world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the
[...] guise of the Son of God perform miracles, [...]
and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of
crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
据 特别报告员所悉,在极端的情况下,患有 神 残 疾 的 儿 童 和成年人干脆就被捆绑 在无法如厕的家中――不让他们在社区里丢人现眼。
According to information received by
the Special Rapporteur, in extreme
[...] cases, children and adults with mental disabilities have [...]
literally been tied up inside
the home—with no access to sanitation—to hide them from the community.
由著名的建筑师Oscar Niemeyer以及风景设计师Burle
[...] Marx一起设计而成,公园保留了大量的森林、运动场、 跑 道 、 儿 童 草 场和2个重要的博物馆,三个现代艺术和现代艺术博物馆。
Designed by famous architect Oscar Niemeyer together with landscape designer Burle Marx, the park
reserves large areas of forests,
[...] sports grounds, a jogging track, children's playground and [...]
2 important museums, thee Modern
Art (MAM) and Contemporary Art Museum.
委员会注意到,缔约国对于促进方案和预防方案远远不能满足儿童和青少年 的需要感到关切,它建议缔约国制定全面 儿 童 与 青少年 神 卫 生政策,该项政 策包括世界卫生组织建议的关于以下诸方面的所有强制性内容,以期改 儿 童的 精神卫生 和情感健康:尤其是促进精神卫生,在初级保健中预防精神疾病,以及 门诊和住院病人精神卫生服务。
The Committee takes note of the State party’s concern that promotion and prevention programmes are far from meeting the needs of children and adolescents and
recommends that it develop
[...] comprehensive child and adolescent mental health policy, which includes all obligatory components as recommended by the World Health Organization, inter alia, regarding mental health promotion, prevention of mental disorders [...]
in primary care and
outpatient and inpatient mental health services, with a view to improving mental health and emotional well-being of children.
在这部影片中,萨利姆、锡克及其 儿 童 的 精 神 与 行 动体现了联合国儿童基金会的宗旨。
The spirit and action of Salim and Sikha and other children featured in this film embody what UNICEF is about,” said Ms. Gupta.
儿童为了逃跑,就 向刚果(金)武装部队投降。
A number of the children, in their bid [...]
to escape, had surrendered to FARDC.
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑到了罪名的严重性以避免有人跑和确保缔约国领土上的公共安全。
The decision to extradite them was taken in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals escaping and to ensure public security on the territory of the State party.
一些反抗或企图跑的儿童遭 受酷刑或死亡。
Resistance or attempts to escape
[...] have exposed some children to torture or death.
我們在 2007 年 1 月把 711CL 號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級,稱 為 724CL 號工程計劃「啟德發展計劃-跑道 南 面發展項目前期基礎 設施工程的勘測和詳細設計」;按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用 為 3,800 萬元,用以委聘顧問進行勘測和詳細設計工作,以配合 跑道 南 面的規劃發展項目的前期基礎設施工程的需要。
In January 2007, we upgraded part of 711CL to Category A as 724CL “Kai Tak development – investigation and detailed design for advance infrastructure works for
developments at the southern
[...] part of the former runway”, at an estimated cost of $38.0 million in MOD prices, for engaging consultants to undertake the investigation and detailed design for advance infrastructure works to serve the planned developments at the southern part of the former runway.
专为发布仪式特别制作的短片扣人心弦,让嘉宾们欣赏了新款Boxster从白天到黑夜征服不同地形的精彩过程,充分诠释了其所倡导 跑 车 精 神 和 独 特个性,体现了保时捷生活方式的丰富内涵。
An opening short film took guests on an exciting road trip from day into night over different terrain, capturing the spirit and individuality of the diverse lifestyles offered by the new Boxster.
在后来的世界末日文学以法莲弥赛亚是介绍了本Ḥushiel尼希米记的名称,作为梅纳海姆本的茴香萨尔瓦多胜利弥赛亚(“惠 神 的 人民 的 儿 子 ” :耶利内克,“波黑”二56,60。
In the later apocalyptic literature the Ephraimite Messiah is introduced by the name of Nehemiah ben Ḥushiel, and
the victorious Messiah as Menahem ben 'Ammi El ("Comforter,
[...] son of the people of God": Jellinek, "BH" ii. [...]
56, 60 et al.
(b) 监管儿童开精神兴奋 类药物的处方,采取措施向被诊断患有注意力 缺陷多动症和注意力缺陷症的儿童,及其家长和教师,提供广泛的心理、教育和 社会措施及治疗
(b) Monitor the
[...] prescription of psychostimulants to children and take initiatives to provide children diagnosed [...]
with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder, as well as their parents and teachers, with access to a wider range of psychological, educational and social measures and treatments; and
将 继 续开展这 种 努 力,以保障 高 质 量儿童 精神病治 疗,反映医学进步的最新发展。
These efforts will be continued in order to guarantee
[...] high quality child psychiatry reflecting the [...]
latest developments of medical progress.
(a) 调拨适当资金执行国家计划,改造为患有智力或社会心理残疾的成年 人儿童提供的神治疗 、卫生、社会和其他服务,确保迅速开展非机构照料进 程,转而提供更多基于社区的服务和
(a) Allocate appropriate funding for the implementation of the
national plan on the
[...] transformation of psychiatric, health, social and other services for adults and children with intellectual [...]
or psychosocial
disabilities to ensure a speedy process of deinstitutionalization to more community-based services and/or affordable housing
老年人向该局登记,协助医院、学校和机 构照护有身体或神残疾的儿童。
Older persons register with the
Bureau and offer their assistance to hospitals, schools and
[...] institutions for children with physical or mental disabilities.
儿我们就跑出了 五六公里,当时喊也喊不住他,他跑我也不敢停下,我怕把他累坏就加紧跑到他前边截住了他,刚坐到路边一棵大松树下想休息,没想到我们惊动了另一个在此休息的“人”——树上的一只飞龙,当飞龙“唋噜”一声飞走的时候,我旁边坐着的张宁也“蹭”的一下又开始了特殊的逃亡,我因心里发虚也就在喊他停住的声音中开始了尾随逃亡,这次我们又接着跑了五六公里,也就到了检查站附近,这时我们俩也就累得再也跑不动了,躺倒在路旁的草地上就是两个多小时。
We ran out of the stretch five or six children km, was unable to [...]
call also call him, he ran I could not stop, I am afraid
to step up his tired to go to him stopped in front of him, just sat down street I wanted to rest under a large pine tree, did not think we alerted the other in the rest of the "people" - a dragon tree, when the dragon "Tu chatter" soon fly away, sitting next to me Zhang Ning also "rub" and click again a special flight, I was crying my heart that he made false will stop the sound in the start of the trailing flight, we went on the run five or six kilometers to the checkpoint will nearby, then we both will not run too tired, and lying on the grass by the roadside is more than two hours.
(b) 设施和基础设施(74 227 400 美元,为批款的 36.8%),这是由于特派团
任务期限的不确定性导致部署冻结,加上其后安理会决定将特派团的军事部分从 5 200 人减至 2 200
[...] 人,因而导致重大建设项目的缩减或取消,如直升机停机坪、 通道、停机坪和现跑道的 扩展和重铺路面等项目;部分抵消这一减少额的是, [...]
加,冰箱运费高于预算,以及公用事业费用高昂(另见第 17 段)。
(b) Facilities and infrastructure ($74,227,400 or 36.8 per cent of the apportionment), owing to a freeze in deployment resulting from the uncertainty about the Mission mandate, followed by the Security Council decision to reduce the military component of the Mission from 5,200 to 2,200 with the resultant scaling down or cancellation of major construction and other large projects such as helipads, access
roads, aprons and the extension and
[...] recarpeting of existing runways; partially offset [...]
by increased costs for rental of premises
owing to delays in the construction of accommodation and office premises, increased requirements for security services, higher-than-budgeted freight charges for refrigerators, and the high cost of utilities (see also para. 17).
與會貴賓皆對全新Boxster之超越前衛的動感外型驚艷不已,包括:更寬的輪距、加大的輪圈 神 似 經典 超 跑 C a r rera GT的車側進氣口,以及融入LED尾燈組的全新擾流尾翼;而全新全電動的敞篷更只需短短9秒即可開啟或關閉,輕量化頂篷上部採用堅固的鎂鋁合金,完美融入車身的優雅線條中。
Made of intelligent lightweight magnesium and aluminium construction, the new power convertible roof takes only 9 seconds to open or close and fuses seamlessly into the elegant silhouette of the vehicle.
秉承植根于保时捷 550
[...] Spyder和718 RS 60 Spyder的跑车精神,此 次发布的Boxster车型具有超前的设计理念,标志着保时捷中国的发展历程又迎来了一座崭新的里程碑,它无疑会成为每一位忠实保时捷车主和车迷彰显独特生活方式的最佳座驾选择。
With the spirit of this new generation Boxster [...]
inherited from the stunning 550 Spyder and incredible 718 RS 60 Spyder, two
models considered to be ahead of their time that set the benchmark for the roadster, its launch marks a new milestone in the history of Porsche China, as we offer our loyal customers and driving enthusiasts an even greater choice to express their own personalities.
馮檢基議員: 主席,在渣打香港馬拉松 2007 於本年 3 月舉行後,有學 者跑手提 出以下的建議:將比賽日期提前、更改活動路線、延長比賽和封 路時間、收緊競爭性賽事的參賽資格、調低參加人數上限、調整各項賽事的跑時間 以免參加者互相阻礙、增設專供志在參與的人士參加的嘉年華組跑活動 、開放活動路線的部分路段讓公眾夾道觀賞和安排電視台直播賽事等 以增加比賽氣氛、加強推廣跑運動 的正確知識,以及呼籲參加者以負責任 和認真的態度對待賽事和做足準備工夫。
MR FREDERICK FUNG (Chinese): President, following the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007 held
in March this year,
[...] some academics and runners made the following suggestions: advancing the race day, changing the routes of the event, extending the duration of the race and road closure, setting higher eligibility criteria for joining competitive races, reducing the maximum number of participants, adjusting the starting time for various races to avoid participants from obstructing each other, holding a separate long-distance running carnival for those who just wish to participate, opening some sections of the routes for members of the public to line both sides as spectators and arranging for the event to be televised so as to enhance the atmosphere of competition, stepping up efforts to promote correct knowledge of long-distance running, as [...]
well as urging participants
to adopt a responsible and serious attitude in joining the event and be well-prepared for the race.
执行主任还宣布,执行局秘书 Kirsi Madi 女士不久将担任新的职务, 成为中东欧和独立国家联合体区域办事处副区域主任,并对她的专业 神 、 对儿 童基金会的投入以及在执行局的出色表现表示赞扬。
Praising her for her professionalism, commitment to UNICEF and excellent work with the Executive Board, the Executive Director also announced that Mrs. Kirsi Madi, Secretary of the Executive Board, would soon take up her new position as Deputy Regional Director in the regional office of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
多亏大家的支持和所表现出的合作神,儿童具 有发表意见的权利这一《公约》原则 才能出现在草案第三节,该部分列举了旨在保障儿 童行使这一权利的一系列措施。
As a result of the support and
[...] collaborative spirit shown by all concerned, one of the Convention’s principles, a child’s right to [...]
be heard, was duly addressed
in section III of the draft resolution, which contained a series of measures aiming to guarantee the exercise of that right.




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