单词 | 跑步 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跑步noun—runningn跑步verb—runv runsv 跑步—jog (military) march at the double Examples:跑步者—runner 快步跑—trot See also:跑v—runv escapev run awayv 跑—off (of an animal) paw (the ground) (of a gas or liquid) leak or evaporate run around (on errands etc) (verb complement) away
甚至当治疗师把额外键盘移动到运行甲板上辅助患者时,患者仍然可 以接触手柄里的额外停止按钮,在不离开支撑臂的安全情况下停止跑 步机。 hpcosmos.com | Even if the therapist moves the additional keyboard down to the running deck to assist the patient, the patient still has access [...] to the additional stop button in the hand grip [...] and can stop the treadmill without leaving [...]the safety of the arm support. hpcosmos.com |
跑步机、网球、篮球、排球、健身室、壁球还有众多的泳池,让您在享受奢华邮轮生活的同时保持完美体形。 msccruises.com.cn | Choose from a range of [...] activities including joggingtracks totennis, [...]basketball, volleyball, gym and squash, not to mention [...]the many pools onboard each liner. msccruises.com.eg |
除了标准的半径根据客户的图纸,直线和曲线部分的生产是在一个夹板以及解释的跑步者的态度。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Besides the standard radii production according [...] to customer's drawing with straight and curved sections are in a splint as well as [...] explained the attitudeof the runners. en.developmentscout.com |
甚至当治疗师指导患者腿部处于一个符 合人体工程学的位置上时,他可以控制跑步机的启动、停止、速度和坡度功能。 hpcosmos.com | Even when the therapist is working [...] with the patient’s legs in an ergonomic position, he [...] can control the treadmill start,stop, speed [...]and elevation functions. hpcosmos.com |
作为LIVESTRONG团队的一员,人们可以在LIVESTRONG挑战赛或其他重大体育赛事中以行走、跑步、骑车或三项全能运动的形式来对抗癌症。 tipschina.gov.cn | As a member of Team LIVESTRONG, people walk,run,ride or tri in the fight against cancer in the LIVESTRONG Challenge Series or in other major athletic events around the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
不过原本要盖在南面的健身中心,现在移到靠近Homestead与Wolf路旁,此外还新增了慢跑步道,并拓宽了停车空间。 ktsf.com | Ajogging path isnow in place, and [...] more parking spaces are added around the auditorium. ktsf.com |
总是渴望新的征服,品牌开始寻找新的发明,如系统测量1/10,000第二,在IRL一个时间性,来决定跑步“比赛的冠军”正在发生在巴黎的法兰西体育场。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Always aspiring to new conquests, the brand began looking for new inventions such as systems to measure 1/10, 000th [...] of a second, a temporality in IRL and used [...] to decide the runners "Raceof Champions" [...]taking place Stade de France in Paris. en.horloger-paris.com |
夏季体育运动在夏季,我们的运动员可以跑步、跳跃、游泳并获得相应得分。 specialolympics.org | Summer SportsOur athletes run, jump, swim and score in summer. specialolympics.org |
为您在清晨的跑步,赛跑前的热身亦或是在MILD TEMPS中的越野滑雪阻挡冷风,伴您同行。 salomon.com | Early morning runs, a warmup jacket beforeraces, or nordic skiing in mild temps, the Charvin blocks wind but moves with you. salomon.com |
Jabra SPORT-CORDED 专为您在走路、慢跑或根据您自己的节奏跑步时,满足您对听音乐或者手机通话需要的舒适度而制造。 jabra.cn | The Jabra SPORT-CORDED is made to give you the comfort you need to be able to listen to your music or talk on your mobile phone while you walk, jog or run to your own beat. jabra.com.au |
这位着名演员演示了他如何通过在山间负重跑步、在树枝上引体向上等方式,进行户外锻炼。 ba-repsasia.com | The buff actor demonstrated how he incorporates the outdoors in his workouts, by running in the hills with large rocks and doing pull-ups on tree branches. ba-repsasia.com |
除eLEGS [...] Pro外,创新中心还引入了Tibion仿生腿和AlterG反重力跑步机,这两项技术正从根本上突破康复医疗的极限。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition to eLEGS Pro, the IC has [...] introduced the Tibion Bionic Leg and AlterG [...] Anti-gravity Treadmill, bothfundamentally [...]challenging the limits of what is possible in rehabilitation medicine. tipschina.gov.cn |
其中包括踏步机、脚踏 车、梯度机、杠铃、跑步机等,并能为客人提 供个性化的训练方案。 oneandonlyresorts.com | These includesteppers,exercise bikes, [...] gradient machines, free weights, running machines and more, all available with personalised training. oneandonlyresorts.com |
最新系列中,分别以Fabric Mix Jacket及ConvertibleJacket为重点之一,配合长、短袖上衣及裤子与贴身袜裤的配搭,把跑步服的可发挥性与设计创意继续推得更高。 think-silly.com | Highlights in the new collection include the Fabric Mix Jacket and the Convertible Jacket. With the long and short sleeve shirts, pants and athletic tights, are built from the ground up to enhance the running experience. think-silly.com |
Lionel de Benetti的同事亦知道他每天清晨5时回公司后,都会在6时至7时30分离开公司,到户外及厂房周围跑步。 clarinsusa.com | All his colleagues also know that after arriving at his office at 5am, Lionel de Benetti disappears between precisely 6am and 7.30am. clarinsusa.com |
您可以每天坚持做一些简单的活动,比如用爬楼梯来代替乘电梯,或是在自己的办公室里反复地蹲下、站起,每日数次,这么做的效果会像在健身房的跑步机上跑步一样好。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Simply, activities such as climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator or squatting down and standing up repeatedly in your office, several [...] times a day, will be as good as [...] running on the treadmillin the gym, as long as you are persistent in doing so everyday. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
他说:“我的腿总是很疼,我无法跑步。 unicef.org | My legs were always painful. unicef.org |
这次最新的摄影软文聚焦新出现的赤脚奔跑狂人,和他在跑步社区中引起的争议。 ba-repsasia.com | This latest photo editorial focuses on the new barefoot-running craze and the controversy that its [...] stirred up in the runningcommunity. ba-repsasia.com |
运动 项目,如跑步、骑自行车、游泳和有氧运动对于控制肥胖和管理体重至关重要, 需要得到持续鼓励。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sports activities such as running, cycling, swimming and aerobics are essential for obesity control and weight management and need to be continuously encouraged. daccess-ods.un.org |
AFTC经理Jacky Leung受员警田径会的邀请,为其举行了主题为“跑步中常见运动损伤”的讲座。 aftc.com.hk | AFTC Manager, Mr. Jacky Leung, was invited by the Police Athletic Club (PAC) to deliver a speech on ‘Common Running Sports Injuries’. aftc.com.hk |
欲了解更多有关穿着Vibram® Fivefingers®跑步的信息还有更安全地过渡到前脚掌着地跑姿,请访问我们的“赤足跑步常见问题”以及“赤足跑步”页面。 vibramfivefingers.cn | For more [...] information on running in Vibram® Fivefingers® andmaking a safe transition to a forefoot strike running form, please refer to our Barefoot RunningFAQ andRunning page. vibramfivefingers.cn |
相较于成年版XR MISSION越野跑步鞋的更灵活版本,为您享受任何户外运动带来的无穷乐趣。 salomon.com | A more flexible version of the XR Mission trail running shoe for adults, XR Mission K /J is ready for any outdoor fun. salomon.com |
後来才发现,原来问题不是出现在袜子上,而是鞋子上!哎呀,我穿的是那种透风的跑步鞋子,不冷才怪!当初选择穿这战鞋,都是因为“舒服”这两个字。 4tern.com | After sometime, I realized, it was my shoe, not the socks which made me so cold! 4tern.com |
g) 手术几天后,如果你觉得没什么不舒服,就可以游泳和骑自行车,慢跑,跑步或间断的跑-停训练至少在4-6周不要做,医生会告诉您怎样进行 运动及何时恢复运动。 iortho.com.my | g) Swimming and bicycling are permissible as soon as they are comfortable for you, beginning at least a few days after surgery. iortho.com.my |
请您作好准备,观赏爱丁堡巍峨的亚瑟王座山灯火通明,而组成光源的竟然是人群!作为伦敦 2012 [...] 文化节和爱丁堡国际文化节活动的一部分,NVA的光之速将让人们在成群结队在山上跑步和步行之前穿上特别的发光服,点亮爱丁堡的自然景观。 visitbritain.com | As part of London 2012 Festival and Edinburgh International Festival, NVA’s Speed of Light will [...] illuminate Edinburgh’s natural landmark by [...] dressing runners and walkers in special light [...]suits, before they start running to and from the hill en masse. visitbritain.com |
阶级Ⅰ和阶级Ⅱ之间的区别:和阶级Ⅰ的儿童和青少年相比较时,阶级Ⅱ的儿童和青少年在远距离行走和 平衡上受到限制;当初学步行时,他们可能需要手持式移位辅具;当在户外和社区进行远距离行动时,他 [...] 们可能需要利用轮式移位的方式;上下楼梯时,他们需要使用扶手;并且比较不善於跑步和跳跃。 motorgrowth.canchild.ca | Distinctions Between Levels I and II - Compared with children and youth in Level I, children and youth in Level II have limitations walking long distances and balancing; may need a hand-held mobility device when first learning to walk; may use wheeled mobility when traveling long distances outdoors and [...] in the community; require the use of a railing to walk up and down stairs; and are not [...] as capableof running andjumping. motorgrowth.canchild.ca |
在2007年11月16日,感谢香港警察机动部队B连指挥官方安妮警司带领旗下之香港警察机动部队B连特警为「同一天空下 - 成长无障碍」- 视障智障人士发展计划作慈善跑步,当日共有160位特警参与,而朝阳中心之学员及舍友担任「啦啦队」,合共筹得约$80,000,以资助经济有困难之视障智障朋友担任「亲善大使」,出席2007年7月在台湾举行之「第五届两岸四地启智服务研讨会」,向两岸四地的人士分享他们突破生命障碍、奋发成长之故事。 hksb.org.hk | A Charity Run led by Ms Annie Fonda, Superintendent of Police of the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) was successfully held on 16 November 2007. There were about 160 runnersfrom PTU Bravo Team and around $80,000 was raised to support development services for the mentally handicapped blind. hksb.org.hk |