

单词 跑了和尚,跑不了寺

External sources (not reviewed)

Still growing at once sporty atmosphere, C63AMGgot a stylish coupe form, in the eyes is a sporty and dynamic identity [...]
is more prominent.
造成这一问题的原因之一 是不同国家在许可重方面采 技术标准;另一原因是一些承 运公司企图通过多装货、办法从中牟利。
The problem exists partly because different countries have
different technical standards on
[...] permissible weights and dimensions, and partly because some carriers desire to turn a higher profit through fewer runs with heavier loads.
现金发行的老虎,大象,它开始攻sun iyo的抛出一个蛋糕,导在它的肚子, 跑了
Cash releases a tiger-elephant and it starts attacking and suniyo throws a cake which causes discomfort in its stomach andit runs away.
佛使尊者比和尚四处游历,寻找佛教在世界各地的影响,追朔佛教精神 之源。
A Buddhist monk, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu left his monastery to rediscover the integration of Buddhism in the world and the spirit of its origins.
约旦哈希姆王国政府十分关注以色列的单方面措施,因为它们对耶路撒冷老 城及其城墙的完整性、真实遗产产 了不响并违反了国际人道主义 法,包括以色列违反了 1954 年《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》 规定的以色列对作为约旦文化财产一部分于 1967 年占领的阿克萨清尊 贵禁地”、包括耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的具体义务,以色列和约旦都加入了该公 约,它仍一直适用于所有缔约方。
The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is deeply concerned at the unilateral Israeli measures that adversely affect the integrity,
authenticity and cultural
[...] heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls and that constitute a breach of international humanitarian law, including specific Israeli obligations under the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954, to which both Israel and Jordan are parties, and which remains applicable at all times to all parties, in relation to the Al-Aqsa Mosqueandthe Haram [...]
Al-Sharif, which are
part of the Jordanian cultural property occupied in 1967 that includes the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls.
虽然制度不够得工作薄弱,许多国家的政 尚不 足公民的优先需 要,但是民主原则在世界各地的传播,广大民众对民主生活越来越大的贡献,反腐败的 斗争以及目前在许多国家正在开展的非集中化进程都可以大力促进为实现有效、公续的全民教育打的基础。
While inadequate
[...] institutional capacity and weak political processes still prevent many governments fromresponding to the priorities of their citizens, the spread of democratic principles around the world, the growing contribution of civil society to democratic processes, the fight against corruption and the process of decentralisation that is ongoing in many countries all have the potential to contribute greatly to building a solid foundation for the achievement of effective, equitable andsustainable [...]
Education for All.
但是,如果游戏滑进了压力过大的状态时,和其他儿童一起 玩的游戏提供了一个“安全网——“
But the framing of play with others
[...] provides a ‘safety netand escape route if play tips over into being too stressful – I’m not playing’.
广泛开展的活动包括:拟定一份详细目录和对莫斯塔尔的 Stari Grad 古镇进行形态分析 (占该国保护工作全部预算开支的六分之一);波斯尼亚--黑塞哥维那国家博物馆的紧急工 程;向波斯尼亚--黑塞哥维那保护文化、历史和自然遗产研究所提供设备;举研讨 会:首次古迹保存讨论班修复工作,如重建 Cevan Cehaja 清Tabacica 清Krlijeva Sutjeska 的 Franciscan 寺院建造博物馆画廊以及修复奥斯曼土耳其浴室。
The wide range of activities initiated included: the preparation of an inventory and morphological analysis of Stari Grad (old town) of Mostar (representing one sixth of the entire budget expended on preservation in the country); emergency works to the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina; provision of equipment to the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina; organization of a seminar, the First School on Conservation of the Monuments; andindividual restoration efforts such as the reconstruction of the Cevan Cehaja Mosque Minaret, the Tabacica Mosque, the construction of Museum Gallery in Franciscan Monastery Krlijeva Sutjeska and the restoration of Ottoman Hammam.
31C/532C/5 期间进行的各种横向专题项目所取得的经验和结果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为、特别 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式和方法的、并已经明显取得有效成果的几个横向 专题项目,新的横向专题项目。
Pending afull evaluation of the experience gained withand the results attained by the various CCT projects carried out during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5 only a limited number of ongoing CCT projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness and results in particular at the field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to addnew CCT [...]
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑的严重性以避免有人跑和缔约国领土上的公共安全。
The decision to extradite them was taken in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals escaping andto ensure public security on the territory of the State party.
1-a(自然资源的利用),我们认为,没有任何燃料跑不了一时性从主要石油公买来的,所以没出现大的问题,也许正是这一点,从那里返回通过上游一看,各种各样的问题就 出来了。
As for II-1-a (Use of natural resources), though thelogistics sector inevitably needs fuel, we purchase this from oil giants andlarge trading companies, which are exposed to international concerns and try to pay attention to the human rights impact of business activities.
鉴于耶路撒冷对于穆斯林的重要意义以及其在 和平进程中的战略重要性,圣城委员会主席国王穆 罕默德六世敦促有关各取任何有可能破坏 阿克萨清寺和撒冷其他场所的神圣性的行 动,从而维护该城市作为一个三大天启宗教的和平、 [...]
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in the peace process, King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee,
had urged the parties
[...] involved not to take any action likely to impair the sanctity of the Al-AqsaMosque and other sites [...]
in Jerusalem, thereby
preserving the City as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among the three revealed religions.
[...] -图瓦晚上在两者之间的Thaniyas,然后他会通过泰尼亚这是在更高的麦加地区,每当他来到到麦加朝觐或进入麦加“Umra,他从来没有他的她的骆驼 来, 的清圣的清真寺)门,那么他就进入( IT石)角,并从那里开始circumambulating天房克尔白​​七次的:在前三加速轮(Ramal),并在过去四年走。
Ibn 'Umar used to spend the night at Dhi-Tuwa in between the two Thaniyas and then he would enter Mecca through the Thaniya which is at the higher region of Mecca, and whenever he came to Mecca for Hajj or
'Umra, he never made his
[...] she camel kneeldown except near the gate of the Masjid (Sacred Mosque) and then he would enter (it) and goto the Black (stone) [...]
Corner and start
from there circumambulating the Ka'ba seven times: hastening in the first three rounds (Ramal) and walking in the last four.
今天,我国再一次通过 我明确强调:各国必须在房屋、庙宇、教堂、清院,总之,在所有顶礼膜拜的场所散播和 平的种子,使我们的世界摆脱宗教战争,让人为基于宗教的恐怖主义行为的受害者。
Again today, my country, through me,
[...] states loud and clear that all nations must sow the seeds of peace in houses, temples, churches, mosques, pagodas and convents, in short in all places of worship, in order to free our [...]
world of religious wars
and so that people are no longer victims of acts of terrorism based on religion.
文化财产管理局与 其他相关部合作组活动,包括对藏品,尤其是朝拜圣地的藏品造册登记; 对博物和寺筑的安全系统进行升级改造;建立被盗艺术品数据库,并与内务部、文化 部和国际刑警组织合作,在全球范围内寻找被盗艺术品;以及加强国际合作,打击非法贩运 文化财产活动。
The Administration for Cultural Property, in cooperation with other relevant services and institutions, organizes activities including: the documenting and registering of collections, particularly those in places of worship; upgrading of security systems in museums and sacralbuildings; establishing a database for stolen works of art and conducting international searches for stolen art in cooperation with the Ministries of the Interior and Culture and INTERPOL; and advancing international cooperation to combat illicit trafficking of cultural property.
柬埔寨进一步表示,“如请求不幸遭到拒绝,并且如果泰国坚持其 行为,这些武装冲突对柏威 坏以补的生命丧痛苦就会 继续恶化。
Cambodia further explained that, “in the unfortunate event that its request were to be rejected, and if Thailand persisted in its conduct, the damage to the
Temple of Preah Vihear, as
[...] well as irremediable losses of life and human suffering as a result of these [...]
armed clashes, would become worse”.
关于引进 HFC-32 技术,工发组织再次就他们是否能够引进 HFC-32 技 术问题与阿尔及利亚政业进,这项技术同对气响较小的 HFC410A 相比,在空调应用方面具有优势,更具有可持续性,指出这项技熟,成套 工具尚未在阿尔及利亚投入商用。
With regard to the introduction of HFC-32 technology, UNIDO approached once again the Government of Algeria and the enterprise in particular on whether they would be able to introduce HFC-32 technology which is superior for air-conditioning applications and more sustainable as compared to HFC-410A, with lower negative impact on the climate, noting that it is notyet mature and kits are not yet commercially available in Algeria.
埃及重申,在当前全 球危机的影尚不 分确定的背景下,并鉴于哥本哈根气候变化会议遭遇失 败,希望所完善的标实施标准能够反在国家和国际两级实现发 展权的这些挑战和制约因素,并采取一种平衡的方针处理国家责任和国际责任的 作用。
Egypt reiterated that, in the current context of the
global crises, the
[...] consequences of whichare yetto be fullydetermined, and in the light of the failure of the climate conference in Copenhagen, it expected the refined criteria and operational sub-criteria [...]
to reflectand respond to these challenges and
constraints to the realization of the right to development, at both the national and international levels, and also to adopt a balanced approach to the roles of national and international responsibilities.
应行问题咨询委员会要求(见 A/59/736,第 8 段),审计委员会评了尚分执行的以往各项建议的执行滞后情况。
In response to a request made by the Advisory Committee on
[...] Administrative and Budgetary Questions (see A/59/736, para. 8), the Board assessed the ageing of its previous recommendations that had notyet been fully implemented.
为本分析之目的,将国家归为三类:已批准《伦敦修正案》并提消费 数据的国家,已批准《伦敦修正案》但尚未提供充分数据进行分析的国家, 准《伦 敦修正案》的国家。
Countries were grouped into three categories for the purposes of this analysis: those that had ratified the London Amendment and had provided baseline andlatest consumption data, those that had ratified the London Amendment but had not provided sufficient data for analysis, and those that had not ratified the London Amendment.
47 绝大多数提供信息的国家已制地理标志的具 体法律,尽尚不这些法律是否直接源自《协议》,或是 双边义务而早就制 定的。
The TRIPS Council Secretariat has already begun to shed some light on how a number of WTO Members, including some developing countries, have met their
obligations under TRIPS.47 The vast majority of countries
[...] from which information has beenobtained provide specific legislation covering geographical indications although it is unclear whether this legislation stems directly from the TRIPS Agreementor was already in [...]
place to meet, for example, bilateral commitments.
尽管在某些情况下, 国际社会为确保平民的安利采,但取果断行动结束以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的 无情占领,也未听取巴勒斯坦平民对获得急需保护 [...]
Whereas in some instances the international
community had acted to
[...] ensure the safety andrightsof the civilian populations, ithad yetto take decisive [...]
action to end the
ruthless Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and heed the appeals of Palestinian civilians for muchneeded protection.
(b) 设施和基础设施(74 227 400 美元,为批款的 36.8%),这是由于特派团 任务期限性导致部署冻结,加上其后安理会决定将特派团的军事部分从 5 200 人减至 2 200 人,因而导致重大建设项目的缩减或取消,如直升机停机坪、 通道、停机扩展和重铺路面等项目;部分抵消这一减少额的是, 因住宿和办公房地建筑延误而导致的房地租金费用增加,保安服务所需经费增 加,冰箱运费高于预算,以及公用事业费用高昂(另见第 17 段)。
(b) Facilities and infrastructure ($74,227,400 or 36.8 per cent of the apportionment), owing to a freeze in deployment resulting from the uncertainty about the Mission mandate, followed by the Security Council decision to reduce the military component of the Mission from 5,200 to 2,200 with the resultant scaling down or
cancellation of major
[...] construction and other large projects such as helipads, access roads, aprons and the extension and recarpeting of existing runways; partially offset by increased costs for rental of premises owing to delays in the construction of accommodation and office [...]
premises, increased
requirements for security services, higher-than-budgeted freight charges for refrigerators, and the high cost of utilities (see also para. 17).
平治於2005年在香港市场上成功地创轿 概念 为业界的模仿对象,现在更推上新高峯,并带来更先进的效益,於创新的领域中,最为夺目优雅。
The ideaof the four-door coupé –successfully introduced in [...]
2005 in Hong Kong with the first CLS and long imitated in the
meantime – has now been taken to new heights and to innovative effect.
我看看张宁他这时也刚好系完鞋带抬起头来睁大眼睛看着我,显然他也听到了粗气声,我一摆手示意他不要出声,然后又以手势想告诉他向我靠过来在悄悄地绕过黑瞎子(我听当地人说过在黑瞎子吃东西时不打搅它就不会伤人的),没想到的是,张宁在我的上坡,而且当时知道遇到黑瞎子后已经是吓的就一个心思——宁一看到我向下的手势(因当时我在他的下方,手势在他看来就是向下了)撒腿就往上下跑……,我其实也很害怕,一看到他向下跑声喊他,没办法也就急速向下蹽了起来,顾不得百米测绳的抻拉、也顾不得冬青 的划脸了,那速度不亚于世界百米冠军。
I can just see Zhang Ning, Department completed his shoelaces then looked up at me eyes wide open, apparently he heard the sound of coarse, I waved a sign to him to be silent, and then gesture to tell him to Youyi I leaned over and quietly around the black blind man (I hear the locals said the blind man in black does not bother to eat it not hurt), did not think that Zhang Ning in my uphill, and then know After experiencing the black
blind scared to have a
[...] mind is-"Run",andZhang Ning, I saw the sign down (because I was in his bottom, gestures, in his view is down a) and ran to Run up the next ... ... and I actually am afraid, I saw him run down thathe did notdare cry out loud, no way will rapidly up and down Liao, refused to take a meter stretch rope pull test, but also gave winter barleyand Feng's [...]
plan faces, andthat no less than the speed meter world champion.
防范酷刑小组委员会采访11囚犯,出于各种 原因(包括与其他囚犯冲突监狱工作人员指令、设法 跑和 刀具或 毒品),这些囚犯被关押在隔离监禁楼。
The SPT interviewed the 11 prisoners who were being
held in the solitary confinement wing on
[...] various grounds, including clashes withother prisoners, disobeying the orders of prison staff, attempted escape and possession of knives or drugs.




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