

单词 跌跌撞撞地走

See also:


stagger along

External sources (not reviewed)

他們只 可 站 立 談 話 而不能走 動 , 因 為他走 動 便 一 定會互相撞 而 跌 倒 在 地上。
If they did, they would bump into each other and fall.
在此同时,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦在报告所 述期间也有各种问题,一个分裂的政府 跌撞撞地从 一个危机进入到另一个危机。
Meanwhile, there have been problems in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where a divided Government limped from crisis to crisis during the reporting period.
政府理 解車用燃油價格對本港各行業的影響,因此一直監察 地 車 用 燃油零售 價,有否跟隨國際油價(以新加坡無鉛汽油和車用柴油的離岸價作指標) 的跌走勢而變動。
We have been monitoring whether changes in local retail prices of auto-fuel are in line with the trend movements of international oil price (benchmarked against the Singapore free-on-board (FOB) prices for unleaded petrol and motor vehicle diesel).
有些商舖為了使自己懸掛的招牌可以產生吸引顧客的作用,便將招牌愈做愈大,或 者在騎樓㆘面將招牌愈掛愈低,就算招牌 跌 ㆘ 來 ,有些比我高㆒、兩呎的㆟走 路時也很撞到招 牌,到時他們就肯定會㆗「頭獎」或頭「㆗獎」的了。
In many districts, the density of overhanging signboards is very high. To attract the attention of potential customers, shops may put up bigger signboards than the others or, where the signboards are hung from the underside of the first floor balcony, hang them lower and lower.
因此,我們除了一直密切監察地燃 油 零售價有否跟隨國際 油價跌、走勢而變動外,亦在10月提出提高燃油產品價格透明度的措 施。
Therefore, apart from closely monitoring whether there are any changes in local retail fuel prices in the light of global oil prices fluctuations and movements, we also proposed in October measures to enhance the transparency of fuel product prices.
至 於 監 察油價走勢方面,政府當局一直密切留意 布蘭特 原油 價格以及無鉛汽油和柴油的新 加 坡離岸價走勢,以 監 察地零 售價格 的跌 ,是否與上走勢相 若 。
On monitoring of trend movements in oil prices, the Administration has advised that it has been monitoring trend movements in prices for Brent Crude oil and Singapore FOB prices for
unleaded petrol and
[...] diesel to review whether the adjustments in local retail prices are in line with these trend movements.
半堅固型手提電腦均經過76cm下墮等廠方的 撞 、 防 跌 、 防震測試,證明強效防護能力能適用於工場的環境。
Semi-rugged series was subjected to repeated physical verification
[...] tests e.g. 76-cm Free Fall Test conducted by [...]
跌落所产生撞击可 能导致墨盒损坏而无法使用。
The impact from a fall may cause damage, [...]
making the cartridge unusable.
以发电站或工厂等较狭地区为 对象,将海啸把车冲走,被 走 的 车 撞 击 建筑物等状况,用数据或CG(电脑绘图)的动画来表示,将有益于设置防护墙等建筑物设计方面。
The simulation reproduces actual
[...] tsunami behavior that the drifted vehicles collided in the building by digitalizing data with [...]
an animation of the computer graphics.
用联合国监察员的话来说,监 察员和调解服务可视为“试图避免 撞 并 指 挥旅 走 正 确 方向的交通管理员”。
In the words of the United Nations Ombudsman, the Ombudsman and Mediation
Services can be viewed as a traffic guard that
[...] attempts to avoid collisions and points the travellers in the right direction.
然而, 我們理解車用燃油價格對市民的影響,因此一直監察 地 車 用燃油零售價有否 跟隨國際油價的跌走勢而變動。
Nevertheless, we appreciate the impact of the auto-fuel prices on the local economy and have been monitoring whether changes in local retail prices of auto-fuel are in line with the trend movements of international oil price.
然而,很多其他病 人可能沒有這樣的資源,即使幸地 可 以 輪候獲得醫治,但眼睛對於長 者來說是很重要的,如果視力不足 走 路 時 隨時 跌 倒 , 這樣會引發其 他問題。
However, many other patients may not have the resources to do so and even if they are lucky enough to be put on the waiting list for medical treatment, eyes are very important to the elderly.
该代表团认为,虽然在这方面尚有许多工作需要完成,但关 于地天体撞击的 威胁,任何成功对策的关键都在于早期发现;开展合作进一 [...]
That delegation was of the view that, although more work was to be done in that area,
the key to any successful response to
[...] the near-Earth object impact threat was in early [...]
detection; cooperation in further
developing detection capabilities and information-sharing networks on near-Earth objects was of the utmost importance.
工作组满意地注意到国际应对地天 体 撞 击 威胁建议草案(A/AC.105/ C.1/L.301,附件)所反映的近地天体行动小组的工作。
The Working Group noted with satisfaction the work of the Action Team on Near-Earth Objects, as reflected in the draft recommendations for an international response to the threat of NEO impact (A/AC.105/C.1/L.301, annex).
這種嚴格要求人車分離的態度自然不受歡迎,儘管405號公路封閉後,人們在現場被 撞 傷 的 機率 走 路 回家途中差不多,但行政機關決定在夏日週末封閉10英里的道路,顯然無力應付後果,故封街派對根本無法實現。
Even though the possibility of some one getting injured on the 405 with cars banned is about on par with getting hurt walking home (and probably significantly less because you could get hit by a car doing that), the logistical exercise was apparently beyond a collection of administrations that dexterously developed a plan to deal with a 10-mile stretch of highway being closed during a summer weekend.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan
[...] multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内地区之间建起一条交走廊; 以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 [...]
铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal
project that will create a
[...] transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the [...]
Dawei Development Project
which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
以近期發生的事件為例,像剛才提及5月 26日於中環畢打街發生的老鼠咬傷外籍女遊客事件,中西區區議員陳學 鋒最先到達現場,並協助當局展開滅鼠工作;5月 17日,沙田發生小撞車並跌入隧道的嚴重車禍,沙田區區議員鄭楚光、楊祥利等第一時間 到現場協助跟進處理事件。
Let me cite some recent incidents as examples. In an incident mentioned earlier in which a foreign female visitor was bitten by a rat in Pedder Street, Central on 26 May, Mr CHAN Hok-fung, a Central and Western DC member, was the first person who arrived at the scene and assisted the authorities in commencing an anti-rodent operation.
青年活动家们手持扬声器和测绘设备,挨家挨 地走 访 ,试图改善加尔各答贫民窟的现状。
Young activists armed with loudspeakers and mapping devices go from door to door, looking to transform the slums of Kolkata.
當時遮打花園內有一名亞洲電視台的攝影記者,他被警 撞跌 後, 更被扣上手銬,同樣被捕受傷。
A photographer of the Asia Television at the Chater Garden fell down in a scuffle with the police.
可以根据IEC 60068系列标准模拟各种频率和加速度级的振动作用,以及震动、下落 跌 落 、 倾覆 撞 击 试 验。
The effects of vibration over a wide range of frequency and
acceleration levels can be simulated as well
[...] as shock, fall, drop, tumble and bump tests according [...]
to IEC 60068-series.
本次级方案下的特别方案的目的,是帮助内陆发展中国家减轻其不利 地理条件造成的不良经济后果,包括:(a) 支持作出决策以提高生产能力和健地走向经济专门化;(b) 帮助小岛屿发展中国家提高承受外来震荡的复原能力, 并使它们大多数能够稳步取得社会经济进展;(c) 在整个贸发会议范围内造成一 种风气去系统地注意《阿克拉协议》第 10 段所述其他结构薄弱的、脆弱的和小 规模的经济体的问题。
The special programme under the subprogramme is aimed at helping landlocked developing countries to mitigate the adverse economic consequences of their geographical disadvantage through: (a) support for policymaking with a view to enhanced productive capacities and sound economic specialization; (b) helping small island developing States to enhance their resilience to external shocks and making steady socio-economic progress possible for most of them; and (c) instilling throughout UNCTAD a practice of devoting systematic attention to the problems of other structurally weak, vulnerable and small economies, as referred to in paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord.
在若干因素的推动下,支助费用会增加,这些因素包括:行动区的地理面 积扩大;气候条件;缺乏安全保障;基础设施薄弱;要求作战部队灵活机动;难 以在战争环境中使用平民承包商;无法在索马里南部(例如基斯马尤)短期就近使
[...] 用海港,从而不得不绕行或靠季节性 地走 廊 运 输供给(见 S/2012/74,第28段)。
The increase in support costs will be driven by several factors, including the larger geographical area of operations, climatic conditions, lack of security, weak infrastructure, mobility requirements of a dynamic combat force, the difficulty of using civilian contractors in a war environment, and the lack of access in the short term to a proximate seaport in southern Somalia, such
as Kismaayo, necessitating the use of circuitous
[...] and seasonal land corridors for supply lines [...]
(see S/2012/74, para. 28).
他们说,通过在加尔各答贫民窟挨家挨 地走 访 , 他们已经成功使其所在社区的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率翻番 —— 现在的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率已达到80%。
Going from door to door in the slums of Kolkata, they say, they’ve managed to double the immunization rate for polio in their neighbourhood – which now stands at 80 per cent.
乌兹别克斯坦应该履行其国际义务,尤其是停 止对人权维护者的迫害,释放被监禁的人权维护者, 坚定不地走尊重 人权和民主法治的道路,如有必 要,欧洲联盟愿意伸出援手。
As for Uzbekistan, it must fulfil all of its international commitments, namely, by putting an end to persecution of human rights defenders, releasing those defenders who remained
imprisoned, and persevering on
[...] the path of respect for human rights, democratization and the rule of law, with the assistance [...]
of the European Union where appropriate.
隨着內地迅速發展,海外傳媒對特區作為進入內 地的門戶及地“走出去 ”的平台這角色、特區和內地的經濟融 合,以及“內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排”(下稱 “ CEPA”)等課題越來越感興趣。
With the rapid development of the Mainland, overseas media are becoming more interested in such issues as the role of the HKSAR as a gateway to the Mainland and a platform for the Mainland to go global, the economic integration between the HKSAR and the Mainland, and the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA).
[...] 接地反映该国境内的一些关键事态发展,尤其是通过 地走 访 及国家和地方各级 的接触。
Had it cooperated, such as to invite the Special Rapporteur into the country, there would have been an opening to reflect more
directly key developments in the country,
[...] particularly through site visits and contact [...]
at the national and local levels.
這些機構之所以出現在克里夫蘭,並非因為讓城市擺脫不景氣很容易,他們努力的成果也無法解決城市所有問題,即使復甦之路 跌撞 撞 ,市政成本依然存在,布魯金斯研究院「都市監督」(Metro Monitor)計畫裡,追蹤美國前百大都市整體經濟指標,若計畫所有數據、低於平均的房價、都市生產毛額,克里夫蘭排名接近居中,更突顯擴大公共服務有其需求,但因為市政廳不得不刪減預算,社區發展唯一出路只剩社區發展公司。
According to the Brookings Institution’s Metro Monitor which tracks general economic indicators in America’s 100 largest metro areas, Cleveland ranks towards the middle when you combine all metrics and lower than average in housing prices and gross metropolitan product.
原因 是由回歸至今大約14年,這14年只是很短的時間,我們要管治好或治 理好我們自己的家園,總有很多經驗, 跌撞 撞 也 說不定。
The reason is that in the approximately 14 years since the Reunification, which is just a very short time, we have got to govern or administer our own homeland well, and there is much experience, including perhaps faults and mistakes, to be learnt.




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