单词 | 跌至 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跌至 —fall toExamples:跌至谷底—hit rock bottom [idiom.] See also:跌 v—fell v • fall v • drop v
雖然權證或牛熊證的潛在回報可能高於掛鈎資產 [...] 的潛在回報,但在最差情況下,權證或牛熊證的價值或 會 跌至 零 ,而持有人可能損失 其全部投資金額。 markets.rbs.com.hk | Although the potential return on warrants or CBBCs may be higher than that on the underlying [...] assets, in the worst case the value of [...] warrants or CBBCs may fall to zero and holders [...]may lose their entire investment amount. markets.rbs.com.hk |
至於政務司司長唐英年,其支持度評分 就 跌至 4 5 分 , 支持率 則 跌至 2 9 % , 均為其上任政務司司長以來的新低。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for CS Henry Tang, his support rating drops to 45 marks, with an approval rate of 29%. hkupop.hku.hk |
谁能解释在仅仅四个月的时间里价格从每桶 147 美元跌至每桶 37 美元这样的怪事? daccess-ods.un.org | Who could possibly explain something as absurd as a price drop from $147 to $37 a barrel in just four months? daccess-ods.un.org |
很多人應該記得,在1997-1998年亞洲貨幣危機期間,泰銖兌美元的比價從25下跌到56,印尼盾則是從2,5 00 猛 跌至 2 0 , 00 0。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | While those with longer memories will recall the huge moves seen during the 1997-1998 Asian currency crisis, [...] when the Thai baht (THB) fell from 25 to 56 to the USD and the Indonesian [...] rupiah (IDR) plunged from 2,500 to nearly 20,000. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
在作出 [...] 判斷時,本集團所衡量之因素包括投資項目之公平價 值 跌至 低 於 其成本所涉及之時間及程度,以及獲投資 公司之財務穩健狀況及短期業務前景,並考慮諸如行業及業界表現、技術變動以及經營及融資現金流量等 [...]因素。 wingtaiproperties.com | In making this judgement, the Group evaluates, among other factors, [...] the duration and extent to which the [...] fair value of an investment is less than its [...]cost, and the financial health of and [...]short-term business outlook for the investee, including factors such as industry and sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flow. wingtaiproperties.com |
最新調查顯示,特首曾蔭權及其管治班子的民望每況愈下,不少官員的民望數字同 步 跌至 任 內 新低,接近危險邊緣,情況令人憂慮。 hkupop.hku.hk | Our latest survey shows that the popularity of CE Donald Tsang and his governing team continue to drop, as many officials registered their historical low popularity figures. hkupop.hku.hk |
當然,最後,我要指出,如果以這 3 [...] 項政策來換一個大的“頂”,所 謂大的“頂”,是當局要取消的原有法例所規定的中位數 10%的上限,這其 實是相差很遠,因為那 [...] 10%的上限令當局沒有條件、沒有能力、不可以在現 時情況下加租,最低限度要待中位數比例由 14.6%、14.8%跌至 10%以下才可 以加租。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, I must point out that if these three policies are introduced in exchange for an overall cap, which means the original 10% MRIR cap as stipulated in the Ordinance that the Government is going to delete, there will be a huge difference indeed because with that 10% MRIR cap, the authorities do not have the means to increase rents under those circumstances; nor are they [...] capable of doing so because [...] they must at least wait until the MRIR has fallen from 14.6% or [...]14.8% to below 10% before they can increase rents. legco.gov.hk |
但中国在基础和应用方面的研究支出,却从1995 年的35% 跌至2009 年的17%,且“发明”专利的比重自2004年以来也在不断下滑。 australiachina.com.au | Yet China’s spending on basic and applied research has been in decline from 35 per cent in 1995 to 17 per cent in 2009, and its proportion of ‘invention’ patents has been falling since 2004. australiachina.com.au |
台灣的實際 GDP 增長將預計比去年下跌 2.3%至 2008 年的 3.4%,導致其經濟放緩的 主要原因為缺乏能刺激投資及消費的重要動力。 mastercard.com | Real GDP growth is [...] expected to moderate through 2008 to 3.4%, down 2.3% from [...]the previous year, with the absence of major [...]drivers stimulating investment and consumption being the key reasons underlying the economic slowdown. mastercard.com |
雖然美國的財政 政策看來並無緊縮,但在過去四季,公共開支佔美國國內生產總 值的比率下跌至0.5%,跌幅較國家和市政府多出一半。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | And while the perception is that US fiscal policy has not been tightened, public consumption has contributed negatively to US GDP during the last four quarters to the tune of 0.5% of GDP, more than half among state and local governments. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
. 於 武 漢 之 集 裝 箱 吞吐量 市 場 佔 有 率 由 43 % 輕 微 下 跌 至 42 % , 市 場 佔 有 率 下 降 乃 由 於 若 干 轉 運 貨 物 於 第 二 季 轉 移 至 我 們 的 競 爭 港 口 , 該 港 口 近 日 獲 武 漢 海 關 批 准 經 營 轉 運 貨 物 業 務 , 而 本 集 團 過 往 為 轉 運 貨 物 業 務 的 獨 家 經 營 者 cigyangtzeports.com | Market share of container throughput in Wuhan slightly decreased from 43% to 42%, the market share decreased was due to the shifting of some of the trans-shipment cargoes during the second quarter to our competing port, which was recently allowed by the Wuhan Customs to operate trans-shipment business, the Group was the sole operator of trans-shipment business in the past. cigyangtzeports.com |
對於分類為可供出售之股本投資,會考慮證券公平價值有否大幅或長 期跌至低於其成本,以證明資產減值。 wingtaiproperties.com | In the case of equity investments classified as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the securities below its cost is also evidence that the assets are impaired. wingtaiproperties.com |
列為待售類別的財務資產以公允價值計量,並且在其它綜合收入下確認未實現收益和損失,但非暫時性的價值 損失或有關投資的公允價值大幅或長期 下 跌至 低 於其成本值則除外。 southgobi.com | Financial assets classified as available-for-sale are measured at fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized in other comprehensive income except for losses in value that are [...] considered other than temporary or a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value [...] of that investment below its cost. southgobi.com |
如上文所示,主權及宏觀經濟考慮對商品價格構成壓力,而標準普爾高盛工 [...] 業金屬指數(反映一籃子商品價格)由二零一一年上半年的470平均 下 跌 1 7 % 至 二 零 一二年上半年的390,使金屬行業資產組合的表現變差。 glencore.com | As noted above, sovereign and macroeconomic concerns have weighed on commodity prices, with the S&P GSCI [...] Industrial Metal Index (reflecting a basket of [...] commodity prices) falling on average 17% [...]from 470 in H1 2011 to 390 in H1 2012, tempering [...]the performance of the metals’ industrial assets portfolio. glencore.com |
如賠償基金的資產淨值跌至 10 億元以下,便會徵收現行的投資 者賠償徵費。 hkicc.org.hk | The current investor compensation levies will be imposed if the net asset value of the ICF falls below $1 billion. hkicc.org.hk |
这是一场不错的比赛,我在发车时成绩良好,占据了第二位,但由于在第一个过弯处发生碰撞时不得不采取避开动作,从 而 跌至 第 九。 lamborghini.com | It was a good race, I started well [...] and was up to second, but I had to [...]take avoiding action when the crash happened at turn one. lamborghini.com |
就可供出售股本投資而言,該項投資之公平值顯著或長期 下 跌至 低 於 其成本,均被視為減值之客觀證據。 gdc-world.com | For an available-for sale equity investment, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of that investment below its cost is considered to be objective evidence of impairment. gdc-world.com |
2010年,由于秘 鲁鳀鱼渔获量下降,鱼粉产量跌至150 0万 吨,与2009年相比下降12.9%,与2008 年相比下降18.2%,和2000年相比下降42.8%。 fao.org | In 2010, it dropped to 15.0 million tonnes owing to reduced catches of anchoveta, representing a decrease of 12.9 percent compared with 2009, of 18.2 percent compared with 2008, and of 42.8 percent with respect to 2000. fao.org |
IDC 表示,應用伺服器軟件平台市場去年由於受到亞太區經濟不景,以及如九一一等國際事件影響,增長較二零零零年的百分之一百四十八點九,大幅 下 跌至 百 分 之三十九點四水平。 ipress.com.hk | According to IDC, the ASSP market in 2001 was impacted by the regional economic downturn and world events, such as the September 11 incident. Market growth has dropped considerably to 39.4 per cent, compared to 148.9 per cent in 2000. ipress.com.hk |
2012 年中遠太平洋應佔中集集團利潤因而 下 跌至 61,895,000 美元 (2011 年:119,799,000 美元),同比大幅下跌 48.3%。 coscopac.com.hk | Therefore, COSCO Pacific’s share of profit of CIMC in 2012 decreased to US$61,895,000 (2011: US$119,799,000), a significant decrease of 48.3% compared with last year. coscopac.com.hk |
由于许多冲突仍在继续,自愿归国的人 数 跌至 20 年来的最低水平,移民安置需求远高于收容国每年的收 [...] 容能力,高达 10 比 1。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the ongoing nature of many conflicts, voluntary [...] repatriation was at a 20-year low, and [...] resettlement needs surpassed the annual capacity [...]of receiving States by a ratio of 10 to 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
舉例而言,依目前保証金標準,上巿公價為10,000元,現巿於未定公價前已上升至11,000元或 下 跌至 9 , 0 00 元,任何一種情況都需要實行折價,而折價與一般巿場升跌停板差不多,本場依例需由理監事會通過公佈執行,宣佈公倉買賣停止,以折價價位為公價,立即登記上板交收現貨,議訂倉費,所有公倉買賣,一律以公價折實,作為了結,並照公價交收,折價後需隔兩巿時間,然後才可以復巿,買賣需要從新開始。 cgse.com.hk | Subsequent to the announcement by the Executive and Supervisory Committee of the exercise of “Discount Circuit Breaker”, CGSE will declare the suspension of trading. A discounted price will be determined as an settlement price, and Members must forthwith register their deals on board to settle spot gold and fix a carrying charge. cgse.com.hk |
把這些可供出售投資確定為減值的基 礎是其公平價值大幅下跌至低於 成本,並有可能無法收回的跡象。 wharfholdings.com | These were determined to be impaired on the basis of material decline in their fair value below cost and there are indications that these may not be recovered. wharfholdings.com |
第一季度出現持續復甦,標普500指數上升5%,利 率保持相對穩定,而AA公司債券息差及波動性較二零零九年底水平有所下跌,第二季度有所逆轉,本年度上 半年末標普500指數下跌7.6%,十年期國庫債券息 率 跌至 3 % 以 下 ,掉期利 率 跌至 接 近 歷史低位,AA公司債券 息差小幅增加,而波動性增加至與二零零九年上半年末更一致的水平。 prudential.co.uk | The continued recovery witnessed in the first quarter - the S&P 500 index increased five per cent, interest rates remained relatively steady and AA corporate spreads and volatility declined somewhat from year-end 2009 levels – was reversed in the second quarter – the S&P 500 index ended the first half of the year down 7.6 per cent, 10-year Treasury rates dropped below three per cent, swap rates declined to approximate historic lows, AA corporate spreads increased slightly and volatility increased to levels more consistent with the end of the first half of 2009. prudential.co.uk |
1960 年代以来,澳大利亚制造业的GDP 比重已从25% 跌至12%。 australiachina.com.au | Since the 1960s, Australian [...] manufacturing has fallen as a share of [...]GDP from 25 per cent to 12 per cent. australiachina.com.au |
在 2004-2005 两年期,儿童基 金会信托基金约有三分之一的资金来自私营部门,这一比例在 2008-2009 两年期 跌至大约五分之一,但与其他组织相比依然算是高的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It received about one third of its trust funds resources from private donors in the biennium 2004-2005, and decreased to about one fifth in the biennium 2008-2009, although it remains high compared with other organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
該最後交易價(名義價格)有可能於不久前已 下 跌至 0.01港元,且並不反映其於恒生指數回升 前的當時理論價值,因此並非計算權證實際表現的最佳參考資料。 citifirst.com | It is likely that the HK$0.01 last traded (nominal) price could have been brought down a while ago [...] and does not reflect its [...]prevailing theoretical value before the rally of the HSI, hence it is not the best reference to gauge the actual performance of the warrant. citifirst.com |
尚德电力(NYSE: STP)尽管市值比其一些竞争对手小,但它称自己是行业领袖,其股价周五 下 跌 8% 至 1 . 7 8美 元,从汇丰银行降低尚德的目标股价之后,这个价格几乎是历史最低点。 youngchinabiz.com | Suntech (NYSE: STP), which calls itself the market leader even though its market cap is smaller than several of its rivals, saw its shares tumble 8 percent to $1.78 on Friday, near an all-time low, after HSBC reduced its price target for the company. youngchinabiz.com |