单词 | 跌眼镜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跌眼镜 —be taken abackSee also:跌 v—fell v • fall v • drop v 眼镜 pl—sunglasses pl 眼镜 n—eyeglass n 镜 n—lens n
让我们真实的我们应该被鼓励健康的生活方式,不丸 大 跌眼镜。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Let's get real; we should be encouraging healthy lifestyles, not pill popping. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
戴尔的XPS品牌,并以移动娱乐到新的高度和新的17英寸具有一个让人 大 跌眼镜 , 肾 上腺素生产,高清晰3D显示器笔记型电脑(三维查看NVIDIA的NVISION公司需要3D眼镜,单独销售)。 technologeeko.com | Dell is taking the XPS brand and mobile [...] entertainment to new heights with a new 17-inch [...] laptop featuring an eye-popping, adrenaline-producing, [...]high-definition 3D display (3D [...]viewing requires NVIDIA NVision 3D glasses, sold separately). technologeeko.com |
那个时候从世界标准来看,加州葡萄酒的出现仅仅只是引起了人们的一点点好奇,却在这次竞赛 上 跌 破 所有 人 眼镜 , 大 获全胜。 antinori.it | Defying all predictions, the California wines, up until then considered little more than a curiosity on the world wine scene, triumphed. antinori.it |
您可以选择一幅特殊镜片眼镜,但 需支付 共付额。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | You may choose a special lens type for an additional co-payment. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
不过,眼镜蛇指 挥官推出第二个较小的HAARP阵列在密克罗尼西亚的一个小岛上,和第二个较小的粒子炮隐藏在斯普林菲尔德镇的主 要 眼镜 蛇 安 装。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Cobra Commander unveils a second smaller HAARP array on an islet in Micronesia, and a second lesser particle cannon hidden in the town of Springfield, a major Cobra installation. el.seekcartoon.com |
但 願 我們的財政司司長不 會 “ 跌眼鏡 ” , 普 羅 市 民 早 日能夠 分 享復甦 帶 來的好 處 。 legco.gov.hk | I only hope that our Financial Secretary would not be wrong this time, so that the general public can share in the fruits of economic recovery. legco.gov.hk |
申诉人坚持认为2003 年签署的赦免a仅 是理论上的,并不能保护他不受亲政府 的 眼镜 蛇 民 兵的迫害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant maintains that the amnesty signed in 2003a is purely notional and does not protect him from persecution by the pro-government Cobra militias. daccess-ods.un.org |
应采取必要的安全预防措施,如橡胶手 套、安全眼镜和操作间良好通风。 quadrantplastics.com | Rubber gloves, safety glasses and a well-ventilated [...] workshop are necessary safety precautions. quadrantplastics.com |
根據中國社會科學院財政與貿易經濟研究所,以及香港中文大學香 港亞太研究所等多位專家及權威進行的《中國城市競爭力報告》顯示,香港 在多項指標上雖仍位列第一位,但在結構競爭力方面,卻由 2006 年的第二 位下降至今年的第三位,落後於上海和深圳;而在增長競爭力方面,更令不 少人“大跌眼鏡” ,香港在去年和今年均位列第一百九十八位。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Report on the Survey of Competitiveness of Cities in China by the specialists and authorities of the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong has dropped from the second in 2006 to the third in this year after Shanghai and Shenzhen in terms of structural competitiveness despite its first ranking in various indexes. legco.gov.hk |
政府今年罕有地錄得 551 億元的盈餘,事前所有專業人士,包括會計界 的專業團體、大型會計師行,皆完全 “ 跌 晒 眼 鏡 ”。 legco.gov.hk | In a rare development, the Government accounts recorded a surplus of $55.1 billion this year. legco.gov.hk |
补偿金额根据暴力犯罪所造成的下述重大损害确定:因无法工作而造成的 [...] 损害,受害者的医疗费用,因受害者死亡所造成的重大损害, 给 眼镜 、 假 牙、隐 形眼镜及其 他替代身体官能的器具造成的损害,给衣服造成的损害,以及受害者 [...]的丧葬费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of the following material damage caused by a crime of violence: damage arising from incapacity for work, expenses for the medical treatment of the victim, material damage arising from [...] the death of the victim, damage [...] caused to spectacles, dentures, contact lenses and other appliances [...]substituting for bodily [...]functions and to clothes, and the victim’s funeral expenses. daccess-ods.un.org |
整體價值下跌的主要原因為合約之 年期較短 。 asiasat.com | Reduction in overall value is mainly attributable to shorter duration of contracts. asiasat.com |
因為每 一次作出干預,中央政府便把責任攬到自己身上,選的“蟀”好,沒有問題, 選的“蟀”錯了,或硬要推出另一隻“蟀”,正如這次把曾蔭權推出來,也 是中了便沒有問題,我們要鼓掌;但如果又看錯了, “ 跌眼 鏡 了”,中央又 要冒一次大不韙,被人批評它干預特區事務。 legco.gov.hk | If it made the right pick, there would not be any problem; if it made the wrong pick or if it insisted to make another pick, just as it did this time by picking Donald TSANG, and if he turns out to be the right pick, we will give it our applause, but if it again made the wrong pick who is a proven disappointment, the Central Authorities would have to bear the blame again and be criticized for interfering in the affairs of the SAR. legco.gov.hk |
在今日的動議辯論,我覺得自由黨可能突然間措手不及,因為很多商 會代表、銀行界的㆟士和會計界的㆟士,都覺得自由黨突然轉投民主黨的陣營,即贊 成政府干預,令他們大跌眼鏡。 legco.gov.hk | In today's motion debate, I feel that the Liberal Party has probably been taken by surprise. Indeed, many of those from business associations, the banking sector and the accounting profession have the feeling that the Liberal Party has unexpectedly switched to side with the Democratic Party, that is, to give consent to government intervention. legco.gov.hk |
本培训课程费用中包含以下个人防护用具:护目镜(需要时,可 与眼 镜一起使用)、皮手套、普通工作手套及带面部保护装置的安全帽。 groz-beckert.pl | The following personal safety protection [...] items are included in the training course [...] price: Protective goggles (also for spectacle [...]wearers where necessary), leather [...]gloves, normal work gloves, and helmet with face protection. groz-beckert.pl |
与此同时,其他板的弗拉格乔斯学习从拨号音,卫星通信是下降,由于过热的电离层,并最 终 眼镜 蛇 的 活动跟踪的HAARP阵列,卫星,和西伯利亚的粒子加农炮,位于退役的俄罗斯弹道导弹下方导弹复杂。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, the other Joes on board the Flagg learn from Dial Tone that satellite communications are down due to the superheated ionosphere, and eventually trace Cobra’s activity to the HAARP array, the satellites, and the Siberian particle cannon, which lies beneath the decommissioned Russian ballistic missile complex. el.seekcartoon.com |
正式的行走将于2012年秋在香港的商业街发生,这次艺术家穿戴装置只身一人同街道发生互动并求取记录素材,背包后提供印有文字的纸质红 蓝 眼镜 的 方 式传达信息:"此装置行为的影像记录完全仰仗陌路人和你,艺术家会从LookThroughMe@qq.com这个邮箱收集的素材进行编辑,感激所有参与并上传了的即时自愿摄像师和摄影师,列入人名表并回复通知。ACTION! xuzhifeng.com | The real walk due to carry out on mall street of Hong Kong in Autumn 2012, this time the artist will go with the installation all by himself, get interaction and documentation material both from the [...] passersby audience, who can get information on [...] red cyan paper glasses from the backpack [...]with text: "Documentation of this performance [...]relies only on strangers and U, the artist will collect all materials (video/photo) from LookThroughMe@qq.com, all instant-voluntary filmmakers and photographers will be appreciated, credited and notified. xuzhifeng.com |
此外,消费者可以享受3D的内容与电脑显示器的NVIDIA™三维视觉套件和高清晰度电视的三维其具体快 门 眼镜 [ 1] 。 technologeeko.com | Additionally, consumers can enjoy 3D content on PC monitors with the NVIDIA™ 3D Vision Kit and on 3D HDTVs with their [...] specific shutter glasses[1]. technologeeko.com |
因此,工作区域应保持良好的通风和/或安装排气系统,同时,还需配备防护服、手套和安 全 眼镜 或 面 罩。 quadrantplastics.com | Therefore, provide good ventilation and/or an exhaust system in the work area and wear protective clothing, [...] gloves and safety glasses or face shield. quadrantplastics.com |
(b) 如在某次有關租金的檢討中,信納第二 期間的收入指數低於第一期間的收入指 數[0.1]%以上,委員會須在該次檢討後, 在切實可行範圍內盡快減少有關租金, 降低幅度為收入指數的跌幅。 legco.gov.hk | (b) if satisfied on a review of the relevant rent that the income index for the second period is lower than the income index for the first period by more than [0.1%], shall as soon as practicable after the review reduce the relevant rent by the rate of the reduction of the income index. legco.gov.hk |
答. 如果儿童玩具太阳眼镜是用来提供防强烈阳光的保护,如在快餐店出售或送出作奖励物 品的太阳眼镜,它 们便必须达到耐冲击测试 (21 CFR 801.410)。 fuzziday.com | A. If children’s toy sunglasses are intended to provide protection from bright sunlight, such as sunglasses sold or given away in fast food [...] restaurants as promotional items, [...]they must meet the impact test (21 CFR 801.410). fuzziday.com |
主席,我翻查過去5年的紀錄,真的“ 跌眼 鏡 ” ,因為我找來找去 也無法找到一些值得我在議事廳一提的石破天驚或打破傳統的政策 或措施,可以令人記得我們今屆的“財爺”曾俊華先生,或讓他可以所 謂名留青史。 legco.gov.hk | President, having reviewed the records in the past five years, to my surprise, I really cannot find any breakthrough or unconventional policies or measures proposed by him that I consider worthy of mentioning in this Chamber ― something that reminds us of the incumbent Financial Secretary Mr John TSANG, or allows him to leave his mark on history, so to speak. legco.gov.hk |
聽 了 他這番 話 , 有 些 議員差 不 多 是 眼 睛 也 跌 了 下 來 , 好 像 是從未聽 過、也 從沒那樣想 過。 legco.gov.hk | Some Members were really shocked at hearing his remark, as though they had never heard or thought so. legco.gov.hk |
承运人在任何情况下不对任何上列项目、或易腐烂物品、假牙、 光学设备(包括隐形眼镜)、 药物、相机、康乐及/或运动设备、现金、证券或其他流通票据的任何损失或损 [...] 害负责,不论载于旅客的行李中或其他地方。 starcruises.com | Carrier shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to any of the above listed items, or [...] perishable items, dentures, optical devices [...] (including contact lenses), medications, [...]cameras, recreational and/or sporting equipment, [...]cash, securities or other negotiable instruments under any circumstances whatsoever, whether carried within the Guest’s baggage or otherwise. starcruises.com |
这是因为在计划编制 中考虑到性别平等的各种因素意味着有了一种不同的视角或者说“戴上了‘性 别眼 镜’”,同时也意味着对各项计划和活动的结果和受益者进行了慎重思考,其结果是规 划更加合理,发展活动更具实效。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is because integrating gender equality considerations into programming means taking a different perspective – or, “putting on ‘gender lenses’” – and thinking critically about the results and beneficiaries of programmes and activities, which leads to better planning and more effective development initiatives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro 集无线主动快门式眼镜、射 频通信中心以及先进的软件于一身,可自动将各种面向商用的应用程序自动转化为完全立体的 [...] 3D 形式,从而可提高应用程序的实际使用价值、产生更佳的结果、提高生产率。 nvidia.cn | NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro is a combination of wireless [...] active shutter glasses, and RF communication [...]hub, and advanced software, which [...]automatically transforms various business-oriented applications into full stereoscopic 3D to improve the usefulness of the application, deliver better results, and increase productivity. nvidia.com |
東南亞第一條公車捷運系統於2004年落成,目前共有11條路線,雅加達情況與布里斯本不同,並無接運系統,許多人先前預測,因為系統欠缺調整彈性,恐怕不會成功,但目前每天搭乘人次約25萬,完 全 跌 破 眾 人 眼 鏡 , 或許是營運前兩星期免費搭乘,讓市民從此無法抗拒? thisbigcity.net | Many predicted this lack of flexibility would result in the system not receiving much use, but with around 250,000 passengers a day, they couldn’t have been more wrong. thisbigcity.net |
在作出 [...] 判斷時,本集團所衡量之因素包括投資項目之公平價 值 跌 至 低 於其成本所涉及之時間及程度,以及獲投資 [...] 公司之財務穩健狀況及短期業務前景,並考慮諸如行業及業界表現、技術變動以及經營及融資現金流量等 因素。 wingtaiproperties.com | In making this judgement, the Group evaluates, among [...] other factors, the duration and extent to which [...] the fair value of an investment [...]is less than its cost, and the financial health [...]of and short-term business outlook for the investee, including factors such as industry and sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flow. wingtaiproperties.com |
根據《房屋條例》第 16A(4)條的規定,如第二期間的收入指數高於 第一期間的收入指數 0.1% 以上,房委會須以收入指數的升幅或 10%增加 租金,兩者以較少者為準;如第二期間的收入指數低於第一期間的收入 指數 0.1% 以上,房委會則須以收入指數的跌幅 相 應減少租金。 legco.gov.hk | As stipulated in section 16A(4) of the Housing Ordinance, if the income index for the second period is higher than that for the first period by more than 0.1%, the HA shall increase the PRH rent by the rate of increase of the income index or 10%, whichever is less; if the income index for the second period is lower than that for the first period by more than 0.1%, the HA shall reduce the PRH rent by the rate of reduction of the income index. legco.gov.hk |