单词 | 跌水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跌水 —drop of height in waterwaystaircase of waterfallsSee also:跌 v—drop v • fall v • fell v
格板的功能是覆盖过滤系统的面端,在整个比赛泳池、跳水池、训练池 和 跌水 池 周 围都能看到。 quadrantplastics.com | The grating provides the cover for the front [...] end of the filtration system and is visible around the main [...] competition pool, diving pool, training [...]pool & plunge pool. quadrantplastics.com |
現有灣 仔東污水隔篩廠的北面邊界限定了主幹道隧道走線的南面 界線:在此界線內是現有污水排放設施,以及海港淨化計 劃所規劃的跌水豎井,限制著主幹道走線不可進一步南 移。 devb.gov.hk | The northern boundary of the existing Wan Chai East Sewage Screening Plant defines the southern limit of the Trunk Road tunnel alignment: immediately inside this boundary are existing sewage outfall facilities and the planned dropshafts of the Harbour Area Treatment scheme, which restrict any further southward shifting of the Trunk Road alignment. devb.gov.hk |
跨骏与工程师、建筑师以及建筑公司一起圆满完成了水上运动中心的收尾工作,制造供应了全部三个主泳池和一个环 形 跌水 池 的 水池格板。 quadrantplastics.com | Quadrant has been working alongside engineers, architects & construction companies to give the Aquatic Centre its finishing touches by manufacturing and supplying the deck pool grating for around all three major pools and one circular plunge pool. quadrantplastics.com |
若發債目標是為基建籌 集 資金,在目前 財赤嚴 重 情況㆘,的確 可 減 低 財政儲備㆘跌水平,有助穩 定外界 對 聯 繫 率 的信心。 legco.gov.hk | If the objective of bond issuance is to raise funds for infrastructure projects, under the current circumstances of a serious deficit, it can indeed reduce the extent of the decrease in the fiscal reserves and help stabilize public confidence in the linked exchange rate. legco.gov.hk |
台湾业者认为,就今年LED各厂的资本支出规模来看,并没有看到陆厂出现积极扩增产能的迹象,多数厂商认为,在经过2年的产能调整后,今年LED产业供需将回复平衡状况,而产业供需好转的迹象也显现在产品价格上,随着LED产业在第二季进入旺季,背光与照明需求同步增温带动下,市场上产品价格也止稳,整体第二季产品价格下跌的幅度预估在5%以内,重回正 常 跌 价 水 准。 jxlcd.com | Taiwan investors believe, LED GeChang scale capital spending this year, did not see land plant is showing signs of active proliferation capacity, most think, after 2 years of capacity adjustment, LED industry will reply to balance supply and demand this year, signs of improvement and industry supply and demand has also shown on the product price, as the LED industry entered the peak season in the second quarter, backlit and synchronous lighting demand picked up, also check the products on the market [...] price stability, the overall product prices range forecast in the second quarter at 5%, to [...] return to the normal price level. jxlcd.com |
只要持續供應淨水,毛刷便能在使用期間自我清潔,因為離心力能將從地板吸起的塵垢和水與纖維脫離,令塵垢 和 水跌 入 污 水 箱 內。 philips.com.hk | Brushes are self-cleaning , as the constant stream of clean water from the water tank is [...] applied throughout the process, and the force of the rotating brushes, drive the [...] dirt, into the dirty water receptacle. philips.com.hk |
但在1個月後,其民望又在其相對低調的情況下再 多 跌 「 一級」至51分 的 水 平。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, 1 month later, her popularity rating again dropped "one grade" further to the 51-mark level, notwithstanding her relatively low profile. hkupop.hku.hk |
評分再創歷史新低之餘,亦首次跌破 40 分 的 水 平。 hkupop.hku.hk | His rating has hit its record low again, and broke the 40-mark level for the first time. hkupop.hku.hk |
該跌幅之原因及水泥價 格波動的背景於上 文「經營環境」一節討論。 westchinacement.com | The reasons for this decline and the background to [...] the volatility in cement prices are discussed [...]in the “Operating Environment” section above. westchinacement.com |
我們亦建議就存保基金設 立基金水平調節機制。如果基金實際 水 平 跌 低 過目 標 水 平的 70%,存保委員 會會向銀行徵收附加供款;如果基金的實際水平超過目標水平的 [...] 115%,銀行 便可獲得退款。 legco.gov.hk | We also propose to put in place an adjustment [...] mechanism for the Fund, whereby if [...] the balance of the Fund drops below 70% of the target [...]fund size, the Board will levy a [...]surcharge on member institutions and a rebate will be paid to them if the balance exceeds 115% of the target fund size. legco.gov.hk |
主席,退一萬步來說,房委會當年不肯調整租金,就是擔心如果要減租 金的話,便一定要從 14.7%那麼高跌回 10%的水平,那麼房委會便會蒙受很 大的損失。 legco.gov.hk | President, when we recap what happened then, I have to say that the HA refused to implement a rent adjustment at that time because [...] it was worried that a rent reduction [...] would mean the rent dropping from the high level [...]of 14.7% to as low as 10%, incurring a substantial loss to the HA. legco.gov.hk |
金融司可否根據他所得資料,向本局提供有關㆒年前和 [...] 最近數月的交易數目的比對資料,以及如可能的話,亦提供有關樓宇買賣的 ㆘ 跌 幅度 和價格水平? legco.gov.hk | Could he perhaps tell us in some detail the number of transactions a year ago, as opposed to that in the latest months, [...] which he has information on and the extent of the level of the drop, as [...] well as the price levels, if he has those [...]details? legco.gov.hk |
仲裁人的決定如下:( 一 [...] ) 專營權期內的內部資金回報率為 衡量投資回報的適當指標;( 二 ) 公司合理回報水平的下限 應為15%,上限為17%; ( 三 ) 公司毋 須 証明投資回報已跌 至 低於合理水平的下限;只 要 証明在專營權期內,假 如不調整 隧道費便 會導致 公司的投資回報下跌 低於該水平,便 可 調整 隧道費;( 四 ) 政府和公司均認同隧道費應在專營權期內逐 步遞增,以避免早期的使用者補貼後期的使用者 。 legco.gov.hk | (7) The arbitrator decided that (1) the appropriate measure of return was an IRR % return on equity after tax over the franchise period; (2) the lower level of a [...] reasonable return was 15% [...] and the upper level was 17%; (3) to be entitled to a toll increase, the NHKTC need not demonstrate that it had already fallen below this return, but rather that it will fall below this level over the franchise [...]period; (4) it [...]was the intention of the Government and the NHKTC that the tolls be raised gradually over the life of the franchise so that earlier tunnel users would not subsidize later users. legco.gov.hk |
如前所述,世界主要国家中央银行率先采取和新兴国家随后跟进采取的放松 银根政策使银行间拆借利率下跌到历 史最 低 水 平。 daccess-ods.un.org | As noted earlier, expansionary monetary policy, led by the [...] world’s principal central banks, with the emerging economies [...] following suit, led to historically low interbank interest rates. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,當局必須有具體行動指標配 合,例如當某個地區的清潔指數大幅下降 或 跌 至 某 個警 戒 水 平 時 ,當局 就要馬上應變,如增加巡查及清潔次數等。 legco.gov.hk | For example, when the hygiene index of a certain district falls drastically or to a certain alert level, the authorities have to take action in response immediately, such as by increasing the frequency of inspections or cleaning. legco.gov.hk |
在過往兩年,這些㆞區的總懸浮粒子濃度已從遠高於周圍空氣質素的 水平,銳跌至接 近㆒般周圍空氣質素數字的水平。 legco.gov.hk | In these areas the incidence of TSP has dropped sharply, from far above the ambient levels, to levels similar to the general ambient figures during these last two years. legco.gov.hk |
市場風險減少, [...] 反映估計虧損風險和壓力下之估計虧損風險 準備下降,此乃由於風險水平下跌。 hsbc.com.tw | The decrease in market risk reflected lower VaR and stressed VaR charges due [...] to a reduction in risk levels. hsbc.com.tw |
調查顯示,特首曾蔭權的最新支持度評分為38.5分,首 次 跌 破 40 分 的 水 平 , 其支持率為15%,反對率為78%,民望淨值為負63個百分比,全部都是其上任以來的最差數字。 hkupop.hku.hk | The survey shows that the support rating of CE Donald Tsang has dropped to 38.5 marks, first time below 40. hkupop.hku.hk |
最新調查顯示,特首曾蔭權的最新支持度評分為38.5分,首 次 跌 破 40 分 的 水 平 , 其支持率為15%,反對率為78%,民望淨值為負63個百分比,全部都是其上任以來的最差數字。 hkupop.hku.hk | His approval rate now stands at 15%, disapproval rate at 78%, giving a net popularity of negative 63 percentage points. All figures are his record poor. hkupop.hku.hk |
梁國雄議員:婦女是人類延續所不可或缺的實體,如果我們把一些孕婦說成 像罪犯般,把她們形容得甚為差劣,我們的道 德 水 準 其實 已 跌 至 很 低了。 legco.gov.hk | If we describe some pregnant women as though they were criminals and paint them in a rather bad light, our moral standard has in fact declined to a very low level. legco.gov.hk |
規劃環境㆞政司答(譯文):主席先生,據我所知,過去兩年共有兩宗有 關 水 塔 跌落 橫 巷和街㆖的報告;不過,沒有㆟受傷。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND LANDS: Mr President, the information I have [...] is that in the past two years there were two reports of air [...] conditioning cooling towers falling onto lanes and [...]streets. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,特區政府的民望繼續上升,巿民不滿政府的比 率 跌 至 19 98年3月 的 水 平 , 而巿民對各項政策範疇的滿意程度,在過去三個月來都錄得明顯升幅。 hkupop.hku.hk | The popularity of the government, on the other hand, has continued to increase. People's dissatisfaction level has dropped back to that of March 1998, and people's satisfaction rates in all 5 policy areas have recorded significant improvement over the past 3 months. hkupop.hku.hk |
(c) 優化物資的存貨量-擬議的管理系統可透過其中央數據庫, [...] 提供設於不同地點的貨倉的存貨量、需求量和過往消耗模式 等資料,並會在存貨量跌至低於安全 水 平 時通知採購人員。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Optimise inventory level – through its centralised database, the AMMS can provide information on the stock level of warehouses in various locations, level of demand, [...] and past consumption pattern, etc. It will also notify procurement staff [...] when stock quantity falls below the safety level. legco.gov.hk |
他 說原因是有一羣人已經置業,對那羣人來說,他們不想樓市下跌,變 成整個經濟,即政府的政策希望托着樓市,令樓價一直在 此 水 平 而不 下跌。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, the overall economy, or the policies of the [...] Government, will aim at propping the property market up, so that property prices will be [...] maintained at this level and no less. legco.gov.hk |
主席,今次的金融海嘯是全球性的,所以香港以至香港的競爭對手 都會跌至同一個低水平,但將來哪個城市能夠最迅速重拾升軌,便能夠 [...] 獲取最大商機。 legco.gov.hk | President, in the face of the global [...] financial tsunami, Hong Kong and our [...] competitors have fallen to a similar level, but the biggest [...]business opportunity will be [...]there for the city that can get back onto the uphill trail the soonest. legco.gov.hk |
但在1994–2000年期间,世界海水对 虾养殖受到亚洲和南美洲病害爆发的冲击, 咸 水 产 量 份额 下 跌 到 6%。 fao.org | However, in the period 1994– 2000, world marine shrimp [...] farming was hit by disease outbreaks in Asia and South America, and [...] the share of brackish-water production fell to 6 percent. fao.org |
該風險採用股票對沖計劃進行管理,以便在充分利用 [...] Jackson 業務的自然對沖風險 的同時,盡量減低因股市水平上升或 下 跌 而 承 受重大經濟影響的風險。 prudential.co.uk | This risk is managed using an equity hedging programme to minimise the risk of a significant economic [...] impact as a result of increases or [...] decreases in equity market levels while taking advantage [...]of naturally offsetting exposures in Jackson’s operations. prudential.co.uk |
第一季度的需求一般較為疲弱,令面板價格 下跌至接近成本水平, 生產商因而減低產量,加上個人電腦品牌商在面板價格下跌時 提早為夏季的旺季準備存貨,令面板價格在第二季度已回升不少。 cre8ir.com | Following a traditionally weak first quarter which sent panel prices down to almost cash cost levels, prices recovered in the second quarter as panel makers cut back on production and PC companies started to build inventories ahead of the summer peak to take advantage of the low prices. cre8ir.com |
鑒於本地低技術工人的薪酬水平不斷 下 跌 , 令“在職貧窮”問題日趨 嚴重,本會促請政府盡快設立一個獨立委員會,研究適合本地情況的 最低工資制度、最低工資水平和執行細節,以落實《經濟、社會及文 化權利國際公約》第七條要求各締約國確保工人的報酬最低限度能維 [...] [...] 持工人及家屬符合公約規定的合理生活水平。 legco.gov.hk | That, as the wage level of local low-skilled workers is continuing to decline, thereby aggravating [...] the problem of "working [...]poverty", this Council urges the Government to expeditiously set up an independent commission to work out a minimum wage system and a minimum wage level that suit the local environment, as well as their implementation details, so as to give effect to Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which asks States Parties to the Covenant to ensure the right of workers to receive remuneration which provides all workers, as a minimum, with a decent living for themselves and their families in accordance with the provisions of the Covenant. legco.gov.hk |
第一季度出現持續復甦,標普500指數上升5%,利 [...] 率保持相對穩定,而AA公司債券息差及波動性較二零零九年 底 水 平 有所 下 跌 , 第二季度有所逆轉,本年度上 半年末標普500指數下跌7.6%,十年期國庫債券息率跌至3%以下,掉期利率跌至接近歷史低位,AA公司債券 [...] [...]息差小幅增加,而波動性增加至與二零零九年上半年末更一致的水平。 prudential.co.uk | The continued recovery witnessed in the first quarter - the S&P 500 index increased five per cent, interest rates remained relatively steady and AA [...] corporate spreads and volatility [...] declined somewhat from year-end 2009 levels – was reversed [...]in the second quarter – the S&P 500 [...]index ended the first half of the year down 7.6 per cent, 10-year Treasury rates dropped below three per cent, swap rates declined to approximate historic lows, AA corporate spreads increased slightly and volatility increased to levels more consistent with the end of the first half of 2009. prudential.co.uk |