单词 | 跌停板 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 跌停板—downward circuit breakerless common: limit down halt stock trading to restrict panic fall See also:跌v—fallv fellv dropv 停v—stopv 停n—haltn 停—park (a car)
举例而言,依目前保证金标准,上巿公价为10,000元,现巿於未定公价前已上升至11,000元或下跌至9,000元,任何一种情况都需要实行折价,而折价与一般巿场升跌停板差不多,本场依例需由理监事会通过公布执行,宣布公仓买卖停止,以折价价位为公价,立即登记上板交收现货,议订仓费,所有公仓买卖,一律以公价折实,作为了结,并照公价交收,折价後需隔两巿时间,然後才可以复巿,买卖需要从新开始。 cgse.com.hk | Subsequent to the announcement by the Executive and Supervisory Committee of the exercise [...] of “Discount Circuit Breaker”, CGSE [...] will declarethe suspension oftrading. A [...]discounted price will be determined as an [...]settlement price, and Members must forthwith register their deals on board to settle spot gold and fix a carrying charge. cgse.com.hk |
伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的主要目标是在十年期结束时让更多最不发达国家 毕业,同时向新毕业的国家提供支持,避免它们跌回最不发达国家行列。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main objective of the Istanbul Programme of Action is to bring a much more significant number of least developed countries to graduation by the end of [...] the decade, while also providing for support to newly graduated countries so [...] that theydo not fallback intothe [...]category. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 其他最不发达国家,出口停滞或略有下跌。 daccess-ods.un.org | Elsewhere across the least developed [...] countries, exports stagnatedordeclined marginally. daccess-ods.un.org |
在总部,将逐渐停止传统的胶板文件印刷, 代之以数字印刷;已于 2010 年年中在总部开始这一过渡,其他工作地点已经完成了这一过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | At Headquarters, the [...] traditional offset printing of documents will gradually [...]be replaced by digital printing; this shift, [...]which began at Headquarters in mid-2010, has already taken place at the other duty stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
铁矿石价格於年内大部 份时间维持合理稳定,但於十月面对中国买家罢买而急剧下跌,最终於年底回升至低於140美元/吨的水平。 glencore.com | Iron ore was reasonably stable for much of the year, but dramatically fell away in October facing a Chinese buyers strike before eventually recovering at the end of year below the $ 140/t level. glencore.com |
水平安装并使用大型压板时,有可能导致压板旋转过 程中停止动作。 kosmek.co.jp | The swinging maybe stopped in the middle of action [...] if a large lever horizontally mounted is used. kosmek.co.jp |
由于许多冲突仍在继续,自愿归国的人数跌至20 年 来的最低水平,移民安置需求远高于收容国每年的收 容能力,高达 10 比 1。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the ongoing nature of many conflicts, voluntary repatriation was at a 20-year low, and resettlement needs surpassed the annual capacity of receiving States by a ratio of 10 to 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
从盘面上看,今日两市仅有8只股票出现下跌,而涨停的个股则达到了240余只;其中受利好政策直接影响明显的工程机械、水泥、钢铁、铁路等板块个股表现极为活跃,而银行、地产等权重类指标股今日的集体走强则是推动股指反弹的另一大主要动力来源,短线股指有望向30日均线发起挑战,操作上投资者可对于扩大内需的相关行业个股作重点关注,这里我们建议可关注中国船舶。 xmguande.com | Looked from the card that today two cities only [...] have 8 stocksto appearfall,butrose a stock which stoppedto achieve 240; And receives benefits good policy immediate influence obvious tectonic platestock performance [...]and so on engineering [...]machinery, cement, steel and iron, railroad to be extremely active, but weight class target stock today's and so on bank, real estate collectives are strong are promote the stock index bounce another big prime motors to originate, the short line stock index initiates the challenge hopefully to 30 daily average lines, in the operation the investor may make the key attention regarding an expanded domestic demand related profession stock, here we suggested that may pay attention to the Chinese ships. xmguande.com |
金融危机引致全球衰退後,於二零零九年,收益减少24%,因为范围内产品在世界 各地均录得销售下跌,其中以巴西、俄罗斯、英国及法国的跌幅最大。 cre8ir.com | Following the global recession caused by the financial crisis, in 2009, revenues decreased by 24% due to a world-wide sales decline in the Scope Products that mainly incurred in Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and France. cre8ir.com |
多指丝 [...] 状电刷保证了电位式传感器完美运行,这些传感 器被广泛应用于踏板、启动停车系统、节气门阀 及车用空调调节器等。 heraeus-precious-metals.de | Multi-wire wiper contacts ensure the [...] perfect operation of potentiometer [...] sensors for the pedal andthe start-stopsystem and also [...]for the throttle valve and the air conditioning regulator. heraeus-precious-metals.de |
固定收入(42.0) 出现有史以來最大幅下跌(26点),其次为经济(14.2)及股票市场(35.8)。 mastercard.com | Outlook on regular income (42.0) experienced the largest drop (26 points), followed by the economy (14.2) and stock market (35.8). mastercard.com |
特里斯坦的经济也仍然容易受到更大 范围的经济状况的影响,包括受到特里斯坦-达库尼亚向美国和日本市场提供的 龙虾价格最近下跌的影响,价格下跌导致这一部门 2009 年的收入减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Tristan economy also remains vulnerable to wider economic circumstances, including a recent fall in the price of lobster that Tristan da Cunha provides for the United States and Japanese markets, which led to a reduction of income from this sector in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
一如图表 23 所示,在表列国 家中,非正式投资都有所下跌,其中以香港的跌幅最大,非正式投资者占人口的比例由 7.9% 减少至 2.9%。 gemconsortium.org | The magnitude of the drop, however, is greatest in Hong Kong where informal investors dropped from 7.9 percent of the population to 2.6 percent. gemconsortium.org |
2008 年上半年商品价格高昂, 促成人们对 2008 年国际收支经常账户顺差作出了占国内生产总值 4.7%的预测, 但最近价格下跌,预期将导致 2009 年毛额预算出现占国内生产总值 1.7%的赤字。 daccess-ods.un.org | While high commodity prices in the first half of 2008 contributed to a current account balance surplus forecast of 4.7 per cent of GDP in 2008, the recent price decline is expected to cause a gross budget deficit of 1.7 per cent of GDP in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然如此, 下半年企业及消费者受经济前景不明朗影响而延迟 消费,面板价格随即下跌百分之五,总括而言,年底 时的价格较年初平均下降百分之三。 cre8ir.com | However, they subsequently fell by 5 percent in the second half, as companies and retail consumers delayed purchases due to the uncertain economic outlook, ending the year an average of 3 percent lower than at the beginning. cre8ir.com |
这个动作是一个的构成 IBOVESPA,流动性最强的股票下跌的最高成交量的市场。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | This action is one of the composing Ibovespa, In which only the most [...] liquid shares fall (those with the [...]highest trading volume of the market). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
伦敦证券交易所下跌3%,达到三年来最低 - A 股票市场 伦敦报道周二最强的秋天,在过去三年,由于HBOS银行的行动和金融危机对华尔街的崩溃。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | London Stock Exchangefalls 3% and reaches [...] its lowest in three years - A Stock exchange London reported Tuesday the strongest [...]fall of the last three years due to the collapse of HBOS bank action and the financial crisis on Wall Street. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
2.18 从运作角度而言,徵费触发机制的启动主要视乎赔偿基金的资产净 值是否已超逾 14 亿元的上限,因而触发暂停徵费,或跌穿10 亿元 的下限,因而触发恢复徵费。 hkicc.org.hk | 2.18 From an operational standpoint, the activation of the levy triggering mechanism depends very much on whether the net asset value of the ICF has exceeded the upper [...] limit of $1.4 billion which would [...] triggerthesuspension of thelevies or fallen below the lower [...]limit of $1 billion which would [...]trigger the imposition of the levies. hkicc.org.hk |
高1.10m的扶手栏杆可以沿板边缘、楼板孔或其他有跌落危险的位置部署,或部署为墙模上的反向护栏。 doka.com | Handrail posts 1.10m can be deployed [...] along slab-edges,floor openings or other fall-hazard locations, [...]or for opposing guard-rails on wall formwork. doka.com |
第一,包括在教育部门中的歧视态度和性别刻板印象必须停止。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, discriminatory attitudes and gender stereotypes, including [...] in the education sector, must be ended. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您准备外出或者度假,可以在“匹配面板”上选择“暂停”行程 。 carpoolzone.smartcommute.ca | Youcan “pause”trips in the Matches tab if you are [...] going away or on vacation. carpoolzone.smartcommute.ca |
将柱塞泵拧入适配器板(10),直到停止。 graco.com | Screw the displacement pump [...] into the adapter plate (10) untilit stops. graco.com |
你需要不停地踩踏板,不然就会摔倒。 daccess-ods.un.org | You need to [...] keep movingthe pedals; otherwise you will fall over. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一季度的需求一般较为疲弱,令面板价格 下跌至接近成本水平,生产商因而减低产量,加上个人电脑品牌商在面板价格下跌时提早为夏季的旺季准备存货,令面板价格在第二季度已回升不少。 cre8ir.com | Followinga [...] traditionally weak first quarter whichsent panel prices down to almost cash cost levels, prices recovered in the second quarteras panel makers cut [...]back on production and PC [...]companies started to build inventories ahead of the summer peak to take advantage of the low prices. cre8ir.com |
国际贸易中 心对这场危机对贸易产生的影响进行的分析显示,内陆发展中国家对经济合作与 [...] 发展组织(经合组织)的出口值下跌得最厉害,达到 34.2%,而与此相比,发展中 [...]国家整体对经合组织的出口(不包括武器和矿产)只减少了 18.1%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lack of productive and export diversification exposed the group to the severe effects of the collapse in commodity prices in 2008/2009, which is estimated to have drastically reduced the volume of world trade by 11 per cent in 2009.8 An analysis of the trade effects of the crisis carried out by the International Trade Centre (ITC) found that the [...] landlocked developing countries experienced the [...] largest decline in export value to [...]Organization for Economic Cooperation and [...]Development (OECD) countries, amounting to 34.2 per cent, compared to developing countries altogether, which exported 18.1 per cent less to OECD countries (arms and minerals excluded). daccess-ods.un.org |