

单词 跌价

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External sources (not reviewed)

台湾业者认为,就今年LED各厂的资本支出规模来看,并没有看到陆厂出现积极扩增产能的迹象,多数厂商认为,在经过2年的产能调整后,今年LED产业供需将回复平衡状况,而产业供需好转的迹象也显现在产品价格上,随着LED产业在第二季进入旺季,背光与照明需求同步增温带动下,市场上产品价格也止稳,整体第二季产 价 格 下 跌 的 幅 度预估在5%以内,重回正 跌价 水 准
Taiwan investors believe, LED GeChang scale capital spending this year, did not see land plant is showing signs of active proliferation capacity, most think, after 2 years of capacity adjustment, LED industry will reply to balance supply and demand this year, signs of improvement and industry supply and demand has also shown on the product price, as the LED industry entered the peak season in the second quarter, backlit and synchronous lighting demand picked up, also check the products on the market
price stability, the overall
[...] product prices range forecast in the second quarter at 5%, to return to the normal price level.
减少的3.9个百分点主要是因为每架飞机的销售成本增加所致,主要是因为材料价格上涨和与生产速率变化有关的中断成本、公务机售价降低、公务机和民用飞机之间交付量的混合、服务业务活动的毛利降低、某些以外币计价资产负债表账目在资产负债表日期重新折算产生的记录于其他支出(收入)的损失的影响,以及主要因二手飞机的市场价值降低而计提较高的存 跌价 准 备 记所致;其中一部分被因客户取消公务机订单而收到的补偿、因公务飞机交付量降低而导致的销售和一般及管理(SG&A)费用支出降低、记录在其他支出(收入)中的以公允价值计量的金融工具的公允价值变动收益,以及因宇航项目某些飞机型号的模具已完全摊销而降低的摊销支出所抵销。
The 3.9 percentage-point decrease is mainly due to higher cost of sales per unit mainly due to price escalations of materials and disruption costs in connection with changes in production rates, lower selling prices for business aircraft, the mix between business and commercial aircraft deliveries, lower margins for services activities, the net negative impact in other expense (income) from the revaluation of certain balance sheet accounts in foreign currencies at the
balance sheet date, and higher write-down of inventories mainly due to
[...] lower market values for pre-owned [...]
aircraft; partially offset
by liquidated damages from customers mainly as a result of business aircraft order cancellations, lower SG&A expenses mainly due to lower business aircraft deliveries, a net positive variance on financial instruments carried at fair value and recorded in other expense (income) and lower amortization expense due to the aerospace program tooling on some aircraft models being fully amortized.
经济的增长(增长进而影响税收)和该区域出口的商品(商品出口在一些国家 的公共收入中占很大的比例)的价格的 下 跌 影 响 到收入。
Revenues have been conditioned by economic growth (which in
turn has influenced tax receipts) and
[...] by the fall in the prices of the commodities [...]
that the region exports and that in some
countries account for a high proportion of public revenues.
随着廉价的无须改造设备的 CFC-12
[...] 替代物质进入市场以及 HFC-134a 和 HCFC-22 价格的 下跌,氟氯化碳库的储存很快将成为一笔高昂债务。
With the entry into some markets of cheap drop-in substitutes for CFC-12
[...] and with declining prices for HFC-134a and HCFC-22, [...]
CFC stockpiles
could quickly be transformed into a costly liability.
一成员请世界银行在下一次报告中就碳市 价 格 暴 跌 现 象提供清晰的反馈。
One member requested the World Bank to provide
[...] clear feedback on the price collapse in the carbon [...]
market in its next report.
这种影响使某些发展中国家的矿物(与制造品相比)容易发生价格的极度波 动和矿价格的长期跌。
This has left some developing countries vulnerable to high price volatility of minerals as compared to manufactures as well as prolonged downturns in mineral prices.
特里斯坦的经济也仍然容易受到更大 范围的经济状况的影响,包括受到特里斯坦-达库尼亚向美国和日本市场提供的 龙价格最近下跌的影响,价格下跌 导 致 这一部门 2009 年的收入减少。
The Tristan economy also remains vulnerable to wider economic
circumstances, including a
[...] recent fall in the price of lobster that Tristan da Cunha provides for the United States and Japanese markets, which led [...]
to a reduction of income from this sector in 2009.
当前,电视背光(5630)跌幅约4%,(7030)在没有量产的情况下,平均报价看来并不是很有竞争力,但如果顺利量产后,预计到2012年底可望大幅度下跌;笔记型电脑(NB)应用崛起,使得高亮度0.8tLED最大降幅达8%;手机部分,由于规格逐渐成熟,因此价格降幅约为5~6%;大功率LED部分,厂商致力于规格提升和旧品清仓,整体而言平均 价跌 幅 约10%左右;至于液晶屏背光产品,已经有品牌厂导入高电流驱动3014封装体,可减少约一半的LED使用数量;由于背光规格(5630)趋于成熟,且 价跌 幅 已 大,使得越来越多照明应用制造商使用(5630)来制作LED灯管或是球泡灯,预估2012上半年 价跌 幅 在 10%左右。
TV backlight (5630), a decline of about 4%, (7030) in the case of no production, the average offer does not appear to be very competitive, but if smooth postpartum sharp decline is expected by the end of 2012 is expected to ; notebook computer (NB) rise, makes the high brightness 0.8tLED largest decline of 8%; mobile phone part, due to mature specifications, the price decline of about 5 to 6%; high power LED parts vendors committed to the specifications to enhance and the old
goods clearance, the
[...] overall average quoted price drop of about 10%; LCD backlight products, has a brand factory import high current drive 3014 package, can be reduced by about half the number of LED used; backlight Specifications (5630) tends to mature, and offer the decline has been making more and more lighting applications manufacturer (5630) to produce LED lamp or Bulb, estimates quoted decline in the [...]
first half of 2012 was about 10%.
第二大业务LED照明收入则分别增长15.87%和34.64%产品价格量 价跌 , 毛 利 率降幅较大:2012年公司LED封装零组件销量增幅达88.81%,但由于LED产品技术逐渐成熟以及大量产能开出,LED零组件价格持续大幅下降,2012年公司毛利率22.10%,同比降低5%,2013年Q1进一步降至21.80%。
Respectively second largest LED lighting
business income increased by 15.87%
[...] and 34.64% price quantity increase price falls, larger profit [...]
margins decline: in 2012 the
company LED packaging components sales growth of 88.81%, but due to the LED product technology is gradually mature and huge capacity issue, the LED component prices continued to fall sharply, the company's gross margin of 22.10% in 2012, by 5%, compared to the Q1 further to 21.80% in 2013.
如果资价 格暂时下跌,对 资源稀缺的关切可能会减弱,但本质上的重大问题——例如对所 有各类资源需求日增、不可持续地大量使用有限资源和可再生资源以及对可持续 [...]
资源使用体制投资不足(尽管正在增多)——会使资源稀缺以及对资源可持续性 的关切很快会再度成为政策议程的优先事项。
Concerns about scarcity may
[...] recede at times if prices fall temporarily, but [...]
the underlying fundamentals — of rising demand
for resources of all kinds, unsustainable use levels of both finite and renewable resources and inadequate (albeit growing) investment in systems for sustainable resource use — make it likely that scarcity and concerns over resource sustainability will once again move up the policy agenda before long.
通货膨胀率从 2008 年的 8.3%大幅度下降到 2009 年的
[...] 4.3%左右,其原因是 一些列入家庭消费统计组合的商品的国 价 格 下 跌 , 货 币升值,活动减少对需求 产生了影响。
The inflation rate dropped sharply from 8.3 per cent in 2008 to around
4.3 per cent in 2009, as a result of
[...] falling international prices for some of the commodities [...]
included in household consumption
baskets, in addition to the effect of currency appreciation and the impact of slacker activity levels on demand.
牛奶生产商必须保持对生产的最佳控制,同时降低投入成本,尤其是在全球牛 价 格 下 跌 时。
Milk producers need to maintain
far greater control over production while reducing input costs, especially in times of
[...] decreasing milk prices worldwide.
那些仅靠出口两三种商品的国家则面临需求 减少且价下跌的双重影响。
Those that depended on exports of two or three commodities faced the double impact
[...] of lower demand and declining prices.
[...] 国家的宏观经济和财政压力,但这场广泛的全球性危机已经造成初级商品出价 格暴跌,对 其经济倚重出口作物的国家的贸易条件、政府岁入、普遍宏观经济条 [...]
Although the recent decrease in oil prices has, to some extent, eased macroeconomic and fiscal pressure in most West African countries, the
broader, global nature of the crisis has
[...] generated a sharp fall in the price of primary commodity [...]
exports, which has had an adverse
effect on terms of trade, government revenue, broader macroeconomic conditions and household incomes in countries whose economies rely heavily on export crops.
发言 人认为,在特别报告员的报告中,他没有适当考虑 到补贴的有害性,也没有考虑到发展中国家不可能 采用相同的武器来反抗,因为他们不可能提供给他 们的农民和富裕国家一样的补贴,他还没有考虑到 生计农业补贴不影响国际贸易,不会造 价 格 下 跌, 不 会阻碍农村发展,而富裕国家的农业补贴使发展 中国家发展自己的农业和出口产品的能力受到威 胁。
In his report, the Special Rapporteur did not take sufficient account of the harm they caused or of the fact that the developing countries were not competing on an equal footing because they could not give their farmers the same support that the rich countries did.
公务员制度委员会 2012 年 4 月进行的审查表明,巴黎工作人员的工作地点差价调整数 需要增加
[...] 5.4%,购买力才能重新达到与纽约持平:这主要是由于自 2011 年 4 月的前次审查 以来,欧元对美元的价大幅下跌所 致
ICSC’s review in April 2012 indicated that staff in Paris required an increase in post adjustment of 5.4% to re-establish purchasing power parity with
New York: this can largely be attributed to
[...] the significant fall in the euro against [...]
the US dollar since the previous review in April 2011.
德勤有限公司能源与资源行业全球矿业咨询领导人邵杰瑞先生称:“随着近期商 价 格 的 下 跌 和 全 球经济不确定性的持续作用,矿业公司要想较为准确地预测未来需求格局和商品价格变得更为困难。面对短期内中国需求的下降,一些企业开始暂缓扩张其项目;然而从中长期来看,全球需求仍有望出现大幅增长。
With recent
[...] declines in commodity prices and global economic [...]
uncertainty persisting, it is extremely difficult for mining
companies to predict future demand patterns and commodity prices with a high degree of accuracy.
为例,做空者先是卖空SPRD,然后发布误导性报告,使 价跌 至 9美 元。
short sellers shorted SPRD first, then issued misleading reports
[...] and drove down share price to $9.
多年的经济衰退、失业率上升,加上因经济逆转和供过于求,导致物 价 格 下 跌 , 令 人质疑政府房屋贷款公司应否维持其一直以来担当的角色,继续提供长期的低定息置业贷款。
Years of recession, increased
[...] unemployment and price deflation in the [...]
property market as a result of economic adversity
and oversupply have all called into question the Government Housing Loan Corporation's longstanding role of providing long-term, fixed low-interest home purchase loans.
如果粮食不安全不是出于缺乏运 转 良 好 的 市场或供
[...] 应 不 充分, 而是由 于人口的某 些 部分购买 力 不足,实物粮食援助将损害当地农业生产, 因 为 它 将导致 国 内市价格下跌 。
When food insecurity is not the result of the absence of well-functioning markets or of insufficient supply, but of insufficient purchasing power for certain segments of the population, the arrival of food
aid in kind can undermine local agricultural
[...] production, since it leads to a lowering of the prices on domestic markets.
整體價值跌的主要原因為合約之 年期較短 。
Reduction in overall value is mainly attributable to shorter duration of contracts.
价格下跌 ,导致 发展中 国家的农业利润 减少, 社 会 部门, 例如卫生或 教育部门的 竞争日益加剧 [...]
, 官 方发 展援助用于农业的部分以及国民预算中用于农业的部分自 1980 年代初以来都大大 减少了。
As a result of falling commodity prices making agriculture [...]
less profitable in developing countries and of increasing competition
from social sectors such as health or education, both the proportion of official development assistance dedicated to agriculture and the proportion of national budgets going to agriculture have declined significantly since the early 1980s.
您可以选择不同期限的每卖出期权的股票,possui.Em交流的溢价将限制收益的行动直到一定值高的情况下,但是,当股市崩溃时,口袋里的奖金,使你一定的舒适感,即使在 价 下 跌。
You can, for each maturity of options, selling options on stocks that possui.Em exchange for a premium received will limit the gain from the action until a certain value in the event of high, but
when the stock market crashes, pockets the prize, bringing you some sense of comfort
[...] even with the drop in stock price.
2008 年上半年商品价格高昂, 促成人们对 2008
[...] 年国际收支经常账户顺差作出了占国内生产总值 4.7%的预测, 但最价格下跌,预期将导致 2009 年毛额预算出现占国内生产总值 [...]
While high commodity prices in the first half of 2008 contributed to a current account balance
surplus forecast of 4.7 per cent of GDP in
[...] 2008, the recent price decline is expected [...]
to cause a gross budget deficit of 1.7 per cent of GDP in 2009.
小时图显示,欧元兑美元今日早盘汇价持续承压,延续了本周以来的震荡下行格局,汇价只有收复MA(5)1.3070才能继续上扬,不过短期进一步回调可能性较大,目前 价跌 至 1.2987一线。
The hour figure shows the euro against the dollar in early trading today, the exchange rate continued to pressure continues this week, since the pattern of shock down, the dollar only regained MA (5) 1.3070 in order to
continue to rise, but the short-term the possibility of further correction, the
[...] current exchange rate fell 1.2987 line.
(b) 如在某次有關租金的檢討中,信納第二 期間的收入指數低於第一期間的收入指 數[0.1]%以上,委員會須在該次檢討後, 在切實可行範圍內盡快減少有關租金, 降低幅度為收入指數跌幅。
(b) if satisfied on a review of the relevant rent that the income index for the second period is lower than the income index for the first period by more than [0.1%], shall as soon as practicable after the review reduce the relevant rent by the rate of the reduction of the income index.
[...] 判斷時,本集團所衡量之因素包括投資項目之公平價 跌 至 低 於其成本所涉及之時間及程度,以及獲投資 [...]
公司之財務穩健狀況及短期業務前景,並考慮諸如行業及業界表現、技術變動以及經營及融資現金流量等 因素。
In making this judgement, the Group evaluates, among
other factors, the duration and extent to which
[...] the fair value of an investment [...]
is less than its cost, and the financial health
of and short-term business outlook for the investee, including factors such as industry and sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flow.




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