

单词 足额



complementary sum

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

大会第 61/233 B
[...] 号决议重申,未缴摊款问 题是大会的政策事项,并敦促所有会员国尽力确 足额 缴 纳 摊款。
The General Assembly, in its resolution 61/233 B, reiterated that the issue of outstanding assessed contributions was a policy matter of the Assembly
and urged all Member States to make every possible
[...] effort to ensure the payment of their [...]
assessed contributions in full.
关于法庭预算未缴摊款问题,一些代表团呼吁拖欠款项的缔约国及 足额缴 纳摊款。
Addressing the issue of outstanding contributions to the budget of the Tribunal, several delegations appealed to States parties in arrears to make their contributions promptly and in full.
[...] 资金来源相同的国际组织一样,一个或几个会员国不按 足额 缴 费 ,更不用说不缴费都会削 弱教科文组织应对这些会员国本身在预算投票时所授权的开支的能力。
As in all international organizations thus funded, any delay in
[...] the receipt of amounts due and, a fortiori, [...]
any non-payment by one or more Member
States will compromise UNESCO’s ability to meet expenses authorized by the self-same Member States in adopting the budget.
但有时,即使项目不足额外性 条件,为了将生态系统服务的风险降至最 低,同样需要继续实施该项目。
But sometimes even if
[...] projects do not satisfy the additionality condition, [...]
they are still implemented in order to minimize
risk that ecosystem services are lost.
日本代表团与行预咨委会一样,担心缺乏流动资 金不时导致在役维持和平特派团向已结束特派团借 款的情况,并希望重申已结束特派团的现金赤字问题 应通过及时足额缴纳摊款解决。
His delegation shared the Advisory Committee’s concern at the fact that a lack of liquidity at times had led to the borrowing of funds for active peacekeeping missions from closed missions, and wished to reiterate that the problem of cash deficits in closed missions should be resolved by timely and full payment of assessed contributions.
(4) 有关是否需要设立及维持认购 权储备及如有需
要时所须设立及维持的金 额、有关认购权储备所曾使用的用途、有关其曾用作弥补本公司亏损的程度、有关将
[...] 须向行使认股权证持有人配发的入账列为 足额 外 股份的面额以及有关认购权储备任 [...]
何其他事宜的本公司当其时由核数师编制的证书或报告,在没有明显错误下,对本公 司及所有认股权证持有人及股东而言属不可推翻及具约束力。
(4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time being of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been
used, as to the extent to which it has
[...] been used to make good losses of the [...]
Company, as to the additional nominal amount
of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
尼加拉瓜这个有尊严的小国尽管面临种种挑 战,包括国家预算负担沉重,并需要在本国消除贫穷,足额支付了经常预算、国际法庭和基本建设总计划 的摊款,并将继续履行其义务。
Nicaragua, a small but dignified nation that faced many challenges, had nevertheless paid in full its assessments to the regular budget, the international tribunals and the capital master plan and would continue to meet its obligations despite the burden on its national budget and the need to eradicate poverty in the country.
行预 咨委会还指出,实施这样的提议意味着,把本应退还 足额 缴 纳 摊款会员国的资 源用于履行未缴纳摊款会员国对联合国的财政义务(另见上文第 5 段)。
The Committee also notes that implementing such a proposal would mean utilizing resources due to Member States that have paid their assessed contributions in full to meet the financial obligations to the Organization of Member States that have not paid their assessed contributions (see also para. 5 above).
加拿大是原子能机构经常预算的第七大捐助国,及 足额 缴 纳 摊款,并为原子能 机构的核安全、保安、保障监督、能源以及技术合作方案提供预算外捐助。
Canada is the seventh highest contributor to the IAEA regular budget, pays its assessed contribution in full and on time, and makes extrabudgetary contributions to the IAEA nuclear safety, security, safeguards, energy and technical cooperation programmes.
联合国 维和摊款仍是维和资金的最主要来源,我们应继足 额、按时缴纳会费,这是确保维和行动得以顺利开展 的前提。
Contributions by United Nations Members are the main source of funding for peacekeeping operations; we must continue to pay our contributions in full and on time.
中兴通讯除为员足额缴纳 各项法定社会保险(包括基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险、 失业保险),以及员工按劳动合同规定可享受的法定休假日、带薪年休假等外,中兴通讯还为员工提供商业意外 保险、女职工产前休养假、海外员工年休假及配偶出国探亲假、常驻及出差海外人员的国际急难救助服务、海外 优秀骨干员工家属陪同政策等,解除员工后顾之忧,提高员工生活质量。
In addition to full payment of all statutory social insurances (including retirement insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance) to its employees, and in addition to statutory leave and holidays and annual leave with pay according to labor contracts, ZTE Corporation also provides its employees with commercial accident insurance, maternity leave for female workers before giving birth, overseas employees’ annual leave and home leave to visit families, international first-aid services for stationed and travelling personnel, and accompanying policies for excellent employees overseas to reduce the strees of employees and to improve their living quality.
瑞士对这些公约的支持还包足额和 及 时缴纳分摊的会 费以及为禁止化学武器组织雇员提供定期培训课程。
Switzerland also supports these conventions by paying its assessed contributions fully and on time and by providing regular training courses to employees of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
机会、教师足额聘用 、教学条件、以及通过社会对话让教师更多地参与决策。
Policies must encompass attention to professional development
[...] opportunities, adequate employment and [...]
teaching conditions and greater participation
of teachers in decision-making via social dialogue.
若各缔约方 决心禁止批量或通过完善的系统进口 1,1-二氯-1-氟乙烷,则将对案例逐一进行 分析,审查对转换至逐步淘汰进口多元醇中的 1,1-二氯-1-氟乙烷第二阶段的合 格增量成本足额供资
Full funding for eligible incremental costs for second stage conversion to phase-out HCFC-141b in imported polyols would be considered on a case-by-case basis, provided that parties committed to banning the import of HCFC-141b in bulk or in fully formulated systems.
公约》在应对气候变化的投资和资金流的报告 中得出结论,为了足额外的 投资和资金流需要综 合下列各点
The UNFCCC report on investment and financial flows to address climate change concluded that to meet the additional investment and financial flows would require a combination of
还请说明采取哪些实际措施消除男女工人工资间的巨大差距,以及如何确保 雇主像对待男性工人那足额支付 女工薪酬。
Please also indicate the practical measures taken to eradicate the significant disparities in wages between women and men and to ensure that women are not deprived of payments in kind which certain employers provide to men workers.
[...] 43/47 号决定核准一 年足额经费 ,即 30,000 美元,以鼓励该国争取达到这些条件,但有一项谅解是,在达到 [...]
Another Member suggested that funding be
[...] approved at the full amount for one year [...]
pursuant to decision 43/47, at the level of
US $30,000, to provide an incentive for the country to meet those conditions, on the understanding that a reduced amount would be disbursed until those conditions had been met.
设备已无法再足额定最 低要求的方式。
The way in which a device has ceased to meet specified minimum requirements.
截至 2011 年 5 月 1 日,2011 年经常资源毛额收入 估计数额的
[...] 28%已经实收,其中七个经合组织/发援会的捐助方(奥地利、加拿大、 丹麦、卢森堡、爱尔兰、新西兰和挪 威 ) 足额 付 清 了捐款。
As of 1 May 2011, 28 per cent of the projected 2011 gross regular resources income had been received, with seven OECD/DAC
donors (Austria, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, Ireland, New
[...] Zealand and Norway) having paid their contributions [...]
in full.
显然,尚有 40%的经费缺口需要弥补,才能为选 举预算提足额资金
It is clear that there is still a balance of 40 per cent needed to fully fund the election budget.
总督 2009 年 8 月在 伦敦与国际发展部会晤期间,除其它外还提出有必要确保为由现有收入支付的公 共部门养恤金提足额资金 ,由于领土人口中位年龄上升,这一安排承受了愈来 愈大的压力。
During his meetings in London with DFID in August 2009, the Governor, among other things, brought up the need to ensure full funding of the public sector pensions paid out of the existing income, an arrangement which comes under an ever-increasing strain owing to the rise of the median age in the Territory.6 32.
上 述赤字不包括未备资金的养老金费用,如 足额 供 资 ,养老金缺口每年将增加约 7 000 [...]
These deficits do not include the unfunded
pension fund contribution, which, if fully met, would increase
[...] these annual shortfalls by approximately [...]
$70 million each year.
对于获得供资以淘 汰氯氟化碳的泡沫部门企业来说,对转换至非氟氯烃技术第二阶段的合格增量 成本足额供资将仅限于 2007 年 9 月前建立的新生产线和设备。
For enterprises in the foam sector that had received funding for moving away from CFCs, full funding of eligible incremental costs for second stage conversion to non-HCFC technology would be limited to new lines and equipment established before September 2007.
根据新的规定,产假期间雇主有责任继续以与产假前同样的方 足额 为雇员缴纳养恤金。
According to the new Regulations, during maternity leave, the employer is obligated to
continue transferring payments to the employee’s pension fund, in the
[...] same manner and amount, as prior to [...]
the maternity leave.
专家组持有的证据表明, 有关方面给出了关于维持非法征税制度的多条理由,有人提出,军队装备不良、 工资低下或在某些情况下完全没有工资,必须提 足额 的 报 酬,才能向民众和企 业提供“安全保障”。
The Group is in possession of evidence indicating that the arguments to maintain the illegal tax collection system are various.
银行信贷业务要坚持实贷实付和受托支付原则,将贷款资 足额 直 接支付给借款人的交易对手,不得强制设定条款或协商约定将部分贷款转为存款。
Each bank shall adhere to the principle of “actual-loans-to-pay and
entrusted payment” in the loan business, pay
[...] the loan funds to the counterparty [...]
of the borrower (s) in full, and shall not
turn part of the loans into deposits by setting mandatory clauses or through negotiations.
表示注意到截至 2010 年 4 月 30
日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款缴纳情况, 包括未缴摊款 8 370 万美元,约占摊款总额的
[...] 4%,关切地注意到只有 52 个会员 国足额缴纳 摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款; [...]
2008 年 7 月 1 日至 2009 年 6 月 30
Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti as at 30 April 2010, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 83.7 million
United States dollars, representing some 4
[...] per cent of the total assessed contributions, [...]
notes with concern that only fifty-two
Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions
(ii) 在该等认购权有可能作为以低于面值认购股份的权利的情况 下,在考虑认股权证的条件规定后,原应与该等认购权获行使 有关的股份面额;而紧随该行使后, 足 该 等 额 外 股份面额所 需的认购权储备进账金额将拨充资本,并用于缴足该等立即配 发予该认股权证持有人的入账列为 足额 外 股 份的面额;及
(ii) the nominal amount of shares in respect of which such subscription rights would have been exercisable having regard to the provisions of the conditions of the warrants, had it been possible for such subscription rights to represent the right to subscribe for shares at less than par and immediately upon such exercise so much of the sum standing to the credit of the Subscription Rights Reserve as is required to pay up in full such
additional nominal amount of
[...] shares shall be capitalised and applied in paying up in full such additional nominal amount of shares which shall forthwith be allotted credited as fully paid to the exercising warrantholders; and
医用推进气体必须对人体使用 安全,并要足额外的与安全和功效相关的严格标准: [...]
(1)具有适当蒸汽压的液化气体;(2)低毒性;(3) 非易燃性;(4)化学性质稳定;(5)(从味道和气味 方面来说)患者的可接受性;(6)适当的溶解特性;(7) 适当的密度。
A medical propellant must be safe for
[...] human use and meet several additional [...]
strict criteria related to safety and efficacy:
(1) liquefied gas with appropriate vapour pressure, (2) low toxicity, (3) non-flammable, (4) chemically stable, (5) acceptable to patients (in terms of taste and smell), (6) appropriate solvency characteristics and (7) appropriate density.
其他资源”系指:(a) 在 信托基金名下给联合国志愿人员组织的现金捐款,费用分摊 足额 供 资 安排和两 年期支助预算;(b) 由各机构和合作伙伴直接支付的联合国志愿人员组织志愿任 务的财务价值。
The designation ‘other resources’ relates to: (a) cash contributions to UNV under trust funds, cost sharing, full funding arrangements and the biennial support budget; and (b) the financial value of UNV volunteer assignments, charged directly to organizations and partners.




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