单词 | 趋於 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 趋于—tend towards
展望前景,於未来数年将有若干锌矿山关闭的重大计划,预期会使市场 趋於平衡,继而应可激励价格,长远而言更符合持续投资新矿山的 需 要。 glencore.com | Looking forward, there are a number of major scheduled zinc mine closures in the next several years which can be expected to bring the market closer to balance. glencore.com |
年内布兰特原油期货趋於低水。 glencore.com | Brent term structure tended to backwardation during the year. glencore.com |
因此,欧洲央行的果断行 动将推高德国政府债券的孳息,令孳息曲线 趋於陡斜。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | So a bold move from the ECB could result in higher German bond yields and yield curve steepening. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
以埃及为例,由於这个国家接通非洲和欧洲,因此被视为高速增长的贸易国家,而当地政局 趋於稳定,加上投资於基建,为贸易的发展提供支持。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Egypt, for example, is identified as a fast growing trade nation, due in part to its role as a route between Africa and Europe. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
2009年 上 半 年,以GSM网 络 为 代 表 的2G网 络 建 设 仍 旧 在 总 体 资 本 开 支 中 占 主 导 地 位,但 随 着 全 球3G市 场 的 日 益 扩 大,2╱3G融 合 解 决 方 案( SDR解 决 方 案 )的 产 品 技 术 将 越 来越趋 於商用成 熟 阶 段,也 越 来 越 成 为 各 运 营 商 关 注 的 重 点。 zte.com.cn | While the construction of 2G networks (represented mainly by GSM networks) continued to accountforadominantshareinoverallcapitalexpenditu reduringthefirsthalfof2009,products and technologies for 2/3G amalgamation solutions (SDR solutions) became a growing focus for carriersasresearchanddevelopmentwasclosingintoget tingreadyforcommercialapplication, as the global 3G market continued to expand rapidly. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
由於现行水平记录方式的磁录密度成长率开始 趋於缓慢,垂直记录技术似乎成为得以满足全球对资料储存设备与日俱增之需求的最佳技术,因为,假以时日,此技术有可能达到其他技术无法达成的超高密度等级。 seagate.com | As the areal density growth rate of current longitudinal recording beginsto slow, perpendicular recording appears best-positioned to keep pace with the world's growing data storage needs, with the potential for far higher density levels over time than what could otherwise be achieved. seagate.com |
因工作人数趋於稳定,欧洲营收数字表现呈和缓增加(增加 2.1%,不含义大利 Consip 契约损失)。 edenred.com.tw | A modest increase in Europe (2.1% excluding the loss of the Consip contract in Italy) in an environment shaped by stable numbers of people in work. edenred.com |
各个文化都有其代表性建筑,英国有维多利亚式露台,美国有广大郊区,中国则有合院,东南亚目前都市化速度飞快,摩大天楼与巨型城市兴建步伐之快,远超过众人预期,尽管建筑环境 趋於密集,合院建筑数百年来的重要地位依然不动如山。 thisbigcity.net | As south-east China undergoes rapid urbanisation, skyscrapers and megacities are emerging faster than many predicted, yet despite this shift to a dense built environment, courtyard housing remains as prominent as it has done for centuries. thisbigcity.net |
令人担忧的是,研究显示肥 胖儿童趋於在成人後仍然维持肥胖1-2。 在饮食中摄取过多热量及运动不足是导致肥胖的主要可变风险因素。 chp.gov.hk | This is worrying as studies have shown that [...] obese children have atendency to [...]remain obese in their adulthood.1-2 Excessive [...]energy intake through diet and low levels of physical activity are the major modifiable risk factors for obesity. chp.gov.hk |
但是新兴城市在发展身分认同时,必须和西方城市过往同样谨慎,过去十年经历所见,新兴城市若 趋於迪士尼化,对本地身分认同反倒有害无益;大文豪海明威所述的巴黎圣杰曼区已不再,得由今日市民与官员共创空间,供全球民众与当地社区在未来数十年享受。 thisbigcity.net | Hemingway’s St. Germain no longer exists and it is over to today’s city dwellers’ and policy makers to create engaging spaces which the global citizen and local communities alike can enjoy for decades to come. thisbigcity.net |
整体而言, 2008 与 2009 年为近十年来我国总体经济表现相对较不佳之时期,2010 年则出现 [...] 显着之反弹,然於 2011 年经济成长之趋势又趋於缓和。 asc.gov.tw | An obvious bounce back was shown in year 2010 and the economical growth rate [...] showed moderate trendin year 2011. asc.gov.tw |
这体现了人们 对英国绿色经济可持续发展的巨大信心,以及对有机、生态与 环保(随您怎麽称)零售方式趋於主流的认可。 mypages.iggesund.com | It’s a huge vote of confidence in the sustainability of Britain’s green economy and an acknowledgement that organic, ecological and environmentally friendly – call it what you will – isgoing mainstream. mypages.iggesund.com |
电脑的普及爲我们创造了无限的便利,随着个人PC时代的的功能逐渐丰富多样,消费者对PC的功能需求也就更加的复杂化,相对於电脑周边産品的选购,如何使个人PC 趋於精致化个性化,也成爲各家外设厂商力争的目标。 btc.com.tw | With the unlimited convenience that computer generalization brings to us, the consumers' needs for PC is more complicated because of the PC function is getting abundant and full of diversity. btc.com.tw |
可以预期的是,离岸市场的交易量将在某一天超过非交割市场,两个市场最终将 趋於相同。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | It is anticipated that the offshore market will at some point overtake the non-deliverable market in terms of activity and the two markets will effectively converge. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
投资人可以配戴宝石作为珠宝,但未必需要如此!长期经济成长预期将 趋於迟缓,银行存款的利息微薄,股市亦波动不断,「投资美丽而稀有的高阶宝石」因而成为颇具吸引力的选项。 ravenelart.com | Given the predicted long-term slow growth, low interest rates earned on bank deposits, volatile stock market, investments in beautiful and rare high-end gemstones become an attractive option. ravenelart.com |
在罗马尼亚,第三季营运收入仅较去年同期下跌 2.2%,相对於前半年减少的 27.0%,证明发行量与客户费率逐渐趋於稳定。 edenred.com.tw | In Romania, the decline in operating revenue slowed to just 2.2% like-for-like in the third quarter from a drop of 27.0% in the first half, confirming the gradual stabilization of issuev olumes and client feerates. edenred.com |
这种发展延续到晚清,而其高峰时期就是1780~1820年间,嘉庆结束前好像已经 趋於式微了。 e-yaji.com | This development continued into the late Qing dynasty, but the height [...] of the art form was between about 1780 and 1820, possibly slipping into decline [...] even beforetheend of theJiaqing reign. e-yaji.com |
因 此 , 上 马 矿 过 去 三 年 的 销 售 额 、 成 本 及 利 润 呈 整 体 上 升 趋 势 , [...] 且 本 公 司 预 期 日 後 此 趋 势将趋 於稳定。 cre8ir.com | Accordingly, the overall trend of sales, cost and profits of [...] the Shangma Mine have increased over the past three years and the Company [...] expects this trend to stabilize [...]in the future. cre8ir.com |
最邻近南戈壁业务地的中国内地焦煤市场於2012 年最後三个季度趋於疲弱。 southgobi.com | The softening of inland China cokingcoal markets closest to SouthGobi’s operations throughout the last three quarters of 2012. southgobi.com |
小 组 委 员 会 并 且 提 出 一 个 研 究 范 围 内 并 未 明 确 提 及,但 由 各 项 建 议 引 发 出 来 的 更 为 广 泛 的 问 题 , 尌 是 应 否 更 改 有 关 子 女 、 父 母 、 其 他 亲 属 以 及 同 居 者 作 供 的 规 定 , 以 便 与 配 偶 在 作 证 方 面 的 规定趋 於一致。 hkreform.gov.hk | A wider issue that is not explicitly within the terms of reference, but which arises out of recommendations of the subcommittee, is whether the treatment of children, parents, other relatives and cohabitees should be altered to accord with that of spouses, in relation to thegiving ofevidence. hkreform.gov.hk |
在产品、价格、服务趋於同质化的市场趋势 下,台湾大哥大相信「顾客忠诚度」将是未 来 的 竞 争 优 势 。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | With the market flooded with practically the same products, pricing structure and service strategies from different operators, the Company believes that cultivating customer loyalty is the key to maintaining its competitiveness. english.taiwanmobile.com |
随着基本的V.Smile游戏平台趋於成熟 ,主机及游戏盒带的销情逐渐放缓,因此V.Smile产品系列占电子学习产品的总销售额下降,由上一财政年度占51.0%减至二零零八财政年度的40.7%。 vtech.com.hk | Consequently, contribution of the V.Smile range to total ELP sales declined to 40.7%, compared to 51.0% in the previous financial year. vtech.com.hk |
在2013年这一供应趋於稳定的阶段,二三线太阳能发电厂商的整合和清算将加速,他们之中很多目前已停产或仅仅是消化库存。 solarbuzz.com | This stabilization phase during 2013 will be characterized by increasing consolidation and liquidation of lower-tier PV manufacturers, many of whom have suspended production or are simply unburdening inventory today. solarbuzz.com |
2012年 上 半 年,全 球 电 信 行 业 竞争趋 於理性,本 集 团 通 过 产 品 技 术 完 善 与 创 新,积 极 拓 展 市 场 空 间, 努 力 提 升 市 场 地 位,整 体 收 入 实 现 较 快 增 长,其 中 终 端 收 入 依 旧 处 於 快 速 增 长 通 道,电 信 软 件 系 统、 服 务 及 其 他 产 品 收 入 亦 保 持 增 速。 zte.com.cn | During the first half of 2012, the Group achieved relativelyfast growth in overall revenue courtesy to efforts to explore market niches and enhance its market position through initiatives in the perfection and innovation of product technologies, as competition in global telecommunications industry became more rational. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
尽 管 去 年 铁 精 矿 售 价 曾 经 轻 微 下 跌 , 惟监於市况趋 於稳定, 本 公 司 预 期 在 不久的 将 来 中 国 铁 精 矿 售 价 的 整 体 趋 势会趋 於稳定。 cre8ir.com | Although the selling price of the iron ore concentrate has [...] experienced [...] a slight decline during last year, in light of stablingmarket conditions, the Company expects the overall trend ofiron ore concentrate selling price in China [...]to stabilize in the near future. cre8ir.com |
我们预期这些正面趋势将於二零一零年持续下去。 asiasat.com | We expect these positive trendsto continue throughout 2010. asiasat.com |
基於上述基 准 , 董 事 告 知 吾 等 , 在 计 算 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 代 价 时 , 彼 等 已 考 虑 及参考 : (i) 董 事 会 函 件「 订 立 股 权 转 让 协 议 的 理 由 」一 节 讨论之中国 铁 矿 石 行 业 的 前 景 、 市 场 发 展 及 政 府 政 策 以 及去年 贵 集 团 铁 精 矿 售 价的趋势;(ii) 在 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 资 产 的 规 模 及 质 素 时 , 已 参 考 上 海 证 券 交 易 所 经 挑 选 的 上 市 公 司 交 易 , 以 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 开 采 权 的 公允价值以 及 抚 顺 上 马 其 他 资 产 及 负 债 的 账 面 值 。 cre8ir.com | Basedon the abovementioned basis, the Directors advise us that, in calculation of the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition, they have considered and made reference to (i) the prospect of the iron ore industry in the PRC, market development and government policies as discussedinthesectionheaded‘‘Reasons for entering into the Equity Transfer Agreement’’ in the Letter from the Board as wellas thetrend of ironore concentrate [...] selling price of the [...]Group in the past year; (ii) in assessing the size and quality of Fushun Shangma’s assets, reference was made to transactions of selected companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in order to assess the fair value of the mining rights of Fushun Shangma, as well as the book value of the other assets and liabilities of Fushun Shangma. cre8ir.com |